Phalombe residents feel left out on Malata-Cement subsidy


People from Phalombe South constituency have expressed their dissatisfaction with how Malawi government is handling the Malata-Cement subsidy as the constituency has been omitted from the programme.

Member of Parliament for the constituency Mary Mpanga revealed this during the district’s council meeting saying many of her constituents want to know why the authorities are sideling their area.

“Constituents of Phalombe South are not understanding the criteria which is being used to select the beneficiaries since it is only my constituency in this district that is not benefiting. You should explain to us why the constituency has been omitted from the programme,” Malawi24 quoted Mpanga.

Phalombe people feel forgotten.( Google image)

Traditional Authority Mkhumba whose area is in Mpanga’s constituency also said that people from her area have been quizzing her over the subsidy which is officially known as Decent and Affordable Housing Subsidy Programme (DAHSP).

“What wrong did we do to deserve this kind of treatment?” asked Mkhumba.

When asked to comment on the matter, the housing officer for the district who is in-charge of the program Fackson Chidzalo disclosed that it was his office’s plan that the constituency should be set aside to start with areas which are unreachable during rainy seasons.

“As we all know implementation of this program here started very late, so we asked government that we should start with hard to reach areas in rainy season first and we were given a go ahead,” said Chidzalo.

The housing officer added by assuring constituents of the concerned constituency that once government provides the council with funds and tools for the phase three of the project they will start with the constituency.

DAHSP is an initiative introduced by President Peter Mutharika which aims at ensuring that most Malawians have decent houses, however after sometime the beneficiaries shall be required to pay back money used to construct the houses.