Once again, Mutharika has a problem with Facebook


President Peter Mutharika has said that there is serious moral corruption in the country that needs to be tamed if Malawians are to move forward.

Mutharika said this in Mangochi during a meeting with the clergy of the eastern region. He said people of the country feel happy when someone is facing challenges.

“There is increasing hate, gossip, bad social media and lies about each other. For some reasons Malawians are always happy when something bad happens to somebody else, we are happy. I know when my brother died many people were celebrating and some even killed cows to celebrate, that’s how bad I think things have become,” Mutharika said.

Peter Mutharika
Peter Mutharika: Bothered by Malawians’ use of the social media.

According to Mutharika, Malawians are becoming morally bankrupt like children not respecting the elders, disrespecting teachers and nobody is respecting anybody else. He warned that with this, the country can never move forward.

“If we want this country to move forward we need to be united and respecting the authorities like parents, chiefs, clergy, politicians or civil society leaders because they are leaders,” Mutharika said.

The Malawi leader asked the members of clergy in the country to help in ending such immoral behaviour among people. He also urged them to provide social and spiritual guidance to this country.

“You take the part of spiritual while we take the part of material but together it’s the whole base, therefore we are not in opposition, we are working together and that’s why I have called you to discuss on how we can move forward,” he said.

Mutharika said despite the hardships that the country is going through there is hope of Malawi becoming a better place to live in.

“I know that we will reach Canaan, I see this country reaching the Promised Land but it takes time. Therefore we should be united in fostering development in the country,” Mutharika said.

Later Mutharika refuted claims that he is fuelling corruption in the country and he claimed that the Anti-Corruption Bureau is free to arrest all people who are suspected to be involved in such activities.

Commenting on the seven ministers that are suspected to be involved in corrupt activities, he once again said that people who have names of these ministers must take them to him and he will act accordingly.

Among notable figures who attended the meeting are Advisor of President on religious matters Timothy Khoviwa and Sheikh Dinala Chabulika of Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM).