Malawi’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is planning to destroy mosques and churches in the Lower Shire.
The party is set to spend billions just to ‘silence’ vocal and influential opposition leaders in the country as well as to attack churches and mosques.

This is according to a leaked WhatsApp conversation involving the party’s errand boys as led by notorious Councillor Luis Ngalande.
In the thread, currently trending on social media, Ngalande begins by explaining the agenda to the other members of the group.
He tells the others: “They want us to go and destroy MCP, Mia, Sitolo and any opposition [politician].” Ngalande mentioned Sidik Mia who joined the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) recently and MCP’s Nsanje Lalanje aspirant Lawrence Sitolo as targets.
Mia’s joining of MCP seems to have worried DPP as its leader Peter Mutharika took to the podium in Lilongwe claiming that Mia had bribed MCP President Lazarus Chakwera to make the switch from active politics to join the MCP.
The next two to comment using numbers +265995324911 and +265996115999 sounded rather skeptical of the ‘plot’.
For example +265996115999 wrote: “Pootcha mizikiti ndi ma churches paopsya. And guys don’t think MCP has weak youths, we need proper back up, ena atiponda kale so I’m not convinced working before paid.”
Next up, Ngalande went on to open up that Mutharika had given him and the other errand DPP boys a whooping K250 Million.
He also revealed that several cabinet ministers have all been paid millions to run miscellaneous activities in Nsanje district.
One constituency in the district, Nsanje Lalanje, had its parliamentary seat fell vacant after the death of lawmaker Sam Ganda.
A tight race rages on between Sitolo and DPP’s Gladys Ganda. The by-elections take place on 17 October 2017.
The DPP youth were earlier this year condemned for attacking Lilongwe City deputy Mayor Juliana Kaduya who has since joined the MCP.
In March this year, Malawi24 carried a report in which the youth were advised to stop being tools for politicians in the country.
Verbal attacks between the two parties escalate as Malawi heads to the ballot in two years’ time.
Analysts say the current attacks the two main parties are involved in are setting the tone for the 2019 elections and show there will be stiff competition and that no party is in any way overlooking the threat of the other.
Below is the full Whatsapp conversation where the plot is discussed
[25/09, 10:26] Hon Ngalande Youth Leader: Guys: They want us to go and destroy MCP, Mia, Sitolo and any opposition
[26/09, 10:29] +265995324911: They? So it now they now we.
[25/09, 10:36] +265996115999: kkkkkk. Pootcha Mizikiti ndi ma Churches paopsya. And guys don’t think MCP has weak youths ,we need proper back up ,ena atiponda kale so I’m not convinced working before paid ,
[25/09, 12:48] +265996115999: Though I m sure ,this constituency we made a mistake ,shadow wathu ndi mbola
[26/09, 8:03] Hon Ngalande Youth Leader: Let me give you the breakdown of the benefits from money we got from APM:
1: Mrs Ganda Got 20 million.
2: Hon Katsaila Got 100 million.
3: Bright Msaka got 50 million
4: Mwanamveka got 50 million
5: Dausi 120 Million.
6: Nankhumwa 50 million
7: Henry Mussa and Jappie Nhango 80 million.
8: This group got 250 million. So this group should do more than the honourable ministers themselves.
[26/09, 8:20] +265995324911: Meanwhile APM has sent seven ministers to campaign for Nsanje Lalanje from tumoro
[26/09, 8:21] +265995324911: 1. Hon Kasaila to address the core campaign team in nsanje on 26 September
[26/09, 8:21] +265995324911: 2. Hon Bright Msaka to address primary and secondary school teachers in nsanje Lalanje
[26/09, 8:21] +265995324911: On 28th
3. Hon mwanamvekha to address pastors in Lalanje on 29 September
[26/09, 8:21] +265995324911: Hon Dausi to address pensioners and market comitees in Lalanje on 28 September
[26/09, 8:22] +265995324911: Hon Dausi to address pensioners and market comitees in Lalanje on 28 September
[26/09, 8:26] +265995324911: Hon Nankhumwa to address chiefs and area committees in Lalanje on 1 October
Henry Mussa and Jappie Mhango to address area committees at Phokera on 1st October. Everyone should confirm his duty pa with Captain 1 pa 888899090 no messages. No more group discussion until those sharing discussions have been caught. Says Captain 1.
ine ndimasangalala zikamasokonekera chomchi
Mcp ndi dilu
KODI MCP mukuti izalamulile Dzikolake Landani? Naaa kumalawi kuno NDE mwalemba mmadzi
Zaboza amwene nkhotakota yake iti? Osanamiza anthu Ine kwathu ndi kwamwamsambo so ngati walandira kangachepe osatiika mawu mkamwa pls
Tingodikira sikulo
This will be their DOWNFALL
Sidik mia munthu oipa kwambiri anathawa maliro Ali mnyumba kupita kwa joice banda abingu atangomwalira , ife aku southern region sitingayiwale zimenezi shame on mia
Bodza zeedi!!!
Haha bru
Komatu anthu ndale mwafika nazo pena posakhalaso bwino moti ndithudi kufika pomagwilizana powoononga zinthu ngati church komaso mzikiti pa zifukwa zotani?
Is this journalism we can trust??? tomorrow /day after tomorrow a Mcp akapanga zomwe mwalembazi muziti ndi dpp …ngati mukufuna kuzapambana 2019 musaonjeze zokamba cause here southern region tayamba kale kutopa ndi zopanda mutu mukupanga a mcp, mapeto ake tizakavota ndi Ana omwe come 2019..bwana professor Peter muthalika pitilizani kutukula dzikoli,,tizawafinya 2019 amenewa atiiwala…
Mbuzi iwe pitala wakoyo amagona ‘kunyela pa central, bwanji osamutenga kumakhala naye kumwelako,
dpp is full of headless ppo .how can a normal person support this?
Suc Kind Of Reporter Must Banished Into Exile/aprehended Then Sentenced 2 Save Jail Dere Lyf
Ife kuno ku nkhota kota asilamu ndi akristu tinapanga bungwe limodzi mogwilizana sitikufunaso kuti MCP idzalamule boma
Anthu akhaza a mcp. Rubbish ndipo tikuthandiza boma ndimphavu ngati athu opemphera Dpp ikupitirira
Pano amene akufuna kulowa bungweri ku in box andipeze
kaka vaboja ivi mkamba yapa,
Koma ndakuuzani MCP kudzalamulaso ndiye kuti onse ameni anagulapo makhadi atha
Munagwilizana kunyera m’madzi (munyanja) zovota siyilani amalawi mbuzi iwe Kankhotakotaso mkachiyani,
Kkkkkk ifeso ndife amalawi aulemu wake inu otukwana azanu mulibe mwai mpaka kwa mulungu.
Mudzaimbaso. Kuti atibera
Mulibe timing.
If they attack Godly houses that will be the end of it all for bwampini
Mmmmmm not sure
Mbabva za mcp zikulephera kulankhula anth lower shire akudziwa bwino asidi miya asanamize dziko ife a DPP ndife okanda mtendere ndiye sitingaononge mizikiti ayi kapena matchalichi dpp ndi boma loopa mulungu .
Adpp mufuna muwoneke abwino lero, njaunju chasowa munapha anthu 20, malulbino mkati pano mwayamba kupopa magazi,
Osafuna apite kunja komwe akapeze mtendere coz DPP 2019 ndi BOMA basi ukakhala uphawi winawe ndikunyumba kwanu coz ife tikuva bwino dziko lake lomweri chifukwa timalimbikila tchito koma winawe poti ukudikika BOMA lizikuthandiza ufutikadi sunati coz 2019 ndi PETER and DPP m’boma
Zonsezi Mcp ikupanga zau pando kufuna kuononga Mbiri ya bwino ya DPP
Ena M C P amapezeka ndi uniform yathu ya DPP ndikubvala kumakapanga za chipongwe kumaoneka ngati a DPP kukapeza kwao ndi maufi akupanga zimenezo koma mulephera 2019 .
DPP Boma
DPP is just like Boko Haram please take care guys
Hello everyone am happy sharing this with you, am not suppose to be doing this but i can’t hold back my joy so i have to share with you, you too can be help just as i was helped by Dr Odudu who cured me the HIV virus after suffering from it for some years and CD4 count was very low i was depressed, i was desperately in need of getting rid of it, but the ARVs were not helping so i was eager to contact Dr Odudu who gave me his herbal medicine, today as am posting this i am HIV negative, don’t hide your sickness or else your sickness will hide you, contact Dr Odudu today so that you see a reason to back through the years of your depression and smile to yourself, you can call or whatsap him with his number (+2349067902914)or call +2349066604928 , pardon me i offend you with this post, but i must share this good news
Yoo why Malawians reporters like to write disgusting stories today mcp this tomorrow dpp that mmmm I don’t understand .
U have more to tell,tell us.I can see a small tongue boosting so many things in life.It is like a small fire that torch a huge forest.
Scurm news,,,
Walembawe Chokozera Chako Wakutumayo Nayenso Chake DPP Nayonso Chawo MCP Nayonso, Zosadulazo. Agalu Mupite Ku Mdulidwe Mwina Mukanva Ululu Muphunzira Kukhala Chete Pamene Mulibe Cholemba.
Report the DPP as a state organization that sponsors crimes against humanity to the ICJ
This should be Satanism not politics. Becareful who you choose for leaders. Have visions and discernment
long parking @ #malawi24 wise up osamalemba nkhani za bodza
Mabodza basi amalawi
This is irresponsible type of journalism. Why are you happy when you are causing unnecessary panic and tension among citizens? This is why Kamuzu Banda used to barn such type of irresponsible writing and turn people like you “meat for crocodiles.”
Ngakhale sindinaphunzire uku ndiye kulephera kulamulila dziko tionana mu 2019.
Don’t vote for dpp not even one vote
That’s not true
What is true my brother Yamikani Kunashe
Ukawaona atola nkhani a Malawi 24 umangoziwiraru kuti izi Ndiye zina nso .Ali dokodoko kusasamba,kununkha rhukura ,nkamwa mwao ngati munafera achule nde wina nkumati Ali pa nchiro! Chipsinjo kwabasi Ndiye aleke kulemba zabodza? Eish dzukani muntenge makasu mukalime osamanfokhalira kulemba zolota
Zoona izi?
DPP is now a terror group but they should know that despite how powerful myp was it was later destroyed
Page iyi aini wake ndmakape,mbuzi,agalu,osowa zochita. Tamafufuzani musanatumize dpp ikazangowina muzasamukila kumoshikotu mwanyanya
zakumaloto musamapange post muzaphesa anthu osalakwa.
Un professional journalism and puppet of a certain party kkkkkkkkk
It’s only in africa whn u see a journalist with pen in there hand is like ak 47 that pen can kill lots of people…theirs no truth in this story propaganda reporting
muzisuta bwino fodya,ngati amgwetsa nkhani sadagwetseko nkhani kulibwino kungotseka timalaptop tanuto kaya nditimafoni mkumakakumba mbewa,sindine wa Dipipi koma izi zokha mwanama”akhakhakha inu!
People in nsanje and chikwawa please wake up catch them and do whatever you want.This is too much.
Kuramulira mphamvu mumufunse ngoliyati dzimene anaziona ndi Ana a mulungu tayesani kungwesa machalichi anthu AMULUNGU
Mubwele ma cadet muzaowone ng’ona mwina mumangomva
Malawi 24 inali kale,pano too much nkhani zabodza
Mmmmh Admin bodza silabwino plzzz
dpp has gone mad. every Malawian has become an enemy except some crazy supporters. This is how national instabity starts. Watchout!
Don’t be fooled my brother dpp has responsibility of maintaining peace and order than all that nosense these dudes are talking about!
Not Every1 Man. Dont Lie To Yourself
Edgar ukunama iweyo kumpoto athu adakhapidwa palibe modzi adamangidwa kunyumba yamalamulo athu adapandidwa apolice kumenyedwa mpakana lero palibe mmodzi adakayankha milandu.
dpp has responsibility to maintain peace and order? which peace now when instability is caused by same dpp through its cadets. you will know side effects when terror comes in your community. keep on ecouraging them.
The only peace party in Malawi is DPP
Lord have mercy!
Ukanamize mtundu wakwanu, dpp yapanga nyasi pamalawipano, anthu munawapha nd kuwakhapa aja ndi ng’ombe?
Be serious Dpp…
Oocha ma church ndi miziliti akhonzeke ndikubwera tikunma konko
A Malawi mwayiwala kale kuti DPP Cadets anayendapo ndi zikwanje mu Blantyre? Akuyesa kuno ndi ku Rwanda Kaya…
Wicked politicians
Ku Malawi kuno ngakhale kutakhala msogoleri ouluka masana koma sangalimbane ndi mipingo,ngati akufuna kuti matsiku awo achepe APANGE TIONE,Akafuse a Mcp kuchokera chaka cha 1993-1994.awafotokozera zomwe anaziona.
hey mr malawi24,this is your plan not DPP’s
Kenako muotchana nokhanokha
Zimenezo ntchito za Dausi ndi Chiumia
Kkkk ngati sangapange a DPP apangeso ndani?
Na ur mama and papa who will do this.
ngati zolemba zikukusowani ndibwino kungokhala kusiyana ndikulemba zopusazo inu anyau party
Maiko amene kuli nkhondo zimayamba chifukwa cha atolankhani owola pakamwa ngati awa amene amakhudzitsa ndale ndi chipembedzo
Kuti zatani zipembezo akufuna kumangako za misala xawo satanic?
Baibulo linalemba kale za awa. John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy”.
Dpp Is Just Like Mental Hosptal, Kulibe Olongosoka Onse Ma 1 Wire.
Kumeneko ndiye kupita boko halam
MW 24 , unprofessional and a shame to journalists
mwayamba kulimbana ndi mulungu tsopano mutembereredwapo apa ndipo kumeneku ndi kutha kwanu basi
Dpp The Vamperez
Shaaaa ofunikatu boko haram ilowererepo apa….
Ndale zakumalawi
Do not mislead pple with your empty head
One thing which suprises me is that Muntharika just watches his cadets doing this, but 2019 will talk because we are watching though we appear to be fools
one talks when there is substance in the head.
Tchaka!God has delibelitely made their hearts hard just as he did with Pharao against Israelites and Sauli against David for it to be known that God still protects his chosen people no matter how tough they becom.Israelites crossed the lake and David became chosen king ref:1 Sam 18 to 19
yaaa true, koma mubwera liti ku Malawi amayi? takusowani chonde
Dpp is going .no moll
Kodi iwowo sapemphera kuti akawononge ma chalich ndi mizikiti. Quite confusing!
Admn do u have tangible evidence?
Ukufuna umboni wanji
Ine ndilibe umboni, iwe ulinawo?
Conspiracy theory.Poor and obviously dangerous kind of journalism which is not needed in this land of ours
is it poor and dangerous when only your interest are affected?
Sensationalism belongs to gutter journalism.I have an interest of course.And that is to have a Malawi that is truly free with responsible citizens.Rumour or fear mongering do not appeal to me at all
And I would love the police and the NATIONAL INTERAGENCY BEURAL should act and charge such type of journalists who are owez creating stories that can likely cause breach of peace!
It’s time malawians we have to act on this type of nosense!
Akayambe zitsilu za Malawi voice, mbc and m television.
Rumour or no rumour but that’s the DPP we know.
fortunately we live in a new dispensation where the citizens are absolutely free to swallow everything that the “media” throw at them or to analyse the content and make their own informed decision.I for one refuse to accept what I read without questioning it.
Poor journalist . Lies you are not needed
Just Because Of The Name DPP? If It Was The Opposition Party? U Would Rejoice? Let The Truth Prevail! Its Non Of Ua Concern! Keep On Informing Us!
Aaaaaaaa why??? kumeneko ndie kumuyamba chauta….