He is considered as a Prophet and currently he enjoys the war embrace of renowned Prophet Shepherd Bushiri but Prophet Justice Hara did not foresee that his untamed zip will land him in trouble.

Media reports from South Africa where Bushiri is based with his ECg team have disclosed that Malawian Prophet Justice Hara is at the centre of a crisis that is threatening to break Bushiri’s church.
According to the reports which Malawi24 has seen, Hara is accused of being in a relationship with a South African woman, Lebo Nemasiwana.
The reports have indicated that Hara who has been abandoning his flock to tender to the needs of the South African woman has bought a R6 million mansion for the lady. At the current exchange rate, the money is about K316 million.
The development has irked Bushiri’s church members who believe that Hara has siphoned the money from their contribution for the building of the Church.
It has also irked a Malawian woman based in South Africa who claims that she has been involved in a relationship with the man of gold who can see the future yet he could not see his downfall just across the corner.
The woman has leaked screenshots of lewd conversations he had with Bushiri’s right hand man.
Last year, Prophet Hara also made headlines when he was beaten to near death over a not so secret affair he had with a married Church member.
Ine ndingodutsapo apa mvuuuuuuuuu
What surprises me every time is that, even though they get educated Malawians remain as stupid as ever!
jesus is the first and the last. prophets were there b4 jesus. with his coming he is the last prophet which means no more prophets.I Gift say jesus is the Alpha and Omega
Odya naye saga nene zambiri.pali bii pali minga
Za ana ambuye izi nanga nkutinso chani
A man of God!!
Typing….a comment
Musamasewere ndi mwini moyo popanga zinthu kumaona ngati simudzaziwika Mulungu ndi oopsya phada pa may ake ayi
false prophets!!!
Ine ndie sindimakhulupilila za ameneyi or facebook page yake sindinaipange like ndiye zisandikhudze ine
K316 million mansion….you writers need to think and reason properly how big is it and where exactly is the mansion…pictures of the mansion….You just wake up with an empty head one morning instead of admitting that you have nothing to write about you target people with names….one piece of advice # If you know that your head is empty get a verse from the Bible post it let people read and meditate on it #…..
In the last days people will persecute and crucify others in the name of Jesus…. like you do
I am son of major 1 u people u can talk whatever. Let me telling you this I am working nice here in RSA because of major 1 n since I join ECG everything is going well my friend so keep talking sheet but u will die we thought nothing right now am receiving miracle
Kkkkkkk my people, my country why then fighting with a person if u judge him whom r u remember that they is no one who is perfect but if he bought a house then what’s wrong mind ur own things and ur family let’s move together to change our country with peace and love not talking behind somebody’s back whom am l,am not perfect have a lovely dae love u all
Usaweluze chifukwa oweluza ndimwini zonse
Nokhanokha tiyeni nazoni
kkkkkk kunena zabwino za #Bushiri kut mwina mulandire ka miracle money……
If K316M ‘z money 4 the Gvt of Manyasa then u’ve got a bone 2 chew bt if not then shut up & concetrate on prayers.
Mr Dyson the way big ur kumatukwana pa media tachitani manyazi ur not God t judge and b tolkng of paradise wait and see who shar enter th kingdm of God
Kodi mudziwa kuti anthu sanalandire makoponi mvula ndiimene yayambayi akakhala fodya ku auction akumana wachaka chino ndi wachaka chamawa moti Auction sitsekedwa musiyeni Bushiri that’s why ali Major 1 ingoyamikilani kunjaku ena zoti kuli dziko dzina Malawi samalidziwa koma mukangoti kwao kwa Major 1 Bushiri nde amadziwa kuti kutha kukhala kumalawi .
major is major
Major one nde udindo wanji Ku mbali ya ulosi ndi ulaliki if i may ask? Za mawu a Mulungu zomwezi kapena Ku Army? Anthunu mukhale osamalitsa mwanvaa!! Why you easily get carried away? You are a disgrace
ur ryt bro
Pa YESAYA 5v 20 pali mau awa” Tsoka kwa iwo amene ayesa zoipa zabwino,ndi zabwino zoipa;amene aika mdima m’malo mwa kuyera,ndi kuyera m’malo mwa mdima;amene aika zowawa m’malo mwa zotsekemera,ndi zotsekemera m’malo mwa zowawa.”#ndapereka verse lo chifukwa cha akhutukumve ena amene sanganiza kapena kulingalira za moyo uno,ndi mthawi kapena nyengo imene tikudutsamo,izozo zikuchitika kamba chosowa chikhulupiliro,akungotengeka ndi za dziko and mukapusa musocholetsedwadi ndi ma Prophets ngati awa,
m’busa wabwino amaweta khosa zake mwa chikondi ndichilungamo koma alero wa akukonda za dziko ili chifukwa akudziwa mphoto yawo pakutha pa ntchito yomwe anapatsidwa ndi ambuye wawo,akudziwa Wamkulu wawo yemwe akuwapatsa zonse akutamika nazozo,iwe ndi ine tikati tipuse tikondwa muwukonde.Bible likuti pa YESAYA 13v11=Ndipo ndidzalanga dziko lapansi,chifukwa cha kuipa kwao,ndi oipa chifukwa cja mphulupulu zao,ndipo ndidzaletsa kudzikuza kwa onyada,ndidzagwetsa kudzikweza kwa oopsya# anthu inu dziwani kuti ma Prophet alerowa angakhale atchuke bwanji,kaya adzikweze bwanji koma alibe ulamuliro wa kwa Mulungu,mphamvu zauMulungu alibe,zochitika zao zikuoneka and zili kwa inu kusakha.Pomaliza mwachidule ndinene kuti dzikoli likupita zochitikazi zikuyenera kuti zidze koma tsoka iye amene abwera nazo,Musasocheletsedwe kapena kudabwa ndi nkhani zozwizwa za dziko ili konzani mtimawo,komanso tione YESAYA 55 v6~9=Funani Yehova popezeka iye,itanani Iye pamene ali pafupi.[v7]Woipa asiye njira yache,ndi munthu wosalungama asiye maganizo ache,nabwere kwa Yehova,ndipo Yehova adzamchitira chifundo,ndi kwa Mulungu wanthu pakuti iye adzakhululukira koposa[v8] Pakuti maganizo anga sali maganizo anu,ngakhale njira zanu siziri njira zanga,ati Yehova[v9] Pakuti monga kumwamba kuli kutari ndi dziko lapansi,momwemo njira zanga ziri zazitari kupambana njira zanu,ndi maganizo anga kupambana maganizo anu# Amen….. Okondeka tiyeni tilimbike mumnyengoyi chifukwa zokhumudwitsanso nzambiri.Mwakoma nonse…
PROFET LEOPARD BUSHIRI ,…Amalawi kondi nyakwawa yamatsengai muilola mudziko muno? Nose amene mulipambuyo pa bushiri mulungu sakuwelengani muli m manja mwasatana owoneka ndimaso ndinu otembereredwa. Bushiri amaoneka munthu nkhope ndi zinkhantho basi thupilake lose mlamaonekedwe ndgati njoka yamphiri . Toma muito quidado com esa bandido drogado econheçido pur CHEPAD BUSHIRI EM MAPROFITA GRANDE DROGADO.
Pokhalilapanu ma prophet nose awili.
I don’t care about any prophet bcoz everyone will be judged by God but this story has not been reported here ,so u must make sure guys that u have find the facts b4 publishing stories but any way bcoz these days if u want to enjoy kingdom of God pray hard on your own don’t waste your time by attacking others
Very true yosiya
Ndikhale mbali ya Theodore, osatsutsana naye bushrih, cz athandizana nafe kuti anthu adziwe kt Mulungu alikodi. Enest G Poul, usalimbane ndi a christu ungopanga zako za chisalamu basi, wava chifukwa ndiwe mulendo mu yelusalemu muno.
Atuad Ansh Branch
You just lost one follower
Jer 23:21
Ophunzira ayesu anati,ambuye tapeza anthu akutulutsa ziwanda mudzina lanu,yesu anati,osatsutsana nafe athandizana nafe kkkkkkkkkkkk
Kaya,zisakhuze ine kapolo waziko
In our family,we dog STRESS !!!KKKKKKK
Mmmm kodi mukadalimbanabe ndi BUSHIRI kkkkkk mukapanda kulemba zokhuza iye page yanu simumagona enanu mpaka kunena kuti zitsiru mmmm zomwezi tikakumane pachipata moyowu ukazatha
in God we trust
Not all who says Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of God the Father of heaven and earth but those who believe and do his will.
life really is fair on the otherside……
mmmmmm really? wish the lucky lady success man
Mmmmm Malawi umachedwa ndikupanga za anzako!!! Musien Shepard guys! Zipangani zanu!
JESUS, said,Judge not, that u be not judged (Mt 7:1).HE went on to say, if u do judge, u w be judged in exactly the same way, Who of us would dare to stand before God and say, My God, judge me as I hv judged others? We hv judged others as sinners, if God should judge is in the same way we would be condemned to hell, Yet God judge us on the basis of the miraculous Atonement by the cross of Christ,
I wonder why ppl fight major one:::you don’t judge book by its cover
am just here read your comments
Ask your self where you are kuti kodi anthu akale anali achipembezo chani?Nanga chifukwa chani aneneli akale ananena kuti kuzabwera aneneri onyenga owoneka ngati a mulungu koma zochitika separate
We stay here in South African but wy people of RSA they don’t like him.That’s wy Issa who is yesu denied to distribute Christian. A natI kuzabwera aneneri onyenga, mwana azakhala mwana mzake muzaziwe kumapeto kwadziko
u got apoitn chemwali
Poor people think poor, Major one,iyee. I can see Malawi ikuomboledwa ndi Bushiri , zichitika ,pasala pang’ono.
Osanena za munthu pangani zanu agalu inu, kodi mumalimbana ndi my papa bwanji? Musiye zauchisilu zanuzo
Aneneri ayehova oona adzaziwika ndi zintchito zao
Please don’t make sly mistake let these people who are preaching the word GOD do their job, if you don’t go to church awo ndi mabvuto anu. Bushiri is a Prophet .Muzilemba za Anthu akuba Cashgate.
Ife tizingomvera nawo izi basi
Koma zinazi zongotengeka tengeka ndi zina zilizonse tiona zambiri mum’badwo uno, Bola, nanga si akuti ukafuna kulemera zimatheka pompopompo! Ndiye ndindani amadana ndi ndalama kunjakuno!!!
Kkkkk eishiii pali tchitotu apa, Ine ndangobwera kuzangowerenga nawo ma comment basi nde wina usakhale busy kuwerenga comment yanga tawerenga zomwe zili mmunsimu kkkkkkkkkkk..Only God knows the truth..Ukakhulupilira Mulungu ndekut siwe oluzayi…
Only God can judge him let us learn to mind our own life.
Jesus 4 life not any prophet in our common era
I like him n his teachings no matter the bad news
Huhuhuhu ehemmmmm
Ngati mukuona kuti ndi false prophet why also start your own if you will be rich like him
Mumangotaya nthawi yanu mulungu anampatsa amene uja ndalama ndiye ali nazo is what also I need
Kuyankhula kwa mzeru mphwanga awuzeni azibale anuwa avetsese man
kulemela ndi ministry ndi zithu zosoyana
Ndizoona koma noxy nanga anthu angotaya nthawi ndikungokamba za bushiri analakwanji
Kkkkkk,amalawi wy we are wasting our tme to judge someone.mulungu pozaweruza sazatenger kt umamusata bushr kapen ai kma wina aliyense azawerzidwa nd ntcht zake.
ndi atumbuka nokha nokha inu
That awkward moment when you have to stare at a text for five minutes to figure out how to reply!
Eeee kaya
Comment loading…………..
Why cant u leave other peoples businesses alone ….dont pook ur ugly noses in pples business
Kkkk eti wamkachisi amadyaso mkachisi momwemo kapena kt sukufa ndi ludzu mwendo uli mmadzi;but not good with church contributions.
Udzaziwona chilango chikubwela ndimwini wake yehova.zose ndizotsala zapasi popano izi samalani kuli jahena
Signs of time………….
U journalists need deliverances, lyk for real
Kkkk ziliko Ku Malawi ndi Atumiki ake.Mulungu Anati kondani Adaniyo koma kumachenjela poti nsatana ndi daninso mukapunsa munzayanjana ndi nsatana mudzina LA mbuye?
When you are busy shaking the wall or the mountain you don’t realise that it’s you who is shaking. . This is the typical Malawian way of thinking.. backward thinking. no matter how you can educate a Malawian.. he will still think backward
Zaulendo no wonder
Ka concubine pambali hahahaaaa
Bush lee+Bushiri(Bush)(ri)/profit
My people,don’t you have something to worry about?
Ine amandisangalatsa osatira bushiri,,,,,kuwauza prophet wanu achita zakuti uku,,,,uzanva “ndiye?”
Never judge or comment appropriately to a man of God or proclaim to be a man of God.For has a reason for this for His name to be glorified
I always laugh when I see these type of posts. I honestly don’t know how true this story is, but at the end of the day these men of God are just that, “men”. They’re not Jesus. Read your Bibles, there is no need to call each other names and swear at men of God like as if you have Jesus-like behaviours, deat18:17-22, jere28:9. Anthuwa akapanga zinthu zabwino you even manage to find a problem in that. Bakhalani ndi umphawi wanuwo ukukuzunguzani maganizowo. As for me, I’d rather keep my mouth shut towards such things I do not know of, for fear of eternal damnation. I hope all your negative comments benefit you.
So.Major one bought 350 million mansion none complained but your government bought 100 million car everyone cried hihih nyooo mabodza bas
kkkkkkkl eeeyaa inu mukuti chani amalawi uphawi kapena uchinsiru tiyeni titamande wamwambayo akuti palibe aza kwa tate opanda ine wosati anati palibe aza kwa bushi opanda ine ai guys mfumbi ndiwemwini ine thawi zonse ndimalemekeza mulungu wosati garu zanga ai sindingagwade kwa prof kuti andipatse zosowa zanga ai koma mwini dziko
If u cant defet him jst join him insterd of talking rubbish
its called balling… bishez, that’s y u mad! As f u dnt know about this cats already
Kodi chifukwa chani ma prophet akungomanga machurch abwino kunja? So Bushiri yekha aSalanje Ku UK ndi anthu aMulungu, kapena gen? Church vha Bushiri Ku Misesa bwanji? msamangotsusa chifukwa simumayenda tapitani pa SA pompa mukaone omo amangira ? Sikunyoza koma kunonso aziganizirako ndalama ya nyumba imodzi ya girlfriend kuno ndi chi chalichi choopysa!!!!!
abale adzanga aliyetse adzaweluzidwa pa mlandu wake, palibe chifukwa choti tidzimunena muthu pano, ngati mbiri yake ndiyoyipa timapitiranji, kumalawi kuti dzithu tsidzingayende bcz timakonda kunena atumiki amulungu, maiko adzathu dzithu zimayenda bcz amalemekedza atumiki amulungu amapangira dzithu limodzi, aliyetse akaweluzika malingana ndi zintchito zake.
Lucky girlfriend
bola iyeyo wagula nyumba koma iwe wagulira mowa mahule angati analemba zaiwe ndani muleke iwe wamuona bwanji mzako pomwe diso lako ndilozala ndi zisoso
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma amalaw tili pavuto adzawoneni ngati mukuti alindimungu wake Bushiri wolemela ndiye apangela lake bible akhaleso ndi atuniki ake.Bwanji akugwiritsa ntchito bible.komaso zodabwitsa ndizakut ma prophet onse akugwiritsa ntchito bible kusonyeza kut a christ nose ndinu otembeledwa
Tiziwe Kaye mulungu wanu oziwa chikristu tikuyankheni
Ngati umankhulupilira mutumiki yemwe anagwilirira namfedwa wazaka zambirimbiri ukhale chete uziwe chabe kugwira manyi ndimanja akowo kuchimbuzi ukamabiba
Mahule inu mudziwa chiyani kusaduka njaka basi.Tandiwuze buku limenene adalemba za mmeneli Bushiri ndipo ndi ves chiyani.koma buku kidat samalanowoni aneneli onyenga komaso tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja chifukwa oyipa watsikila koko.Ngat ndimeneli wachowonadi bwanji sapephera mavuto adziko lake.YESU adalitsa mzida wa yelusale nanga iye mavuto alikwawo kusalima
Sabiti Sinde iweyo ndimulungu wako ukulephela bwanji kulipemphelera
Ukudziwa mulungu wako wa Moon ? ndi ⭐️ ndiwadziko lapasi
Google chiyambi cha chipembezo chakocho
Malemba oyela adat musiye nasongole ndi tiligu zikulire limodzi zidzawoneka tsiku lokolora.ndimapepha kwa mini namalenga zomwe amandipatsa zimandikwanira ndine ndani pamaso pa nanalenga ine.mudzawawona mavuto sangalani pasi pano kumwamba kulibe wanu mtendela tsoka kwa iye odzikundikila chuma
Zinazi zimandisekesa kwambiri, ngati inuyo muli muchipembezo choona komaso abusa anu wolungama mwapangapo chani? We’re not supposed to judge our friends ayi koma tiyenera kuzimvera chisoni tokha, ngakhale yesu anati muzililire nokha komaso uyenera kuchosa chisoso chamdiso mwako usanachose chamzako. If you are busy crying for bushiri today, you’re giving him more blessings than before. Call him false prophet, wa satanic and whatever the name you can give him you’ll not yield anything and you’ll never be his class. He’s using the same Bible you’re using in your so called church, he’s using the same name of Jesus christ and jehova as his father and creator of everything. Let him work his ministry work without intimidation or discrimination, God is watching him Ngati sakupanga chifunilo chake God will punish him during judgment day. Osati tizingokhalira pano debate zinthu zozizila ayi moti mwatayisaso nthawi yanga apa mmalo moti ndikapange ndalama mwina ineso ndingazagure kabaza kkkkkkkkkk
If God is rich why should I be poor
People are are poor because you limit your thinking
You feel like rich people are coming from another planet
I know bushiri family it was considered as the poorest family but very intelligent family
The only thing was for the family to connect to God
I don’t see any problem for God to bless them
Bushiri amakwera mapiri mumamuseka
At school anali wa SCOM mumamuseka
Amasala zakudya mumamuseka
Tell them munyane
You can say that again. but remember these people you are passing the message to are Malawians. Do you think they can change? Amadana ndi anthu ochita bwino. Even if he was not a prophet akanampezelaso zifukwa zina za boza
Ya chuluka ndi nsanje.
Mmmmh!! Let God Judge
Malawi 24, run-on sentences are ambiguous. Be serious when reporting.
Show us your Poor god please
I have seen the richest God of Bushiri
Mahule ndi Abarah tinazi
last days
..wolves in sheep clothes, “mudzadziwa ndi zitchito zawo,tiligu ndi nansongole zilekeni zikulire pamodzi adziwa mwini wake pokolora.
There is something wrong with this paper – Malawi24 and its writers. Almost every story this paper has ever carried about Bushiri has been negative. Don’t you surely have anything good to report about him, when he is healing the sick everyday? Or you run a vendetta to see him fall? Who bankrolls you to run evil stories against men of God? Why don’t you go hunting Sangoma’s around town to see and report what they are doing to our people? Just a warning; God says, “Touch not my anointed.” Carry on with your vendetta and see the other side of Bushiri’s God. You seem used to His blessing side because you can write.
life ndiongovela ndikuwelenga chilungamo chawo akuchidziwa ndi mulungu, komabe zaculuktsa
who is a prophet? i fought he is the one hu adumbrates on behalf of God.the so called prophets,what message have they told us from God?
Predicting the Rugby world cup game between Scotland and Australia, do you call that a prophesy? He is not a Prophet at all, am just sorry for all you faithfools who follow him!!
Mathews 24: 10— and verse 24
This woman few weeks ago is the same woman DPP cadets were attacking Brian Banda kuti she was having a love affair with Brian Banda. You showed screenshots of her conversations with Brian Banda. Today you are saying she is having a love affair with Prophet Hara showing screenshots. Bodza iri. Propaganda.
Anthu akuba,.. Mbava mahule mfiti
Wina alexe nd prot zingotengera chikhulupiro chathu kt ndichotan Kkkkk ngat tikhulpr …………..kaya Jess ints lovng any kind of pple no matter who is pofuna kt tikhulupirre iye.
Let’s wait until chinsalu chizang’ambike ngati pali zobisika zizaonekela basi
If a prophet buys a house for his girlfriend. ..this is called congested miracle sin. When he buys a car …this is called miraculous sin…then it turns to miracle billionaire sin
This is a big miracle sin…
kodi ndichifukwa chiyani kwangochuluka ma prophet ? kodi iwe ukuchedwa ndi kunena za bushiri iwe ubale wako ndi mulungu ndibwanji,no? kodi inu mukuona ngati zomwe amachita bushiri mulungu sakuona ndichifukwa chiyani akumusiya paka lero?kunali mafumu ambili bible amane amachita uchimo koma la 40 likakwana mulungu amathana nawo,bale wanga kulikonse komwe uli uziwe ichi mwezo wa zoyipa zonse ndi chikondi cha pa ndalama komaso tisaiwale kuti yesu adamuwuza mwini chumu uja kuti ndikovuta anthu achuma kukalowa mu ufumu wa mulungu ngati bushiri akupanga uchimo zilibwino chifukwa chomwe amafuna mulungu akuchiziwa akuchimwa dala musiyeni yesu akubwela posachedwa chomwe akufuna iwe ndi ine tiyende mu chiyelo amene ukulimbana ndi bushiri iwe ndi jealous chabe naweso maso ako angona pa tchuma chomwecho tsiku labwino nonse
ine chete osayankhulako kanthu I don’t have any mechanism to know who is a real man of God or not. whether this story is real or fake am afraid I might be on the side fighting against the spirit of God. moreover I don’t loose anything by staying quite. have a blessed day.
This is good. well said… thumbs up
God bless you and your family.
Am not an ECG member but I like what you have said…
That’s wisdom son, God is the best judge
I like what you’ve just written here
Jealous yalowa na muma church kodi amene azapulumuka ndani pansipano.azibutsa ndima jealous othele.
For u to know if these prophets are real just see d lives of gwamba, Armstrong who r there, akuonekabe anthu osasinthika muuzimu, if God. Touches somebody pamakhala kusintha kwenikwen, I only salute Jesus
kupemphera ndi wekha but sometyms this prophets akulakwila mulungu and they after money mwina enanu mukungosusa nkamba koti mulibe mpata okumana ndi bushiri koma mukazapanga attend church chake once ndipomwe mungazaziwe kuti he is after money for me in box ihave his number
Kkkk miracle money?
Heaven indeed must hold within its self untill the times of restoration of all things. AMEN
Nyasi izi mmmm
I don’t understand this issue .urself u say it is not bushiri but daaa follower .so why do u misuse daa major 1. amalawi tiphunzile kulemekeza atumiki amulungu .I love bushiri so much coz iknow GOD is using him .mwayiwala nthawi ya Elisha ndi anyamata amend anamutukana “wadazi” nthawi zina mukuvuta chifukwa chomatukwana anthu amulungu .kodi azibusa kulibe,apostol anapita kuti ndi ma papa kulibe kunja kuno awo samalakwa koma oyipa ndi Bushiri yokhayo basi.thus why ziko lathu lilino pamavuto owopya kwambili chifukwa sitifuna atumiki amulungu. its only GOD who judges .if u see that akupanga zoipa basi inu pangani zabwino .mukunyanya!!!!!!!
Wasoka woitana mnthu mazake tate kutenga ngati iye ndiye mpulumusi wake , only God is Tate.
Za prophet mkutaya nazo nthawi chabe funani chipulumusi.
Masiku ano kulibe ma prophet.
Masalimo 143;6 Musadalire mnthu mzanu mwa iye mlibe chipulumuso.
Kodi munthuyi mumamusiliradi eti
Fake news from fake ppo this news i saw it yesterday on mzansi but they was joking
READ 2 TIM 3:6 – 9.
shut up it does not affect major one plus i dont see how is this bushiri s problem?
Don’t touch my anointed ones God says…everyone insulting men of God u attract curses and his anger…
‘….inthe last days there shall be false prophets,’jesus said.matth.24
Koma ndi zoona kuti m’mfumu sitchukadi mdziko la kwawo,KU SOUTH AFRICA BUSHIRI amapatsidwa ulemu,moti munthu ku nyoza Bushiri akhonza kukuchita zina ndi zina. Koma pa Malawi Bushiri samukonda why?
Kulibe anthu opanda nzeru ngati ifeyo a Malawi. Ndakhala ndikusatila ma News paper amayiko ambiri,,,,koma its only Malawi news papers and their writers don’t see any goodness of anything. What they knw is only to wait for something bad to happen its when they open their big mouths. Learn life of a human being and focus on ur weaknesses. Bushiri is not God mind you. And he is far even from Malawi itself as a country. Leave them alone!!!
Inbox me plz…
dear Malawi24 … a pastor’s child is not a pastor neither malawi24 isn’t zodiak…. n jana is not bushiri … what has to happen has to happen … Jana yu before being a prophet he was human!
Be a prophet and see what difference would make?? Leave this man of God alone!!!! Malawi is spiritually in dire need to receive Gods favor on our fate. Forgive me…
You have to understand that we are now in the end of time as Isah ( Jesus ) peace be upon him as prophesied by Jesus himself ” For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shrew great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.” No wonder what is happening now, others can’t understand it but they have to accept it blindly.
When a pastor or prophet is poor they don’t criticize about him…. But wen you hear is now starting buying jets hotels…u start mabodza, I think these other things you saying are mixing up with ignorant jerous y…if you are not happy about them then you better leave them, don’t follow them, follow what the spirit of God is saying to you. And its not all things that Nyasa times is posting here that is true, is Nyasa times God? Osanena za umphawi uli Ku malawiko bwanji? Please start following up for your own and family salvation than wasting your time talking about other pple.
Ishuuuu matsiku omaliza koma zinazi
Shame on you Admin, just wasting your time.
Mwana was njoka ndi yemwe atsatira zilizonseyò
Mtumiki was mulungu ma bodygud paliponse my kachisi.
Funso nkumati amaopa chiyani?
Amawopa zomwe zinachitika kwa Wame
Man of God will never be destroyed by liars.
Ends of Tym allow me to speak as true prophet I forsee that God is coming soon keep on plying
Trust nobody bt in GOD
Tiyeni nazo timva zambiri
I Hav Observe That Most Pple Amene Amanyoza Atumiki Amulungu Amakhala Ndi Mavuto Ambiri, Either In Marriege Buzness Or At Work, Coz Mulipo Kupanga Miseche Za Anthu Amene Zimawayendela So More U Talk About Them The More God Bleses Them, So Watch Ur Mouth?
Its rather the opposite. Anthu amapanga follow ma prophet amakhala ndi mavuto ambiri. Either ma banja awo sali bwino or akufuna banja, ndi aulesi to work ndiye amafuna miracle money, amafuna ma banja coz mmbuyomo anakhwefula kwambiri. In other words its the desperate people that follow prophets more. You sound like one of them
Am Not Talking About Prophets Here But Any Man Of God, Whelther He Put Himself On That Title Or Not Its Not 4 The Man To Judge, Follow What U C Is Right To Ur Understanding, Coz Everyone Will Be Judged,
Mmmmmmmm ? i love major 1.GOD HELP HIM TO WALK OUT IN THIS .
choyankhula ndilibe ndiye kuti kumalawi ndikosauka eti?chifukwa aliyese wolemera ndiwa satanic ngati ndiwopemphera ndiwokhwima ngati walemera mopanda pemphero ndimfiti ngati ali wosauka.chabwino chiliku malawi ndichiti.poti wopemphera aliyese ngati ndiwolemera ndiwasatanic kumalawi ndikomvetsa chisoni umphawi unakula moti akamuona wolemera kwaiwo amaona ngati chozizwitsa.
Zilibe umboni
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk so funny
God is watching
mayooo dziko lapaxi mmmmm
mmmmmmmmmmmm zake izooooooooo
Rate, R1=MK55….can you focus like on these issues plz admin??.Our country is sinking cnt you see?.
in the last days people will do,great things in jesus name going to church does not matter blessed are those who do thy words
I think I have enough reasons to unlike this page a Malawi tinatani kuti we don’t want anything good to happen in our country do u think that ur so God u worship he just created u to b beggars coz wat I know from experience anyone who does well in its people will say he is a Satanist or he has bewitched someone shame on u all we know ndikunamizilana ufiti ndikupempha basi bt let me tell u you better workup in those dreams and work hard amapatsa olimbikila komaso kumayendako maiko ena ndikumawona zomwe anthu ena akupanga
Well spoken my man enemies of progress that’s .Malawians even ukachita bwino mbanja mwanu amati wayamba kunyada
U can say that again….aMalawi kudana ndi chitukuko
Ufiti kuzelewera kunakwa ndi uphawi ,leave Bushiri you devils
a devil is bushili him self!!
Guys let’s hold on our faith to be God,God is good all the time.
Yuh malawan pipo yuh re cased talkin bad things about major1 sure yuh dnt wht yuh re bringing upon yo selves rubbish ed foolish pipo,prophet sherperd bushiri died a long time ago,ed hw cn a died man do such becoz wht i kno christ is de one lives in papa kikikikkikiki wefipubamwe talking nonsence about mah dad,mah father mah father let flood annointin appear now in de name of jesus.dad is goin far ed no one is gona stop him nt even de devill him self coming directly from malawi oh sorry frm hell .mind wht yuh post on dis social media of yoz yuh malawi pipo it is jst an indicator jst wait ed wht God will do.
Ngati ndalama alinazo i do not see anything wrong with that…are you jealous??
Jealous?????!!!! Ukhaliketu iwe
Jealous with a fonicated pastor to hell with that
Nde pomaliza mupindula chan. Y cant u write something worthy developing our country. Useless poor ppo. Our problems ain’t the prophets. Amadya zawo & its none of our bzness
are u , useless rich
This is so stupid. .I praise jah.jahova
Ma Prophet bible refers to are not like the Bushiris omanena ‘can I prophesy?, have we met before? Do I know you’? That’s bullshit…. This is what the Lord has said…..that’s bible prophets I know. Zitsiru inu nonse mutsatira ma false prophets….. See you when you enter Paradise.
Anthu amenewatu amandidabwitsa amangokhala ngati anapepetulidwa.
Ndakhala ndikufuna nditafunsako. Because prophecy dnt come by question
Tell these fools!
Its bullshit indeed
ana anjoka inu samalani malankhulidwe anu
ana anjoka inu samalani malankhulidwe anu
9 month’s in my mother’s womb just to do this, last days indeed.
You have to understand that we are now in the end of time as Isah ( Jesus ) peace be upon him as prophesied by Jesus himself ” For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shrew great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.” No wonder what is happening now, others can’t understand it but they have to accept it blindly.
ndipo anthu amakhala ngat anapepetulidwad..they have the bibles but they don’t read n understand on their own,they Wait for achina Bushiri to read for them.asocheradii
Zanu zimenezo,musova
We don’t worship like Catholic time this is new generation, you claim you now true God but even a single day you haven’t fasted or helped even ana amapeza amulongowako and you call them ana ahule kkkk utiwuzachani
Why kulimbana ndi mulungu wawina wako akapasa umphawiwo osamukwiyira bwaaa kkkkk
There may be no paradise and hell after all.
Heaven n hell are real my friend… Be sure of that…. If u didn’t see that 1 coming , be ready!!!!!
Wagwira fupa agwire fupa lomwelo chifukwa nyengo ikupita kumapeto iyi ma prophet wa abale kutumiza sms mkumati ndakusankha ukhale member wanga ndipo ndikupangitsa kukhala olemera za ziiii munthu ulemera bwanji usakulimbikira wekha pa umoyo wako wa tsiku ndi tsiku .Tisgulitse chikhulupiliro ndi ndalama abale
za masiku otsiriza awa
nobody knows the ways of God. And who are you to judge. Tell me something how do you understand Jesus using His own spit as a healing agent in the light that spitting on someone is an insult?
Amen! Bra
Aaah. Inuso ng*ombe zen-Zen munthu wanzimu angakhulupilile bushili?? Zoonad satana akutngelatu ake ndaonerapainu
David use Soil to heal Sick Pipo,,Ur Mburi muuzimu thus wy you take Job of God to Judge iyeyo nanga Mulungu azaweluza Chanie??hope ur not born again,you dont know Bible.
Koma ndiye zirikoti ma prophet kudyetsa njoka anthu, udzu, doom, kumenya makofi anthu, kuwamwetsa magazi, kugwira mabere ndi matako azimayi, ma kick, kugulisa anointed water nzosachita kunena etc all in the name of Jesus mmmm koma abale bible lake lomweri? Ulaliki wake wa dollar basi always. Eeee abale mulungu wake yemweyu kapena asitha ma plan a ma prophet ake?
Chikristu chikupambanabe
Ubwino wake tizipembezo tinatu muma Novels awo akumutchulabe kkkk
Advantages of Jesus even all the small religious His name is mentioned in their NOVELS NOVELS kkkkk
CHIPETA,ar u one of them,or can you hear urslf?
What baffles me though why does Bushiri charge poor people R5000 just for a healing session? Ndangodusamo ine
And most of them come home crying for their hard earned money
Klkkkkkkk ndakomoka
M’busa okudya njoka ya moyo uyu anthu mkumamukhulupirila ndinudi zisilu za anthu. Munthu kukuitanilani ku ng’anjo ya moto inu kumuombela manja kuiwala kt Lusifala ndamene akumutuma. Ana ndi zizukulu za Satana zili kuculukila dziko la pansi
Prophet my foot. No one is judging here but rather saying what the Bible is telling us. Read it carefully, mburi zachuma chopezera mokuba ponamizira dzina LA Yesu. Ndalama zanga nzogwirira ntchito yabwino osati ‘the spirit has taken me to your home’, I can see your child….the name….why can’t I just capture that child”. Kkkkkkkk guys chamba ayi….ok chabwino ine ndi ochimwa koma zautsiru ndi mau a Mulungu apa NDE aaaaaa Poor, Very Poor Indeed. To hell with your Prophets. False Prophets.
Poor English Containing Stupid Comment. God Is Watching.
I personally cal U stupid
Sezi Mquamachi Vondo Poor Indeed…to hell…God is watching sure…
#Dyson ndiwe galudi serious
#Nox Y Makamba See my friend. You say am Garu and yet you claim to be of Jesus. Kkkkkkk sure let me be a very big dog but the truth is ‘false prophets are a nuisance to the people of the Mighty Lord. Take it from the Bible. Nzitsiru zeedi onse amene atsatira aneneri onyenga-satanatu ameneyo. Stay blessed.
Dyson Mara I don’t know zopanga mwina mutiwunikire ndinu anzathu woona Patali ine ndine mbuli.sindingadziwe kuti mwana Wa njoka ndi uyu odala anzathunu
Hehehe alowa mmadzi ndithu was chikhulupiriro chochepa.
Kkkkk koma abale za chipembezo zafikapo
Bull Sh!t bushiri,,, #aneneli onyenga
Only God can judge him much better lokani nasongole tiligu zikulile limodzi,zinazitu zizaoneka pokolola,let’s jst hold our faith to Jesus,
A malawi ndichifukwa mabvuto akutichulukira,kuchitirana msanje.Bushiri n mwana wathu koma tikumunenera zoipa y?
Hell no l don’t understand why you writers focus on mere romours than to write good things about Malawi, you’re those idiots who are turnishing the image of Malawi blandishing you’re own country as being useless people, sometimes l question myself if you are really Malawian. Fuck this why is it that only in Malawi when you get rich people start associating you with bad stories? Look we are busy castigating the likes of bushiri when we should have taped into their investments for our benefits. Write stories about Malawi that will make us proud
they are not talking about malawi but hara the satanic phrophet
Do u want ppl to keep on praising someonepretending to walk in the air? Stupid
George you are stupid yourselves are you not a sinner yourself, The Bible says its not for us to judge and pliz don’t act like Mr know it all to me you know no shit
Stevie when did you read good news abt Malawi? Is it that there is nothing to smile abt?
Umphawi,nsanje ndi nthenda yaikulu ku malawi. GOD of major1 have mercy, DO samething yeee…!!!!!
I guess I must introduce a course that will need most Malawians to enroll. This course is called FORWARD THINKING
I guess I must introduce a course that will need most Malawians to enroll. This course is called FORWARD THINKING
This is pure rubbish leave major one alone,and find NeWS for yourselves.
Koma guys,,,where do you take these things/story
Liv it to God,,do you know where exactly Paradise is allocated in heaven.leav those stories to God
This is true story hara ni amene wagulila nyumba chibwezi Ku Midland osati bushiri
Ouk,,,you have that evidense?
Wokudya zake alibe mlandu
Ma Hure Evanhu
Isaac Nhemachena hona
Andrew Majawa Tihauke Mussa Banda
Bible linanenelatu zamasiku wosiliza kut kudzabuka aneneri onyenga; nde mungandiuze kut ndi atiwo aneneri onyengawo? Asanabwere aneneri owona ndi wongoka ntima; akuyeneka kudzakaye aneneri onyenga ndi cholinga choti agonetse tulo ambiri ndi kusocheletseratu chikhulupiliro kwa anthu kut asadzathenso kuona ndi kuzindikira za unenero woona omwe udzabwere onyengawa akatsiriza term yawo.Mudziwerenga bible ndipo mukamva mudzimvetsetsa pakutero mukadzaona mudzaonetsetsanso.Mulungu atithangatire kut tidzitha kuzindikira ndikusiyanitsa pakati pa uneneri wonyenga ndi woongoka ntima.Palibe chobisika pamaso pa MULUNGU ndipo kwatsala kanthawi chabe OIPA ONSE ADZATHA PSITI.Athu akulunza dala pachoonadi mkutsata milungu yabodza ndipo agontha ndi zapadziko atanganidwa ndi maidyaidya pofuna kukhutitsa mimba zawo. PUTUMBWA MKUDZIMVA MAKA PODYERA ANTHU MDZINA LA AMBUYE;MULUNGU ADZAKUSALAZANI SI KHAZENI WANU MUSAMALE ANENERI AZIWANDA INU
The so called bushiri that u praise is failing to finish the church from mzuzu chibavi where he comes from. Analiyambana kalekale anthu akupemphelera malo osalhala bwino. But he is busy building churches in SA, what for? Coz kuli ndalama? The story is true that a mansion was bought,, whether he’s ur prophet or not, rich or not. But it has happened.
They don’t blame him in RSA that’s why he’s building there. Why build here when all you know is blame game?
You call him your prophet yet you can’t defend him. Be serious WOMAN!!!!
Lucy ……how’d you expect Bushiri to build a church for ECG Mzuzu congregants??? I thought members from Mzuzu should be responsible for building their Church. Anyway I don’t see the logic behind your statement.
Indeed a Prophet is not respected in his own land. He who recieves a Prophet ,recieves the Prophets reward, thats what is happening to South Africa. Even Zuma appreciates Bushiri because of the many pipo who visit his church and in the process enhancing the tourism sector.
Nanga amene akupemphelamowo ntchito yawo ndi chani? Mesa adzipanga zitukuko ndicholinga chakuti apeze ndalama zomangila chi church
Show me a verse in the Bible that says Bushiri is a prophet and he a man of God others are men of Devil…?
Hey hey just google the word uliminate then u wil c what is happening is this world full of prophets.
Munthuyu ndi wa kuba believe or not because the miracle is doing is a fake and go to YouTube or Google just right Bushiri fake prophet or iluminaty and you will see the videos your self FAKE PROPHET BUSHIRI
@ Piece…….Google will always tell you what you want hear. Hehehe
the more u r accusing men of GOD the more ur pushing them to HIGHER & HIGHER. GO papa Sheperd Bushiri.
And who are the real men of God on YouTube? @ Peace Bin Kapwepwe Bless
You have to understand that we are now in the end of time as Isah ( Jesus ) peace be upon him as prophesied by Jesus himself ” For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shrew great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.” No wonder what is happening now, others can’t understand it but they have to accept it blindly.
Only God knows
The richest man in Malawi full stop
kkkk hey u believe google too much, google amanena chilichonse chomwe chalembedwa ndikuponyendwa pa net kaya zoona kaya zaboza , ndizolembedwa ndiwanthu kkkk
kkkk hey u believe google too much, google amanena chilichonse chomwe chalembedwa ndikuponyendwa pa net kaya zoona kaya zaboza , ndizolembedwa ndiwanthu kkkk
apart from google iweyo uli mbali iti?malinganga ndi ma sini amene bushiri akuphulisa mwezi ndimwenziwa
Blind minded yo dont believe on the dictionary as well. If u dont believe on internet why are u on fb. Fb is part of internet. Mwaiwala kupembedza Yehova mukupembedza munthu. Popephelera anthu ofuna banja kumagwira mabele ndinchani? That rubbish. Matsata tsata mutsatira kumanda.
Kkkkk nkhani zina ndizoseketsa
Ine ndimasatila ali yese amatumikila Mulungu you idiot,,,you Judge,,,kulanda ntchito ya Mulungu iyee azaweluza chanie,,Paja simuwerenga BiBle,,Yesu anayankhula pa wiri False prophent,anatiso ali yese Okhulupilira ine azapanga zaminthondwe kuposa ine,,,;,,,,Start Genizis to Chibvumbulutso,,Amphawi tikumvutiaka,,,
Mulenga ukunena zoona,Malawi 2f ndi onama last of last wk ankati Bushiri amugwira ku America ndi ma Drugs,,pamene iyeyo the same time amanyamuka ku Pita ku Mouritious,,kukakumana ndi Official GVT fo bizness there
He is no longer a Malawian why building there, build yourselves
Malawians wake up, read the bible, never be left in the dark.
Kodi Bushili ndi Hara ali mpingo umodzi?
hey you are just loosing your tym of gossiping pipo of God.Mind on your buzness, kodi inuyo kumwamba mukalowa ndi bushiri kapena Hara? dziwana kut aliyense akalowa yekha kumwamba
Kaya bola ine chikhulupiliro changa si chozitama nacho mpaka dziko lonse n’kudziwa
Vito ndi makolo athu anatiuza kuti ku Malawi kulibe olemela nde tikamuona timadabwa naye timaona ngati olemera ndi mzungu yekha basi kkkkkkkkk Nyasaland uyooo
Oh man of God! It is treu: chipanda miliri panalibe kusitha; so ” what should we do now? Ndikuti tingapenze phulutsa mchipululumu ? Eeee
Aneneli onyenga ndayamba kupenyad masiku ano
The house was really bought, muziwelenga ma news osamangosusa nkhani APA. Bushiri bushiri wachani? The only issue u can raise is that its his follower who bought it for a g/friend not him. Kumatsatila news, osamangogula mandasi
Kumangoyankhula Zopanda Nzeru Basi, Mulungu Wake Uti Anakuuza Kuti Ndi False Prophet. That Is Spiritual Blindness.
Spirituality is when a prophet buys a house to a girlfriend and the followers rejoice and says our womanizer prophet is genuine. ..kkklk you Have told us a miracle lie…Steve stop dreaming whilst you are walking.
Spiritual blindness? Olo zilibe nzeru palibe vuto but umboni zilinawo
Amagwinya kkkl leave B alone
You are lying. You are lying how could u say such things. oh I know because you did not have news to post on Facebook so if u don’t have news to post do not ever speak lies about a prophet of God if u do not believe read the Bible on 2 CHRONICLES 20:14 .
Verify first before you report . be accurate. Be professional . much as I don’t follow this man, but i respect him as a man of God. Osathamangila kunyoza mungazanyoze mzimu oyera. Mukatelo simuzakhululukidwa kumwamba ndi pansi pano.
Siukumudziwa ukumunenayo ndiwamakobidi yes koma za uzimu mulibe uzamuona ukazamufikila pafupi uzatsimikiza ngakhale anthu timatheka kudesa zabwino komano Man mudzakumudwa .ndiwa busness wandalama koma osati mzimu oyera sindikuweluza koma ndamufikila pafupi ngakhale zolankhula za umunthu ukhoza kukhumudwa Chauta akungofuna kusefa Nansongole pakati pa Tiligu ndichiyambi chabe khulupilila zonyasa zambili zikubisika kaamba amapeleka ziphuphu kuti zisaveke uziona
Ndimamudziwa. Pakwawo ndimadziwapo. I don’t follow him and his teachings, but from where i worship we are not trained to castigate men of God. Or atakhala kuti tikudziwa kuti mmmmm izi izi…… Matthew 7:21 kimatsika mmusi. It can be the real Holy spirit working in a man like that donkey which spoke to Baram
amene amanyoza mzimu wa Mulungu ndi Bushiri ndipo ameneyo ndesazakhululukidwa.matthews24v24
Satananso can perfom milacles pliz. Zotiis a man ofGod mukudziwa ndinu koma mulungu mwina sakudziwa.
Anthu onyoza inu mbamba simmadziwa kanthu shem on u.
Tuyeni tizisiye zikulile limodzi. Tizaziwona potuta
if u say is man of god & who are u ,in sight of god we are eqeal
u dont read the Bible,seek your truth from the Bible.these are NOT prophets of God
Hey guys the fact is that he is not a man of God.I do also remember that pamene amapanga prophesy mzima ananena kuti go deeper man of God.But Bushiri says that he is not aman of God but aprophet,so my question is that if he say that he is nOt a man of God,where did he take the power of prophesying?
My major one i knw in my life is GOD, atumiki a Mulungu omalizira wake anali YESU. Izi zuchokera kuti???? Ine wanga ndi m’modz bas! Who is that prophets for?
Koma nde aMalawi24 munthu ameneyi simkupuma naye bwino eti komatu zikuchedwetsani….Bushiri ndi Big kudutsa Big Wanuyo…
Of course mwina anagula by figure mmm its jst too much.R6 m jst for pabumbu??That can’t happen.
no wounder,( Holly Bible) explained it very crearly,the beast comes out of deep waters to the earth, shall be given powers and authorities from the dragon,( to rules the earth), not only that, another beast comes trom the earth itself with (strange powers and wonders), shall gather every human and force them to worship the image of the(first beast), nde musamadabwe nazo izi cos the Bible said, the second beast is the false prophet with( powers from the first beast)
http://netduty.online/?id=Temple Ibekwe
am not bushiri fan but u pipo I don’t understand u y mukulimbana ndi munthu oti sakukudziwani komanso amakuonani ngati matope h z a Billionaire
Ndiwe mbuzi palibe akulimbana naye ndife talemba kapena kufukula nkhani zimenezi? zopusa ndiulaliki wa uchitsilu wa Bushiri uli posepose .wabadwa liti iwe udawelengapo Bible? ndipati adalemba kuti Yesu azabadwaso? Koma Bushiri akuti mkazi wake abeleka Yesu Watsopano .zokhazikha zonyasa kuti si zauzimu koma zakumidima
iwe ndimanyi opandaponda, choyamba ndaona kuti kusaphunzila komanso umphawi ndiumene ukukuyankhulitsa zimene walemba apazi, if u really believe in Jesus Christ bwanji osamalimbika kupemphela Poona kuti bushiri ndichixindikilo choti aneneri onyenga afika.
aneneri onyenga ngati awa achina bushiri ndiamene angati pangitse ife kukapulumuka bcoz tawadxiwa sitingapiteko and mulungu walola kutelo ndicholinga choti ife tizipemphela muchoonadi,osati umbuli mukuchitawo womangolalata ngati empty tins
Anthu amulungu yankhulanani bwino bwino basi,you will lose nothing.
this shameless man he don’t think b4 he write, sorry #Mr_Kelvin
So z dat ur concern if he comments what h kno
What z ur concern mpaka kumutukwana mzako??
Wea z ur spirituality?
Mulungu amatsekula mask ndi makutu a osaphunzira, aumphawi ndikulakhula ngati mfumu kanthu nkuvetsa?
Mbuli zophunzira za short temper zilipo zambiri mbiri!!!
Kuphunzira sikuti mungakambe zanzeru o tym,
Let poor God lovely pple express their spiritual feeling from their spiritual observation…..
Dnt forget dat u can kno Devil by his works only if u believe God…
Be on ur Guard
Jesus is realy coming soon for everyone
Let’s pray all tym
who did it @ first place?
Kkkkkkkkkk uneneli wanji wakuba nawo mix chigololo kuphatikiza Satanic osangolapa bwanji amwene mungochimwilabe
Don’t fight God if God fights you, you won’t survive
Wakuba amasankha akuba anzake Bushiri nayeso siuja anagulila nyumba .atampasa mimba mtsikana .Ine si Mulungu komano kuti muone iye Bushiri ndi omutsatila ambili mbili zao ndizomwezi kulibe uzimu kwa Bushiri anthu amangopitako kaamba ka utumiki wa Ndalama sindinavepo alulalikila zautjenga wabwino kuposa milacle money Asanene za Hara ndiutumiki wakumidima umeneu Mlaka zibwezi zosayamba. Mbendera onseo anapita kwaiye tiyeni titsekule maso Ndalama zitoononga timautumiki timakula vuto aZimayi kutengeka kulibe choziziswa kwa Bushiri kupatula kukuuzani mulemela Mulungu simunthu wayamba kukuzani kuti kwaa Bishiri kulibe uzimu .iye kugwidwa ndi mankhwala .omutsatila .chigololo. ndichiyambi chabe saoloka Mulungu salola nkhosa zisochele ndi Nkhandwe imeneyi
WABEREKANSO. Yesu was mkazi
mkazi wake abeleka Yesu watsopano ali ndi mimba
Where in Malawi is a Mk316 million house or mansion?
Ax dem 4 me plzz,……. Maybe its the #VillaCasabranca house in Ndata
Nyumba yagulidwa kuno ku South Africa osati ku Malawi, nkhani inali pa Daily sun dzulo.
Did i get it wrong that the assumed mansion was bought in SA?
Mukusowa zochita ku nyoza mtumiki wamulugu simukudziwa kanthu
Admini this is a lie
tymyakwana yoti mulungu aonetse mkwiyo wake poulula zinsinsi za ma prophet amumdima ngati amenewa..
kumalawi zimu wawuphawi ukukula munthu asachitebwino ayi akalemela ndiyeti ndiwasataniki simama ndiwasataniki bushiri ndiwasataniki tibijosha ndiwasataniki aliyese amalawi mudatani kodi zimuwawuphawi umenewo wokanika
Naweso nena zili apa ndiolemela angati ali Uko ku Malawi? tikunena machitidwe atumiki omanyenga azimayi mdzila la Uprofeti atamati wa busness vuto palibe palibe amasaka za ndalama zake tikunena kuphatikiza kulalika ndi zonyasa Pepa kwambili sitingalimbane naye sitingamufikile komwe anazipeza akudziwako yekha
You are just bringing curses upon yourselves. One lie after another against men of God. Ma prophet ndiye ophweka kuwanamizila? The bible is so clear “touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm” Don’t joke with things of God otherwise what comes tomorrow you won’t handle it
Oh come on man. What kind pastors.is This thy only preach to rich pple.cnt u read what is writing on wall. Ur a joke man
Come on! Bushiri man of God, which God u’r talking about or u mean gods? He is real man of devil.
Which God indeed? Miracle rubbish
which God are u talking about,may be god?matthews24v24.
Wicked men
ur just as stupid as ur bushiri.why cant u read the bible.u just have that verse of not touch my anointed one why dont u read the verse which says in end times there will be false prophets who will heal in my name and do everything in my name.cant u see bushiri is one of those false prophets. dont die with someones sins.come back and repent bushiri and co are false prophets
Some people are still blind….
Hosea 4vs6
Man Bible simulitsata ndi chifukwa chake mumamutcha Bushiri kuti ndi prophet kapena Man of god
Musiyeni Bushir apange zomwe iye akudziwa kuti zimuphindulira. Otherwise tichedwa ndi kupanga za iyeyo m’malo momapanga zinthu zina
Enanu Mukusiya Ufiti Wa Agogo Anu Nkumapanga Za Bushiri. Mwina Mmafuna Kut Akhale M’bale Wanu Kut Muzidya Naye Money, Mmmmmm Muyiwaleko Zake Ndi Zake.
May the man of god burn in hell
Who is anointed there guys,why this people there so blind up to lavo please why?inuyo mukufuna mpaka Mulungu atsike kumwamba azakuuze kuti BUSHIRI is a fake prophet?I beg you to go in prayer and pray for yourself kuti Mulungu akusegule maso kuti uwone ndi mulungu utiwo amene BUSHIRI akumanamiza naye anthu wamva…BUSHIRI sanaitanidwe ndi Mulungu koma alindi mulungu wa yeka womupangila makobili ali pa business
Anthu sikuti akudana ndi Kuĺemera kwake àyi koma akudana ndikusoçheretsa Añthu, Kumati iye ndi munthu wa Mulungu Mulungu wake uti? Mwana wa Jabulosi
Ee!Guys Aliyese Akaweluzidwa Monga Mwantchito Zake.Koma Usatchule Zina La Mulungu Wako Pachabe.Only The Bible Is The Truth.Palibe Adza Kwa Atate Osadutsa Mwa Ine.Ine Ndine Njira Ndi Khomo Yesu Anatero.Kaya Enawa Akuti Chan?
Steve Kanyumba akulemba ntchito yaomamunakira Bushiri kapena.. U e repling on every comment
Jere28:9 “as for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, the prophet will be known as ones whom the Lord has truly sent.” deat18:21 “and if you sat in your heart, ‘how shall we know the which the Lord has not spoken?’ 22 wheb a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it Pressumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.”
Blinded people are fond of supporting the unknown
Sono inu boss kapwepwe mulunguwanu okupanglani khobid nde alikut?? Musazalankhulenso mawu amenewo kachikena mwava boss.
mose mudayambila kumunyoza muja munthuyu sakusintha ayi.oyelanu chipambano chanu chili kut ??? Musiye bushiri iweee eerh
Buying a house is it news today? Who is Bushiri anywhere? Does he have any post in goverment or what? We dont need any news from false prophets. Anzawo akupopera doom akuti prophet ena ndiawa akuthira masperm pachifuwa chaakazi akuti kuchotsa mademon. Plz we need better news and stop giving the false prophets a platform.
Bushiri anaiphula inu mukanaphikabe mpaka pano
Kkkkkkk sukunama adha we r sitill cooking
Yesu anati takhululukireni anthu awa chifukwa sakudziwa chomwe akuchita
Malawi! Again with cacophony of envy.Honestly i saw it coming as the Hara was preaching,the young preacher had the dynamic charisma and no wonder that is why we are left with these traits of abracadabra of envy regardless of our camauflaging prayer,”…..hunger,disease and envy.
stupid english from stupid idiot
That shows that you are an imbecile whose ears never get content with rubbishes of fallacy.
That’s me,it’s good now you have finally known my nickname,and you “Phwisi”show me if you went as far as England breaking the Literature circle.or are you a std 7 drop out,
LoL Khama….you are the man . Kkkk
I appreciate and am humbled by u Kho and keep rolling.kkkkkkk
Palibe uzimu apa ndimangokuonanj ngati ndinu woyera tonse akuda
Panopa Chilichonse Mungalembe Cha Major 1 Ndichabnza. U R Just Wastin Ur Precious Time And Resources. Malawe Journalist Kumvetsa Chisoni.
That Satanic Wil Destroy Many People With His Phos Prophesies.
Jast like i said b4. Nd i am gonna say it again. Bushiri nd Jara they are all same. Fake pastors all they do is get money from pple. Nothing else
Get money from ppo u say? How much daz they owe u plz?
so pri, do you’ve faith in these people????? and you truly believe the most high GOD is behind all this, take a minute and think, God that we serve is (Almighty) totally deference from their god.
Who tought you that broken English?
Priscilla maudzu. Bushiri dnt hav to owe me.so pri open the link nd read. B4 u open ur mouth. This guys are stling money. In name GOD nd only pple like u pri. U cnt see it so plz. Do urself fevor take cup of millk nd go sleep. Coz u stil kid
Hey Mr baket we are. Not talking abut a pastor from zambia here. Respect urself
let me tel yu bracket or bulangete,i don care who so ever you ‘r, or where yu from,i hate sticky nonses,so spair yo ass little bit low where yo balls at, yu wanna duet with me? hahaha better keep yo off record outta my system, a never deal with young ass dude mother foolz lyk yu,SO BACK OFF!!!!!
yu said where yu from mr cheap slat??? lyk a said,back yo ass off and bo yo thing, whatcha ya name a gain mr smart ass pussycat ballz? mr Coward on fb from a-zii
umakawana danken
You have to understand that we are now in the end of time as Isah ( Jesus ) peace be upon him as prophesied by Jesus himself ” For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shrew great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.” No wonder what is happening now, others can’t understand it but they have to accept it blindly.
danken makiyi what makes you think you are a better human being than prophet bushiri
Did i say i am better than bushiri? I said he is not man of GOD. But a son of devil. I saw u even put his pic. On ur profile pic. You are ashamed of ur own face. How much did he pay u? U makes me sick
dzipangani zanu,mungotaya nthawi ndikulimbana ndi anthu aMulungu olo muwaipipitsile mbiri zawo zidayera kale.
Anthu a mulingu kodi eti?
za ziiiii.tamalembani zakuvuta kwa magetsi
Zikugwirizana bwanji nkhani ndi chithunzi??
wast of your time with jealous azanu akupita, Ali MDI ma billion ndi angati pa ziko pano, mukuchedwa??
My friend, having billions is not salvation
Akulu I’fe ndetikutakata pa Malawi pano, mulungu sakulesa, wake weni weni azaoneka komweko, ndipo salola kuti tizinvutika pasi pano
komanso this issue is very true nde uyo akuti chani? dnt you kno dat leaders are supposed to live as examples?
One waba ndrama zomangila church ku Midrand, two kugulila nyumba chibwenzi ndrama zampingo, kenako kugula galimoto.
akati adya mpunga ndiyekut anipita ku msonkhano wachipani kokapembeza Moya APM
Zofunika zimenezo chibwezicho chapindula azibale achibwezi apidula phanvu kwabasi, yemwe sakuba alibe pakubapo, anthu sanabe ma tractor anthu boma, En ndalama zofunika ngati wapapeza iba itukuke
Palibe nsanje man. olemela ndiangati ali mdziko muno .Tinkati Malawi ndi dziko loopa Mulungu koma adeselela mbili imeneyi magulu ake omwewa uchita zonyasa mdzina La Mulungu
Nde anthu asiye ku panga report? Don’t hate the reporter hate the false prophets for trying to look like saints. Koma akapanga catholic priest nde izikhala nkhani.
K316,000,000.00 all I see is figures in that post, nothing else matters
Poti opusa ndiyemwe mbiri yake yayipitsidwa…Lero inu ndinu oyera poti zanu zabisikaaaa…!!!!!!!
this has nothing to do with bushiri hahaha buying attention
Masiku otsiriza zonse zobisika zidzawululika..
Poti ngandalama ngaxiwanda tose aziwanda
Anthu aziwanda awa sizinati zambiri ziulurika this just the begging.
Zina ndi izi; anagulila nyumba chibwezi kuno ku south Africa ndrama Zach church zomwe amafuna amangisile church ku Midrand.
Dzulo nkhani yinali pa daily sun
No sicret under the sun.Kungodziveka maina a Uprophet koma ali anthu achipha maso nthawi yakwana yoti muyaluke ana Anjoka inu.
The undisputed Bushiri, why wasting your time on him?
this has just started, alot are comin. Bushiri os is been hated by alot of pipo