Thousands of Malawians who are detained in South Africa at Lindela camp may continue suffering as Malawi has shifted the repatriation responsibility to the government of South Africa.
Information Malawi24 has gathered indicates that the Malawi government has no funds to repatriate over 1000 Malawians detained in the South African camp.
Sources within the ministry of foreign affairs have revealed that the issue of repatriating Malawians from Lindela does not exist in government plans.

“The issue is complicated and nobody within is aware of the day government will respond positively to the matter. However I’m sure there will be no immediate assistance from government on this, so our fellow Malawians will continue suffering in the foreign land,” the source said.
This revelation comes amid reports that people who are detained at Lindela are being subjected to various forms of abuses including beatings.
In an interview, minister of foreign affairs Francis Kasaila conceded that government has no funds to repatriate Malawians from South Africa.
According to Kasaila, it is not the responsibility of the Malawi government to repatriate Malawians from Lindela but rather it is the responsibility of the host nation, the South African government.
“Internationally, the host country must be responsible for that and not us. Are we the one deporting foreigners? I think our colleagues in South Africa must follow the right procedure here,” said Kasaila.
Meanwhile, Malawians have to wait longer in the Lindela repatriation camp as the two governments continue to shift the responsibility to each other.
Malawi must wait until RSA finish its silent Xenophobia soon o later foreigners in america beware Triump iz ready trap U.
Eeeeeeeh koma ku Jonz kudapita anthu ambili mmmm,mwati simupanga dziko lanu kumeneko kma???,98% yama comment apapa anthu ake ali ku Jonz Lmao
Zibwana izi! Tapangani zamagetsi inu a boma
Enafe ndiye abale plus mafriends a jonzi amakwana 11,si onse al ku Lindex basi
Mawu oti malawi ndkuphiphilisa, zoona zake amatathauza land of mavuto
Uku nkulakwa kwakukulu komwe boma la Malawi likuchita bcoz amalawiwa omwe akuvutika ku Lindera lerowa ndi imwewo akumanga nyumba za bwino kumudziko komaso akagwira ganyu akumatumiza ma rand ku malawi,,,poti lero zawavuta mukuwakana?????Ngatitu simukufuna kuti mzika zanu zikagwire ntchito ku SA apesenitu chochita omwe ali kumudzi komweko kuti nawoso asakhale ndi mtima wopita ku SA
Politics it’s now a virus affecting youth’s future peace and freedom every single person who is taking leadership under politics he or she is just taking the leadership for his or her own interest readership you get through study’s it’s readership which God bless. Now Malawian youths are in trouble in many areas not only SA because of evil political readers which our fathers and mothers chose hoping they can bring a change by inspiring youths with freedom good future platform and peace in all areas they can go for the sec of success now west is done if solution comes let’s thank GOD but my advise is let’s drop down interest on politics and focus on hard working and study’s that’s what can give us blessed readership it’s time youths and parents who are in Malawi stop put much support on politics because non of the readers we have been choosing through politics have put much interest by supporting youths so you furking politician old grand pa’s it’s time you must stop your shit politics on youths don’t disturb them with your snake interest on politics let them study and achieve because it’s where we can have true readers bare in your mind country belongs to the youth then youths takes responsibility on taking care of parents so all the Malawians youth all over the world where ever they are they are there So that they can help parents back home because you furking politics ain’t taking care of our parents. Furk politicians I don’t wanna hear you furking politics story’s you dem morons
Utsogoreli wadyela,kuzikundikila chuma mukusaukisa nako anthu osalakwa ziwani kuti kukhala mdziko lachilendo sikufuna koma mavuto
Let them continue eating free sausages at Lindera, no need to hurry coz it’s not an emergency, & nobody has died ever since they got detained, which means they r well looked after. Akhalebe konko coz akabwera kuno azavutika.
This is how we leave, its not a knew practice.
kugwidwa kwa anthu amene timakhala kunofe sichithu chosangalasa koma imakhala ngozi so guyz enanu mukuchitenga chosewelesa kumawaseka aMalawi anzanu sibwino mawa ndi inu muzafuna kubwera kuno muzakumana ndizomwezo bcoz mukuzala mbeu yomweyo vuto ndi boma lathu la Malawi siliziwa kupanga ubale ndimaiko ena 2months ago south africa yapeleka papepala okhalira muno kwa dziko la lisotho atavomeleza kuti mudziko lawo muli mavuto so don’t blame this people blame your country leadership
Man asogoleli aku Malawi ndi Oyipa bolanso Satana??? Next year ndikubwela basi!!! Denco azangonditenga ndithu,,,Malawi does not Exist
come my bro ukuxiwiratu zakuno matemba athu ndi nkhuku ndi volosi uvutikilanji pa malawi pomwe ntchito zako zilipo
Eish Bra miss thoz good tym,,,,Maxy ndakusowani Man koma mmmmm,,,,zi tym timakambilana za Sogolo zija
bwerani boss
Is good to staying at Lindela than at our country Malawi. Government of Malawi doesn’t have sufficient financial and our kwacha is very devaluated. That’s the Duties of Malawi Government to helping his people. But Government of Malawi so sorry be like Mother’s Malawi.
Ife sitingabwela kumalaw kwanuko no job plus mwasisa maphunziro certificat ya 4 no more kkkkk zaka zingt munthu ukuphunzira mpaka kufa ndinthu usadalawe nthukuta lako
fuck u malawian minister of edication pusy presdnt
i dnt care bcz ndimadya zanga zomw amandipasa #mulungu
bola azikhala ku Lindela komweko kusiyana ndi Ku Malawi kuno
Masiku omaliza anthu azakhala ozikonda okha ndiokonda ndalama,sungani ndalamaZo,idyani,gulani magalimoto odulawo,mangani nyumbazo,….muzayankha mafunso azonsezi
Yes gyz ur fact bcz m’mene zinthu zililimu eeee sizilibwino
We were regardng u as wel educated presdnt of wch u cn improv malawians bt yet u r so contrajarious a bg tsotsi
Mukafunaso kuvota musazatiyitane tilekeni tizikhala mulindelamuno tiona zochita
No money for repatriAtion koma money for porche kars et ,mukumaganiza buanj amauDindo kumtundaku .mumati
yetsa a malawi kufoila et ,anthu akuvutika kukapexa ndalama yet u are not h
Elping em .#thickAboutitWisely
(1) kuvuta kwa magesi
(2) kuvuta kwa madzi
(3) kusowa kwa chakudya
(4) kupha alubino
(5) kudula kwa zinthu
(6) kugwa kwa kwacha
(7) kulephera kukhala ndi mfundo zofuna kuthandiza malawi
(8) maiko akathandiza ndikandala kutibela
(9) usogoleli wa nkhaza,ungofuna kukondwa kwa inu nokha not anthu anu
ngati akulora dziko lonse la Malawi kuvutika wat more anthu amene tinamuthawa ndinkhaza zake kubwera kuno kwa eni ndikufuna umoyo wantendele, kodi kupeza vuti angatithandize??? Yankho ndi AYI, mulungu ndiye aziwa pakuipanga nthawi all brothers n sisters in lindela dnt lose hope our master his there to guide ur life one day u will step out
Ambiriwo anazemba boma, kupita ku theba wopanda passport, sanatsanzike even abale awo kumudzi kuno, anayamba maganyu koma abale awo olo khobidi. Lero zavuta akuyang’ananso omwe anawanyonza aja. Ndalama zomwe akalipilira passport mmbuyomu bwezi zimenezo zitawateteza but they chose shortcuts.
Khuyu zodya mwana kkkk
its not MG responsibility, infact they need to be put behind bars when they jet in……
what do you understand by the word “Empathy”?
Only GOD will help us not those selfishness leaders
Mukapezaso nkhani ina yoti mukambe kambani basi, ,,,,,,,,,, koma uku ndikusowa nkhani, ,,,,,,,,Nde ķuti mulibe fundo kapeña kupanda nkhani zeni zeni zomachita post, ,,,,,,,,,pa Facebook, sure,
Mukapezaso nkhani ina yoti mukambe kambani basi, ,,,,,,,,,, koma uku ndikusowa nkhani, ,,,,,,,,Nde ķuti mulibe fundo kapeña kupanda nkhani zeni zeni zomachita post, ,,,,,,,,,pa Facebook, sure,
Musaiwalenso kukumbutsa Bomali za atsikana athu akuzunzika mu dziko lija la kuwait’ Malawi should learn to protect its Citizens.
Wina wake akuti akudya nyama komanso kuonera plasma….nde inu mukutu akuvutika?….
Its our problem to erect an educated person, because he only focus his fell educated people… So lets try to erect un educated who can care for uneducated people
Stop talking nonsence, we come here for a reason, we are not here to play. And what you should have to know is, our families out there.akusangalala because we are here, working. Kodi tonse tili kunofe tinakakhala kuti tili kumeneko, ndi mmene umphawi wafikiramu bwezi zili bwanji?think abt it malawi wanga,apa chimene ndinganene ku boma la malawi ndi chakuti?pezani fundo zoti muliuze boma la southAfrica kuti lisiye kugwira a malawi ndi zinthu mmene zilili kumeneko. You are not doing nothing kuti muthetse umphawi, ndi pamene you creating more ploblems ku dziko,pamene ma banja anu akusangalala.chinanso ndi chakuti, lets hold hands together to take a part kuemphelera dziko lathu, things are worse. Ambuye atichitire chifundo
Tell them cousy,ukuyankhula bwino ndipo sunatukwane ai,wanena chilungamo ndipo chilungamo chiyende ngati madzi.umatiimilira.
Ccta u knw what last Malawi received £70m,pano,30m,its almost £100,tsopano mmalo mothandiza athu,akusakasaka plan yobela ndalamazo,fuck them all#bola kamuzu
Help you people who are suffering In the hands of SA police.It the goverment can who will help them.Why people are going to S.A. the goverment has to create jobs for it People so that they do not go why they are not wanted..
Zofuna Zawo Zimenezo! Mmene Ankanyamuka Kumapita Ku #theba-ko Anakasanzika Ku Boma? Aziona Akula Atha.
Dr Hestings Kamuzu Banda,Dr Bakili Muluzi,Dr Bingu wa Mutharika ndi Dr Joyce Banda..atsogoleli amenewa amakhudzidwa kwambiri ndi nkhani ngati imeneyi.kodi Bwana Peter ndi boma lanu,mchifukw chani mukulolera kuzumza anthu mdziko laweni?this is 2016 mwezi wakenso ndi November.ndiye ngat pali ena amene amacheza naye president-yu koma wawelenga coment yangayi,,,,pls mukamufunse kut,,,kosi pasala zaka zingat kut 2019 tiponye vote?
Patumbo panu athu akumipando ndiiwe umazita kuti ndiwe bwana iwe .ndi k2000 yako wapangayo utiyere mabi ife ngati zakuvu bwanji wosapeza athu woti akuthandize tatopa nawe .tchito kumalawi kulimbe ndiye kuti tikhale kumeneko ndiye makomomu simukhara nkhuku komaso ndende zizaza .osayambiraso zausilu zanuzo timatukura malawi ife
Kazembe wathu samatithandiza kuno amatitukwana amati kulibe m’bale wake kuno ku RSA kuno komanso amati m’bale wake sangagone ku Landera ndi zambiri zimene amanena ngakhale a Home affairs amatiuza kuti sanaone munthu oyipa mtima ndi ogona ngati kazembe wathuyu(mw). plz inu a boma tithandizeni.
Dziko la Malawi ndidziko lankhanza koma limapanga mwakabisila,ndipo ndi dziko la Malawi lokha lomwe linayika chiletso mma boarder a South Africa kuti tizionetsa ma R3000.Ndiye ndi zosadabwitsa kumaona boma likusiya anthu ku Lindela mmalo mokawatenga,akamaliza kuseva ma 3 months awowo 2019 mudzawafunenso kuti adzakuikeni pampando.
Ukathatu mano usamaswe phale
2 months now in Lindela den amakutulusa kkkkkk.
Mudziyakhulatu bwinotu apa mumafun kuti kumalawi tidzivutika mmmmmm basi ubwino wake anatapasa miyez yokhalila kulindel ikakwana timatuluka nkumakhalaso k uno za ziiiiiiii batulutsan ma 2000 zanu
Thanks for telling us here,but please go tell them only this;they are in those positions to squander money and not to help the nation,foolish,we need a change and not oral reform shamee!
Go to the hell
the bad thing is, they are arresting ppl wen they r busy waiting for the documents to come out inside of the home affairs instead of arresting ppl who r entering in this country illegally, I was there on Monday to add my days but wat hpn was very unbelievable, I was given only a week to use my paper, the same day afternoon ppl were arrested and taken to lindela for any good reason.
koma a Malawi24 nthawi zina simungalembeko zokuza za mawu amulungu?dziko lathu lili pa moto bwanji osawalimbikisa anthu pa mawu auzimu kuti mwina dziko lathu zinthu nkuambanso kuyenda bwino.kupusa eti?chomwe ndachiona muliko anthu ochepa ku Malawi24 ko,mukumasowa zolemba ofuna akuonjezereni mukhala a Malawi84 mwina muzithandizana nzeru,ku lindrela siku prison ayi,anthu amaphakatu life kumeneko ngati musakuziwa,timasamalilidwa bwino heavy,breakfast, lunch,ndi supper zimakhala zamakani mboba,osati kudya bonya utsiku kumalota ukuponya khoka zaziii
Zopusa zomwe mwaona kut mungakambe ndizakuno zokhazo mmalo momakamba za njala zausilu basi wapanga post status iyi ndichidebe angosiya ntchito ngt watopa
Akhale konko who told them to go there,,, govt or themselves
Akhuta frozy awa.
I once been their in Malawi so that Ican make proper papers but with your stupid rules! Ndidalephera that’s why we must suffer. Ndili nda azizanga aku Zambia amapangitsa ma pepala okhalira kuno mwa easy! Kwawo komwe not here!
Kkkkkkkkkk nde ukuona ngati anzakowo akamakuona amaganiza bwanji za iwe
Man wids! Aaaaaah umagwira ntchito ngati kapolo basi!
Ngati kuli wa mlakho, achita mwachangu apo bii ambuye alowererepo.
Peter Mthalika he must go to hell
Anthu opanda nzeru ndiamene mukunyoza kut tonse tikhale kumalawi palibe chingaende kaganyu kako komwe ukugwila kubwera ine ndukalowa kameneko. Ndikabwera ndikatundu oyambaso ndiwe kundinyengerera kulimbila motchipa imani mudzaona chomwe mulungu amapanga, Iwe wabadwila konko kukulila konko ma paper asukulu ulinawo ine ndikudutsa zomwe umapanga sungafanane ndi munthu oti ali kuno tym yako idzasintha udzaona tym tym.
Don’t say that no we here in South Africa because of problems in Malawi and we don’t need government to come and pick us no we need Malawi government to talk with government of South Africa to lilese us nothing we can do in Malawi
don’t worry everything is oky here in SA
its just sad that RSA treats malawians and other countries like this..yet we depend each other in many areas.I feel bad considering that we hv many southafricans chasing our girls here,if look closely they dont hv valid documents but we still live together as brothers.why do southafricans fail to emmulate this for we are all africans,with the same blood.,if see all the tribes in south some of such tribes we hv here in malawi which shows we are one.usipa weniweniwu ukudibwa ku south is coming from malawi,why do we fight..why do we seem not to be favoured,why do we seem we are treates badly.should we say malawi as a country our rules and regulations on issues of foreigners are weak and fair?#shocked
white still use and abuse us.
Moffat kalupsya PHIRI white r better Dan ur fellow black man aise.
iweyo aise wandigwira mtima umaziwa chilungamo aise
Mmesa ndimava kuti ana a joweni ndi a dola heavy,azidula ticket ya ndege okha bcz sangamakhaale dziko la weni opanda chiloledzo,si kuchenjela ataaaa.nevermind ndi amunatu baja ati amathera moyenda.Apo biiii azizawo omwe sanagwidwe adulire ma ticket poti salary zawo pa week ndi ya nduna kuno.Amazithira manyi abakha amenewa bwanji ngati ali ndi zenizeni,am still kudikila ma reply anu
kkkkkk,ine ndili pano pa theba,am not going any where.angoni satha onse.ndinabwera ku meneko kwa mwezi umodzi koma EISH,bonya kuwawa mkamwa komanso chomwera chake madzi.Zinayamba kuwawa mkamwa komanso dzuwa limandiwotcha heavy
that means ulibe ndalama yoti ungachite survive pano pa malawi,so no need kumasimbwa kwambiri bcz most of u guys mumapita ku south Africa mulibemo mu Top 1million ya anthu ochita bwino muno Mmalawi.
Nde kuti inu mukuzipopa kwambiri kuti muli ndi ndalama?
Si onse omwe amapita ku joz. Kuti amapita ndi chimwemwe ayi ena ndi kusowa pogwila nde inu samalanu poyankhulapo
Samalani polankhula, mukuyenela kuzayankha tsiku lina.
ndalama za pa malawi koma uchite kukhwima kaye,kapena zokuba m’boma.kupanda zimenezo basi kuzikanda,Ndiye chomakhalira kumeneko ndi chiyani?
Kkkkkkk koma mwayankhula mwene. Ziwani mulungu anagawa mosiyana koma .
Basi ife olo mutitukwane sitingafe kamba kadeportee tikuphwanya ma RANDS Babaa, ukakufuna undiuze ndikutenga chifukwa ndilibe nsanje ngati iwe
si kudzipopa kapena kuti ndili ndi ndalama ayi,koma muyang’ane ma comment azizanu omwe amapita ku joni mmene amanyozera,ifeso mukamatinyoza zimawawa.Muthu sunganyodze komwe unabadwira pogwiritsa mawu oputsa,enafe timabwedzera no matter what.pomwe zikakuvutani mumabwerela dziko losawuka lomwero,aliytse amaziwa zamavuto omwe tili nawo,koma enanu mumanyanya kutamidwa ndi joni ngati tonse timadyesedwa ndinu
yeah you are right the gvt….must be in a position to stand for its citizens …Zimbabwean gvt has e say for its ppl …no wonder why Zim people has permits to stay freely in SA….
Tel dem Tel! dem free fro free but Malawi mmmmm i don’t no our country.
Nanga ntçhito źa kumalàwi ofunika anthu opata, al university, koma ngati ine satifiketi ya form 4 komaso mwaletsa satifiketi ya 2 .masiku año ndi college basi, a aaaa a mpopoti apa MÀLAWI, wantha.
Silly Malawi government no plans for the citizens ishhhhhh
God help Malawi
Basi taona kale kuti mwayamba kale campaign. Boma ndilanu basi mpaka 2019
Ine nde sindilli ku gehena kwanuko?? In Malawi and proud to b a Malawiian.
Hmm please what do u mean? kkkkk no no no Anniettie !!
Mwaswera bwa???
Musathe mau mai, musakhale ngat mukugona.
@Anniettie sinaswere bwino mwamva? kkkkkkkk
Ndinu ankhanza zedi kkkkkkkk Eeeeeeeish!!
Aniiit uziyamba waganiza usanalankhule kuno ndikunja kumayanja lichelo
Ngati muli opeza bwino jst tank God otherwise u ll see real gehena after death
@Sam Gee Banda, you are bad person and even very stupid. Do u know why people flock to SA? Pitala Mathanyula provides NOTHING for Malawians to do. Does he have jobs for them? Mathanyula is Lomwe -Busy Thief in Malawi and he does nothing to create jobs. You talk like a MAD lomwe person. Can’t you sympathise with them? Satanic you are !!
Kkkkkkk S.A. ingowatenga anthuwa akhale akapolo awo
Sory Too Bad
Nditafusidwa kuti ndisakhe kokhara pakati pakumalawi ndi kulindela. Ndhta kusakha kulindela. Kumalawi chimodzimodzi kujahena. No water no power, no president. Kulindela akudya, magetsi diwazi, madzi ndi more. Aaaa konyadira kukhare kujahena kuno. Iwo alibwino kusiyana ndiife tikusaver kujahena yapa dziko lapansi. Mulungu awasamala inu asiyeni iyaa dziko lamalawi ndiziko lomalinyadira? Ndikhumbo langa dziko lino lithesedwe zambia, mocambique, zimbabwe aligawane.
Ok pay tax here same tax will bail you
Kuganiza moputsa. Ku lindela sunayambe wapita umangomva. I pray that one day u ll visit
Tachoka iwe kulindela angasowe madzi, or magetsi.ine ndinapondako b4 iweyo iyaaa azichita kulakhura motumbwa kuti sawathandiza. Zaugalu basi unakandiyandikira ndikanakuthira khofi
Ukufuna unamize ndani lindela si prison ayi
Iya asatengeko akhale choncho kuti aleke kutigwira ndalamazo akagule mmera
Tikupepha boma kikambirane ndiboma LA South Africa asiye kutigwira kuno
Mwasuta chamba eti zangokumvutani
After 4 month amatulusidwa
Peter must resign
its better to buy maize from mexico ruther than wasting money for these pple that r in lindella.No one send pple to sa ,they huv to make their own plan
Umbuli sizithu kumayenda akulu u will lern
Waganiza bwanji ayise
i huv bein in so many countries n even south africa aswell.Y these pple r staying in forein countries without proper document.
You seem to know better but you are a foolish brute…you think all those are stupid like you?
so ur clever,y cant u help them.Did they ask goverment when they r going to sa?so if ur de 1who give them transport to go there help them,what malawi huv at the meantime is to feed their families even u 2.Those r the price that they deserve after they runaway from their families,wenna ur playing with fire
so, if ur cever n rich help them,what malawi have at the meantime is to feed thier families they runaway,wenna ur playing with the goverment
Kkkkkk i can see mr sam Gee is empty teen..he talk nonsese
When you talk mind you there is tomorrow, Shame on you
I love Malawians just as much as I like visiting that country. Shifting the responsibility won’t solve any problem. Mutharika, take care of your runner away children.
Koma mwati Bwampiniyu alipo? Cikamwa cacikuru colephela naco kulankhula kkkkkkk a Malawi azizunzika conci paja iwe ulibe Problem ndipo olo musalowe Parliament kaya mulowe palibe cimene mungasinthe izinja
Nanga amene Ali ku tz
Govt must do something now coz anthuwa amapita Ku joz kukayesa mwayi WA ntchito coz ntchito zikusowa kuno and zikayenda amabweletsa chumacho Ku Malawi konkuno ….ngakhale amavutika mumakhapanso misonkho osawona nkhope anthu oyipa inu
Ife tikuyesa mwayi ku Malawi and tikulipira msonkho,inuyo mukamsyesa mwayi msonkho wanu umapita kuti kuchitira pa mmawa mukagwidwa msonkho wanu ukuomboleni
Dziko la anthu ozikonda koma mulungu nde akulanga pansi pompano omwe adali akugöna pa shamba uko
The gvt should not be rigid on UN charters. Situations demand flexability in approach.
The only reason is that the arrest of illegal immigrants in RSA is a continuos and Malawians are in almost a million. They keep on going.
Let turn to our girls in Kuwait. These have been crying for help but because they come from poor families,the gvt is very casual and at snail pace.
Very different from Zimbabwe which repatriated its citizens once it was known.
Malawi 24 ngati nkhani zakusowani kuli bwino kukhala chete than kumapanga post nkhani zamaboza, dzoti anthu ayamba kutumizidwa kumalawi last week inu simukuziziwa?
Màlawi is à poores country, use ñow’ you baneď the people on your country, to stay here for long time to staving is not fear, but you get donation to other country, where is the money now, goes.
kodi nde tikabwera kumeneko tizizatani ndi ma 2000 anu mwayamba kupangawo ?aaa ine ndikhala komkuno ngakhale kwawolaso .nawo kuno apanga 500 imodzi
Waboza iwe.500 apanga lit??
Sadapange 500ayi koma ana asouta nyaupe kunowa anapanga create ndalamayi koma inali ya fake nd imaoneka pa net not in
tiziwona tonse tiri kuno ,koma mmmm south africa yafikapono pano pankhani yodula zinthu
Eeee pano SA yaoladi ntchito kusowa zinthu kudula ayi yanyanya
nde kuchaso kwalero kuno worcester asesa anthu amayenda usiku mma 1 nde eee tingosamala
Yah we will continue. To eat ZUMAS food. Antil he foces Peter to take as back.home we are stil waiting here at lendela
May Allah subhanal wataala grant all people who is serving jail in lindela ameeeeen!
under Peter Muthalika
Yoli yoli yoli boma ilooooooo
Mukunena za ku Lindela,anthu akumalakwa ndikusungidwa ku sun city prison ndiye akanene pa Lindela apa,atulusidwa pangachedwe pangatani
How cn Malawi gvt live the rensponsibilty of repatrilliation 2the gvt of RSA’ its the motion of Malawi gvt 2send their Citizen back like what happened during Xenophibic time’Remember its not our will 2b found here bt bcz our readers r doing ntng 2 our youth!soon our cntry is Cmng like ZIM,thats wy citizen Flock 2Jonz lkng 4green pasture,ndiye inu a Boma la #MALAWI tengani gawo kuti Dzika zili ku Lindera zibwere Dziko muno mwaufulu.
Anthu Anayamba Kupita Ku Jon Nthawi Ya Atsamunda Mpaka Lero,,no Blame Games
Amwene if you are one,,what have you contributed to the money we are to source to bring those fellows home
why were they travelling to a foreigh country wethout proper documents iyaaa inu aboma musakawatenge dolazo gulani mankhwala mzipatalamu akusowa
Kupita kunja sikulakwa koma zimafunika kumapita ndimapepala okwanira! Boma silinalakwise mumalakwisa nokha iya
Think deep b4 u comment
Think deep b4 u comment
Ife amene timapita Maiko akunja ndi anthu amodzi tikubweretsa zinthu za Makono monga Ma Smartphone/Plasma/TV n,zomputers zoti even Phuzitsi kapena Wa police wa ku #MALAWI kuno sangagure chisawawa poyerekeza ndi Saraly yawo”So we must b,respected!
zanunso zimenezo ine ku Malawiko msingakhale hahahaha ambuye akutisamala anzathuwo atulukako olo akatumiza abweranso jon ndi jon sinama ngakhale timagwidwa
Kkkk Maxy Chonzi watelo hehehehehehe
Eeeee Malawi wavutatu kuno Musayelekeze kubwela Man
ndikubwera paja ukwati wanga pa 1april HHI multipurpose hall
Ooooh Ya Paja,,,aryt Welcm Home Bra
thanx my bro
Shame malawian
Muzilankhula ngat amuna not ngat mkadzi
Eee koma kumeneku Athu Akuvutikadi Kaya Titani Pamenepa?
ubwino odzera njira zamadulira popita kumayiko achirendo ndi choncho.
matha azakusaukisa lindela anangila anthu kkkkk
oky man ndakubvani, nane ndiyesetsa kut kulinderako ndikafikeko ndinava kut chinachilichose ndi chaulele kumeneko”ayi azathu akufira kumeneko kkkkk.
njuchi zikamaluma ndiye kuchisa kuli uchi kkkkkkk
Too bad
Africa is one,,,Unite to STOP this nonsense..