Angopata ma pointi awiri okha, chigoli olo chimodzi sanamwetse.
Timu ya mpira wa miyendo ya dziko lino lero yatuluka mu chikho cha mpikisano wa COSAFA umene ukuchitikila mu dziko la South Africa.

Malawi yatuluka itakanikana ndi timu ya anyamata a chichepele a Angola.
Mu masewero oyamba, timu ya dziko lino idakumana ndi anyamata a Magufuli amene anagoleka zigoli ziwiri kuwasiya a Malawi kukamwa pululu atalephela kumwetsa olo chimodzi.
Masewero a Malawi achiwiri adasewela ndi timu ya Mauritius ndipo mbali zonse ziwiri palibe anaona golo la mzake.
Mu masewero ake otsiliza, Malawi inakumana ndi Angola koma golo osaliona. Nawo a Angola chimodzimodzi.
Malawi imafunika kugonjetsa Angola ndinso Mauritius igonjetse Tanzania kuti timu ya dziko linoyi ipitilile.
Padakali pano anyamata amenewa akuyembekezeka kubwela kumudzi.
Koma ka kolemba nkhani aka asaaaaa kasowa tittle yake nkhaniyi ndithu
Mumayembekeza kuti abwerako ndi chani kkkk
kkkkkkkkkk zimafunikatu example kt munthu avesese,,,thanks for the good post
Even if they brought something,do you think kuti ungapezepo chani,am just proud with my all niggaz how they play their games,carry on guys ,we all knows the situation is to build the team .RVG!you,re the good coach ,keep it up,Mpira pansi
Kodi manoma mutonesa liti chikho cha Airtel top 8 pajatu mumatenga zikho zonse zoyamba
This is insult..kkkkk
No goal..
Malawi sizamva by chiwamba
Mkengeku mu mizi kuchipenja ma players…. mapuleya nginu ngambula kuziba bola mnanga baka nanga thumba la boma!
I wonder why we blame these innocent souls, the problem starter even before they were born, the issue is our players are not well nourished, most of them are short for their age, and stunting starts in utero, and if not collected within 2yrs, then it’s irreversible, and the consequences many which include among other things failure to score, so stunting is caused by various factors in which prevention involves several sectors, so no need to blame them, they just suffer the consequences, take good care of pregnant moms, and children below two years, if you’re short marry someone tall to improve the variety, just look at international ,take a good look of your favourite teams, compare them with Malawians you will understand me, just passing by
Kkkkkkk! Tiyenazon basi kkkkk
Mmmmmm mavalidwe .com, English. Com,poor performance. Com
ngakhale mukutinena koma manoma mwatengako chikho chanji mu 2017-2018 season ?
Kodi Malawi 24 ndi munthu kapena media institution? Headline kapena ndakatulo kkkkkk
Mwaganiza bwanji
Inumati izibwera ndichan kumanja
Ine ndaona zikho ziwili Dalitso sailesi and the other guy. Learn to appreciate other teams got none of these
so mukutanthauza kuti yafanana ndi Bullets Kkkk Koma
Kodi bullets inasewera angati?
A nduna akwiya kwambili.
Nomwenu mumati RVG wasankha bwino potenga ambiri kwa neba. Lero wakuluzitsani nebayo mukukapanga claim MAPALE. Muli shit kwambiri, atola nkhani a ku Malawi. Kubanja kwa BULLETS kulibe problem.
Ma player athu alibe nthanana, akufunikila gym ma guyz wa koma mpira ndiye amatha.
Atuluke azikasoketsa zimakabudula za over sìze.
Mapuleya amaule samantha chingilezi kkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkk atuluka ngati maule
Zachamba eti
Bad development.
Zandiwawatu kwambiri coz maule ndi team yanga yokondedwa zikugwikizana bwanji atolankhani opusa kobasi osapita kusukulu kungopeza nchito chifukwa cha azibale anu mbuli iyaaa
Tamalembani Nkhan Zogwira Mtima?Atuluka Ngat Bullets Ndiye Kut Chiyan?Manyaka Flames Mkodzo Fc?
Azikangolima fodya angotha ndalama zaboma
Kkkkkk kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkk koma yah, Moses Benard
kkkkkkkk wandigwira mtima ameneyi
kkkkkkkkkk koma guyz!
kkkkkkkkkk koma guyz!
♡♥Tinazolowera losers’ plate,ulendo uno mayaziii.Kkkkkkkkkkk Proud to be a Malawian♡♥
Maulle anapanga mbiri ya bwino mu top 8.
Bas bwelelani kumudz kuno muzizalima mfodya kuno mwandi yalusa
Finals silver champions
Or ngati noma mu top 8
Hahaha uwu ndi ntopola osati masewera!
Hahaha Atuluka ngati maule mu airtel top 8
sizikumveka. Mwati chani?
bb simunagona nayo tulo??,
Mboli yako admin coz national team sungaifanizire ndi local team like #Maule iwenso sukulu unathawira pawino that why ugwira Ntchito mu non gavamenti loooo
Malawi sizampila gyz koma kutamba basi
Am a Zambian suprisingly if Malawi is playing any team i always support them. Worse when they lose i feel bad. Now coming up with the title ‘Atula ngati maule…’ doesn’t settle well with me.
Maule in this scenario it’s not as in hule wa prostitute but one team we have here it’s called big bullets. .bullets it’s maule..they exited the airtel Top 8 competition without scoring a goal having played 2 matches in succession, both home and away.
OK I thought of prostitutes too coz I’m chipolopolo but also a big fan of the flames of Malawi
Joseph Moeen A Phiri language at it again…oh my foot! Got it all wrong. So maule is bullets right? Gosh me!
Shaibu Wa Chipereka is you too bro thanx.
But they do perform like mahule not so?…. All the way to SA kukadyesa chabe
I put the blames to Unlucky Mr. O.G Malata for contributing to the TZ goals. he’s so stupid n the Coach decided to rest him that’s when we didn’t conceed. we put our trust in SASAMBA chester(Mr. Shonongo) he perfomed badly. for Mulimbika(Kachamba) I think his time to play for flames is over! Jabulos Linje! hehehe @ striker Mbuzi yamunu kusi!!!!!
Thanx our neighbours for supporting us
Maule is some overrated Malawian team full of thugs who never score in major tournaments my brother. Chillax.
Kkkkkk ankolo mwangomasuliratu et
Eya. Asamaphweketse
kkkkkkkk komatu Bob
Kkkk Moses Benard anthu akumasula kuno
kkkkkkk Bob Khalifa wakhala bwanji kodi eish koma
Felazako Panganani ndiye yake ali bo kwambiri afana kikiki.
Bullets mwaisandutsa chitonzo komatu man of the match oonse achokera komweko
Abwerako ndi malamba omangira ma kabudula
Muli ndimabvuto,leave bb alone dis is national team combination of different clubs naaeirs,lets support national team.
Kumalemba xanxeru..za zii basi..zabulets zikugwirizana..
Admn you smoke too much weed
Zawuxiru bansi akungowononga ndalama atsamapitenzo mawurendo ngati amenewa atsingozewera tnm yomweyi
Zikugwurizana bwanji ndi kulemba za Ma Palestine? Atolankhani plz be professionals in your field
Too provocative. As if team yomwe idatuluka ndi bullets yokha . Worse still competition inatha kalekale, Ku Malawi kumeneko bro
Just to provoke the already boiling and fragile situation of Ndirande residents
Kkkkk awa si Amalawi 24 ndimawadziwa ine awa ndi Amalawi 25 kkkkkkkkk shame
kkkkkkkkk joke of the year!!!
Hahahhahahahaahaahahaaa ndiye mwati ma flames atuluka ngati yani? Hahahahahahahaahahaaaa koma pple
Malawi 24 ndiwe chitsiru kwa basi? Zugwirizana ndi top 8? Kusaka kutukwanidwatu uku
Sazatheka awa
Flames ndi BULLETS ya Lipipa-yi ndi mapasa ikundimvetsa kuwawa kobasi.
The Comparison doesnt hold,you would have said like Nyasa Bullets. NOMA came out with something, lol!.
Kkkkkk no coment
Zitsiru za atolankhani ngati izi mukufuna kundiuza kuti zingatukule dziko?yaaa tinatuluka inde koma we r the best and tizakhalabe abwino mpaka kalekale,Sailes man of the match,Kankhobwe man of the match osaiwala Mr captain Lanjesi atatu basi koma aiuza dziko kut ku malawi kuli bullets.amene akutumayo ukamuuze kuti azakuvulalitsa.
The who wrote this is not a patriot of this Country I suppose
palibe zonyozesa apa flams yatopesa esh Alwzy kumangogonja osangoleka kusewera Mpira azikasewera waku ma division omweo basi
Za chamba basi zikugwirizana chani ndi BB,simumafuna oyera khungu ndi ameneyo,anakakhala kuda bwebzi pano mutamuchotsa isaaaa
mpamene mungadziwile Kuti mpila uli mmanja mwa BB. BB ikamapanda kuchita bwino national teamso imavutikilatu. ndye ndizosadabwitsa kuchitika zimenezi. bullets ikakoza mavuto ake muina national team ikubwelela mma 90mu
Neba zamuwawa
Kod mumaputa dala anthu bwanji???mukat atuluka ngt maule ndye kut chan??? mwinatu lelo simunadalisidwe et???patundu pako ndkut ngt watumidwa pa muzi pako ukasowa zolemba kumangosewelesa kusiko wava pomaliza ndngot pazikit pako..
Amalawi24 mwakoka fodya wanji lero,poti mukumanyoza mtundu okhala wanu?.
Nde chomwe avalila jenz yo ndichani zachamba basi
Is that the best title you could come up with?Chipongwe basi.
Zopusa bas inu mkafananize Bullets ndi Flames mkutirakwira bwanj.takudziwan ndinu a team ijayo………
Vuto a Malawi timazinyozetsa tokha timatenga Team ya Malawi kukhala ngati si team yathu kumaikaikila nthawi zonse choncho sibwino APA mukulemba za mkutu mkumati team ya Malawi yatuluka ngati bullets Ku top 8 ya airtel zikugwirizana bwanji?
flames yaonjeza mpaka chimanjamanja, vutoli likuchoka patali zonse ndi tsogoleli ngati presdent ali chitsilu kumangokhala kudandaulidwa ananso palibe kuchitila mwina kumangophonyanso basi
Zachamba basi
Ngati Mwasowa Zolemba Its Better To Stay Quite Mukunyozetsa Malawi24
kkkkkk ndiomwewo
Football tourist from Nyasaland overawed by Mpumalanga infrastructure.Lets build malawi to the standards of our neighbors,so we shouldn’t go for scene viewing instead of competition.
mwayamba kapempeni ya pp yeti?
Akanasintha mametedwewo mwina bwezi zikuyenda
Pansana pako olembawe BB ndi timu ya ma veteran ndiponso ndi ma player a Bullets okha omwe aonesa zintchito mu cosafa
Abamboooo khululukani basi. Walemba this article sanafike pokhala Jornalist
Ife bola awagulira jersey ya over siae..n tikuziwa azayamba kuwina ikadzayamba kuwakhara boh..kkkk..,mmakwana FAM
Makabudura s oversize
Kkkk atuluka ngati maule chipongwe (silver fan
Are you really writers or supporters?why can’t you write zoti anthu apeze info…ndemunathatu @ Malawi 24
Zukhudzana ndi chaani ndi the people’s team zazii basi
Chosecho ma prayer a BB ndiomwe aonesa zi ntchito za bwino mu cosafa…..za ziiii kkkk
Kkkkk eti eti zamkamwa basi
Kusowa cholemba basi
Ndipo mu chichewa chake wapezamo dollar nanga awo anyamula chingezi ku kamwa ali ndi chani ……kkkkkkkk akusowa ndi malovu mkamwa uphawi kkkkkkkk
Kkkkk mwati anatuluka ngat neba?
Not like Manoma?
Mungoti..Flames yatuluka…osati mpaka zitikhuze a BB.
mwanama,..abwera ndi 2 points,not chimanjamanja .