President Peter Mutharika has said motor vehicles which government has bought for Malawi Defence Force (MDF) will start arriving in the country in two weeks’ time.
Mutharika made the remarks when he toured Cobbe Barracks in the old capital city of Zomba.

According to the president, the men in uniform play a pivotal role in safeguarding the country hence they have to have perfect means of transport.
He said shortage of motor vehicles derails the performance of the soldiers which is bad for the country.
Speaking at the same function, MDF Commander General Griffin Supuni Phiri asked Mutharika to construct new houses for the soldiers.
Phiri said the soldiers are using old houses which are in bad condition.
He further hailed Malawi Defence Force soldiers for being disciplined. The army general said Malawian soldiers are also hailed in countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo and Ivory Coast where they go for peacekeeping mission.
Among other dignitaries who accompanied Mutharika include Malawi’s First Lady Gertrude Mutharika, the country’s Veep Saulos Chilima and Chief Secretary to Government Lloyd Muhara.
Talking abt TATA trucks, not drones
What abt Salaries and gud accommodation and Latinos for our Defense forces?
Nangano mifuti yanyuwani mugura liti?
Mr president u made the mistake,don’t look forward look the police there walking along distance bcoz they don’t have car’s buy car’s 4 police thus it
Iiiii ndinkhani yokamba ifeyono tidziti chiyani
Agulireni magalumoto atitidzimure nao mma Baramu
Kaonongani Ndalamazo Mawa Muzidzakana Koma Kumalawi Mavuto Sadzatichokad Ok Any Way
Za MDF zanuzo #zaziii mkumalembana tchito pachibale
pakufunikaso akasinja ammadzi bwana titeze nyanja…Tanzania ikuphweketsa
Kodi mukukangana apa inu wawona magalimotoyo ndi ndani komanso munthu wanzeru umayenera kuyamika ndithu
Inu galimoto za chan ku MDF – dziko loopa nkhondn ngat ili, why cant u just fund them to orphans & oldones!!! Shupit zanu mwamva! Pena pake mumandikhumudwisa Mr. P moti vote yanga muiwale…….
zoona kugula magalimoto anthu akumwa matope pali nzelu??
Ku 18 akumwa tudzi mmipopi
I think palibe chalakwika pamenepa koma enanu mumangosusa zilizonse
Uyu amandiimisa mutu kwabas
Some comments mmmm you are exposing our Army. Why announcing?
Asilikari akewa ongolondera nkhalango mpaka kuwagulira magalimoto?
And buy me agun as well
Dts bull shit dere is no war cars 4w hts BWAM PIN
Our president is fond of promises. Anyway it’s a good move
Good idea Sir and I appreciate you
Hope its Jeep trucks not cheap Tatas lol
He is playing his cards close to his chest!
Zachaniso inu
Zibwana bas, asilikali mpaks mu studio kukakwapula nyimbo kkkkkkkkkkk
buy more we are tired of these old Tatas
Every Government department has its own budget. Kumazitsata inu otsutsa dziko.
Otsawapatsa magarimoto mwalo mowagulirila ma Ambulance kuchipata a Army amagwira ntchito yanji kuMalawi kulibe khondo eaither buy police
aaaaaa zida zankhondo kumangogula popanda kupanga kankhondo kenakake koti tizikumbukilapo
bolaso kugulira apolice
Kumakonzekeratu chakuza mawa sichiziwika mwaitha tikalange anyapapi aku tz
We can not work without security.Its a gud move,we should not take things for granted.Many business in mw are accompaned by police and mdf eg,mobile bank.Incase of opponents attack should mdf walk several ours to rescue its citizens?
Buy more sophiscated weapons sir inclds advanced air defence systems for defensive nature incase we hav bn attacked, more attacking weapons aswl
That’s good Idea Mr President keep it up
mr president ,can upls fix our roads .our roads are sub standard,our roads are dengerous to drive .the soldires can wait,we are 50 +yrs independent but our country is still one of the poorest countries in the world.if we can fix our roads and electricity am sure malawi can come out of the stuation we are in.
Please chitetezo nchofunikanso
Heey mr president are talking about these old fashioned cars? They were used in the Gulf wars some thats 25 years back.So you said as they are new in the world of military service. They are old fashioned mr president don’t cheat Malawians.They r new in Malawi to other armies they r useless. They are white elephants to us Malawians.
Abambo inu chitetezo nchofunika! Or inuyo pa umunthu wanu mmaonanso zachiteyezo osati zinazokha basi
According to world armistice our weapons my friend cant match with some Africa countries. Imagine how poor Malawi boarders are.
Am with you Anthony,anthu awa sadziwa ntaaa,adzipanga check ku google zinthu ngati izi,most powerful military in the world and apeza zambiri kumeneko awone kuti nzotani,kuno ku Africa kuli maiko kaya ndi 5 amene amapanga match pang’ono zedi ndi maiko akulu akulu,maiko ngati Egypt,Kenya,SouthAfrica,Nigeria kungotchulapo chabe,ingakhale North Korea makani onse akuchitawa powopseza America iwo aja sali mu Top ten ya maiko amene ali zinthu za nkhondo, America imapanga top pa zambiri, and budget ya America pa za Millitary its almost 700 million/yr,second ndi China 100+million/yr, check the difference betwn no 1 and 2, Russia ili pa 3 ku budget za millitary ans so on. Kumafufuza anthu inu
kodi chikwanje chakale sichicheka ???? think b4 u say
chimakhala chobuntha komanso chimakhala kuti chidachoka handle so chimavuta kugwira mmanja.End result mmanja mumapanga matuza (blisters) waiona bro so enemy akhoza kukugwira pakhosi so you can luz the fight. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Kkkkkk koma Prince
Tamayamikani zina anthu Inu iiiiiiii
Kungodana ndi alomwe basi kkkkkk
Aaaaaa munthu sazathekaso
Palibe cha bwino angayamikiretu chiri chonse ndi against basi kkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkk ndale za pa Malawi
Zoyenda mapazi komanso zoikana mau mkamwa kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkk kwabasi
Good development
Bwanji magalimoto amenewo agawane pakati ndi apolice ,kupolice kuli mavuto amagalimoto kuyambira fone Ku police umva galimoto yachokapo kapena iri busy kusonyezeratu galimoto nzochepa mapolice’mu asilikaliwa mbali ina ali bwino magalimoto ali nao.
Koma mukanapanga organize ka friendly War kenakake nanga mpka History Ana adzingophunzila za Maiko Ena?
Hahaha mupangira kukhala ku dziko laweni eti? Ka dziko kake ake anthu akabisala kuti? Kkkkkkk
Kkkkk Nanga braz Bomali Pena ndmadabwa nalo Chaka chilichonse amalemba asilikali kma chikhalireni nkhondo sitinaiwonepo aii.
Ma Flames zinazi tizitha kuyamikila muthu akapanga zithu osamangochulutsa kutukwana
Simungaonjexeleko magalimoto ku police mcolinga coti azintha kukagwira mbamva mmizimu ????? Ponkhapa chitaniponi Kanthu
Lets wait n see
Apa wakula ndi umbuli kusadziwa komanso kusaganiza. Chitetedzo chikachepa mdziko ntchito zina siziyenda bwino kupanda chitetedzo mchiyambi chamavuto even tikopa bwanji ma campany akunja kubwera kudzayambitsa ntchito muno abwera bwanji ngati mulibe chitetedzo ndizambiri zomwe zimafunika kuti mdziko mukhale chitetedzo
Apa wakula ndi umbuli kusadziwa komanso kusaganiza. Chitetedzo chikachepa mdziko ntchito zina siziyenda bwino kupanda chitetedzo mchiyambi chamavuto even tikopa bwanji ma campany akunja kubwera kudzayambitsa ntchito muno abwera bwanji ngati mulibe chitetedzo ndizambiri zomwe zimafunika kuti mdziko mukhale chitetedzo
EducatedSavages will remain savages though someone do the best
Bravo!!!!!!!Mr President……….
It’s just a donation
For what? …..
iiiiiiii akufuna azilandira money yambiritu osati ma galimoto
guns as well
For what dziko lopanda nkhondo ngati ili kungofuna azipangila matola eti?
hahahahahaha koma amalawi ambiri akuchita oppose nkhani yabwino ngati iyi ndi ambuli ndithu. are you sure mpaka pano simukudziwa ntchito yotamandika kwambiri yomwe atsirikali akugwira? zooti kwakhala kukupezeka ma bomba mmalire a dziko lino omwe cholinga chake ndikuphwatsula dziko lamaliwi lino simukudziwa zimenezo? ndipo ndi atsirikali omwewo anachita detect kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zomwe anagulilidwa ndi boma komanso mabungwe, komanso ndimagalimoto omwe boma likufuna kuonjezera pano amene anapangitsa kuti asilikaliwa akafikepo pamalopo mwachangu ndikuphwetsa mabombawo, kuteteza iwe ndiine kuphatikizilapo iwe okula mutu usakuona kufunika kwa atsirikali’we. mabumbu aamanu agalu inu. mwandikwiitsa kwabaasi, kodi mukukumbukila nthawi yomwe samora machel amafuna kuotcha dziko lathu labwinoli? ndipo ndi atsirikali omwewa mogwirizana ndi maiko ena akutifunila kwabwino, anamuonetsa chimphenene. pano mukandiuze kuti atsirikaliwa ntchito yawo siikuoneka? pamanyini paamanu ndithu.
Yes zimezi nde mzeru muzipang chimodzimoz dairy.
aliese amene akutsutsana nd kugula ma galimoto a silikali akuika umbuli wake poyera. osamatsutsa chifukwa cha umbuli koma muzitsutsa chifukwa choti tanthauzo kufunika komaso kuipa kwa chinthucho mukukudziwa. vuto mumasapota ndale koma muli mbuli za ndale.
Koma mudziuze dzitsiru zanuzo dzimangomenya anthu osalakwa chifukwa munthu wavala kabudula wansalu yachisilikali.Kaya nkusowa nkhondo kaya dzausavegi ngati kabudura uyu nkumati wavala uniform yausilikali?
Zochitsiru basi mmalo mogula ma ambulance bizy kumagula magalimoto asilikali adakuuza mndani kuti kumalawi kuli nkhondo uziyendako mzipatalamu iziona odwala mmene akuvutikira iwe ndiwe mbuzi eti
Nanu a presdent aa nkhondo ya mmadzi.mukapita magalimoto?mubwertse maboti ankhondo hiyaaa…Tanzania nde yaodatu
Zoona akunama Peter
Kkkkkkkkk! Shoot’n without target,road moverz what it for ,4 forest patrol to kill civillianz @ mulanje forest& Dzalanyama yet we all knowdat problem iz on de lake which conten oil&gas u were suporse to purchase speed boatz,jet fighterz & war ship to be gud’n de lake from Tanzanian
Ma soldier amafunika aziyenda wapansi….
Zaziii magalimoto a ntchito Chan? Akukonzekela nkhondo ya 2019 kapena akufuna azkalandila makala ku Mulanje? Ine Malawi sindikudziwa kt tnalakwanji? Mmalo mopeleka ndalamazo ku society kt anthu alembedwe ntchito ayi kma kugula magalimoto ankhondo mmmmm so shameful
Chosecho boma lalikulu likupezeka ndimaambulance awili akugwila ntchito osawonjezako maambulance bwanji? mukuwapatsadi zoyenelela koma chitetezo chikutsikilatsikila.
What about fighter jets when will they arrive?
What for,bro? Ours is a peaceful nation.
Don’t say it again my friend, one F16 figher jet was at 52 million US dollars in 2011.Thats lower class jets but as for Euro fighters and other brands eg falcons we can’t manage.They will also need insurance and maintenance. Eeeeeee Malawi can not buy, she can get poor.
Fighter what? Aba nthawi yanji ndalama, jet ija anagula Bingu atagulitsa ndalama zinanka kuti? Ndiye ubava akutchuka nawowo akalole kugula denge muyiwone,chidule chawo nkumaba ndalamazo zidzilowa m’matumba mwawo
Yah Anthony that’s true sitingafikeko,akulephera even ma Helocopter(sp) ena tili nawowo ndioti anachita kutipatsa group ina yake yomwe imakwanitsa izi,komanso nzakale kwabasi,or upange check ku google”Malawi Defence force ” muone zomwe tili nazo ndi mavuto ndithu koma kuba ndalama m’boma ndiye eee number one. F-16 is agood jet but I like F-22 Raptor jet,the most feared and deadly jet in the world it cost USD 200million each jet.
Za ziiiii
congratulations Mr President
APM iz jst trying to get ready for Tanzania !
Kkkkkk magalimoto oti azikalandira makala,bwanji osagula ma abulance.
Cars or vehicles ?
Thanks Mr President, MDF imavetsa chisoni makamaka kuno ku Marine (Navy). kumakhala ready 4 any attack zida za nkhondo nso zikufunika zamakono nsanga, pa Lake Malawi apa.
Getting ready for Tanzania. Good move,osaiwala akasinja
Tizingakambilana Malawi singamenye nkhondo ndiTanzania zikadzatelo tidzatha psiti.
Exactly, you are right, wars can’t bring peace
It brings respect
They is no respect without peace
Kikiki adzikaimbira ku ma show
Respect brings peace boss
Dont rush for war we can lost what we have. We don’t know how strong the two armies r. But peace must be our number one priority.
I thought it’s only one enemy? Which other country wants to get bombed by MDF Antony Lamel?
Mantha basi that why malawi is nut mining oil&gas in fear of tz koma kugula ma galimoto olandira makala ku mulanje
Mnyumba mopanda bambo, chitetedzo chimakhala chapenda penda, nchimodzi modzi mdziko mopanda asilikali, chitetedzo limakhala penda penda. Nkhondo sitimachita kuipempha, komanso ikayamba, msilikali amakhala pabwino chifukwa amadziwa chomwe chikuchitika. Ndi ife macivilian timangochokera pakhonde kuthawa kusiya zonse pambuyo. Anthuwa ayenela kukhala ndizonse zofunikila.
Usilikali uli ngati team yampila,, ikapanda kupanga training, sipanga bwino tsiku la game. Maganizo anga,,,
Anthu Amenewa Shaaaa Amalandila Ndalama Za Boma Amadyaso Zakudya Zaboma Mbola Za Anthu Ndithu Sagwilanso Ntchito Ai Akagwira Tsiku Limenelo Nde Kut Athamanga
U think our MDF sagwira ntchito?? Work of MDF is not only pulling the triger to shot..they are many security works these pipo do….its difficult for you and I to understand these things..
Sakudziwa chomwe akukamba
Izi nde za Bushiri Ponse Ponse akunena Hudson Chamasowa zija izi aaaaa!
I think it would be better if it was police or hospital
Pressure !!!!
In What Way Does Mdf Ikufutika?Oh Yeah For The Preparations.
Zomapitira m’maboda basi,mbewu zisatuluke ndithu…za zii.
kupita ku kunja ku peace keeping force mkumat akugwira ntchito? mfuti za kamuzu zisanagwirepo ntchito, za bakiri zosagwirapo ntchito, za bingu ndiye chomagulira magalimoto a silikali ndichani? muzidzagula zimenezi ikadzayamba nkhondo zida za UN kunjako mesa asilikaliwa amakazipeza? mukungononga ndalama
Uli munyengo ya kusazindikira masoka saitanidwa anzako akudandaula mmaiko. Momwe muli nkhondomu ngati ukuifuna nkhondoyo ungopita ukakhale komwe kuli nkhondoko
Kod timakonzeka b4 being attacked siuziwa? Naonso awa kaya
Kape, Umaziwa Nkhondo Kmaso Cholinga Cha Nkhondo Iwe? Umbuliwu, Mchifukwa Chake Maiko Osogola Amaphunzisra2 Mwana Usirikali, Kupewa Unyapala Ngat Wakowu.
Gyz Mwamuuza Bho Ameneyu Mwina Umbulu Wake Uthe
while some margistrate courts fail to have even a single car ……to help carry duties ….why filling a lake with water wen its already full……?
The magistrates can’t work in absence of security. MDF is a priority for that reason.
chilichonse kumangopanga oppose….basi ndi chabwino chomwe poti mumasapota chipani cho tsutsa mmmmm malawi nsanje sizatha
Zazii ma magistrate awagulile magalimoto ngati ndani?Akupindula chani mmalawi muno? Iweyo,ineyo komanso magistrate yo tikukhala motakasuka chifukwa cha asilikaliwo.
Magalimoto asilikali ndiwofunika komaso adakamaganizako zomaonjezela maambulance paboma kumakhala ndiambulance imodzi yogwila ntchito mkumati ithandiza chosecho ndiboma lalikulu bolani kummwelako adaduladula timaboma.
Magistrate akungokhalila katangalebasi
Bingu iweyo umakwana no matter what
For what? Police, Ambullance nde ofunika magalimoto.
So why not the police?
they received 2 months ago….
No new vehicles yet at MPS
prince jose sukunama,panopa ndayenda mmaboma ambri pakat pano kma sindinaoneko galimoto ya new one,mwina zili kt HQ
bcoz they are a joke
Apolisi mesa amayenda pansi
apolice ndi makape so car for wat..za zeee…inu angula zibonga
mmmm it’s nyasaland
Iwowa adzikhala ndi zipangizo zokwanira. Apolisiso nawo muwaganizire maka magalimotowo
Zofunika kobasi kumawasamalira anthu awa amagwira ntchito yopambana yoteteza dziko
useless, bwaj ndalamaz osagula mankhwala bwaj mdf, palbe chomwe imachta ngat kun kuli nkhond
Had u known sukadayankhula choncho Aise
mwalo mokoza magesi nd madzi avutawa zaziii