Mr President-elect, first let me congratulate you on your unexpected but resounding victory. We know Americans have found hope in your vision hence their votes for you, though some of us find some of your items on the menifesto weirdly repulsive. But who are we if Americans have spoken!
To be honest Mr President-elect, I may not be an ardent fan of your narcissist rhetoric but truth be told, your rare courage to speak the unspoken openly buys my credit for you. Such honesty cant go unwarranted.

I am reliably informed that you’re not backing down on your declaration to deport undocumented ‘illegal’ immigrants who, to you, are a hub of all sorts of violence and mess. Well, much as people see this war on ‘rapists’, ‘drug dealers’ to borrow your vocabulary, as unAmerican, I would however do the same for my country if I were a mogul of your stature and president of my country. Those people are indeed ungrateful, how could they repay the country which gave them home and everything including the much touted “American Dream” by flooding it with all sorts of menace!
But Mr President-elect, when deporting these “personae non gratae”, I wish you could do my continent Africa a favour. Being someone who is allergic to foreigners, I believe you’re aware of the presence of what I call ‘traitors’ in your country. These are Africans who have betrayed their motherland, Africa. She has single-handedly bore,raised and nurtured them to stardom, only to be abandoned at the time she needs to enjoy the fruits of her sweat and parenthood. Here, when one gives birth, the child becomes the walking stick when you grow old. African is old, Africa is sick and in dire need of her children’s care but they’ve all left and sought sanctuary there.
Mr President, if you load them full into a ship or that seatless plane, we’ll have our last laugh here. In fact, we’ll welcome those doctors and nurses,with beds of dying patients. Trust me Mr Trump, we’ll flock to the ports to welcome those economists, carrying with us all miseries resulting from sick economy. Ask every student here, they’ll tell you that all is set to throng the airports en masse and welcome those academicians who are there selling their motherland dirty past, for citizenship and places in institutions of higher learning. Don’t also forget to repatriate those politicians who have ruthlessly without an ounce of remorse, plundered our resources and create a heaven for themselves and families, we’ll walk long distances on empty stomachs to airports just for them!
Lastly Mr President, I would like to appeal to you that if you don’t want to help us, just be. But pinning us down through those conditions your predecessors have been attaching to the aids will no longer be tolerated. Much as you don’t want foreigners to meddle into your country’s business, we too want to be left alone. We too want to be Great Again just like we were before your forefathers came to divide us!
Shame on you Malawi 24 we have blackouts on daily basis and water shortages get you are busy writing Trump instead of writing ur ministers and president Trump doesnt give a damn about you he is Trump
Let me agree with Kalira us we Malawians let’s focus on developing our country so that we can change our lives and the country as a whole,let America be America and Malawi be Malawi
Ka ku24 kulivizeleza pela?
So! now malawi put God as a second best and put america first ? Shame!
simple flew away all american here ife tizidya ndikupanga zomwe makolo anthu kale ankapanga moyo uxitheka america z not our God nor God niether choose them to rule us they are evil
Inu Mbuzi 24
Mungapite kukawonana ndi munthu wamkulu inu
Antima komadi ndi antima
close Malawi institute of journalism!! it has no reason to exist what a man wrote this poem,, and now he termed it:”open letter ” do you think trump has time to read this stupid poem? I wonder, that u can’t take a diploma in 6 weeks and wrote za nzeru-upgrade plz!!!!!!!!
I am disturbed to see how many Malawians are so ignorant that they can’t see that this ‘letter’ is not meant for Mr Trump but is a sarcastic comment on the state of things in Africa.
“Mr President, if you load them full into a ship or that seatless plane, we’ll have our last laugh here. In fact, we’ll welcome those doctors and nurses,with beds of dying patients. Trust me Mr Trump, we’ll flock to the ports to welcome those economists, carrying with us all miseries resulting from sick economy. Ask every student here, they’ll tell you that all is set to throng the airports en masse and welcome those academicians who are there selling their motherland dirty past, for citizenship and places in institutions of higher learning. Don’t also forget to repatriate those politicians who have ruthlessly without an ounce of remorse, plundered our resources and create a heaven for themselves and families, we’ll walk long distances on empty stomachs to airports just for them!”
Do you think the journalist meant those words to be taken seriously?
kkkkk this is total madness
write an open letter to your President pitala bitch not to Trump we love Trump more than Pitalayo shame on you bitch
Stupid if you, don’t want to write any thing just keep
Trump this, Trump that ,he ain’t our president ,wathu nd APM ,nde zakwawozo nd zakwawo bac ,ife zitsatikhuze apa.and he is not yet sworn as a president. U don’t know what can happen btwn this period nde kulibwino kudikira kaye muone !kkkk amalawi si oyeratu paja we are african and black ,so thick black ,poor jounalist
Following currently and as well looking forward to the man’s responce
Fuck you Malawi 24
Yes because if Donald Trump cares about anything right now it’s an open letter from Malawi24..
Remove your nonsense letter pliz, why cant you talk of problems malawians are facing in their own land? Send an open letter to ur leaders not American president, oky?
I love coming here to read the comments. Some people (like myself at times) are obsessed with reading comments. For example, we find you reading this comment right now, which does not contain any useful information, only curiosity, that drives you to waste your time. Have a good day.I
haha i hop u hv wasted yo tym 2 reedin dis comment
haha i hop u hv wasted yo tym 2 reedin dis comment.
haha i hop u hv wasted yo tym 2 reedin dis comment.
Hahaha another time wasting
This open letter is Fantastic
If we could have people like you our country this Malawi could be great again for sure!!!!!
You are fools Mw24?
Remove the post please
ADM stop being foolish,kungofuna kuwayankhulitsa anthu udyo….. ngati wasowaa zolemba tamangozikanda
So what do you mean my brother? Is it necessary to write an open letter to Trump? I think you got a serious problem which need a quick treatment.
We not obliged even the least to try to prove to anybody and to blacks and Arabs that we are superior people, we have demonstrated that to the black and Arabs in 1001 ways.
The state of Israel we know today is not created by wishful thinking. we have created it at the expenses of intelligence, sweat and blood…..we do not pretend like other whites that we like the blacks
The fact that blacks and Arabs look like human beings do not necessarily make them sensible human beings. Hedgehogs are not porcupines and lizards are not crocodiles because they look alike. if God had wanted us to be equal to blacks and Arabs, He would have created us all of a uniform color and intellect but He created us differently whites, blacks, yellow, rulers and the ruled. intellectually we are superior to the blacks and Arabs that has been proven beyond the reasonable doubt over the years.
I believe that a Jew is honest, God fearing person who has demonstrated practically the right way of beige. by now every one of us has seen it practically that blacks and Arabs cannot rule themselves. Give them guns and they will kill each other. they are good In nothing else but making noise, dancing, marrying many wives, alcoholism, witchcraft, indulging in sex, pretending in church, jealousy, fighting and complaining of nonsense.
Let us all accept that the black man is a symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence. Give them money for development they will fight and create hatred and enmity for themselves.
this proves to anybody including a stupid fool that Africans don’t know what they want. isn’t that plausible?
Therefore that the white man is created to rule the black man, Africans will always have day dreams. and here is the creature (black man) that lacks foresight but only sees what is near him and still fails to know what to do. A black man is stupid to the extent that he cannot plan for his life beyond a year. Therefore how can they develop and live longer.
Then which fool argues that the black man is not born a beggar, grows a beggar, looks a beggar, falls sick as a beggar and dies a beggar. this has been proven beyond reasoning. I wonder that even up to now most Africans still go to school by force and those who are at school are enemies. this is a pregnant stupidity in Africa that needs Jesus’s immediate second coming. the body of Africans is very fertile for all diseases in the world bse they don’t fear even HIV/AIDS. This leaves me with a question are our eyes created the same with those Africans,,.? I hear there are still cultures in Africa that prohibit them from using latrines which is very annoying.
Please jam sorry to say that jam regretting to say that why did God create Africans. They cried for independence but have failed to rule themselves. For sure being African is a very untreatable disease that even prayers are not enough.
They have minerals but they cannot do anything with it therefore the whites let us go to Africa and pick what we can pick and leave what is of no use for them. poverty is a disease to the whites but to the blacks it is very normal. Jesus please hurry and save Africans and Arabs. A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE.
Kukhala mmalawi mkulimba mtima
Zachamba basi,mukulephela kuthetsa mavuto mukulimbana ndi anthu woti zawo zinayela, ur presedent peter iz mad and a fool
Its true , you have to cry first to your president, instead of wasting your time throw crying for Trump as if you are refugees while your president is busy by St…ling sum of the c..sh from you.
why osanenako zachipulumutso cha Mulungu? Mimba gwaa! ngati dala
Koma chamba
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Why you stupid Idiot bothered about him? In stead of being busy fixing your own prblms?
FIRSTLY is already go kwa a president peter mobisa. THIs one LASTLY OPEN letter kwa DONARD musasokoneze amalawi
To be a Malawian mmmm ai ndi matenda ndithu I can see now.
Kodi ndi ndani akuti dziko la MALAWI kunena chilungamo panopa MALAWI sidziko iyayi koma ndi CHILUMBA
Dhccjcgbb♡♡♥♥( ^-^ )
africa 4 us…..we dnt nid any aid.
Ndipo minda yathu tikuyifuna munatibera ija tea yo mumutenge mukadzale kwanu
Poorest nation with poorest mind =0
Mkhaula mseta msananye ndithu amphaka inu kazingobani ndalama ndi nyapapi wanuyo
why don’t u write an open letter to our President n complain about blackouts osati za Donald ukunenazo.wako president ukumuopa ikalimbane ndi mzungu.
kulemera simatha amalawi
A mosquito challenging an Elephant. A serpents’ egg that can be crushed before it hatches. How brave!
It is so funny that you are talking about aid, take malawiwns to work not to ask aid moda f***kr
why do you make fool of yourself? I don’t think if donald knows that there is a country Malawi??
musiye kuba misonkho yathu musiyeni trump simudamusankhe nawo.
Kodi simumapita nokha kukapempha. Manyazi mulibe.
first of al,let me tel you one thing,bitch!!! fuck you so clearly, en then,fuck your pussy bosses where ever they’re,for approval of your sticky ass pupul,so called open letter.we’re not fools!!!! hope you know that,en second, your fired,if don’t, the so called(malawi24.porn)its gon be worse night mare, God knows….who tha fuck are you to decides???what do you know bout trump???what do you know bout USA en his people,yet!! you don even know yourself???we’re citizens, en for that,…we decides best for our land!!!! if you’ve some other place to hide,we don’t ve,we’re born here en we gon die here!!! so don’t fuck around with me,a mean us!!!we’re not fong kongs we’re real citizens,for that,we deseve respect so fuck your dramatic shit.
Tell dem mamen,fuck dem,there ass pussy ,das bullshit u knw,big up mabrother
Kalyosi kutokota anene ,wamapesa kwene
kkk thats watsap,Mc yu kno this shit,no time for happy faces, fuck dem up!!!
Samalani anthunu ndiomwewo adapha Gadaffi
Yes it high time they know that
Kwakanthawi ndithu ndakhala ndikuzinamiza komanso kunamiza azizanga powauza kuti group iyi ndi yaanthu.onena zoona nkutinso ndiya akaswiri ofufuza mozama nkhani,ndinkawauzaso kuti aipange like.koma aka nkachiwiri kupanga zinthu zosakukhalani .muliso azathu akunja monga Nigeria and south Africa. Tinawalowetsako koma nzovetsa chisoni kuti aziwerenga zankutu monga izi. So sad
one thing i felt malawi 24 contributed in putting malawi at this state is the way these people reports their news,is this a letter?and imagine the president of us read this what is he going to think about malawians..i see luck of proffessionalism on you people.
If the President read this he will be worried becz he and the entire cabinet will not have any aid to steal
read again mr governor i meant the president of USA
I like the man, this corrupt countries like ours am tired of them big up Trump
Why don’t u talk about Malawi cabinet with the president is corrupted by stealing government taxes putng in thier pockets instead of developing our country to become self reliable in every sector, e.g hw can a family prosper by depending on begging from neighbours yet is called itself ,it is independent , wake up Malawi n go forward with advace knowledge of changing the nation that will make upcoming generation to be proud to be called Malawian.
Big up Trump if you want to develop Africa just come and do developments with you team but giving aid through African governments eeeeeshhh they are all thieves
That’s true my friend.
This letter is not written by true malawian but group of scammers who does not wish malawi to be on peace but to be hated by most powerful non-government that helps poor malawians.Plz this is not good,we know that you are rich own your own but not all malawian.MR TRUMP this Letter is not from malawians but a certain group of Idiots
I hate Obamacare
I see presidential blood in America soon.
So you mean Trump is reading this article? You must be joking
Trump does not even know that there Malawi24!
Leave mr Trump alone as he will never visit Malawi.
Wat the hell
Kkkkkkk Shame!
This letter shld go to peter
Yaaaaaaaa de guy z mad
No wonder these are results of employing your nephews, cousins , brothers, sisters as journalists regardless of their qualifications . sometimes I feel shame to be called a Malawian
you’re not alone, even me!!!full of shit!!
Feeling shame to b a Malawian? Then go to where u think Is best for u. I Love Malawi
True guys
Before you feel ashamed for being a Malawian, you must first feel ashamed for being a human, maybe you would be proud if you were a pig or rat living in UK. Infact you are a disgrace to the whole human race.
Km gyz mukubveka
Feeling shame to be called Malawian what about African in your side?
mmmmm never loved malawi but never regretted being part of it in that i respect my country man……MALAWI FITS MEEE
mmmmm never loved malawi but never regretted being part of it in that i respect my country man……MALAWI FITS MEEE
mmmmm never loved malawi but never regretted being part of it in that i respect my country man……MALAWI FITS MEEE
I agree with You. Shame
Waste of time
What about our slowly but sure Peter mutharika who is slowly taking us to the grave? On his first speach the US president called #Africans #Lazy_fools ndipo tisawadalirenso.
Do you know grave???
He is idiot he don’t know anything
Mwakhuta nyapwili uko, ndiye zishupu zakuvutani m’mimbamo.Paja uchitsilu samagawana, ndiye musamale ndi malankhulidwe anuwo.
I don’t believe that the Malawian Government can write such a letter.
Totally stuped
Trump ali ndi zakwao inuyo lembani zanu kutukula dziko la Malawi kuti lipite patsogolo basi. Kodi mmene timatenga ufulu wozilamulira timatanthauza kumapemphanso kwa mzungu? Ku maiko ena anasiya kale kale ndipo akutukuka bwino zedi chifukwa chakulimbikira kugwira ntchito molikonda dziko lawo. Ife tipilize kugwira ntchito ngati ndife obwera munomu tachokera kunja.
These are touching words keep it up bro
Address Peter Muntharika forget Trump..He is not your Leader
This is bullshit man
Who ever wrote this article he lacks wisdom. Let’s ask God for wisdom and all our problems will be solved. How can pple run a country without a wisdom. Fearing of God is the beginning of wisdom.
U must write to Malawi president those stupid so called open letter not Trump he iz nt a Nyasa and not responsible for challenges malawi is facing as a nation.Kukhuta mango paja ayambika eti
Anyani akhuta mango ophika.
Agalu amalawi 24
well said Trump isn’t the course of corruption in Malawi neither is he in apposition to stop for our country to develop!
Kkk wakhuta mango eti? Kkkk
Well put…
A fool journalist. Kukuchititsa ndikusayenda mwana wa hule iwe. Iwe ukuona ngati Trump angakhale busy kumaganiza komanso kuwerenga ma open letter ochokera ku Malawi?
umbuli basi utolankhani umeneyu wakumalawidi.
Don’t waste time talking about America instead of solving problems in your country.Trump doesn’t know you and black outs here.If I were you I should have written an open letter to Mr Mtharika not Trump because he is your President. Wake up Malawi, Indeed happier are the eyes that sleep.
Our media is not independent. It is always bias. They were busy misinforming Malawians about The US elections. The problem is, you really don’t know him,what’s his plan for Africa. Kuyankhula kwa ndithe ndithe nanthembwe adadzitengera.Kungomva kuti Hilary ndi mzimayi basi …
kkkkk koma guyz iyidi ndi time to stand up_di kkk tiue nazoni….
kkkkk zachamba
Yours faithfully, Enoki KaDZuwa
Why can’t you write open letters to your president? Trump owes you nothing and he was not elected by you but by the American people based on his campaign manifesto.
Couldn’t agree less there! We should be ashamed of ourselves!!
He’s the president of the United States, and not Malawi!
yeah!!! real talk,
So what it’s just a joke ?
Who told u its a joke,? Huh
Uchindele pela kkk
Where were the Americans when Africans were getting into their country? They were sleeping now it is day time to them.
Uyo walemba kalata iyo uchindele wake mazgani ukavu winu kudalila kupempha basi,shut up
Everyone for himself
he is for U.S. not Malawi…osapanga manyazi buanji?
insults wont help us here. one word is enough to a wise person. good day
nthawi zina akamalemba nkhani a mw24 amakhala atamwa nkhalabongo, kumawamvesesa thawi zina
Za kumache ……….
We are kings and don’t want aid
#Emmanuel speaking like a baby
Thank you Chirwa because you know where the aid comes from and why
Ma rubbish
Mbuli ndine
Well said
M24 sidzatheka full of dull niggers who call themselves professional journalist
written by a malawian,read by malawians addressed to Trump.Malawish
Eishh!! it doesnt make sense at all
Admin mapazi oloza kumanzelewo wamva?mxiii!samchima8-)
kukwiya kumeneko!!? kkkkk
Who Is The Writer?
Americans are our friends ,but if you want to spoil our friendship ,then you are first to leave this country
Mayaz, americas are not our friends, they just use us, full of pretendency, do u know what we do to earn their Aid?
not all Americans use us
Americans are not our friends. We want them to be our friends.
Who who who??????? Kkkkkkkkkkkk
Atolakhani aku Malawi r u stupid or what? Do u know what this rubbish can do to our country?
Eish, that means no Aid, right? economy igwa kwambiri.
ofa lero saafa mawa jah guide
Kkkkk its nt about economy but ubale. Our atolakhani r too much now.
Who wrote this letter?
Written by who?