Members of Parliament (MPs) in Malawi are to set to make it mandatory for the president to appear before the House.
The reform will be implemented after the MPs review Parliament’s standing orders.

The new standing orders are to among others make it compulsory for presidents to appear before the house for questioning.
Confirming the development, chairperson of the legal affairs committee of Parliament Maxwell Thyolera said the new standing orders are also set to trim the number of parliamentary committees from 20 to 13.
“The other issue is of leader of opposition, the current standing orders just give a definition but about the roles and responsibilities it is not there, this time around we have included that.
“And also to maximize the sittings, we have resolved that we should be having full time on Wednesdays,” said Thyolera.
The house is set to discuss the recommendations by the committee on Wednesday this week.
The current standing orders for Malawi Parliament were adopted in the year 2013.
President Peter Mutharika has previously been blamed for snubbing calls to appear before the house to answer questions from the members of the house.
Vuto lake you may be targeting the present President little do you know of the future
Be serious guys, the issue is not about Peter, no! BUT the preside.
Good idea MPs so that the President can hear with his all ears the needs of the people in there communities and we need offices for you MPs in all district, town and city councils so that people can deliver their needs before you go to Parliament its not good to meet in rallies.
Tiyeni nayo lamuloyo tidzimva zibwibwi mu parliament. Zuma goes why him
Akalavule nthochi kumeneko
That’s great,push it to work!
Ndale zolimbana basi, wats the duty of the ministers then
Akuthawa mafuso kkkkkk
After this they will increase their perks
Good move…
yes it is possible even in RSA the law falls suit the President is summoned and answers questions in parliament so why not in Malawi the second poorest country in the world
Kodi amaopako chiyani if he is a professor of international law that means the national law ndiye mphwephwa! Mwinatu timangokweza changa patsekela! There’s no need to start quoting sections of the laws of Malawi this around! Zuma an educated does the needful why ours doesn’t!
muuzen kut kumpoto si dziko lamalaw we got just same laws
Ndiye president mukamfunsa mafunso akayankha, mavuto athu m’Malawi muno atha? Mphutsi zationongera chimanga this year, osakambirana njira zothanirana ndi vuto limenelo bwanji! Kuyamba nkhani ndicholinga choti masiku opangira ma allowance achuluke basi! Ngati business yachepa chokanikoni. Remember, you are using taxpayers ‘money!
Kodi iyeyo akukuna bwanji kupita ku Parliment chifukwa chani. Komatu maiko anzathu presidant apita kukanvera zokambilana,,,,, koma kuno iiiiiiiiiishi sikutchinga kwake.
The Only President who appeared before Parliament is Bakili Muluzi.. Ena OOOOONSE amaopa Mantha…
As president he must visit parliament now and then if mps needs him . Look at Zuma is it not the same democracy?
I second your point Mr Billy Sanjira.
Amathawa chani
Akuopa mafunso kapena
ok……Study in Belarus
Kachingati azizabwebwetaso zopanda zeru Zinja.
Now thats democracy
koma zinazi zipindula chani kwa amalawi zimenezo mukatero mulandilepo alawanci ndizimezo basi menemo nthawi ikutha yotseka nyumbayo
Anayamba kale kale izi zimangotitayitsa nthawi kumawerenga zinthu za ziiiii palibe chomwe chimachitika
Ma MP athu mmataya nthawi kukambilana zopanda nzeru zoti poor malawians cant benefit!!! Totally proof that u r der for stupidity!!! Anthu amene anakusankhani musamawayese nkhono!!!! Wat e fuck imviiii zili thoooo kumutu kuika mamotions otiti we can totally not benefit!!!!!!!!!! Mudzafa imfa zowawa ndi misonkho imene mmadyayo!!!!!
Thot they already is such a law
Mmene mudayambila muja…