Bishop of Karonga Diocese Bishop Martin Mtumbuka has said the newly launched Karonga Diocese website will help the diocese to reach out to people all over the world with gospel messages.
Bishop Mtumbuka made these remarks at St Mary’s girls Catholic Secondary School in Karonga during the launch of Karonga Diocese website, www.karongadiocese.org.

He said the website will promote accountability and transparency at the diocese and the diocese will also be able to know the challenges local people are facing.
Mtumbuka however urged staff to make sure that the website is secured and updated all the time.
“All departments in the diocese should update on the website all activities that are happening in order to show transparency and accountability,” he said.
Speaking in a separate interview, Revelation Nyirongo who created the website said the site is secured and it has been customized to use less data.
“The Website will reach out to everyone even rural people because it has been customized to use minimum data so that everyone can click and read everything without using much data,” he said.
Before launching the website, Bishop Mtumbuka also opened St Mary’s girls Science laboratory and computer laboratory.
The Diocese of Karonga is divided into seven parishes which are grouped into two deaneries, namely: Chitipa and Karonga Deaneries. Chitipa Deanery has the following parishes: St. Matthias Mulumba Parish in Misuku, St. Michaels Parish (covers Chitipa Central and North) and St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish(Chitipa South).
Karonga Deanery has the following parishes: St. Anne’s Parish (Karonga South and Rumphi East), St. Mary’s Parish (Karonga Central), St. Joseph the Worker Cathedral Parish (Karonga Central) and St. Steven’s Parish (Karonga).