Gardener jailed five years for raping boss’ daughter


A court has sentenced a 56-year-old man who is a gardener to five years imprisonment for raping his boss’ 12-year-old daughter.

The rapist has been identified as Yasin Sumani who worked as a gardener at the victim’s home.

Sub-inspector Maxwell Mwaluka, a Prosecutor based at Mangochi Police station told the court that on January 01, 2017 the victim was left at home with the rapist when her parents went to church.

Then she went to the toilet to answer the call of nature but as she was there the gardener followed her.

The evil rapist beat the girl up with a walking stick and then covered her mouth with his hands in order for her not to shout before sexually assaulting her.

“He also threatened to kill her if she revealed the incident to anyone,” the prosecutor told the court.

Days later the girl revealed the rape to her parents who reported the matter to Mangochi Police station where medical report was issued.

Results from Mangochi District Hospital confirmed that the girl was sexually abused.

The rapist pleaded not guilty to the charge and the state paraded two witnesses.

He was later found guilty and in his mitigation he begged for leniency from the court as he is a breadwinner to his family.

When passing judgement, his worship Mangochi first grade Magistrate Ronald M’bwana expressed his concern over the convict’s conduct of which he described as inhumane.

He then slapped him to 60 months imprisonment with hard labour.

Yasin hails from Mtalimanja village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.



  1. Olo ndili ine sndngapilile kod mmene akukulila ana amasku anowa mwa hybridt even kavalidwe mmmmmm kuthana nato bas piece work first jail second kkkkkkkkkkk

  2. Mwanayo amaputa dala madala o cz kaujeni kamwanayo kamatukula tukula mix kuyenda ndi pant yekha mati atani madalao komaso alibwino cz wayamba ndi yaikulu uko akupita mwana wankazi uyo saopaanso mamuna ayi cz kwatamuka kale

  3. Ngakhale ndili ine ngati akundi nvalilamwa min kudyabas asamazolowele amakupepusa kwambili even my uncle daughter I can make it.

  4. bosses are the ones raping there houseworkers and it is commonly,,,,apa poti garden boy wadya mwana Wa boss zavuta moreover amayambitsa okha ana amabwanayo coz mumangowatsekera Ku mpanda, mwayi oti azikapangako relate ndi anyamata anzao umawasoya,,AND I KNOW ZAKAZO ANAMA HOPE MWANA WAKE NDIWAMKULU ASATINAMIZEPO APA IIIIYAAAH

  5. anawanso kumipandaku amanyanya kupanikizika mpata okacheza ndi ka bfrnd kake osaupeza nkona amangoti pafupi mpomwe wafika kkkkk

  6. What a joke!only 5 yrs really???in zim if u rape its either u die in prison with hunger or u face 20yrs sentence with (usebenza gadala)meaning hard labuor and on top of that u will be someone’s wife in there,when yu saved yo sentence yo ass hole will be loose and big as a cow’s hole

  7. koma nkhani ngati izi ndikamanva zimandipatsa mantha maka kwa ife omwe tilindiana oti akuthamangila usinkhu umenwu kuti anawa tiwalela bwanji ngati munthu wabambo chotero kukagona mwana wadzaka za chidzukulu chake ndiye tisiya kakupatsani timaganyotu kuopa khalidwe limeneli

  8. The sentence is just enough for the old person like this one by 61yrs old he will be out,thats good. Enanu mukufuna kuti mdalayu akafelekundende sibhoo choncho mfanayunso amamva kukomatu.

  9. aaa ndmaganiza ngat boss’s wife mfanaso ndembola2 iwe muDala kamwana kang’ono ako…kunena chlungamo opanda kwachafe tzwona 5yrs yangotchulidwa imeneyo sazabwelako m’dalayo mwnaso mwanayo ndwa 20yrs km pot waishosha kumpanda azwona!

  10. Musamangoti 12yrs pakamwa, muziikaso zithuzi zawo. Komaso Mabwana ena ngaboza kumangokhala kumunamizira munthu cholinga asamupatse zikwelete zake.

  11. Masulani sanalakwe ameneyo!okupha mzake bwanji mukumtulutsa? Mtsikana wa 12 yrs nayenso amamfuna mdalayo,akanakuwa anthu sakanamva? Nkhani zachigololo mpana ku ndende?izooo mukuzisiyazo anawa uhule too much.ntayeni akasamale zizukulu asaolere mndende chifukwa cha kahuleko

  12. I think the court must be crazy here.the daughter is the one who start the fight.then gardener came to his rescure.only that the vergina + penis is the was like reveting meltals,the meltal can crack due to enlagement of the pistle.

  13. dats aint rape case its defilement & 5yrs sentence is very minimal maximun cud av been beta 30yrs with hard labour prosecutor tek case bak & charge him 4 defilement may b z relative wit judge 5yrs z nothing

  14. Eish 56 yrs wakula mkuluyu adakamangaso achibale ake awili kut chilangocho chgwilizane zi kulakwa kwakeko

    1. u’ve raped already my friend we dot walk thru 1s lucky yoz i’ll b different may b life imprisonment b a born again & dot thik lyk dat u can do beta dan dat

    2. Kkkkkkk tayesera akazakuchaja 18yrs usazaone ngat akwanu akulodza zikumayenderatu mwayi zinthuzi look now 5yrs pamene wina mulandu wake omwewo zaka 12 kundende

  15. I’m not satisfied with 5yrs IHL sentence due to gravity of the offence and considering the fact that he pleaded not guilty during court trial.

  16. Ana Ama Boss Anyanya Kufufuma Plus Kuvala Mwausilu, Azisosoledwa Amenewa! Next Post Ikhala Yanga Kuti Ndasosolaso Kamwana Ka Bwana Wanga Kakuvala Mwausilu Koma Ziwalo Zake Zinachangamuka Kale!! A Garderner Ndikubwera Konko Any Day!!

    1. Kusatha kuziletsa kusanza ntima.
      I wish azimai inu nuziwauzakoso anawa they should be dressing properly coz at that age mostly they dress half backed. Ndekuti zinayambila kale mumtima mwa gardener yo

      Let’s hope alibe matenda, and 5yrars angomu mvela chisoni cos it would have been more than that.

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