The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested two Kasungu Municipal Council employees for forgery and fraud.
The two who have since been given bail are Isaac Kanthundu and Charles Mughogho.
According to ACB Senior Public Relations Officer Egritta Ndala, on 23 November, 2015 the bureau received information that Kanthundu was abusing his office, perpetrating fraud and promoting nepotism in the implementation of public works program commonly known as Ntchito za Mthandizi in Kasungu Central Constituency.
“The bureau instituted investigations which established that Mughogho prepared a payment voucher for 25 beneficiaries and duplicated the names to make them appear as if they were 50,” said Ndala.
She added that the two suspects submitted the forged beneficiaries list to Kasungu municipal Council officials for processing of payment.
According to Ndala, the ACB arrested Kanthundu on 15 June and Mughogho on 16 June 2017.
Kathundu is likely to be charged with one count of forgery and uttering a false document contrary to section 364 and 360 of the penal code.
“Mughogho is likely to be charged with giving false information to the bureau officers, forgery, theft and uttering a false document contrary to section 14 of the corrupt practices Act, and section 283, 360 and 364 of the penal code respectively,” said Ndala.
The two are currently on bail after they paid K50,000 cash each as bail bond. They also produced one surety each bonded at K100,000 each and were ordered to report to Kasungu police station once every fortnight, to surrender travel documents to the bureau and not leave Kasungu without the permission of the officer in charge of Kasungu police.
They will appear before court on 28 June, 2017 for commencement of their cases.
Masauzande Kusiya Amabillion Mulungu Simunthu Adzakukanthani Ndi Chipani Chanucho
What about issa njaunju’s case ziri pati
Ndiye malawi ndimkuziwa ine ameneyo,oba mamiliyoni samangidwa,
Zipongwe zokhazokha….Dpp manyaka eniyeni P.A.M. ofunika afufuze nayeso
Akuchita bwino kusamumanga chaponda kut zipani zina zidzaonere poipitsira Dpp cm 2019 campaign
Zoonadi amangeni nanga munthu wamkulu chaponda watani ai musungeni adzaononge mbiri yanu nonse mu Dpp
Ayeye malawi Ayeye umandiwaza
why not chaponda? anthu okondera inu, Mulungu achita nanu posachedwa mudzalira ndithu.
Eti eti anthu oipa awa
Galu wa mfumu chaponda
Ameneyo ndiye mwafufuza mwachangutu koma uyuyu uyu wanuyu akachedwa pati? Ndati Mr Maize
What about Chaponda?
Koma chaponda atengedwa liti mwati