President Peter Mutharika has signed into law the Access to Information (ATI) bill which is expected to empower Malawians to seek information from elected officials and public entities.
According to reports reaching Malawi24, the bill which was passed in December has been assented into law by Mutharika.

This will come as a relief to many stakeholders including the media who have fought for over 12 years to have the ATI law.
When the bill was passed by Parliament last year, stakeholders said it will trigger citizens’ participation in promoting accountability in the management of public resources.
“With this legislation in place, Malawians will now be able to demand any type of information thereby exercising rights which they could not enjoy in the absence of the enabling law,” Media Institute of Malawi said following the passing of the bill last year.
aaaaaaa zauzakwa
Good job APM am quiet pleased with your decisions, please continue the good work
Za chimanga ndi moto atithandiza……?
Ati yophela awemba kupha mbola
zachitika eti?
At long last! The bill has been signed. Viva multiparty democracy. No more sacred cows/UnToUcHaBlEs. Zikomo Mulungu.
I welcome it
Nanga zoti chaponda avaye jail bwana musaina liti
Thanks mr president .however madzi achita katondo bcoz of chaponda .remember chaponda said that ;u will sink together
A best president ever,Malawi will have in 21century! …..keep going malawi
Mwasainadi, koma chimanga sitinaiwaletu! Ngati mumaganiza kuti mukasaina tiiwala za chimanga ng’ooooooo
kkkk tangoyamikani.
Kuluma ndi kuwuzila. Khala maso Malawi.
ATB means wt?tanditanthauzileni mamember
malawians remember this bill waz forced to pass by the opposition while government MPZ amakana
The President cud veto it akanafuna even if the opposition had really pressed for its passing but he saw it necessary that’s why assented to it. I hope izi nzomwe every Malawian wanted
#Henry tawauza anthu amenewo kumalawiko kaya amafuna pulezident wanji Bakili, Bingu, joice, peter wonsewa oipa?
mwamuiwala Kamuzu kkkk
That is why we r still poor up todate.Democracy timaimva udyo
Before I kill a mosquito I always think about its family, Wife Children and side chicks What if its a breadwinner? A family man everyone depends on or maybe its wife is pregnant ? What if its child is sick? please join hands so we save the mosquitoe
Weldone mr president we do proud of you Dpp wooooyeee a democratic president i know.
Well done mr president,We are prouding of you.DPP woyeee!
Am also waiting to fire and arrest Chaponda with the life prison sentence if you love Malawians
A bro
I will say thanks to u mr president after u sign 4 ur brother Chaponda to b arrested
No comment waiting for chaponda rot in jail
Great news!
Cosmas umbuli umene ulinawo udzalingalila mawa sichipani chochiyamikila ichi ayi dikila uziona.mwina poti ulimugulu lazigawenga za DPP naona ukukamba zimenezo.u pus including your bro p
Ine ndkuva kukoma ndmkadikra zimenezi
Amalawi mumangochenjela pa fb koma ndinu mbuzi za anthu fosek.mxxxxiww
Let’s hope this is true. Hope to verify ‘coz tikumanamizana.
Lot of laws are not followed, do we think that this law will be followed than others?
Osaiwalaso kuti malamulo athu amasusana okhaokha.
Let us wait and see
Oh yes,it’s nothing above what u say. Remember the voice of the vice,tisamangoomba m’manja zilizonse. Lamulo ndilimeneri Koma kodi osainawa adzitsatira? Yankho ndi ayi basi.
I allways proud with u Mr A P M, n DPP. Sitikukaika tilpo mpaka 2024 tikulamulabe otsutsa akutsutsabe.
No connection,you a crackhead?
Kkkkkk Tizibabe Chimanga mpaka 2024 dpp Mbava Ooooooyeeeeeee!!
Apa achitako za nzeru a big koma sasunga njoka chifukwa imadzakuluma wekha cv yapsa Peter, Chapondayo amuchotse unduna.
APM. 2019 boma
Nde mwati lamulo limenelo ndiloti opha nzake aphedwe????or bwanji ine sindikunves
Bola Lizisatidwa
Democracy prevails!
I thought we will here, he has found the remedy for this big weevil chaponda! Whiiiiih
I applaud our presdent for assenting to ATI bill into a law. Just as he has rightly done it ,i would be happier if could have fired Chaponda.
May DPP lose come 2019. Chipani chonyasa
Ayi, koma Chonunkha ndi Umbava ndi vima Kadeti.
Thank u Our MPs,Civic Organisations, and Traditional Leaders for forcing this man to sign this bill into law. Mr President this is how things are supposed to be done #Kumamvera anthu anu.
Chapondas gate is not yet open! Muthalika, take Action now and this is what is remaining for you to do!!
Koma yamoto plus chimanga ilipati
Well done Mr president!! Bola musazatimange
I love ❤️ Malawi
very suspicious
Presdent osamadikira achokera kaye. …sinthani malamulo plz.Tenganipo citsanzo Zuma bwanji.fuck muthalika n commite yako
takunyadilani mr plesident mumatiimilia madala madala
Peter ndi mwana chilima si amasewera kkkkkk
Well done Mr President. Ndiye muyimvelere MBC phokoso lakelo kuyambira lero kukhala ma conglatulation messages zokamba mbwee!
We are also waiting for the breaking news anytime soon that you have fired Dr Chaponda.
Kkkkkkk MBC yapeza nkhani kkkkkk koma yakuba Chimanga kungoti ziiii, MBC is the most Stupid Station.
Chaponda 2019 kuba Chimanga!@ Jacob Matora!
mwaputa dala mavu pachulu bwana
Bolatu Pamenepa Man Peter! Anthu Aiwale Zoponda, Chaponda, Eish:enough!
Big up Mr President! the most anticipated one!
this government, like it has been there for 50years thereof.
True, how boring this Thieving government??
government run by mafias and crooks.
Kuzizilitsa moto wabuka ku Capital Hill.
koma amalawi ndiye mumafuna chani president wanu apange chani choti inu mukondwe akatele walakwa akatiso chochi walakwa koma malawi sazathekaso
He is a Stupid Failure in many many things. We want him to Chase Chaponda Chimamga because he is a big Thief! Do u understand Cadet?
even u, ur a cadet of mcp so go and vote for chakwera tiwone ngat angazawine wa youth iwe anthu onse munapha dziko muno sanakukwaneni, anthu enaso mumadya inu mfiti za anthu ma demons inu zilombo za nyanga khumi inu shame shame
Bro ana a chakwera ndi mbuzi zokhazokha azathera u opposition omwewo
Oh my!! At last been waiting for this for the past 20+ years 4 presidents later its done. How I wish many of my fellow journalist who are no longer with us could see this day!!well done Mr President may we now see the implementation when accessed
Who is fooling who?
Zenizeni? Hehehe things are about to get interesting in Malawi
577 billion names now now now…it dosent rain but pours for chaponda…
Wachita bwino timve zina
Wokuba ndiwokuba i cn c
Office mwaotcha kale ndiyeno titanino uhh?
Tufuna parliament ipange lamulô lot president adzitha kuimbidwa mlandu ali pa mpando ngat pajons.
true my brother
I’ agree with you
This is true…
Lamulo Limenelo Ndikugwiliza Nalo Koposa Malamulo Ena
i agree with you
True,koma ma MP ake amenewa??
Mbalame zake zimenezo
Zeni zeni boss
word boss
Eeeeeeeish koma Nzoona!! but Malawi MPs I doubt. The just clap hands for rubbish!
That will be vital law, bt MPs that we have are foolish,they don’t see things visionally what they is to clap hands for nosence,,?
at last
skeletol or the one with fresh?
Kkkkk ….APA kuba kuzivutano mwina kamalawi kutukuka abale.
Wa signabetu
good move,,,