Malawi’s former President Joyce Banda will launch a presidential bid for the 2019 elections when she comes back to Malawi, according to reports.
The former president has been globetrotting since losing the 2014 elections but she is coming back to Malawi to reorganize her People’s Party (PP) for the next elections.

PP Regional Governor for the North Maquenda Chunga said Banda will be coming soon to Malawi to prepare for her bid and the party is confident that she will do well in the elections.
“She will be coming though I cannot say when but for sure she will vie for the presidency in the 2019 elections and she will win,” he said.
When she comes back Banda will find a People’s Party that has been tattered due to defections and fights over positions.
The reports also comes amid claims that President Peter Mutharika is sick and that is why he extended his stay in the United States of America where he went to attend the United Nations General Assembly.
Banda and Mutharika have not been the best of friends since the latter won the 2014 Presidential elections in which the former came third.
It is also believed that Banda, who ruled Malawi from 2012 to 2014, is on a self-imposed exile because she fears arrest for her reported involvement in the plunder of public funds during her tenure. Banda has always denied any involvement in the looting.
Sabwelanso uyu wamva kale kuti APM still alive ,amaona ngati amwaliladi kuti adzalandenso u presdent mai wankhanza kusiya ana alimavuto,kodi mwana angathandize mai ake amene anamuponya muchimbudzi atangobadwa?idont think so
Eish wakhumba wazabeso ndalama nakuthawira ku exile, chalo ichi chazula na mbava zekha Maleaders.
Thanks guys for ur comment,
We don’t need you. Don’t even think about coming back. .
tikumva kut mukukozekelaso pa udindo samban mmanjaniko muiwale usogoleli siwanu mayi manja mwanu muli magazi mwachita zoipa muziko palasi kuba dalama za mboma sitinaiwale amene azakuvote
Ndizavotela Brenda sambakusi Kkkkkkkkk ccta Mumakwana Kkkkkk
Inu just stay where you are. Za u president mayazi,you made things worse.
Dis shit shld be hanged on her arrival ….she messed up everything…
Zipitani amayi kumalawiko mukathana nazo nokha ine ndiye ndikadabisalabe
Maloto a chumba
Tichenjele amalawi tonse chifukwazikuchitikazi ndizoti winaaliyense azi
wonanjira yake osati kukhulupilila zaboma ayi mapetoake zikolitifelammanjatikuwona
AMA tili nanu tieni nazoni…..
Mayi musamakhumbileso kut muzalowaso nboma kord mkazi ndi mamuna amagona pasi mesa ndi mkazi mayi simudzalamulilaso loko pang’ono dzingopangani business yogulitsa kalongonda
Aaaaa bola kusiya kuvota ine ndinavotera Allahu wakibaruh(God in heaven
iweyo nde ungodzivuta u can’t be president again,unatikwana kale.
Thanks guys,chisomo and edgar,
Thanks guys,chisomo and edigar ,
Koditu a Peter sanamwalire, komanso akubwera ndye muombana mitu, akumangani.
And JB, don’t bother urself, u left us pocket less wth ur facken cash gate, w don’t need u facken mother. A mother without the heart of a mother.
Satanic Lady.
Kkkkkkkkkkk nosense woman maliro akatuluka m’nyumba sabwelera.
Abwere Maula Prisoni Ikudikira
Abwere Maula Prisoni Ikudikira
Koma dziko LA Malawi anthu Alitenga ngati business posewelela basi
Another dictator
She run ha country kumakakhala kunja living true Malawians with hunger while she is keeping money in her accounts osatengako even kagawo koti mkugula kachimanga ka K1. Something Million kwacha kuti athandize a Malawi akhuzidwa ndinjala, then now she’s coming back into lie(politic) u will neva see my finger pounting u as 2019 President nevaaaaaa.
She run ha country kumakakhala kunja living true Malawians with hunger while she is keeping money in her accounts osatengako even kagawo koti mkugula kachimanga ka K1. Something Million kwacha kuti athandize a Malawi akhuzidwa ndinjala, then now she’s coming back into lie(politic) u will neva see my finger pounting u as 2019 President nevaaaaaa.
Useless mbava kuno ayi!!!!!!!
Ichi Chokha Ndiye Chisazinamize Kuti Chizalamula Malawi Ata!!H
Olembanu muziti mayi wa Satanic akubwera………………….
Koma ndiye mwatipezeleratu! wu presidentiwo ndi wa mbuyanu kut muzingosinthana! thats rabbish!
Welcome back mama…
you lost elections while you were in power .i dont think you can make it .i can advise you not to be active in politics .Malawi will respect you forever
Mayi okuba uyu
Cashgate udapenga nayo ija watha kale kunjako nde ukuona ngat ungayiwonexo game kma Mayi iwe kkkkkk.
Amai bwelani kuprison kulibe mtsogoleri,mudzagawile mbava zizanu ma pulani obela atsopano omwe mwapeza komwe muliko.MKAZI WA BUSHIRI iwe. ufa imfa yowawa sikaleso
Akangobwela joyceyo monga hule lalikulu ndidzayamba kumuchinda kaye kenako kudulako nanyongoyo nane ndimugulise ndigule galimoto yanga.sindikumusowa GALU wasatanic.!! wachindidwachindidwa ndi azungu uko OKUPHA olo usabwele dziko silikukusowa.mmxxxx.!!
Munthu ofunika kumangidwa uja sameneyu bwelan mayi ndizomwe amadikila amalawi muzafotokoze ndalama zanthu munadya
Bwelani Bas Mulindi Mafuso Athu Ambili Kuti Muzayankhe Kuchitila 2019 Yo Musazakhale Muku Seva Kumaula Prison
Jesus Christ 2019 boma.
Olira samugwira pakamwa nthawi zina timaona mosiya malinga ndi nzeru ,malo kapena mtundu wa munthu ena amangoona kuipa kokha kokha kusiya dress mai yo sangafane ndi ndi buluku la jeans two years yadutsa madalawa akukusa nkhosa two yrs idapita amai adakusako nkhosa ndi udindo wa nkhosa kuweleza mbusa wabwino
Pp yanyamuka.wil be back in power believe u me,ubwino wake amalawi aona okha wabwino ndani
Kkkkkkkkk ndalama zapunguka lero mukubwerako abale misonkho yathu
kkkkkkk amalawi azakhala wabwino ndani???peter cash gate alimomo joyce alimomo later bingu alimomo
Mama JOYCE BANDA God forbid.
Runing A Way After Result FOR Elections?So What “khalani Konko Ife Mitima Inatilimba”!!!
Peter kuliiyeku akugula kaye azimayi mahule ndi ndalama za boma , nsono akakhala mmayiyu akugulisa kaye kuti awojezele ndalama zakampeni , tidalakwaji amalawi
pp sidzawinaso,anagulitsa kayelekera ndi ndege ya boma,kutsitsa mphavu ya kwacha,cashgate,chimanga cha boma chinaola,mongotchulapo zochepa.ena mwa mavutowa akupitilirabe kutisawutsa muno.may jah bles mw.
What did she do during her reign that would make us want to vote for her re-election? Zatha za cashget she wants to come and steal some more! 2019 we want a young progressive mind, who understands the problems affecting our Country the likes of #Henreykachaje!
when we say malawian are morons its true.they will welcome her with their hands and legs
You are most well come Mama, am your big supporter.
Kikkkk Kodi kuthetsa chipani amalipitsa dollar zingati? Kachipani aka ayayaa
Amayi Omwewo Kuti Wawawa!!!!!
Palibe zimenezo we are going forward
What a bitch
mama mudzawina 2019
Tizakumuvoterani mama kuwelera yayi
Zachamba adzidzagawaso ng*ombe ndife afisi ife kut azitinyengelela nding*ombe?? Ngat dziko lakanika nde bola kugulitsa tigawanendalama aliyese aonekolowa!
Musamunamize mayiyu.
E mai alive manyazi bwanji kungokhala ngati akusowa zochita amenryu ndi mbuzi bdithu kkkkkkkkkk adapusa kwenekwebe amweyu awona ngati tidaiwara? Mbewa yamunthu,
Kodi mbavayi ilipo
masten mukuchedwa kubwera ife timakunyadikar inu mukulowaso mboma mukoze izi zawakanika awazi
Welcome my leader
Nanga siwakunamiza chocho bushiliyo
Anthu oipa inu musiye kunena zambiri
kaya zawo izo
Azangowinira popeza joice yo angomuika kukhala nyambo kma owaimira ndimulungu wawo bushiri amene akuyembekezera kubeleka yesu wachiwiri ati akupangana choncho
Hello friends, my name is Samuel Lughano this article contains a testimony of how i got cure fully from HIV/AIDS, i was diagnose with HIV/AIDS 4years ago, i contacted a doctor who later gave me some treatment, but it was like the treatment he gave to me were not enough i was desperately in need of something that will get rid of the deadly virus from my body, my life was miserable i lost my job and few of my friends, not quit long a faithful friend of mine came to me one afternoon telling about what she saw on net a testimony of how doctor olumo cured people from various kind of virus including HIV/AIDS, i was like this is bullshit that its a scam, but she old me she believe in what she had read on line’ she told me she will contact doctor olumo on my behalf and she did so, after some days she receive a parcel containing doctor olumo herbal remedy, she present it before me to use it, that when am cured i should pay back the money it cost her while negotiating for the medicine, after taking the medicine for some days according to doctor olumo instruction, then i decided to go for check up and i was happy to see that no sign of the virus was found in my body, i am very thankful to my friend, if you are having a similar problem or you need his help you can reach him on ([email protected]) or you can call or chat with him on whattsapp through +2348138956767, please share to save life.
Abwele aza luanchy cashgate ina mbava ya ikazi ngati iyi sinayiwone
Mmmmmmmm masten mufa zisiyen choncho , bola mukabwela muzangoyamba yogulisa mandaz ija. Malawian presidents samaliza akumangofa
Yes mam, come and replace electricty trables
Mama JB plz costantly enjoying ur cashgate where u ar!!!!! do nt trumbling ur self that u will president in dis country again
How about electing this hot chick Ellen Bickle
when …..u coming?
welcome back amayi, mudzatibwezere ndalama munaba zija
zambezia provice in Mozambique has got 26 district imene ikupanga dziko la malawi lakale before Neno and Likoma by Muluzi,so Zambezia no mikangano,and its a provice,bt our malawi country resembling to Zambezia provice,bt chilapi amati kamwana kang’onong’ono ufiti thooo,nde malawi,small province country bt bad omen inside,kayandizayakhula ngati m’pakati michael kt ”’ndizasamukako ine”koma J.B.azaluza Atupere Boma under DPP goverment.goodnyt
Amene mukungonyoza ulamulironu MANJAMWANU.choti muziwe palibe boma lomwe mungakondwere,and palibe dziko lopanda ndale,ndale ndi madziko aulamuliro,and boma akati boma ndi ndale komaso rulling,so what duft r u saying.depend ur hands you shall never outstand.remind you by song composed by sir lucious banda,said”palibe kusitha kulioknse ngat stilola zipani zonse zikulu zikulu zitatu kt agwirizane ndikupanga chimozi”bola malawi ndale zake zimachitika mu office,kodi nanga likadakhala ngat dzikoli ndale zake ngat za mozambiquRenalmo and Frelimo,kuphana kumenya,ndale zot zipani zodana ndi ziwiwri koma aliyese a silikali ake ake,eeeee tikadatani ndi kadziko konga provice ya mozambique imozika.oooo samalani kamwayo.
am bihind u ,mam no matter what pole say ,but only God nows about u r benind ,bolan mungodekha zabwno zlipo apa taziona kale?
Mumadikira wina asowe Kaye mai
Zingodyani ma pizza pa pretoria pa amai… Dont convinse a monkey that strawberry iz sweeter than banana. Nonsense!!!!
Palibe chomwe angapange ndimayesa anali momwemo m,boma why zinamukanika kufuna kuputsisa amalawi basi aaaaa
wabwiño palibe wotse ndimbava dzokha dzokha moti mukamayenda mayiko adzanu simumasilila kukongola otsasilia lili zikolanu mmalo mopanga chitukuko mukutibelatso ife wosawuka ñgati ndalama yavuta muli ndimisewu ikulu ikulu bwañji otsayika matogeti mutukula dziko mosavuta siyàni kutiyamwa choñde choñde ikani matogeti tisiyeni ife tatopa
Koma zoonadi ndaona ma President Ku mW koma na peter ndiye bowa weni weni ndiri ndi Zuma kuno Ku RSA ali ndi J C koma akulamula dziko kuposa anuwo amene Ali ndi ma PhD WO kulamula dziko si kuphunzira koma.mphaso yochokera kumwamba basi
APM:alimoyo masten sory pepan kwabas;
Koma ife amalawi muluzi ndioipa bingu ndioipa jb ndi oipa muthalikaso ndioipa kodi abwino azakala ndani ifeyo???? koma ine ndikuti muluzi jb ndikwasowa anthui ameneo
kkkkkk komaa iiiii kani udindou mumaufunabe amai kkkkkk inutu muzipanga za satanic basi koma zoti ine pano khope yanu kuiwona itawina iiiiii kaya kkkkkkk mwakalamba mwatha magazi athu
Analemphera alim,boma ndiye akabwela azanunkha chani?
Mama ur wasting ur time.
joice banda go to malawi and pay for what you did to that country you messed up our country now u think we forget what u did to make malawi kwacha devaluation you will pay for that soon or latter
Cashgate party tiziona
Tidzakwera yomweyo. Zinazi tayesa ndipo umoni ulipo.
Macholowe was nkazi!
Kodi mwasowa zochita .anhtu sanaiwake malawi alipamoto chifukwa choola makobili mboma zowopha ndithu lelo nkumati muzawina hehe muzaziwona.
Kikikiu!!! Alipobe awa? Tinaiwala kalekale zoti munatilamulilapo kikiki bwalani muzamupeza “Charge golo” ndi “Tchwe!mwana tchwee” tizaone ngati azainve imeneyo. Nawo maso alipomwepo
bwerani muzaone zitukuko zamiseu mma city. LL miseu ya tar posepose fumbi lija linatha
Ndili pabuyo pano mai pp more fire
Amai amangouzidwa ndi azungu ofoila
She change things within 100 days , wil vote for her
salamula dziko ai.mau oyera akuti mkadzi akhale chete.chifukwa alibe plain yabwino
Hw can our lives be uplifted if we dont work hard instead we spend our more tym on luxurious things such as beer drinkng,bawo just to mention afew
Welcome mama mnathesa voto la mafuta agalimito.ndalama za kuja. Muna manga nyumba za amalawi aku mudzi . Njara munayesesa amai pa two years yokho tilinanu pa modza .
Come 2019 we gonna vote for somebody that stays in Malawi not someone we don’t know whereabouts
Koma Galimoto ya PP ndi yoseketsa chiwongolero kaya chili kuti ?tube chili ku Domasi ma tyre ku Salima horn ili ku Rumphi kaya engine ili chapatipati?
we are not ready for mai nachipanti to rule us or maybe u thought peter is dead paja umadikila wina umuphe then ulowe
Devoted people of Our Mother Malawi Why Guys?
àaaaa ine jb ndiye ayi bolanso chakwela ine mlomwe wankulu moya munthu othawa zikolake wantundu wanji
Chiwanda sitikuchifunaso,hule, mbava,uyambileso kawiri.zako zija azungu andituma ngati dziko ndilawo? Uchita manyazi satana iwe Sunday pano.
Unathawa kumalawi ndi milandu uyerekeze kubwera bwana peter akukusaka ndikale kkkk
Welcome sweet heart juice ajimile opolokota banda
Ooh mphaka wafa, ndeye nkhoswe nkumati ntuluke. Kkkkk uyaluka pofunika kukoza mavuto. Zomwe anthu asatana mumafuna zakanika mwatchela kumwezi nkhanga zaona. God keeps him for purpose . He’ll back on Sunday thank you Lord for your protection to him. We love you our president God bless you.
Munthu Osakonda Dziko Lako Iwe,usamaloteso Zodzaimaso Ngati Unaluza Uli M’boma Aaaa Mungobwela Mudzabweze Ndalama Za Misonkho Yathu.
Can’t wait to c her. She is a good woman. I respect her so much and I love her so much. May God bless her.
Come after 2019, we don’t want vissionless leaders .
Shes most welcomed
Mai! Mufuna Muzayambile Pasiyila Malemuwa, Nankha Sii Nkankhalidwe Kanu Ndithu, Kaufisi?
zopusa Joyce banda nde chani akamwalila mutharika ikupitililabe DPP chifukwa chilima sadatuluke ayi pepani a pp sivuto lanu mukangova kuti President wamwalila mumafuna kuti mu lamulile ziko shame munalamulila thawi yanu inatha ngati Peter wamwalila chilima moving forward
Boma la amyinso?eeeyaaaYEHOVA BWERani muzatsirize dziko lonse lapansi.mmmmmmm abale
mphamvuuuuuu!!!!!! kwaiwe!!! uyambilemso HULE!!
Kkkkkkkkkk which country she can rule? No one he can die joyce to come to be the president
Can’t wait to see her
Meyb she will launch in maula prison
mcp murders! dpp,udf pp thieves ! .we need new and honest leaders .LONG LIVE MALAWI !!
Welcome masten
Bola Pamenepo.
Joice banda ndi wathu wathu
Hello friends my name is Mathew Maketho I was one of those millions of people around the world suffering from HIV/AIDS and and i was healed through the help of DR Abumen I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2010, I had no hope and felt useless. All these negative feelings quickly suppressed my body immune system and my body started to deteriorate quickly with physical signs of rapid weight loss, my story began to change for good when i met DR Abumen through a woman’s testimony, he sent me an herbal medicine which i took for some days, after taking the medicine according to doctor’s instruction I went to the hospital to get my blood tested for HIV/AIDS. The doctors were amazed when my first blood test result came back negative. They asked me to go back again for another test, which I did and the result came back negative. The doctors could not believe still,To cut the story short, “DR ABUMEN HERBAL MEDICINE HEALED ME COMPLETELY WITHOUT A TRACE OF THE DEADLY HIV/AIDS VIRUS IN MY BLOOD” am so happy, am sharing this to the world to save some lives, believe me there is a cure, you can contact DR Abumen on his email address [email protected] and you can also call or whatsapp his number which is via +2347085071418.
Ndi amayiiii!!!
Mtsogoleri wamantha ngati uyu sinamuonepo
Azungu andituma !komko bola kungosiya kuvota ,nanji Cash gate!angozivuta
Malawi ikufunika munthu/president wosaphunzira kwambiri,amaba akapita kunja amachita chidwi ndi azungu,twentysomething days in USA.Eeee.Ichi mchadyera/chototoka.
Malawi ikufunika munthu/president wosaphunzira kwambiri,amaba akapita kunja amachita chidwi ndi azungu,twentysomething days in USA.Eeee.Ichi mchadyera/chototoka.
why only bad not good about this mama,welcome again poor people alwas remember your empathy good luck
zoti azabwera kumudzi ino. paja kwanu nkwanutu.zowinazo mungoonjezera
zoti azabwera kumudzi ino. paja kwanu nkwanutu.zowinazo mungoonjezera
Why you can not come now?what are waiting for?
ndale zakumalawi.u will need to try hard to win.all these so called leaders of the parties we have i dont see a messiah who will change the life of malawian to be better.u r all devils.we need atotal change.not recycling like a tobacco club.
No Convention/ No Challengers In PP? Should We Believe The Rest Are Madea?
it’s my prayer to those anaba n kusakaza chuma cha poor Malawians To root in Jail n thy should not hv peace of mind asowe ntendere
Bwerani Kumene Mai Abambo Tirinawowa Sakutithandiza.
Ine Hule uyu nde ai out ! Ndiponso sindimamulota , Panthawi imene ana muboma umbuli ndi U savage zinawononga Malawi . Nde adzalowenso kuti alipitilize dzikoli kuli wononga ? Ine chimene ndi maona Ku Malawi kuno U President ukufuna Munthu wa kumudzi amene akuudziwa bwino bwino Umphawi , not Mbavazi ,who is Joyce ? Zopepera basi .
Kkkkkk Zamanyazi!
Ine pp basi namachende wanuyo wafa kale
Ine yanga vote ndidzapelekanso Ku DPP.
Who wants her here?
The world suffers alot today not only because of the greedy and hardhearted of wicked people like Mrs Banda,but because of the silence of other good people,,,Hit like if you think Joyce Banda doesn’t deserve our votes and should forget of ruling us again
Ndege anagulitsa, kwacha anapanga kale devalue 49% kaya akadzabwera adzatani? Adzagulitsa capital hill nkupanga devalue ndi 80%
Malawi chifukwa cha kusadziwa timaimbila mfiti m’manja akabwela kutele tidzimululutila
wakhala akulonjeza kuti abwera koma samabwera ndiye apa tiziti abwera chifukwa kwaveka mphekesera yoti peter watisiya kapena akudwala? kapena chifukwa choti wava kuti azake a cashgate akupatsidwa zilango zofewa,kumuuza akhala zaka zitatu kenako ali ayi miyezi itatuyi yakwana zipitani mwaonetsa khalidwe labwino,ndiye iyenso azamutero? wandipatsa mafunso osowa yankho
Mayiwa anangotenga onse ankadana ndi Bingu nkuwapatsa maudindo zinthu ndikuonongeka,,,,,,uladi musaa kusambula sindingamuiwale
Welcome masten paja ankati yaikazi singakoke ngolo iiiii nayo yaimuna yalephera bola yaikazi yanuija imayesera. Tikulandirani masten ndikwanu osaopa iyayi. Kukhara kuba bakili anaba, bingu anabaso iyya asakutoleni poti mumavala skirt.
4get it omama, memories are stl fresh.
we need a good leader a cashgate no we want change mcp
Iesh zankhutu
Awa okha ndiye ayi,kuluxa nthawi yomweyo kuthawa,ngati analuxa ali pa utsogoleri ndiye kulibwanji pano
Mfiti yayikazi kawiri ? Kut siyapaulova kumapita kukadya cash yathu imene imayenela kusintha miyoyo ya a malawi .
Kuno ai ngati umasenza ndege pamutu ndiyomwe ija ukufuna uzasenzeno ziko lonseli
Angobwera ili nd dziko lake no one can say no 4 JB to come here.Most welcome
Am behind you mom,nomatter what you are different from this Dog iz leading now.Just imagine, humanity person can realy say we have to eat grasshoppers as step food. Do you think such person his brain is function? while himself is having good food on his table .Forgetting that for him to be at that postion its bcoz of our votes,then today is coming with that stupid speach.
a dog calling billionaire a dog what a shame
dziko lake liti
dziko lake liti
Its to you to my side inever mind him,he will never take even k1 to his grave when he die@Steve
galu ñdiwe kaya, ,,, ukubwebweta zaziii
Kaya nd galu kaya ndani kma he is a bilionaire muli mchani choonetsa pagulu la anthu nde akanali kudya timatax tanu on top of his money
Kkkklkk,ndilibe nazo ntchito kumwamba kulibe bank yokasunga ndalama,azazisiya pansi pomupano
Amayi ayi manegement idawakanika kale. ihate this lady 100%
if joice banda she will win election l will leave this country
if she was number 3 while in Government what position will she be campaining outside ?? {9)
Akanakha MULUZI bola
KkkkkkkkJoys bad sizizachitika kukala plesndt
We love u mama come and take us in agood stuation not the stuation we are
Such are Malawi leaders;who run away after losing elections.And others who protect cashgaters after winning elections.
NBB 1_0 Chibwente fc
Most welcome. We need concrete explanation from you for the ndege money.
Who cares?
Utichoke umasiye bwelani mama tidzakuvotera 2019
bwera tizakumange uone
Koma kuzabvuta eish ,featuring bushiri koma kumene talemela basi
Amai bwelani mene munangocoka inu magetsi madzi munatengaso bwina malawi kubwelela kale
mukazawona kuti chule kuchoka madzi kupita kutunda muziwe kuti kuzizila kwatha afuna akafe pepanitu
Kkkkkkkkkk chisilu chamunthutu ichi kuthawa chipani chake
Manoma ….manager wanu akabwela…..konjwani….sangalalani…..sikulina muzatigwela ife a BB
You will be most welcome madam. Your supporters are missing you. Anthu munawasiila boma anapanga launch katale mmalo mwa chitukuko. Ndalama zaboma wina aliyense akungotapapo zikusowa ozisamala chifukwa president alipoyu nde mbava number one.
Vomit what a silly comment
Kkk cadet chisale pachi ntchito, musanza simunati.
akuba źambuyako. …..wàsatani ife a yi tamukana
Cash gt bwalomu kumbukulini kt mr p anapeza 0-0 ndiye mene ya kulila 5yrs uzakhala zotani?
Podzabwera Mai Ndidzakhala Wamodzi Kukulandilan Mai Ndikusowa Chitukuko Chani Ndichison Chomwe Munalinacho Ku Anthu.
And our missing presidential jet tikuifunatu
Ife Tikulankhula Pano Tingotaya Nthawi Anthuwa Amadalira Ife Ndipo Amadziwa Kuti Ngakhale Tilankhule Ngati Wanzeru Panopa Koma 2019 Tikavoteranso Womwewa Chifukwa Iwowa Amadziwa Kuti Ngakhale Tilankhule Koma Sitingalowe M’boma
Go to hell who will vote for you??
Tiyamike mulungu kuti satana,akuwoneka yekha ndi maso,ambuye adalitse amene akupenya munthawi ino,muzipatala anthu sakudya,kusowa chakudya,pomwe inu mudaba ndrama zonse,ambuye akulankhuleni,
Bweran amai mwna kuthandzaso magets amene akuvtawa kmaso kwacha wasowayu mwna zmadkra inu zmenezi kt musazlongosole
Awa nde akafune kopangira masewera awowotu. we r in deep problems today due to what happened in her government that we had never seen before nde akuyesa we can be that foolish to elect her again?? Aaaaaah guys
Nkhani zina zovuta kuzivesa tafotokozani cheni cheni mwina mwatiwala inu simulungu ai musingovutika ndi ganizo lopanda tsogolo
Chikangawa is no more a forest, Our jet is gone, nothing to remember her Mcp wil bring a real malawi come 2019
Pokhalila pake mayi wakuba uyo…shupit
Mwadya kale zantha ndiyee mukufuna zina dzina lake JOICE GATE :< Ve ry shame to u Mai :-*:-* munanyera pajigo tisakha ena~~~~
Kuteroku zii uja amakatolera Ndalama eti?
Kkkkk koma brother phoecham kkkkk
Kod Apolice Alikut Mangan Munthu Milandu Yambili Mboni Nd Ameneyu,eee!!!! Sapezeka Lero Wapezeka,akaone Kulumbadzi Police Station Bas!!!
Now we remember you Mother Malawi
Uuuuuuuh! Could l be reminded please who Joyce Banda is? Av forgotten this woman kikikikiki
Devaluing our kwacha with too many percentages against the major foreign currency is one ov the diseases she caused to my beloved malawi and now the sitting president z bearing the burden ov her heartless decisions she made that time.
i like this one, devaluing our kwacha with 49%. zachamba
Ask any political economist,they will tell u devaluation was the only viable option,at least a lesser evil than over valuing the currency because that resulted in others hoarding forex till exchange rates r good.Bingu refused to devalue,companies folded up e.g Unilever due to forex shortage.We could not import fuel,fertiliser etc.JB devalued currency, forex &,fuel was available.Prices of goods soared.Which is better in any impartial opinion?
The curreny was indirectly divalued even when joyce was not there
why malawians are crying with exhobitant prices of commodities mr mc donald? don’t you know that when God created man, was created with basic economic principles? devaluation is a key to all this high cost of living. simple question mr mc donald, tell me the relationship between demand and supply against price. if stocks of fuel was adquate why then it jumped from 422/litre to somewhere 800/litre overnight? was a
After devaluation,those hoarding forex release it onto the money market.Importing goods becomes possible.However,since the exchange rate for local to dollar goes up after devaluing our currency,to recover costs incurred in imprting goods & raws materials u find that the selling prices go up. So which is better,to hve a commodity at higher price or not having it at all..
Wolakwa ndani?
We consume more than we produce.
pp odi uko amai aduseko
I agree with u Phiri Charles,uyu MacDonald akunama,watiyesa ana ife!!
inu a kennedy kukhala kut ndiosalakwa mai ameneyu sakanathawa…if she knew dat she oz pure of evil she could stand against any wrong directed against her…koma why running?
Wamanyi nkhosi ng@ chitete iwe sudzakhalanso pulezidenti kawiri hoooooooooooo
Wamanyi nkhosi ng@ chitete iwe sudzakhalanso pulezidenti kawiri hoooooooooooo
She is a DPP blood and onse a DPP blood sitikuwafunanso ! Anabweretsa massive looting and fraudulent behavior in Government.
Tilibe tsogoleli wabwino kumalawi kuno including onse amene analowawa sitikukufunani
ABiti akulotabe
Kuchokera kwaineyo President wawatumbuka pa Facebook DR LYSON POKANI LUHANGA JB wanu amene mkunenayo ndi Satanic ndani angavomereze satanic never for ever ? Sangawine alipo anthu azalamulira nose amene mkusapota satanic iyo sizawinapo upresedent mkunamizana CACHGATE singatenge Boma boma ndirathu ifeyo AD.P.P Ken Msonda tatenga kare nkharamba ghoghenda ngati Fisi kapena amati Haena siyizawinapo yingoti zikomo Bingu wa Mutharika or kuchipani chathu sitingayirandire nkharamba iyo satanic yaphesa(( Bingu .Grace ndi peter )) and ninayiuza kare satanic iyi ndiye nose amene mkuti yibwereko ndinuasatanic ndakuuzani !!!!!! Yinasanduka njaka satanic or apange zausatanic sazawinapo u President ndakuuzani munazolowera kuba Ndarama mwawi ndiomwe uja never for ever?? Kuchokera kwaine President wawatumbuka pa Facebook DR LYSON POKANI LUHANGA chisilu chimasapota masatanic !!!!!!!!!
Mmmmm Cash Gate Ikansoo 2019
Kkkkkk she thought Bingu is dead wangwa nayo Malawian do not want her is queen of cash gate pano Amalawi anatsukutsula
Ulamuliro wa abiti zomba wa,zinthu zina zimayenda bwino monga magesi samathimathima,khalamba zimapeza pogona pabwino,misokho amadula bwino than nowdays,zofowoka za abiti maloko ndi izi,cash gate inabwera boma lake,kukakhala kunja zaka zosezi ndalama kumakadyera kunja misokho kumalipila kunjako opindula kukhala akunjawo.abiti maloko kuno ayi khalani komweko sitisowa kuona khope yanu abiti maloko
simbali yanu mama uja unangokhala mwayi wanu.tazingodyani ndalamazo ku theba ko .pedzani zina zochita ngati munaludza muli m’boma apa ndiye mungamake?
Other rubbish woman President
Mudzaimira Chipani chanji mayi?Poti tsopano chipani chamalata subsdy chinapola,bola mungokhala komwe muliko than wasting ur resources,
sindifuna mzimayi kukhala mtsogoleri ationjezera mavuto, amakasuma maiko akunja kt anzake adanidwe kmaso devaluation in 2012 with more dan 50 percent akuganiza taiwala? zimenezi nde bola asogoleri ena osati mkazi mix …
Vote for me 2019 0please
Dada Kkkk
kikiki tikavota
Yes please
Mwina zinthu kusithako
mwazi wa Grace Chinga wamzunguza mutu ameneyooo
Mwina watiiwala.bwerani
Mai musavutike kubwera,khalani konko mesa munathawa,musatilankhulise zambiri bola mwamva
mayi musavutike khalani komweko musabwelenso sitikukusowi dzipangani zanu kumeneko ife kuno tinazolowela dzichezani
No time of cashgate come its your home too
Maloto a majoti amenewo,siyani kulota
Cashgate total we need insightful people, God fearing and flexible people to lead us
Cash gate again
Muzakanika kupepha madzi ochokela mu tsonga yachala cha??? Mwasowa chochita muzipase Ulemu pangani zomwe mumapanga.mulungu amapeleka chimodzi.
Asa cashgate again amalaw ife ay bolaso emwey
Bwelan izi ndiye mmm bola kale msonkho mpaka bread madzi kkk too bad
Unatphera mafnyeta iwe ukganza ngt tnayiwla bwrako ykdkra mdf yk.chokr.k usa idzaknyakature wakba.
Amai wakumaniyo akunama, its better to stay without President zan to vote for yu, try another plan may be it can work.
Aaaa kkkkk JB?? Ndakomoka bola kusankha munthu yemwe sitikuziwa maganizo ake ndithu Malawi yalowa matekenya eti.
ndiye muzasankha ndani azathu andale inu?
Kkkkk bro zidzawoneka panthawyo kma siine wa ndale.
kkkk ndadabwa ine
Kkkk kkkkkk loto LA chiumba
Well come my monther. I will vote for you
Welcome Amai tili nanu sitizakusiyani basi onenazawozo asiyeni anene. Mai ndimamudziwa amalimba mtima Amai woyeeee
Mbuzi ikalawa mchere kkkkkj
Whats good if she is staying in exile now how wll she knows wat pipo nid
Chani Aaaaaaa
Amayisotu apa ndiye mwapusa wina atasowa inu osavumbuluka bwanji mukuyimba soldier take over & you are talking of 2019 .We haven’t forgotten…..
muzagudubuzikenso kachikena miyendo mwamba kugwa chagada
Akabwera ndiuzeni ndimugwire ntchito
Koma galu ameyu akuona ngati angawine? Ndiye bola Bwampini yemweyu ngati ali moyobe if not then Chakwela
When is JB coming home ….I wanted her to explain why they shared my money with Kasambara
Welcome mama eee we did big mistake. 2019 bwerani mama muzaombole ana anu musinga zamavuto. Dziko likusowekera anthu ngati inu. Osati anthu oti akapita kumeeting osabwelerako kumapwapwata misokho yaanthu osauka.
Zikusiyana pati poti naonso anathawa mpaka pano akanika kubwera kwao, aopa chiyani? (fundoless)
Iwo anatha ali out of power. Uyu watithawa ali pampando. Sungaone iyayi cadet.
sankhanı anyamata ınu musapusısıke ndı makolowa aı kwawo anadya bası mwını cash gate sı amaı anu omwewa
kkkkk azakuombole azakugulira thumba la chimanga ,kuganiza mopusa sitimusowa ife ameneyo
Baba,kumudzi mkuti kodi?Amama kunena mbava Joyce Banda
Bola thawi ya mbava mankhwara kuchipatala amapezeka. Magetsi samakhara 2weeks osayaka. Malubino samaphedwa. Akapita kunja amakumbukira anthu ake. Mukati mbava alipo tsogoleri yemwe analamulira dzikoli ndiye osamaba? Stupid aziba koma anthu tisamagwire ntchito usiku popeza masana kuli black out.
iwenso ndiye Mbuzi bwanji..adzakuombole pokupatsa zingwe zolandilira Ng’ombe,pokupatsa aBakha ?
Chechaibu simungathe kunena maganizo anu koma tizinyozana if ndakomenta pawall yanu. Its my opinion zipatsen ulemu. I respect a fool to avoid noise.
kkkkk ameneyi ndani kodi kwao ndi kutiko aaaa munthu anaba ndalama za nkhaninkhani mkuthawira kunja kwa dziko lino JHBG iweyo ukuti chiani apa kagwereni uko nonse awiri iyaaaa musatinyansepo apa
#nyelele Koma Mutu Wako Umaganiza Bwinobwino? Panthawi Ya Joice Munapangako Chani ?
Atazakuvotere iwe ndi abaleako ndi mahule anzako
Come back home …We need to talk about the missing Millions of Kwachas
Bwelan Mama Tidzadye Zina,zijazi Znatha Maluzi Ife Ana Anu
Mayi wasatanic ameneyu ali ndiziwAnda zoipa mai oipa mtima ngati ameneyu sinamuonepo ayi.asabwere akulimbikitsa usatanic.
Dont remind me about cashgate
This idiot must stay and die where ever she is….
Malawians need a leader who can uplift the lives of the poorest, a leader who returns home after a meeting and not stay behind spending tax-payers money for no proper reasons while hospitals, escon and hungry is at peak, we want a leader who can stay in Malawi regardless of loss of election or mismagenement of funds. Its good to be close to yur people for them to cheer and encourage yu.
then contest come 2019
Kkkkkkkkk. Good Enock
Kkkkkkkkk. Good Enock
Shame on her.what about cashgate?cashgate again?we are tired.
yaa! jb/pp ayi,congres ayiso coz of chakwera.unless mcp itaika leader wina,idzawina.if not,DPP idzingowina,tidzingosintha ma leader
Koma JB umandigwesa ulesi kwabasi umakhalako ndi mphamvu kuti unalamula.Sikulamula koma kugwirirzila chifukwa choti mwini wake mpando anamwalira.Unalephera kulamulatu 2014 kulephereratu.Munthu woti unali pampando koma kulephera kuwina fotseki.AGwanda anakunamiza kuti uwina ukachoka akuti munayamba mwayiona ziko kulamulidwa ndi Mzimai chavuta mchiyani mphongo zlipo.Usazazivute kuti uzalamulanso ayi suzagwirirranso ayi yiwalani fotseki tizakudyera ndalama zakozo uzaona
akubwera?? MDF ya APM izapanga za inu mayi olimbkixa usatanic
example; kulola atsikana kutaya mimba etc!!
Mazi akatayika saolekaso more fire MCP
Nanga awawa ali m’bomawa anaoleka bwa
Nanga awawa ali m’bomawa anaoleka bwa
Chooookaaaaa unapha Grace chinga iwe khala komko unenepebe
bweraniko mayi athu.muzatipatse ndalama za msonkho wanga ine. basi kubwera kwanu ndalama zamisonkho yathu zapezeka.
Wakufa sadziwika mwina iwe amene mawa kufa
ndikhale mbuli pankhan imeney
When will she stop running? Boma la mabere sitizalionanso m’malawi muno. Za mkutu!
We dont need btchez
Useles people will vote for her
“ndipitiliza kugawa chimanga mpaka maungu alakatike mminda”
Chikafika muchimange
Iiii our lost president is found! And joyce banda is lost too please report to nearest police station
Wanisekesa Kkkkkk
kkkk masten ndawasowa…Azungu akuti,Azungu andituma
bweran mai ajawo amwalira kkkkkk sakuchedwa kufa anthu amenewa kaya vuto ndichan kaya
Kkkkk koma awa ndi Malaulo ndithu.
Mai uyu amandibhowa kwambiri.mudyeni ndalama anaba zo
Kulibe achinyamata ena izi zatikola iz, its fin majez vote for me those dayz not ….. Zopita kusika kukagula nthochi 5 bilion imoz sitikuzifuna
Kkkkkk ndale yafikapo
Lero angazavomere kukuvoteraninso ndi ndani? Mukuyiwala nkhani ya cashgate ija? Inu ndi amene munapangitsa kuti ndalama zankhaninkhani zibedwe mu boma, ndiye lero mukufunanso chani?
Azamuvotere ndi ambwiyache mumuuze!
Mwamva mphekesera ya zovuta nde muziti mukubwera? nthawi ypnseyi bwanji simumabwera? hule iwe
Akuti akubwela2 ohoo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma ku Nyasaland
TIlibe nazo ntchito ife zimenezo,or abwere asabwere tilibe naye ntchito…??????.
Muzamubvoteranso tikukudziwani anthunu kaya anakukhwimirani andalewa I dont know.
lost kabaza found
adzapitilize uchembele wabwino??? sizafashion
munatikwana amayi chonde musabwere kuno
zaziiiiiii ameneyo akatsogolela masapota a manoma ndikumene kuli mbendela yake yachipani
Zikugwilizana bwanji akulu??? Wise up
Mudzıyamba kuwerenga musanakomente
kkk sukunama aise kkk,pali zokwiya apa
kkkk!! Wna zamunyasa
Wakwiya Ndi Mfiti
kkkkk kuida Noma? kapena bwanj
ndendende axe sunalakwise kkk wakwiya ndi mfiti
Afiti anachulukatu ndi pa fb pomwe kkkkkllkkk
Apitedi Ku Noma Kulibe Utsogoleri Kkkkkkk
Kkkkkk true
Ur de wasted sperm ur father he should have use condom to avoid U. ZIKUGWIRIZANA CHANI NDI NOMA KUKULA MOPWAMBWANA ETI?
Enanu mumaoneka ngati azibambo koma mulibe zelu nkhaniyi ndiya mpila kapena.ndiya mtsogoleli wadziko
usova wakula watha
Iwe Ndekaya Zikugwirizana Bwanji Ndi Noma Mind Ur Language Pliz Ulindi Nzelu Koma Iwe Wangokula Etiii! Ine Kudabwa2 Za Ndale Ndi Mpira Totally Difference, Iwe Ndi…….. Undilakwisa Iwe , Watch Out!
muuzen kuti aziza launcher ali ku maula zmenezo
And our beloved president is coming home on sunday
does malawi hav a president? kikiki
u hv to said, my beloved president, exclude some of us
Kikik kwa yah neh.
Are you a Malawian??
Why not pack your stuff and leave Malawi?
We leave oready bra kkkkkkkkkkkk mbatata ya pitala
Muyende boo braz we will never ever miss you ha ha ha
We have APM as the state president whether one wants this or not but in APM we have the president and he is coming back home
Sankhani Wambewu Chimbalanga you can say that again in fact tell these people
Kkkkkkkkkkkk nvr mind bra chachikulu ine kulibeko kumeneko sikudya nawo mbewa ndi zitete hope azatu muli muma happy kama koti akamabwera apresdnt akubwereseran full rump steak ya mbewa komaso 90kg ya zitete ndekut kwainu nkhawa njee mwasova kale, hope sundy not far
Indeed Our Beloved President Will Be Back On Sunday,
Yomba Lowole I didn’t mention your
Tiwonge Chidengu Gama we voted for him and the mighty dpp
auze amvetse gomiwa
Nellie Mangirani osadanda ndiwauza amenewo ngat ali ndi vuto azikawauza madala awo
mwati ndan akubwela aaaaah mulungu wanga bwez mkanalola Peter angofelatu kusiyana kut azizu zantundu wa Malawi
Chawanangwa Mc Mkandawire imbecile
Ok Kma Mukuona Kt Ziko Lamalawi Likuka Kuti Kaya.
sitikumufuna joyce banda ife
azataniso munatikwana andalenu mwava
Unali mwayi chabe iyeyo kukhala president sadzaupedzanso mpando umeneyo
Ndipo zinangochitika mwa tsoka.
Ndipo sizidzachitikaxo!
Asaiwale kut adangopitriza mpando wa Bingu paja2 payekha sazawina.
Analunza alim’boma ndiye panopa aziti wewewe angotiwonongera nthawi
kkkk koma mayi ameneyi uhule wamukwana ku joni eeti
Ndipo akuzinamiza
musiyeni ameneyo uhule wamupasa chiwewe
wayamba kulimba mtima eti kkk akunama
nyambalo yomaliza
azabeso ndalama dzina sitikumfuna
Bolanso pitala et #moyo
Atazamuvotereyo nde ndani?