Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe on Thursday shot down demands by Members of Parliament (MPs) to increase Constituency Development Fund (CDF) from K18 million to K30 million.
Gondwe instead sanctioned a K2 million increase for the fund.
The minister said CDF cannot be hiked as per calls of the MPs since the funds are most of times abused by the legislators.

He added that he will only approve further increases if regulations for managing the money are revised.
But Dowa East Member of Parliament (MP) Richard Chimwendo Banda insisted the money allocated to CDF should be increased since not all MPs misuse it.
He said that the CDF is the only fund that seems productive in various constituencies in the country.
“So the point is, yes we are not condoning corruption and we are with you honourable minister that we should not condone corruption. If you have people who are abusing CDF take them to task.
“Honourable Minister if there is funding that has helped consistently in our constituencies it is CDF and we have been standing here and thanking you for CDF,” he said.
He added that the CDF should be increased to carter for Malawians’ needs but claimed that the legislators will not accept a K2 million increase.
“Let’s reason if we want it to be increased with K30 Million and you can’t afford, Honourable Minister why can’t you come to K25 Million and that’s it we can’t move down after K25 Million,” he said.
The issue sparked disagreements between the lawmakers and the finance minister leading to adjournment of the House for 30 minutes so that the ministers should confer over demands of the MPs to increase the CDF from MK18 million to MK30 million.
When they returned Gondwe put his foot down that the fund will only be hiked by K2 million.
Meanwhile, the House has passed the MK1.3 trillion Kwacha 2017/18 National Budget.
amangotidyera ma MP ndalama xathu,sadalakwitse anduna
Kamandalasi tsopano kumuona akuyakhula zamzeru lelo
Bravo Goodall. Ma MP ndalamazi amangoba akati apangeko kachitukuko konamizila amatiuza kuti zachoka mthumba mwawo. Ena mpaka kufika pogulira mabokosi kukachitika maliro ati chitukuko kumanda. Zopusa.
Iyayi a Gondwe mwalakwitsa kusapeleka kusaonjezera ndalama za CDF.Ngati mmadera mulibe chitukuko sivuto la aphungu koma makhansala,chifukwa aphungu ena anatsiira CDF mmanja mwa khansala ndiye inu mukanapeleka ndalamazo kudera komwe chitukuko sichipangidwa anthu akumenekoko ndi omwe angadziwe chochita ndi khansala 2019 osamuvoteranso chifukwa kusapelekako ndalamazo mwapha dziko lonse pantchito zosiyanasiyana know zat we voted in a tripartite election simadera onse momwe CDF sikugwira bwino ntchito think twice HON Minister
Big up Gondwe..
Very good Gondwe,aphungu chamba chanu
Mkadachotserakonso Imene Ilipo Kuonjezera Ku Ma Salary.
Ngati wapanga za nzeru goodall ndipamenepa
Wachita bwino angodyelera ndi ana awo
Thpough i’ve not followed the procedings in the August House, do support Goodall for the decision so far made on CDF. Nothing on the ground. This money is not used for the intended purpose.
akuba inu
Congress Imakumvetsa Lisipa. Simunati Mtsegulanso.
Ndaona plofile pic inayakeso koma eeish yandisekesa kobasi
Zitukuko za LDF ndi CDF mzosamaliza.Ma MP ndi D.C. Anaba ndalama. Nde akufuna zina akabeso ?
goodle gondwe is the guy with integrity,,and regadless ov what has been happening these past years!!he has noticed that mst ov the MPs are just feedng their bellies with ths CDF together with the D.Cs.However,ths funding is for the communities not for their problems,so am supporting ths big man for the alligation he has made.
Wachita bwino aonjezere for what!! popeza even phindu lake sulikuonekanso
Aaab Zamkutu!!
why akukana,palibe ndalama or anasolola kale ndi mkaze pitala ?
Amwene Zikuwonetseratu Kuti Nzeru Mulibe Inuyo
Alibedi dzeruu
Mbuli ya munthu #charles.anthu ngati inu simufunika mziko mwathu muno.mumakhala asogoleli opanda nzelu komanso cash gate 2much
answer my question you idiots ngati muli nzeru,nanga kungoti ndilibe nzeru
panyo pako chalosi..mcp ufa nayo
zagwilizana bwanji ndi mcp #khilisi ?….mkakhuta zitumbuwa za dpp ndipamene mumampwisa chupiti zanu ..
The fact is that the government hsa no money and secondly Goodal is not an MP. Therefore he has no people to represent in the august house. Ndikobvuta kuthandizira kubvina gule wa eni ake ngati sukumuziwa.
kkkkk politics