The Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) has pleaded with the general public to help Malawi Queens compete at the Fast5 Netball World Series this month by meeting the remaining K18 million deficit for the tourney.

The team is expected to leave for Melbourne next week but NAM is yet to source the said deficit, forcing the association to press the panic button through its President Rose Chinunda.
“We really need support from well-wishers to meet the remaining K18 million deficit. We are very optimistic of meeting the budget in time for the team to travel.”
“Much as we appreciate the government’ support, there was need for other stake holders to rescue us from this situation but we are very hopeful of meeting the budget before next week,” she said.
Some weeks ago, Old Mutual donated half a million to the association for the tourney before receiving K14 million from official sponsors Airtel Malawi.
The Queens coach Griffin Saenda is expected to name ten players for the tournament.
Hmmmmm palibe vuto tithetsa national team ya football ndie kuti zonse zizipita ku ma Queens. Sikuluza nanga akutipinduliranji awa ngati sikuchinyidwa?
This z the team that put us on the map most of the time rather than wasting on football at the end of the day achieve nothing than disappointments. These women they deserve to be funded more.
Bushiri apa sizot mwakut mwakut pelekani mulinazo ndalama.nanuso a nam just say you lookin for miracle muller.
Its better to help netball team than football team
Ask PSB he can do it…
Eish Sorry ma queens,all Money has been used by Mtchona’s trip to USA
on the map you will find the queens that they doing good than those who them selves flames, even now you see they says top 5 which shows that the queens are doing quite goo, give them money why not?
Major 1 alipo kukuthandizani koma ziphwisi a DPP mmmmm
Ask bushiri, he will give you all the money
A malawi simuzatheka ayi!
Pasapezeke owathandiza, kodi inu amalawi why mumaononga ndalama zambiri pa masewera kusiya za njala,umoyo, even muthandizidwe u cant bring any medals at home, mupite muzikasamala ana ndi azimuna anu mmizimu,sizoberapo boma apa
Za ziiiiiiiiiii ena akufa kusowa mankhwala mxiiiiiiiiwe
AHOYI INE!! Ndikadakhala nazo nkadapereka, atsikanawa amwtiimilira…ndipo fast5 imandisangalatsa…World Top 5 Teams,This Time The Queens,Would make it.. Go go the queens…Hope airtel will support You
Amati “Gulitsani china mwachimangacho kuti chiteteze chinzake” Let`s sell Flames so that we can have enough money to support the ever wining Queens…
Bushiri mwamuuza?? If not muuzeni apereka
Ngati mukumfuna mery mawaya wanuyo osakamfunsira bwanji apa akukamba za team men shaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Athandizeni! Mumathandiza mbuzi za maflamez zoti sizichitapo chilichonse.
Theee girls deserves help anayika Malawi pa map osati za Flames
saukamba za Mery Wayah yekha guys kkkkkkkk
We have alot of problems nw which need alot of money, as iam taking they is no medicine in our public hospitals, alot of problems water, electricity etc and u are here talking about netball!
Now you’re talking crap
It’s prolly ’cause you’re not a baller
Why not complaing about Mutharika’s long stay in America? Give them Money
Anthu tikudandaula vuto la magetsi ndimadzi nde ena akupempha chithandizo kuti chani? instead ndalamazo agwiritse ntchito vutoli kumaongela zachabechabezo! mukachoka kumeneko miyendo mbuuuu mphuno biii musafuna kusamba komanso kudya nde muzaphika kuti?
Kkkkkkkkkk waganiza bwanji?
Basi2 man zina zikubowa!
m ndiye kumalawi kumeneko
$ zonse zinathela ku UNGA
Utengau ukafika kwa peter akupasane wabwela nazo zambili ku USA,,,,,