Trouble in Paradise: Bushiri’s horny Prophet soils Church reputation, buys girlfriend K316 million mansion


He is considered as a Prophet and currently he enjoys the war embrace of renowned Prophet Shepherd Bushiri but Prophet Justice Hara did not foresee that his untamed zip will land him in trouble.

ECG Prophet Justice Hara Shepherd Bushiri Scandals
Like Papa like Son! Bushiri’s protégé, Hara, with his mistress

Media reports from South Africa where Bushiri is based with his ECg team have disclosed that Malawian Prophet Justice Hara is at the centre of a crisis that is threatening to break Bushiri’s church.

According to the reports which Malawi24 has seen, Hara is accused of being in a relationship with a South African woman, Lebo Nemasiwana.

The reports have indicated that Hara who has been abandoning his flock to tender to the needs of the South African woman has bought a R6 million mansion for the lady. At the current exchange rate, the money is about K316 million.

The development has irked Bushiri’s church members who believe that Hara has siphoned the money from their contribution for the building of the Church.

It has also irked a Malawian woman based in South Africa who claims that she has been involved in a relationship with the man of gold who can see the future yet he could not see his downfall just across the corner.

The woman has leaked screenshots of lewd conversations he had with Bushiri’s right hand man.

Last year, Prophet Hara also made headlines when he was beaten to near death over a not so secret affair he had with a married Church member.