Understaffing in rural hospitals worries MHEN


Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) has expressed worry over understaffing in hospitals that are in rural areas of the country as people fail to access medical treatment.

The sentiments follow reports of Ng’onga Health Centre in Rumphi district having no medical assistant and a nurse since the people who were holding the two positions went for further studies.

MHEN: worried over under stuffing in hospitals.

According to reports, the development has witnessed patients from the area being referred to Rumphi District Hospital for treatment.

Commenting on the matter, MHEN Executive Director George Jobe said understaffing in rural health centres has always been a challenge in Malawi.

“We have been discussing with the ministry about understaffing in our rural health hospitals whereby sometimes you find that there is only a medical assistant and a nurse,” said Jobe.

Malawi is reported to have shortage of medical practitioners to help in health facilities of the country.

However, this follow reports of government failing to recruit recent graduates from the country’s nursing schools and College of Medicine.