Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) current President Lazarus Chakwera might not be on the Presidential ballot in the 2019 polls.
A young MCP member Keneth Bwanali has expressed his wish to challenge Dr Chakwera for the post of party President at the party’s convention.

If he is successful, he will be the face on the ballot for the opposition party.
Bwanali said that it is high time for youths in the country to take leadership positions and his action does not mean he is against Dr Chakwera.
Writing on his Facebook page Bwanali said that time has come for the youth in all political parties in Malawi to take part in top leadership of the parties.
“DPP cadets contest against Mutharika, PP, AFORD ,UDF , do that as I have done against the incumbent Reverend Chakwera,” he posted.
“I don’t have any grudges against him, its the requirement of democracy and intraparty politics,” Bwanali said.
MCP is yet to announce the dates of its convention where party members will elect various positions as well as the party’s presidential candidate .
Recently, the party has roped in high profile political gurus such as Sidik Mia who have boosted the standing of the party.
Koma mwava kuti boma mu 2019 latengendwa ndi DEPECO MCP inapha mochuluka ife ayi UDF njala inavuta ife DPP kuba ife ayi tikufuna zopanda banga DEPECO bomaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Koma mwava kuti boma mu 2019 latengendwa ndi DEPECO MCP inapha mochuluka ife ayi UDF njala inavuta ife DPP kumba ife ayi tikufuna zopanda banga DEPECO bomaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Koma ma page enawa kupanda ulesi,,,
Chakwera can not lead Malawi… coz he failed to lead the pipo in church… how can he lead the Nation.????
Atsogoleri oopa mulungu mngabwino
Fake news
Chakwera Mcp basi,
Wishful thinking
All eyes on 2019 basi
Zazii! Mukumuuza ndani zimenezi?
Dr chakwera booomaaaa!
In fact we should remove, “may” and replace it with, “will” because Rt. Hon. Chakwera will indeed not represent MCP, but rather all well meaning malawians, including many dpp, udf, pp and those nonpartsan members. So, I agree with the heading but with that simple amendment. Kwaaacha!
Dan Kachikoti
“might not”
Kodi nkhope zawanthu mukuziwona koma? Musiyeni chakwela ,agalu atolesa yawa
za ziiiiiijuu
So its Malawi24 for Dpp!!
Malawi 24, this is your poorest reporting, probably you have news, or else paid to publish such unstory issue, who is this man you are talking about? Do you real see Jim dislodging Chakwera at the convension? Is he an Mcp? Why wasting time writing that which is not a story at all?
IT doesent matter, as long as DPP is not in power come 2019… we are ok
the headline and the story are like tom and jerry,
Then Tembo must return and lead the party again.
Stop jocking!!!
Boma ili lodabwitsa zikungowonetselatu mantha anu musiyeni chakwela ndi anthu anu mukuwatumawo
That’s the beauty about MCP, its truly Democrat
Yah aliyense akufuna kukhala Wa MCP ndavanso kuti APM will soon join MCP zili boh DPP yatha basi………….dausi manyazi bwa?????????????
I knew it that Michael usi will the president of MCP just wait and see but he is a good reader
Their slogan ” kwaaaacha” will be changed to ” kwaaaada” in 2019 after the election bcoz they will be ” disgraced” in the ballot-paper. Wazi nyau ndi wazi nyau basi tatopa kubvina gule wamkulu ife.
Ndale ,chipani sitimaphika ndikudya ayi andale awa atikwanapo palibe chomwe chingasinthe apa kaya kuima kaya kusaima zao zilibwino kale analemela kale awa ndiye winawe bzy ndi zopani chonsecho ukuchita kusowa silipas yovala osakalembetsa polima bwanji china chinvekele ine wa DPP ,PP,UDF ,MCP, AFORD ,osakasaka maganyu ntaunimu bwanji mukonze tsogolo la ana anu bwanji zipani zingakulembeni ntchito kupepela kubwanbwana anzanuo ali ndi chuma kale koma iwe zipani zachani nonse omwe mukuti ine wa Dpp,UDF,PP,MCP,mutazitenga zipani zanuzo muziike mupoto ndiye muthile madzi muziphike muone ngati zisanduke nsima zamuwawa akalande nyanja ija anatenga atanzania ija dzuka malawi
Chakwera amalankhula chizungu ngati mwana…politicians language must be sound….like that of KB and BWM
mmmm,, mufna muxoknez an2 in such way,, km muknama2 mavoti a2 akumudkla chakwla emweo ,ndy uzinyanyula ??
chakwela ndie chian
MCP politics emblems a feeble challenge of Chakwera at MCP convention. The one to challenge Chakwera is a nonentity in as far as politics is concerned. This is just deliberate. In essence, Chakwera will emerge the victor. Bingu v Dossi scenario!
sizikundi khudza ine ndiwa DPP chifukwa ndi amene akulamulira pano ndiyenera kuwathandiza kuti dziko litukuke osati maloto achumba achakwerawo ine sundupanga nawo
Kuchotsa dumbo chakwera akanadzaimila vuto palibe than kutenga wina watsopano kuikapo palibe cha nzeru ndikuonapo ine
Kulira kwa khadeti…
Thats war
Inu mwazitenga kuti zimenezi? Shatapu!
Kkkkkkk azaluzeso
useless issue.. what an insane is this???????????? we of cause need this gvt to change no matter what…..
izinso nza dpp?
izinso nza dpp?
Hu told u?
Hu told u?
You have nothing to writte??
Chakwera is only the who has chosen by god to rule this nation in 2019
god! Not God kkk
Chosen by god not God ?
If God wanted him to be a president of Malawi he wouldn’t have failed in 2014 elections. What God has prepared cannot go astray…. May adapanga phuma kulowa ndale kapena sadamvetsetse what God told him. Let’s wait 2019 and see……
Enawa angosokosa apa wina afune asafune DPP 2019 ikupitiliza kulamulira
Kodi inu mcp kuwina boma la malawi?.Muzazimangilira ambiri ndi Chakwera wanuyo.
u mean mark fodya saziwa siku lake lobadwa kkkk
Malawi24 fodya akupwetekan
Ndie chambacho
Komabe a Malawi amene atopa adzafunabe kusintha zinthu nde ukufuna kunena kuti chani iweyo??? KUDZAVOTERA MCP KUTI ANEBA AZAPHSYE MTIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! KUTI IWENSO OLEMBAWE UZIPHSYE MTIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iwill start supporting MCP from that day
Ok we don’t mind no matter whom will be elected, but we don’t want dpp finish n claar
Zabodza izi mmmmm kkkkkk a dpp inu
You are not even sure of your self ,true or force
what kind of journalists are we producing in Malawi. u can’t even find a suitable headline for the news .aaaah
We always end up bad leadership because of dyera wovota a electoral commission during voting chinyengo basi bt its too much 2019 vote wise and electoral chinyengo siyani we want change
No pressure
Bwanali is a DPP cadre disguising as MCP but he is no march to Laz.Size yachepa.He will contest but winning at MCP convention is a nightmare.
musataye naye nthawi uyo sangaime ndi chakwera.
Mukavote ndinu? Ngati chakwera akugwirizana ndi anthu ozavotawo azawina. Koma ngati zitapitilirebe zomwe amapanga zija, anthu akhoza kuzavotera winayo just to frustrate chakwera
without Chakwera 2019,MCP has no future.
Walemba m’madzi achule awelenga
Poor reporting by Malawi 24 you want to confuse people chakwera 2019 boma
That’s true he just want to confuse people
youthful leader JOE Gwaladi interested to challenge Peter Munthalika on DPP presidential position during the convention to be held soon
Cadet usamale
Malawi 24 ndiwe cadet ndakuona ukuchita mantha ndi Chakwela koma pavute pasavute mudzausiya ndithu udindo umenewu basi kuwusiyila anthu ena
aaaaa iwe ndi kape bulutu amafuna alembe zokomela chakwela ndiye mtima wakowo mbeeee wagwanayo ndipo sunati nyau
Palibe dzina lakotu apa khala ndi ulemu.
Kkkkkkkkk Koma dpp kuwopa kumeneku
Amalawi akuvutika chifukwa cha boma mene likuyendetsara zinthu zake boma ri akuriyendetsa ngat lakunyumba kwawo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Lazalo waumphawi Chakwera must fall ! We don’t fighting against MCP , but we really fighting against Lazalo waumphawi Chakwera he must go back to the church . Kkkkkkkkkkk Nkhosa zake zili ndi njala .
Kodi mwakwiya ndi chani? Simukulankhula bwinotu. Respect ikufunika. Adzakhalatu President wathu mukumunyozayo. Leave Chakwera alone, let him lead MCP
My God help us to see that Chakwera is the man we want to lead Malawi. Come 2019.
chomunyozera chakwera ndichani…..mesa mfumu David analiso muthu wamulungu
Iwe Vito kkkkkkkkkkkk Ukudwala iwe kobasi Chakwera Chakwera nde kuti chani ? Tiye kanyere ukuooo ! Ukununkha manyi kkklkkkkkkkkk Faken zako .
Mfumu David ukumunenayo adali ozozedwa ndi Mulungu ngati sudziwa uzifunsa wamva iwe ? Pewa kusakaniza nkhani za Mulungu ndi Ndale . Chakwera wakoyo ndi satana wankulu , kutereko lamukulira ndi dyera that is y wathawa ku church .
Akumuopa si nanga Chakwera ndi yekhayo wandale amene amaopa Mulungu mmasiku otsirdzano.
Iwe ndi ine tikufunikansotu Ku Church ukunenako. Ukuona bwa?
Vital kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Makamaka iweyotu chibadwire udapondapo mu church ? Aaaa i doubt .
Klklkkkkkkkkkkkk Chris tanena bobo Mbuliyo ndani ?
Musaweruze kuti mungaweruzidwe
Chakwera 2019 Bomaaaaaaaaaaa.
Sad that #Evance_WA_Amazango_Phirih likes insulting people.
Iwe Mwakusungula, mtumbuka okuda iwe usapange zaine ndikugaza Futseck !
Kkkklkkkk kuda ngati gambusi .
Chakwera chakwera chani? Musazantchulenso dzina limeneli paine amlaaa Dammit !!!!
EVANCE! wachita misala musamuvere anasuta chachiwisi komaso ndamuthokoza chifukwa akulidziwa dzinali CHAKWERAAA MOTOOO!
Even APM alowa mu MCP anytime soon believe me
A Evans bwanji ??? amakupatsani thengenenge munthu wankulu atii?? lol kungomva kuti sadzayima eeh mpaka kujowa jowa.
Evence chokha chongutukwana Chakwera ndiykuti ku mpingo umene amapita alandira tindalama xambiri.
Mfiti iwe chakwela nde siwodzodzedwa mufuna mulungu aziiwalemba pa kitu kuti uyu
Iwe .Joyce Banda , nkhope yomwesa chisoniyo galu iwe . Zimenezi uzinena ndi amai wako anakunyawo not with me ndikuphweteka straight !
Nawe Chikapa Mfiti ndi makolo ako not me , mbuzi ya munthu iweee!
News 24 is useless as Keneth Bwanali and evil as the walking devil dpp. WHY DONT YOU NEWS 24 SHUTUP YOUR EVIL MOUTH?
Olo ayime, asayime naw #DPP 2019 boma
vuto lomwa tea wa madzi a chamba limakhala limeneli kumalemba zosemphana ndi nkhani.
Balotabe Malawi 24 bola osakodza pogonapo!
inu DPP ikudziw kt chakwela kungowina hehe zao zada ndalama akuba panopaz adzabwez chaponda adzakagwla jele ku maula
ndipo nkhani yachopondayo eeeee ndiwoyipa kafuseni azibale ake kkkkkk
amaoneka ndi khope yomwe uja
Kkkkkkkk maloto saletsana iiikiiii
Who said that?
That is democracy. If the majority will say no it’s no. If it’s yes it’s yes. But if a leader has been chosen by the majority and start making noise, that is self centeredness. This should also be to all parties, let the leaders be chosen into positions by people’s choice. Moses Dossi challenged Bingu Wa Muntalika that was the end of his political career (He was like an enemy to Bakili and the lest) that is not democracy. This should apply to UDF, AFORD, DPP and all parties. I will one day take to court some of the registered parties, to tell the nation of their existence. Kumangochulikitsa number while party idafa kalekale. Kulephela kupeleka or councillor mmodzi
Very poor reporting. The story isn’t aligned well to the title. Malawi24 has always been reliable. Strive to keep your standards high, otherwise, this story is a flop.
Kkkkkkkk noma pa chiongolero ndi 38 points kma eeeeee ziliko
only #GOD knows! osati anthu #amachimo ngati inu.
Mukutipala pakamwa eti ife tikuziwa kuti chakwera 2019
Still people will opt for a change from these thieves to another party Malawi has suffered enough under this administration!
Chris wandiwaza umaonas ndende mmene ndimaonela
Lovemore Munlo will challenge again
Atleast he stands a chance of being elected.
kkkkkk Mukupenga Eti..Chakwera 2019 boma
Ken Kandodo is the best
Hu is duping you mw24
Zachamba basi etiii
DPP sikupuma bwino ndi Chakwera
Childish story.
Kkkkk koma Malawi 24 that is misleading headline, instead ,you would have said, bwanali will challenge Chakwera during MCP convention
It is not misleading man. This is journalism. Journalist have to come up with an appetising headline to get people to read their story. This is part of their work. You just read too much into it
MacDonald Mbalule thanks for the clarification, however, as a reader was trying to put across my opinion over someone’s work
Don’t fabricated your self, chakwela is ahope for only wise people so 2019 will stand as Mcp candidate
If so than that’s dull journalism. I don’t think this is what was taught at MIJ that in order to draw people’s attention you should come up with a misleading articles.
U know what guys ? Do not fighting for this pliz let us waiting for the time of vote . Everyone knows that chakwera is not going to win .