Malawian airports are missing on the list of top ten beautiful African airports that has been released by a website called African Ranking.
Kamuzu and Chileka airports are not having any position on the ranking which has been dominated by South Africa with three airports in the top ten.
According to the ranking, the best African airport is South Africa’s Cape Town International Airport seconded by Kigali International Airport from Rwanda.

Port Louis International Airport is ranked on third position followed by OR Tambo International Airport on fourth position.
North African countries have also contributed to the ranking by having Algiers Houari B. International Airport of Algeria on number five, Morocco’s Oujda Angads International Airport and Cairo International Airport which is in Egypt.
The ranking has also named Abeid Amani Karume International Airport from Malawi’s neighbouring country Tanzania on position seven and Jomo Kenyatta International Airport from Kenya on position nine.
Meanwhile, President Peter Mutharika has said that his administration will improve airports so that they fit the international standards.
Mutharika on Friday launched expansion works at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe that will see it handling all sorts of planes.
In his remarks, Mutharika said it is his wish to see airports in the country matching the international standards that can perfect connection of Malawi to the world hence boosting the country’s economy through tourism.
Mutharika said that the modernised Kamuzu International Airport will be connected to a new dual carriage way to the heart of the city of Lilongwe.
“This dual carriage will go all the way to connect with Mchinji Road. Muona ma round-about ammwamba m’boma lake lino! And we will be doing a ground breaking ceremony of the dual carriage very soon.
“And Blantyre, Mzuzu and Mangochi get ready! In our plans, all these four regions will have a modern airport. Chileka International Airport is next. Our preparations to start construction are almost finished. Likewise, we will expand Chileka International Airport and connect it to the centre of Blantyre with a dual carriage,” he said.
Mutharika also revealed his plans of improving air transport to Likoma Island which is also another tourism destination in the country.

“We have not left Likoma Island out. Government has already rehabilitated the airport on the beautiful island, and as I speak, Likoma Airport is the third busiest airport in Malawi, with immigration, revenue authority and other offices functioning.
“We remain determined to construct a state of the art airport in Mangochi. In that way, we can make Lake Malawi a tourist centre for the world. We are negotiating with private partners who are ready to invest in this project. And we are making progress. This is all part of our Foreign Direct Investment vision,” Mutharika said.
Malawi’s head of state stressed that big and modern airports will play a big role in the revolution of the country’s economy.
“The bigger and modern the airport, the more the travellers who bring in revenue! Even small scale businesses like taxis will get more chances to rise,” Mutharika said.
According to Mutharika, for all this work to be accomplished it needs money that mostly is obtained through revenue.
He then asked all Malawians to pay tax accordingly to boost the economy of the country.
“But let me ask my fellow Malawians, to practice integrity and patriotism by paying your taxes. We run this country, and we are implementing various projects using money from taxes. Love your country! Pay Your Taxes! And stop facilitating others to evade paying their fair share of taxes. It is immoral, irresponsible and unpatriotic,” he said.
Government of Japan has made the project possible through a K25 billion grant which was made available following a Malawi government request.
Build the city first Mr president Lilongwe looks like krugersdorp here in SA. Beautiful city’s will attract more investors.
It’s like fielding a chameleon in a race of cheetahs.
Infact what qualifies for news is that there still exists some so called journalists who in their shallow thoughts from their substandard journalisism or reporting panel beating, think Malawi plane landing structures can have a say in African ranking, anyway it talks of how they have traveled let’s forgive them Vito siiowo koma mmene anayendera poti amati what one does not know does not exist swing OR tambo one could be fooled that this is # 1 then what do Malawi hve
It funny and crazy to be expecting that one of our current airport can make it into the top ten.
I personally think the author of this article needs medical attension at that Zomba hospital.
Nde malawiyo ndichani mungatchule chomwe chili mu top 10 as African rankings is concern.
The post is for artcraft kkk
Nde zimenezo zili ndi ntchito? Ndenge sizimafika? Mukudowatu nkhani
Did we really expect KIA or Chileka to be among top 10 in Africa no, no, no.
ine waiting to see
Kkkkkkk kufuna bwalo ndenge tilibe same same kugula mapoto zophika mulibe kkkkkk
true hurts next will be king shaka int north Durban that’s the best. the kzn. while malawi Airport is like Pietermaritzburg Airport (orib)
Which z which
Saying that though, Malawi hasn’t got the poorest airports in Africa. Some African countries get to their country through other countries’ airports then by road to their destinations. What about that?
We are so far away from these things…. Let’s accept facts pals a country without even a private toilet shame on our govt
It’s obvious. The only airports we can beat is the like of Lubumbashi International airport that’s it
With these cashgates and maizegates how do you expect the country to have good airports very pitiful for our small country with leaders busy feeling up their tummies
Mukutanthauza kuti ku Malawi kulibe ndege ngakhale yakuphwa matayala?
Ndalama angoba malo mokozela bwalo zitsilu zopanda ntchito.
If you are poor,your voicew cant be recognised
Mukutanthauza kuti ku Malawi kulibwino ndife?
I can see OR Tambo airport is the most big and beautiful airport in all Africa countries.
That’s right. I like the new wing of Jomo Kenyatta Int Airport too. Very western
That’s obvious
Tell them we are famous in corruption tell tgem to search us on @ top ten corruption countries
Ife koma cashgate,maizgate,trctorgate,chapandagate,tavatergate etc we are fist position in da world,
And what’s suprisping then? We got many country’s airports out of ‘top ten list’ not just Malawi! The question is, what do we do to ensure we next be among them, not stick to wondering and shouting, mocking etc. I sometimes wonder what’s wrong with us Africans, in most cases you find people devaluing their things, talking talking and talking shit, and you won’t them suggesting at least can be done to change the situation. This is tragic!
Lets try Bus depots’…may be we can be on top ten or bottom one..
Malawi was as it is during all the past three presidents. We are always hopeful that things might change with the next president. But, unfortunately, it is always the same or even worst. Now, you got only one hope remaining. Vote for me in 2029 for presidency. Surely I will change the lives of Malawians. Choose wisely.
No doubt about that if you have been travelling going out of mother Malawi, we’re far behind
Mukusowa Zolemba
Airport Yabwino kuno kumalawi ndiimodzi yokha bas. Dazi la Presdent opuma Dr Bakili Maluzi
Komatu iwe…ohoh!!!!
Ours will appear after rehabilitation of kia.
If you have travel eveen central Africa Malawian Airport can not be like them.
lets just Admit guys dat Our Countrie z vry poor and we have greedy Leaders
Bola ndege ikuterapo
In malawi if there is something that we could say its a DEVELOPMENT its LAKE MALAWI AND MULANJE MOUNTAIN thats all, ANYTHING ELSE ???
Zowona ndife osauka
First allow other airlines to fly in and compete with these Kenya Ethiopia saa and air Malawi who have monopoly Malawi tickets are expensive
What’s the issue here to cause alarm? I c no news here….
Mukhala bwanji ndi airport,,?? mulibe ndege ka’
Every piece of comment on Malawi is negative always, we need to make the country great thru developmental initiatives though our leaders mostly overlooks.
@ Eric kondowe Malawi will never develop anthu a chiphazi anachulikisa
Point Of Order!!!
kkkkkkk do we have an airplane? to have an airport
It doesnt matter we dont eat airport we eat foods wat we want iz a hunger free nation.Thanx Mr speaker or writer watever u call urself
Zaziii…. Muli mma busines kapena ma attractions anji oti nkukhala ndi mabwalo abwino
I love malawi
Zautsilu basi ndimaiko angati alipo mu africa nanga ma airport ?mukufuna tikhale pangombe tili mbusi mmm? Osamapanga updated za maizegate pano bwanji sikoma kuba ndiye number one osati kutukula
Vuto ndilakuti,anthu womwe amayendetsa bomawo saganizira zachitukuko chadziko kuti anthu adzilitchulako dzina dzikolathuli,ena amati “kuyika dziko pa MAP”koma mmalomwake amakonda kuzikundikila chuma mmakomomwawo,ena mpakana kuzungulira nazo mutu ndalama zakuba,khomo lanyumba yawo wosaliwona kusokeranazo kukapezeka ali ku Saudi Arabia.eeeeh!! Tamalikondani dziko abale,tamangani ma airport amakono,zipatala zolozeka,Nanga zoona miseu kukhalangati podutsa njoka, kulikuchepa kumeneko?Tiyamikeko za Bingu National Stadium,zikanateloso ku Salimako ndimadela enawo.
how would one expect ma airport ochititsa manyazi to be on the list?
Malawi chimene amadziwika nacho ndi moto,coz is called the flames of fire,kkkkkkkk change that name,maybe name it mulanje mountain
Proudly Malawian. zinazo zilibe ntchito iya bola ndimadya
Nde Vuto Ndchanii
Top 10? How about bottom 2
A Malawi amene amakhala mu South Africa ambili amakhala mu nyumba zonyansa kuposa zawo zomwe adamanga ku Malawi brothers….even eni dziko ambili are suffering….lacking even food….but watch reporting of South Africa….no negatives of their country
#Mzalo kwanu kwanu dont ask abount yoo country my boi wake up
Kumalawi ngati kuli chinthu chomwe ndinaamvapo kuti chimatichotsa manyazi ndi Nyumba ya Malamulo yokha basi… But zinadzo mmm
Thats off point statement!
Olo top 100 tilimo?
Ameneyo ndiye malawiyo
Ameneyo ndiye malawiyo
Ngat zateromo nde mukufuna mutani??? Kapena mukufuna akuikeni pa List by corruption???????????? 😀
Brothers….journalism in Malawi needs total salvation.We dont even appreciate the good of our land but other people’s achievements.Kumalawi palibe amakhala mu Mkhukhu kuno ku South Africa njosayamba….why cant you praise Malawi for being better in housing….kusayenda atolankhani akwathu shaaaa
But the truth is that our airports are far behind and kafukufuku uyu apanga si a Malawi ayi.
Even Mozambique Zambia and Tanzania have more beautiful airports than Malawi let’s call a spade a spade
Stop being a Malawian… Sakhani nationality ina and leave Malawi alone
Why should we appreciate dziko la zaumbava ngati limeneli, kuba ndi chimamanga chomwe, then dreaming of an aeroplane kkk
How many countries are airports are in Africa? Iyi sinkhani yoti munthu mpaka nkumalemba apa
And it shall never happen Malawi to match with countries u r reffering to even Maputo airport kia Singamake or Lusaka iwalani
Need for renovation
I wonder why people can waste there precious time & resources researching those…… I dont think the whites in europe have time for that…. We got relevant things to tackle unlike these silly issues…. Even if KIA isn’t part of the ten, so what? Airplanes will still make thiee landing….. #GrowUp
Atolankhaniwa Akufuna Kuwapasa Annointng Water Kt Asinthe Coz Ndkuona Kt Akusowa Chochta….B Proud Of Uo Own Land Ppo
Bro there z nothing to be proud of in Malawi. ..I challenge u to mention 10
Mr khumbo chipeta, am sorry the position am gonna put my point, if Malawi na a better coz it doesn’t what u need, why dont u unite with all who got the point like u, to go where the environmen for that place wanna suit u instead of the stupide ideas u are raising here?
sakunama ndfe otsalila
stupid malawi. remember how you insulted bingu when he proposed the building nsanje inland port. malawi is full of greedy people. and dont talk about malawi airports. though dilapidated, they are operational.
Those that travelled in Africa couldn’t expect Kamuzu Banda international airport or chileka to be one of those
Kigali is in Rwanda & has not left but possibly the Planes have, for other destinations.
Osaiwala kuti Ku Malawi chili chonse ndife otsalila.
there are many things to look at. we don’t have to worry. we will improve at the fullness of time
No wonder coz we all know that Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the continent,
Kkkk zouma
Is there airplane in Malawi?????????why would we have airport without airplane?? We even don’t have park station or taxi rank so why go far claiming about airport??? Poor Nyasa land wake upp!!!!!
Ndege ziliko zingapo koma zinazo ndifufuze kaye mawa mtown.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk zex khala c rus kkkkkkk
Zingapo?????zinazo ufufuzeso iiiiiiiii. Ndakunva koma
We’re at number 6,I mean the poorest
What iz kamalawiso kut kapezeke pa top ten koma top ten of kubandalama ndy iri pa 1
We dont have nice airport in malawi tizimvele chisoni
Paja kukhala kumalawi mkulimba mtima, Ask Teachers no salary up to now.
I disagree Kia is a good airport,I have landed there 4 times.I have travelled a lover Africa.Malawi is not bad,it has some beautiful hotels.The lake show is a heaven on earth.The problem is Malawians you talk bad about your own country.Corruption is every way! Blame the people not the country.You have small but beautiful cities.I have been to several african cities many of them are very dirty.Malawi is a very peaceful country pliz dont spoil it by talking bad.
Even if it was top 40, we cant make it. As a country we have a lot of work to do
ukamapita ku airport koma traffic yakeyo ????????????????????? mmhu.takozani miseu kaye inu.
kkkkkk mmimba mwanga kuwawa nkuseka. kodi ku mw kuno kuli bwalo la ndege???????????????????????????????? mwina amanmjoya nku excutive lounge. mma airpot fungo la mkhwapa lili thoooo kununkha kukanikitsa kumwa madzi. nseru. nthawi ina anayala karpeti ku KIA kumangokwinyika. kkkkk fumbi loseli zoona kuyala kapeti? umbuli eti. pa zana paja anthu amapereka ma 3 handedi ananka kuti? kunkatela BOAC british airways South african airways panaliso cindegeso cina cacikulu komaso mmenemo anthu sankayenda kwambili ,ankayenda azungu, amwenye pothawitsa ndallama ndi ma bwana, lelo kutembenuzika, ndege tilibe koma anthu oyenda thoo mutindege tingonotingono. mitu yugwila apa??????// ncifukwa aliyese amati akakhala pa mpando nkungolemerera kutisiya titagwila tsaya.
kodi mukucita kulalika kuti tipanga izi ndi izo osangopanga bwanji? too much ZUNGO. mukukanika kumanga depot ya pa WENELA pano anthu aba ndlama kugula ma bus akuluakulu thakadzo uve uli kumeneko kuja. same old strucures, kusowa kokanya .the whole BT city kukhala ndi ma shatini ghetto busdeport. za manyazi.JABULANI ya mma 50s momwe inalili mpaka lelo.ngati highway pa shoprighte inatenga 5 years? nanga ku mibawa ma mini bus?????????????????????????????? poti azathu oyenda pa ma LEXUS mudzatenge mukamazapita.
Is that surprising?
Malawi is on top 05 on maizegate & cashgate
That means our airports are substandard. Still a long way to go.yambani mwakonza misewu ndizinazo,the rest will fall into place
thats not news!!!!!
Now Do Pipo Eat Airports?
Wats That Got To Do With Us?
We are not that poor only that we have twisted minds, we are always talking about basic needs of pple which will there no matter what you do. See Bingu built the five star hotel amidst talks of basic needs he did not listen but look now we have that beautiful hotel it makes every Malawian proud and the same money if used only for basic needs like maize could have ended in our toilets, sometimes you must just do what you have to do without thinking too much. Basic needs will always be there let us for once join hands in developing this country, it is better kudya thelere koma utatchena than kudya nyama nkumabvala sanza
Ndiye ayambe ndi misewo, osati ma airport. Mwana kubadwa ndikukula mpaka kufa osaidziwa robot!
Zonse nzabwino koma tisawaletse kupanga chitukuko forward ever backward never, together we stand devided we fall let us forget which party we are from but let’s stand as malawians
That’s obvious nanu
Auzeni…No problem..Bola we land and takeoff basi…Iyaa
Good one! Lessons must be learnt … Malawi has greedy leaders who just focus on building their property with the money they steal, they are not ashamed at all.
Yathu ndi airfield not airport
Yeah! dont get surprised coz not only Malawian airport is missing on the list . It’s”Top 10″ remember. Of all the 55 countries that Africa has , how many are not among the ‘Top 10’? It would be a surprise to me if Malawian airport was missing on a “Top 50 African Airports”.
Eeh ndichoncho
Muyende amwene muone ma airport aanzathu there is nothing here to cal an airport even the design simuzala maluwa kutsogolo kwa airport koma malawiii khaya
Infrastructure development can only be tied to a country’s wealth, Malawi is a poor country…..this is obvious, you cannot spend millions on world class airports when your citizens are grappling with basic issues.
Only Ngwazi would have constructed state of the art airport meeting the current demands
How do you expect?,,,you crazy or what?
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndalama zomangira airport anadya chaponda
Its obvious….wud u be happy if Malawi’ cud hv bn rated in the best 10? And yet we have other serious issues to be taken care of e.g health n education feat. agriculture.
No news here mxm
Mkanati siinapezekepo pama country 10 amene asogoleri ake akumaba kwambiri ndipamene ndikanadabwa. Osati pa top ten yama airport zabwino amenezo ndimaloto.
Mukufuna kupezeka mu top 10 inuyo kuti chani ngati muli ndi ndege & bwalo lake liti lopezeka mu top 10- ro Kkkkkk musakhumbe zimenezo from now
Szngatpindulile rather than kutchuka kut anthu akupaza katundu wosika mtengo
not even top 50.
Malawi muzipanga mpikisano wa net ball basi zinazi ayi ndithu
I fell embarrassed with some comments here, I have friends who follow Malawian news pages.samakhalanso ndichikhumbokhumbo chobwera kudzaona Ku Malawi chifukwa cha macoment anuwa.
I agree with you starting from media houses they always talk negatives of our nation that’s shame
Malawians don’t despise yourself plz, I have been on Julius nyerere international airport in Tanzania it’s not beautiful as KAMUZU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, but AD and
So because the one in Tanzania is not good we should be ok with ours?
That’s not what I meant, I just fell sorry to those who insult Malawi as if we can’t change for better. The biggest problem we have in Malawi is corruption.
Kkkkkk mwaiwala kuti Malawi ndi osalira mu chilichonse
which infrastructure in the country is among top ten in Africa?let alone which can be pointed out in this continent?
Kkkkkkk komaditu eeeeee! phwiti anakwan njiwadi eeeee. Really even.you the editor you have energy to write. Which airport would you expect to be on top African list in malawi.
I’m not surprised not at all eti Sunnah Sadala
Kikikikikiki ??nzodabwisa akuti?
That is not news…
It wud be a miracle kuona city yaku malawi pa top hundred cities in africa nde mungakambe za ma airport. Malawi is just too poor zija zoti u cant compare chilichonse chaku malawi ndi dziko lina. Lets just compare our airports cities etc from within not across the border. We hav nothing to compare with our neighbours, we are far much behind. Katangale yokha tili pa number one.
I’d be surprised if Malawi was in that top ten list
But we got best african fright at night. Y not put us on list? Shame kutchuka ndizaziiii taonani poorest country ever, kkkkkkk
We have less revenue than expenditure, maybe if we create more source of revenue and being patriotic enough we can reach that far.
I’ve never been to a poorest place like Malawi before…….even my kettle kraal back home is far much better than the place itself
Then go what are you doing here?
That’s none of your damn businesses
Potholes on roads I guess Malawi can compete on.
Is this news? Malawi, to be in top ten? Maybe wait a hundred years more.
Thus Good News,wy Syng So Z Wen Eva Ther Z Issues Involving Corruption&wen Pple Talk Our Leades Says The Situation Z All Ova Africa Referng 2 Our Neighbouring Countries,so Hw Abt Airport Wher Re They Going 2 Refer?
Even if it was out of 50, Malawian airport could be missing!!!
Kwathukuno koma airpot yandege za usiku nde ndi nambala 1 palibeso patsogolo kupondelezana ndizomwe timatha
Ndi zoona coz example go to Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban
Olo itakhala top 100 siingapezekebe
Am searching the comments blaming Peter Mutharika for this
It doesnt make sens, y president is jumping to big things while he is failing to make a gud bus statins in the country mmmmmmmm
no wonder
As long as planes can land and fly…no worry
are you suprised
Eya kemene sanalakwise. Ma pot wholes achuluka…. #realityCheck
Im nt suprised
This is not news…And I can bet there’s only 4 or less countries in that list, RSA, Seychelles, Egypt, Mauritius….Libya…There’s so many things we lag behind on…Talk about something with immediate importance, like medical care maybe somebody might actually help out
Malawi is in top 20 !! Corruption and cashgate in Africa!! How do we expect to have a nice airport?
Poor leadership.
Aaaah do you think this an airport? Even those who construct airports can’t tell what we have? Kumayenda muzaona ma airport. Siyani kuombera m’manja zauchitsilu
Even in top 500 singapezekepo tili mbamva mumalawi muno they don’t think about our country what they think is all about kumaba ndalama za kumasunga munyumba osapangira chitukuko mziko muno at the end amamwalira kunzisiyaso munyumbamo
Even bus deport ya Ku south Africa ndi Airport yakumalawi simayambapo imaoneka ngat kachimbuzi Kma chosecho akut. Ndi Airport..
Poor country who care
How can we have top airport when the money is abused by anthu Awa amaina ambiri
Like really???? Is that a surprise? I thought as much
That’s malawi!!! Koma atati zauchembere wabwino top 5 tikhozakupezekamo.Atati ukatangale,ziphuphu,kuba,kuchosa mimba mwaukadaulo!!Malawi top 4 alimo!
Obvious, since we r very poorest country in the continent
Mukufuna beautiful airport koma mukukana ndege
Who Care’s
hahahaha plz sometimes yu hav to be serious..if yu hav bn or seen mzuzu airport is like a community ground n its offices deserve to b toilets….where can yu rank it as an airport?
Ngati tilibe Ndege yoyendela president nde tikhala bwanji ndi beautiful Airport?????
That’s not a surprise, don’t even discuss it because it’s the truth
Ndalama ziliko koma anthu kusolola mwina akufuna kumanga ma airport near their massions koma nyasaland
Will Not Be Shocked To Find Them Toping The Worst Ten Airports – A Phenomenal Achievement For Malawi @ 53!!!
I wonder seeing some comments say malawi is a poorest country in the world…like seriously!! my friends you have to travel and see other countries which are far poorer than malawi.
I think most respected international surveys have Malawi as the poorest or in the 10 poorest countries in the world. Sadly this means most Malawians can’t afford the luxury of holidaying to other destinations
For correction my dear,the survey was for airports….furthermore,they dont know why malawi has such bad airports.
Mike James Beyard acceptance is needed, we are the poorest. Nane ndayenda mayiko koma ukamatera pa KIA umavaa chisoni, ukafika misewu yathu umava chisoni, ma bus depot ndiye eshiiiiii
What can you expect from crook and thief leaders?….Malawi @ 53
Ndikayamba kumangisa yanga ndiye kuti ndine wa sataniki kapena mumva kuti airportgate.Zautsiru basi
Ethiopia has got 99 commercial planes and they want to buy another ones to reach 140. Kaya ife ndiye tili pati?
Olo anakati top 20; sitinakapezekamo
We are much better, we have some airstrips in Palestine they don’t have evening one.
Kkkk They can build a better one than ours if they want though. It’s a war torn country but far much developed than us, no?
We have a very poor leadership in Malawi to have good infrastructural developments
No problem .Example,how hotels and beautful places we have and how many malawianz used to visit those sites?Its for pple from other countries
So mumayembekezera kuti airport yake ikhala iti..???
Not surprising
Kkkkkkkkkk ndiye ukuona ngati nzachilendo izi? Olo atati top 20 Malawi singapezekemobe. The poorest country in the whole World ndiye mukayembekezele kuti lili ndi ma airport okongola?
The way Limbe Town looks, mwa anzathumu ndi trading centre not a town. Ukayenda mpomwe umazindikila kuti Malawi tili kutali kwambiri.
but we are no1 on corruption, we have degrees on that, no country can beat us
At least we are good at something kk
Really???? I thought u would say top200
Malawians do not despise yourself! Lets do our part ! What you doing as citizens stop making noise here!
Malawi is the poorest country in the wolrd why expecting it to be within that range? Come and see how lilongwe minbus depot look like being the capital city of Malawi.. #shame.
Sitikututumuka, once tamaliza upgrading tatsekulira ija tikhala number 1 mu Africa. We dream in colour, we promise, we deliver.
Kod Kumalawi Tili Nd Ndege Zingat?
We don’t need the most beautiful airport that only few ppl can afford,before we can hav better road network that can benefit more poor pple to run their small business to grow,thats include local famers,
Kuyankhula kosonyeza ndinu atsogoleri a mawa! Well spoken boss!
Ndakunyadilani bwana,
By the way, in Malawi we don’t compete with the best but we do compete wuth the worst. Anyway proudly Malawian
Ngati dziko likukanika kukhala ndi ndege zooneka ndiye kukhala bwanji Airport yooneka. But the facts are malawi is best in katangale basi ma maizegate , cashgate. On that yipezeka pa top ten.
Bola moyo, ndizotsala izi. But God loves our country as well
Kulira kwake mkutero?
Eeee chifukwa kholo ni kholo basi ngakhale asauke bwanji, its my country, I’m proud of MW, ngakhale ndiri mu dziko la eni
Eeee chifukwa kholo ni kholo basi ngakhale asauke bwanji, its my country, I’m proud of MW, ngakhale ndiri mu dziko la eni
U mean that my child doesn’t have a decent shoes but you know what I have is poverty, so now ur are expecting to be in top ten shame. Can you give us a great great stuff so that we can improve ourselves.
…i have been to more than 30 of agrican 54 states…kia to me is among top 5…the most green,environmentally friendly airport in africa…it depends on the qualifiers
Politics is killing Malawi…before or after elections it is politics politics by our leaders
We all know that there is more than 50 countries in Africa, and Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the continent. How can it be chosen to be among of those 10,
kkkkk koma abale Malawi ngovetsa chisoni palipose sapezekapo .chachikulu bola moyo tisamalire zambiri
Malawi24, why are you proud to publish your shame to the World?.
The world knows already that’s why Malawi 24 is not bothered kk
It’s like undressing your wife in public or letting out family secrets at a drinking joint cos you have differences.
We dont have an airport in Malawi, what we have is airdeports. kkkk! Koma its not a surprise.
Iwe imakanikanika addis ababa
My Nyasaland eish kkkkkkkk vision 2020 ija ine ndikudikililabe kuti ndione mwapangapo chani?
Ithela m’malele imene ija. Siyimvekanso nkomwe kk
Thats not news… its obvious
Roadport for buses in Zim, Sa is by far better than KIA and Chileka… and fo mzuzu kkkkkk its a pity coz ndika airstrip chabe thez a 1971 model bedford fire truck kkkk
All in good time, we’ll get there God willing
even top 50 we can’t be in
Boma likulephera kumanga park station ku Ll ndiku Bt ma bus akamachoka kujoni anthu timangosikila panseu so what more airport poti ndege tilibe
How is that surprising? Try posting relevant information sometime, it wouldn’t hurt
Ndizoona nanga ndima airport amewo kapena ma texi rank
Mwadziwa lero?
Lol!Even when the plane is leaving Malawi Airport To ElseWhere,they First spray perfumes inside the whole plane to get rid of bad oddours of Our Land…No doubt,bcoz Of This, Malawi can’t appear on the map
dont worry dpp will fix where others failed
Lol!Even when the plane is leaving Malawi Airport To ElseWhere,they First spray perfumes inside the whole plane to get rid of bad oddours of Our Land
That’s not only done in Malawi alone. Rather talk about the state of our Airports. They are very old and without proper maintenance
Bad odour of our land? Bro how could you say that? Is our land different from that of SA, Nigeria, Ethiopia and TZ? Our poverty is man made, for decades we have failed to uplift the status of our country. Very pathetic when u get to know Mozambique a once war stricken Country is way ahead of us.
no news at all
We only have airwings!
its not a suprise
Zopanda tchito izi zausilu basi…mukufuna tikhale ndi Airport yokongola paziterapo ziwala ndi ngumbi kkkkkk Tilibe ndege ife so no need to have a beautiful Airport….
Is part of life
I guess we can make it on the worst top ten
Manchestet United is also missing on top 4….. it doesnt matter ife sitikwera ndege komaso sitimasewera mpira.
Zopanda ntchito zimenezo bolani ife tikuziwa kuti tili ndi ma airport.
Does Also Afcan Ranking know than Man Utd is missing on 4?
no suprise,,check SA airports,,kenya,egypt,ethiopia come on malawi
aaaaa airport yake itiyo mulibe manyazi taona ma airport ife
Mukuti top10?paja mu Africa pano mulitu maiko54 koma ma International Airport ndiye mmmm ndiambiri bwana…tafufuzani kut Gjiboot ilipati?
anyone suprised?
Zovuta kwambiri
Malawi has got no bus deport how de hell do you expect to compete on top class international airport. …?
We are ranked in top ten on corruption and porvety
palibe chachilendo pamenepa. We are lacking behind in so many things compared to other countries within the region so how can you expect Malawian Airport to be among the best in Africa?
Kuno koma chaponda chimanga airport ndi number 1 palibenso mu Africa muno
go and look for malawi on corruption list
Not surprising. ..our own KIA doesn’t fit to b called an international airport but a national airport
Kodi airport ndiye chani…
what were expecting @ #malawi24?
Am not suprised….we dont have an airport in malawi…..
Kkkk kodi aNews24 mmatenga kuti kumeneko kuli ma airport talembani zanzelu tizivomeleza kuti ndizotivuta kumeneko
2020 wl b on top 5 afta the reconstruction of KIA
kkkkk km ma airports a usiku nde ali pa top 5 mziko lonse hahahahaha Malawi sazatheka basi……….
tatiye tiziziwika ndi mkangano wa nyanja ndi a tanzania….
timanga bwanj airpot akulu akulu akukakamira ndalama za chtukuko,
ma airpot apa denga nde ndi ambiri
Its obvious
ngat tilibe ndege nde airport yabho ichokera kut….muziyang’ana nkhan zosangalasa osat zimenez
Shame on malawi government
Is that a cause for worry? Give us real news plz….zinazi ndizopanda phindu and not worth discussing
Kodi ku Malawi kuli airport
Eti eti, what we hav are just terminals
Even if they said top 20 we won’t be there. I have seen Airports and ours is just a toilet if you dont know.
Kkkkkk…..not surprising…..
How do u xpect to have an airport in the top ten when our own flag carrier has no planes…?
We shud concentrate on corruption list. That’s where w r gaining more mileage.
we are not even a developing country, we are way below that…be realistic
Lol! We probably should be looking at the bottom 5
kkkkkkkk zonyasa izi kkkkkkkkk
Or akanati top 100 sitikanapekamo,,koma ma airpot aufiti,ndie or top 5 tikanapezeka. amanga bwanj airpot yowoneka atatchuka nd cashgate? pena ndmazimvera chson why am i a malawian.
are u posting this cause u r surprised or what????
Actually it’s not a surprise. How would you expect us to have beautiful airports in Africa yet we are one of the most poorest in the world? Never. In fact we are below the list on anything minus corruption
Ambiri sitimadziwa kuti Malawi ndi osawuka kwambiri.
kkkkk guys be serious u wanted us to be in top ten?
How many countries do we hv in Africa?..n hw many airports do we hv in Africa?..Still other countries r missing on that list..this is not worthy news..Old Post Trush
Malawi is a forest how can they have airports
Malawi ndidziko lomvetsa chisoni kwambili all this shit u calling airport was Dr kamuzu Banda dreams, I don’t think adakankhala kuti kamuzu alimoyo tsiku lalero this airport it have could still looking like this, shame now Mr president u telling us to pay taxes for what? Awa mukuyankhula apawa ndimanyi Mr president, ndalama zamisonkho yanthu mukungo gawana kumeneko hence it’s not enough? Panzonsezi ine I blame Malawians because mumavotela munthu kamba ka zinthu zaziii, aaah ndiwochita bwino kale ameneyu aaah anakhalapo kunja aaah ndinzake wa obama, amalawi tizazindikila liti koma, ndikuuzeni lero president amayenera kulemekeza anthu ake but do u think this bullshit muthalika really cares about citizens I don’t think so, what he cares is kuba ndalama za msonko yathu basi fuck. … inu munaonapo kuti airport ikuoneka chonchi is this airport or bars? misewu amankonza lero mawa yaonongeka onkoza akenso amaitana anthu aku (China) u really think Chinese can build good and strong things? Pali maiko ambili kwabasi oti akhoza kutikonzela misewu muziko lino with same amount that u give to Chinese, that stadium trust me check it in 6 years coming muzandiuza kumalawi kuno mmene ndimaonera ine palibe emwe ali ndinzelu luntha ngati mmene amaganizira Dr ngwazi, all this bull people akumanama kuti ndivoteleni ine ndizapanga chonchi bodza lonkha lonkha. …
Tizipereka misonkho kuti muziba.