Barely a few weeks after the cheap Mozambican drink, Frozy, was banned in Malawi, Carlsberg Malawi Limited has adjusted prices of its sparkling beverages in returnable glass bottles, cans and squashes effective Monday, 28th November 2016.

According to a statement that has been released by Carlsberg Malawi Limited, Coca-Cola soft drinks which are Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite of 300 ml will be sold at K250 from K220 as recommended retail price.
The hike will see Sobo soft drinks namely Cocopina and Cherryplum of 300ml being sold at K220 from K200 as recommended retail price.
Coca-Cola soft drinks in cans of K300 ml is to be sold at K400 while Sobo squashes of 500ml and Sobo squashes of 2 litres will be sold at K600 and K1700 from K1300 respectively.
This price adjustment is coming close to the festive season, when Malawians consume soft drinks heavily.
Ife tikadasungunula juice mukwezeso
Frozzy Kwa Osawuka Zinazo Koma Mabwana Bwanji Pamenepo?
Ife kuno tayamba kumwa Thobwa ndiye tikuonerani dzicoco or dzi fanta zanuzo dzitasasa.
kodi Frozy ndi fanta zikusiyana pati….. Ngati mukusewera ndale musatipusitse ….. Kenako timva zoti thobwa laletsedwa eti….
……. Ngati mumalephera kuletsa fodya wankulu – ndye frozy mumutha? Nanunso ngati mukweze mitengo ya fantayo, muone mmene atalowerano.
Hahaha!!!! koma frozy ndiye akukoma bwanji tandipasa wina ndalama ndikupasa mawa mfana inu zimwani zanuzo{coca&fanta}10yrs same bottle ndiye zauvetu ife tikufila kuno kalibu odana ndi frozy zaukhondo izi sitibweza bottle frozy!!! mo fire!!!!
Zopusa,chimmenemuka thamagitsira frozy??cholinga Kuti mukweze.madzi anuwa..zaziii
fanta wanu mudzimwa nokha athu oipa inu kuthamangitsa fronzy zoona
Am wondering dat frozy is banned but ine frozy ndikanamwabe.
Ine kuno twizza jive co Eee.wosayamba koma kumalawi mavuto osayamba
But what you should know frozzy has 100% acid so anyway go ahead you will see by the end of the day
Ndipo mudzifumse what kind of people you are southern bottle
Those things are not good for your health anyway I don’t know why people are so stressed about it, drink water and you will never go wrong
Hahaaa amwa okha zimenezo ife frozy kukatenga sitingasiye apa mpammene business ya frozy ipindulitse sopano
azimwa ambuye anu
olo atani azaseka Co atayimika manja kuti azingo gulisa mowa okha
Paja boma limati ma company akunja ofunika azibwela kuzapanga busines zawo kuno ku Malawi chamzeru mchakuti company ya Frozy ingobwela m’dziko muno mkudzakhazikika basi tione zotsatila zake
kkkkkk tokoma sitikuti leke bakwezani tizakumwa tanuto mpamene mupatse mpata zokumwa zina kumaguridwa kwambiri.Fussion,Davita,Frozzy, Mahewu woyeee!!!
Lift the ban on frozy
Frozzy is still available on the market here MW, I knew that Sourthen Bottlers was the one behind the banne of frozzy, the presents of frozzy here in malawi it was a big challenge for their products as far as competetion on the market is concern, frozzy took place on the market than their expessive product!
Fanta wake uti mukukweza mtengnyo, ali mbee wosakomanso. Frozy ndi deal
yemwe akuyambisa zimenezoyo patumbo pake chendelake osasiya kumwelela aaaaaaaa zausilu zakutumbozo ndiposo sitikuopa
Tizisungunula baks zanuzo muona kut muzimwa ndi ndani.. baks ndi 40 ba 2litres.
Thus y am saying kut these politicians don’t care about poor Malawian what they care is their stomach,how r poor Malawians gona afford to buy this soft drink at very expansive price ? They were not suppose to banned frozy bcoz lots Malawians were drinking soft drink bcoz of the cheap frozy
Nchifuka,chani Boma ndi ma company amafuna Nzika za Malawi zizikhara movutika?????
Bola Ife Tili Ma Border Fe Mene Ku Zambia Ku Amapangila Zakumwa Zokoma Kuposa Kuno Hahahaha Zambef Fidng The Nation Mvuuu Pipi Ine Cndinamve Nao Makutu Anga Ayamba Mwano Hahaha Nabolaso Kumwa Bax,joli Jus Adds Up 2 2ltre
Aah azikweza tinazolowela ife, motiso timamwako pa khisimisi kadilinki.
After chi2000 kwacha introduced ndikuzakweza ma soft drinks,kugulira sobo change 300 kwacha,shame Malawi walero.
Tizimwa thobwa
Mayomayo malawi drink. Zoophya
Mpaka kumayenda ndi botolo palipose zachikale came up frozy
Mtengo ukumakhala okwera mabotolo ndiomweaja simukuwakulitsa,dilu ndi frozy basi mufune musafune ife tidakamwa!!!
Frozy is still running zanu izo ndi zimafanta zanuzo
Akuba awa shattap!
When did u ban frozy ? Sounds strange in my ears this !
Malawians, let’s boy cot their products!
Thats y malawi ili ndi mavuto,u cant thng of earning little forex,dyera kwa iwe wolesawe .
Dats wat dey wanted,now their mission has been acomplished
Well they’re both gonna kill you so how about stop wasting your money on either?
The number of families who are food insecure but fathers spending money on cokes and carlsbergs every day
Damn right but locals dont know this shit is toxic
Zoti frozy analetsedwa sikukhulupilira, mmene akukhutukra mmalawi muno aaaa. Izi zimafrozy zi tizimwa mopanda kuopa basi.
Zauchitsilu bas,, muzikagulitsana ku parliment mukakhala ndizokambirana ife ayi takana frozy pasogolo or muletse tizigula mobitsa..
Ndipo pano ndikulankhula mopanda mantha sindingasiye kugulitsa frozy mu shop mwanga.
Zoti frozzy analetsedwa ndikumvera inu,kuno nde tikumwa za matendazo tizaona nthawi yomweyo.
Border border kaya uko azathu Mchinji to Chipata ndiye ndi Exotic drink wa shapu.
Frozy is still available here
Baks komanso wakawaka so cheap making my lyf easier
Neser Ljnoub
timamwa madzi ife
Ha ha big business fooled Malawians again
Tizimwa enjoy fanta mudzimwa nokha zimenezo
We are still buying frozy in other shops akugulisa mobisa
Tizimwa madzi ..palibe vuto
Oh my foot! Mutengo wa ma softs kudusa wa ka botolo ka win spirits sure. !
hashtag #bringbackfrozy nanga titani pamenepa you know the difference ma fanta anuwa botolo sitimatenga koma frozy ndi more fire kukagula motchipa offcourse ka gas pangono koma pamapeto pake kutengaso kabotolo ndikukafakamo thobwa olo madzi pa deni
Ise tikumwakale pala talwala pela timwengebe
Guys fronzy achulukirenji ndan angamwe fanta zaziiiiiii mugula nokha mach……………………….
Ife kuno ku karonga tili pa zinjoyi ndi malti, Energy , plastic fanta, coke at a cheaper price zanu izo akumalawi ife ndi boarder boarder! !!!!
M malo molesa mikalabongo ikupha Athuyi.
Moyo kwathu kuvuta mmmmm ish basi tingopitiliza kulimbana ndi 1,5litres pa Nzanzi
Anthuaku Town Matama Mmatomwa Fanta Nimusadwala Ifetinazisiyakale Kabotolo Kake Ndiyekati Mutakakwezeko? Ikakhalanjala Ndifanayo
Fanta @k 4150 / crate of 20 bottles, frozy k3500 / crate of 24 bottles
Carsberg greedy company olakwa ndinu ogulanu
Flozy basi.. Kaye momwe akomera acid wochuluka
Kodi paja Fanta nchani? Ife tinazolowera thobwatu
Mukadzamwa Exotic wapa Zambia simuzafunanso zao zodulazi
Good governance at its best…
Mafanawa Samatha business.
Aaa kakakola wakwelaso.tizimwa kingsly pa theba basi
Nde ugalu Wama Company akumalawi amenewo Ndinkadziwa ine kuti nkhani yake kunali akufuna kukweza mitengo nde Wina amvekele ayi tizikonda kugula zinthu zathu Amalawi aaaaaaaah za ziiiii!!!
Hahahahaha you have done nothing coz, the most cheapest drink,proudly called frozy is still available and we will continue drinking,and sory about your drink coz clever malawians like us cant drink that expensive soft drink ,never!!
Kikiki!8-) koma casberg ingotsekani company geni mwailephela.
Ndipo ine nkale ndinamwa achina fanta,coke zoti ukamwa kumawawasa, ngati anthu amakanika kugula zili zotchipa nde pano zitha bwa? Kumachita kuposedwa kukoma ndi davita weniweniyu? eish.
hahahahahahaha koma ada
Kkkkk ife tidakamwabe frozy mmene mumaletsa muja mkuti atalowa wambiri oti tifika naye December musova
Mmalo motsitsa mukukweza you dont knwo hawu to ruin abusiness come to me iwill teach you.
Mission failed,frozy ,frozy,frozy-GAME CHANGER!viva mozambique!
Ife tikumwabe frozy olo mukweze zanuzo muona ngati tizigula hahaha
Lemon n lime
making up for the frozy era loses
The Frozy Ban Will Struggle To Succeed!!! Government Needs To Improve The Macro-economic Environment For Reducing The Cost Of Doing Business In Malawi!!! This Will Enable Local Industry To Be Competetive In The Region And Beyond!!! Protectionism Won’t Help Our Industry!!! The Minister Of Trade And Industry Is Expected To Know This As Common sense Which Is ‘common’.
Tmatchatu…oooo…mukuonangat szz kt wawa mbzi iwe mzembe mbuzi naweso nylon go kkonda akaz mbuZ
tizingomwa mowa basi. Amene simumwa yambanipo basi
Bash pa 31 tikuziwa
Kkkkkkk koma inu zinazi ngati analetsa frozy ndiye kuti ali ndi vuto tisamwe atiwononga, chabe kusawukaku ndiye chifukwa zinthu zikungo kwera mitengo
Carlsberg ndiye yatiwonjezanso bwanji
kodi anthu adakamwabe zimenezi? mmesa mabotolo ake ndi aja azimayi as apantchito akumazithandizira mmagalimoto amuna awo akatalikira? (oh yes i mean the cocacola bottles) anyway, am lucky am stl in the Frozy generation
akufuna abwzeretse ndalama anawapasa MSb kut aletse frozy
Yaaah tizilandra phwamwamwa asafuna asiye
Now how much is it?
no frozy no life
Five years using same bottle ,again Increasing price…..mmm shame @your.Tikumwabe fronzy yemweyo,opanda uve.
Kaya azikweza ine sindimwa nawo ma fanta ndima cocacola anuwo asaaa..
Theres no ban for Frozy!!!!
Ndie kt inali dhilu kut to ban frozy cholinga akweze zaozi kkkkkkk alim’mazi.
Frozy nde dhiluuu……
Frozy abwerere. A Malawi ntchito ndikukhomererana
They are the ones influencing government to ban foreign drinks#dirty_bussiness#hard_out_there
That’s y malaw z failling to develop
Alipa bwanji fanta?
Ok zilibwino
k270 yotu ma shop okhazikika like Sana, U-Save etc…. koma mmakwalalamu ndiye ndi ma 3 hanzi
eish ….frozy thandize.
Fanta k270! Za ineyo aiwale
mmm ok let me sip frozy
orange squash (sobo)akuti 1700 koma tilimba?
kodi mukuti frozy??? hahahahaha inuyo mwamubana??? liti limenalo???hahahaha to your imaginations it might be so, to be honest, people are enjoying drinking …….Mr one and only,……. froooozy!!!!!!! and thay shout ……yeeeeeeeee.
ine ndimamwa bak’s wa 30 ba kusungunula 2L ndi obama 130 toto 160 moyo kufewa ndi low badget.zafanta ndi frozy ndizamwanu zimenezo.
Kodi wayambitsa chibwana choletsa frozy chakumwa chabwino chobweretsa chisangalalo mumtima nzeru ndiponso chotchipa potengera ka kwacha konyenyekaka ndani? Akufuna ka K2000 kaoka tizigulira 1 bottle of fanta? Muwauze kuti ndawapasa 48hrs alengezenso kuti frozy azigulitsidwa Ku Malawi. Kupandakutero wakundata following Bunch……..!
ine ndi.mamwa bak’s wa 30 ba kusungunula 2L ndi obama 130 toto 160 moyo kufewa ndi low badget.zafanta ndi frozy ndizamwanu zimenezo.
A M B S Akanangowauza Kuti Achepetse Mulingo Wa Gas Yemwe Amapezeka Mu Drinkyo Than To Ban Mpikisano Pamalonda Wachepa Mpake Akweza Mmene Akufunira.
Apa ndekulibwino kuthanadi ndi maraidatu asaaaaa mulu wausipa kutchipa kuposa botolo la coko .
panopa ndiy akupezek kwambir palib chimene apangapo a MBS ndip ena aku mbs akuguls akumakateng okh ku tete
shame! !!!!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tidzingomwa win bac pot wa hunds amayeza nanga izi zatilaka
Tell them frozy is the best….wat ashiiiiiiit they hv dn banng frozy
Apulezident mbuzi,ACarlsberg mbuzi,tizimwa frozy yemweyi mwamandilu momwemu.
Be ready guys coz am coming with 1000 cases of frozy drinks from mozambique and i’ll reduce the prices for everyone to buy! Am just near-by! Mmadziwa smago ndiye tinjira taketo eish! Komabe zafika basi! Ondilandayo ndithana naye ndekha coz naneso ndinamva kuwawa kupeza mpamba umenewu!!
frozy wambirimbiri mmakwalala,mughetomu.. u have banned it in ur mindset,calsberg ur just killing ur business if u think we have no access to frozy
koma kuno wa green akusowa man, ma colours enawa ndiye legozi. bwanji munganditumizileko botolo limodzi? kkkkk
no fear bra just halla the detail of which syd ur,kuno even wa dragon aliko
kkkkkkkk M’Malawi sadzatheka
Ine ndimafuna wa dragon yo
hahahaaaahaaha lets do business…..
Tell dem…. Ife tizamwa Frozy mpaka kalekale….
kkkkkkkkk Frozy is much better than Sobo drinks !!
Ndizomwe amafuna koma frozy ndi dhilu ndankhale sindikumuziwa coz is popular drink
Or mutatani frozy tidakamwa ife!
Ka Malawi Kwacha Kadatha Mphamvu Aka Kkkkk Frozy Tidakamwa 350ml K170
F*** you
Dem that shit. Tizimwa baks wa ma k50 Tizingosungunula
Frozy ndi deal koma nde akumwedwadi
Kutolela ma loss
These Monopoly F**k They Suck,,
Hahahahaa frozy yemweyo ndi dhilu osat zanuzo
Kkk u can force a horse 2 a river bt cant force t 2 drink…#tikunenepera #frozy!
ife tikumwabe frozy yemweyo. akupezeka ndithu olo mukweze