Speaker of Parliament, Richard Msowoya, has hit at the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for its selective fight on corruption.
Msowoya took the swipe on the ruling during a whistle stop at Uliwa in the northern region district of Karonga.
At the rally, he asked the people in Karonga to count how many corruption suspects from the Democratic Progressive party (DPP) have been taken to court as opposed to those who are neutral or deemed to belong to the opposition and ask themselves if that signifies impartiality and seriousness in tackling the rampant corruption.

His comments have come at a time that there have been allegations leveled against Peter Mutharika’s cabinet that it has some corrupt ministers.
Msowoya told the gathering that selective prosecution by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for those suspected to have been involved in corruption is why the ACB has credibility challenges.
He said: “lack of political will to adequately resource and free oversight institutions is why these institutions are not able to work professionally for the benefit of all Malawians.”
Msowoya further told people in the district to start making better choices and choose leaders who will not abandon them once in power.
“You must take 2019 as an opportunity to exercise your birthright, and this time around do Malawi justice by mandating people who will not discard campaign promises once in power,” Msowoya said.
He further told the gathering to start demanding what they were promised in 2014 and remind the office bearers that citizens are the ultimate bosses who hired them.
“Go back to your 2014 manifestos and conduct an audit on what the government has done to serve and meet the needs and aspirations of Malawians as per its promises,” he said.
Andale mukugawanitsa mitundu ya anthu and mukapitiriza zopusa zanuzo Boma kenako lizabweretsa system yoti aliyense azikagwira ntchito komanso kukhala komwe anachokera nde enanu simafunako nde zikapitirira chonchi ndi xenophobia basi aliyense mmakwao chifukwa cha andale ngati inu ma awkward
Iwe kumudzi ndukuti? Tree frog
Iwe muleme ukuti chani iwe fokofu kwathu ndikomwe ndili panopa
Eee anthu amcp wa anazolowera zakhanza ndichimozimozinso pano jelasi lakukulilani chilungamo mulibe. Iwe ukulakhulawe waiwala kuti uli mugulu lokuba matractor utiuza chani mchewa iwe.
You are jst a bunch of un incompétent fool
Prématuré child
Good example of a tree frog
Your face looks like you are about to cry
You wonder why we are were are with our poverty number one in Africa all the cash gates stories dissappear shame on our leaders shame shame shame
Powerful awuzeni man apumbwa a DPP dzindere za Anthu!!!!!
Heeeheendee! You are also in the same boat. You are among ones who benefited the government tractors which you misused the taxpayer of people. Palibe woyera nonse andale you’re the same.
Ku opposition kani kuli anthu anzeru chonchi??? Kma siife tili mboma ntchito kuba basi,kunena zabwino,kulonjedza zabwino but on the ground reserve bank mmanyumba a nduna,,,,mapwiya uyu ndi anthu ake awa palibenso amatha….. Frm Thyolo.
My question is at this point was he speaking as a speaker or vice president of MCP please Adm next time learn to recognise people , when he is campaigning for his party he is no longer a speaker
Only the truth shall set Malawians free
A country without a leader, brain less opposition corrupt goverment ndondoli thoooo
Boma ndilakuba ili akutipusitsa tikuwona shame
According to Msowoya, it seems we have nobody we can trust cos the selective fight on corruption he claims clearly tells us that the MCP & PP are part of the theft & corruption which they never been honest to expose. This is purely serving individual & Party interests, not the People & that’s why it has become a “Tit for Tat” game.
We’ve heard the Opposition mention of corrupt Ministers with no names for so long & this keeps many wondering if this has any evidence. The Tax Evader (KK) & his brother made so much of the same noise but never cameup with names & evidence.
Auzeni zoona amenewo katangale wanyanya ku dpp
Kuyowoya kwambula mantha ndiko uku bwana.tili wakavu pavifukwa vinandi kweni awa wankhungu waku DPP watipweteka.
Eish nde mwandiikatu mmasamba man Symon
expose them please
I wish we had more leaders like you who don’t fear calling a spade a spade. Big up honourable
Let Him Talk
Nadidi Wayowoya Mwe. Big Up Our Next Vp.
100% Perfect!
Osama bin Laden sent Donald Trump a coded
message to let him know that he’s still alive:
“–3 7 0 H S S V–
–0 7 7 3 H–
– – – – – – – .
Mr Trump is baffled. The FBI, CIA & NSA can’t
decipher it. They ask Britain’s MI-6 for help but
MI-6 couldn’t do it, so they sent it to Gardai
HQ in ireland. The Gardai replied: “Tell the
President he’s holding it upside down
He is saying the truth
kape uyu osalimbana naye si mmalawi ndi mtumbuka
Panya Pako!
U Need Mental Therapy Perhaps.
Zankabudura zolendewera zako……
kodi anthu inu atumbuka akuyambani chani?i thnk thrz smthng strange tht w cnt c
Irresponsible and uncultured statement. Malawi belongs to all regions and all tributes have rights to becoming president
Why being so tribalist,we all malawians and malawi z for everyone no matter which tribe you caming from……get a life bro
Kupelewera school ameneyo
Nyini yamake
Mmmmm ayinso izi ndiye zina ndale mkanyama koipa osatengera achinyamata anzanga
Iwe usamale Kwambula mpoto Malawi chingawa chalo? mwawachewa mkumanya waka kupempheska mumatown mlizulaso na kwithu wuwo ku Mzuzu
kkkkk achewa mutu mulikuzula maji mabwana winu ndise akupoto ,xool mulije ntchito unkhungu
Iwe masende ako wamva uzingokhalira kukumba makoswe omwewo mbuzi munthu idiot
Ni ntchewe iyi anganya panji titi ntchachibwe chkulimbana na mitundu ya wanthu wanyake.
pepani guys musanyoze achewafe ngati kuti iyeyo wanena kuti ndi mchewa,sikawiri kawiri achewafe kunyoza anthu akumpoto ayii,nokha mukudziwa amene amakunyozani,ndye musatinene achewafe ngati timakonda kupemphetsa ayi,ife ndife ozidalira kwambiri ndipo ndifenso olimbika..please nkhani zonyozerana mitunduyi zichepe,tisamakhale ngati ndife osazindikira ayi,kapena kuti tikulogera ma phine obwereka kapena kutola,wayankhula zonyoza atumbukayo nokha mukudziwa kuti ndwodwala ameneyo..lets be civilized achinyamata eissh
Anthu akumwela mmakonda kwambiri kunyoza ife ma northeners.zonsezi mmapanga kambakosazindikila ndinsanje.ndikuziwa mkupatinyoza chifukwa ndife mitengo yobeleka zipaso zabwino nchifukwa mmatiponya miala.Northeners are blesse and inteligent pples,ndiye sitimadandaula ndi mbuzi ngati izi.