Malawi ministry lands in South Africa

Pastor Daniel Walusa

As per word given to the first disciples on Mark 16:15 that they should “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”, Global United Believer (GUB) ministry has opened a branch in Cape Town, South Africa.

Confirming to Malawi24, GUB founder Pastor Daniel Walusa said the newly opened branch is to help winning more souls to God in these latter days.

The spiritual columnist Walusa could not hide his excitement saying he feels thankful to God for the grace bestowed upon the ministry to have another branch in South Africa.

Pastor Daniel Walusa
Pastor Daniel Walusa; This is exciting news.

I am just excited that we have now a new branch in another country may our Lord Jesus Christ be praised forever and ever,” said Walusa.

He added by calling on citizens in the country to support the ministry so that it can reach to other provinces in the country.

Walusa also expressed optimism that Malawians in the South Africa are to help the ministry so that it can help in spreading the gospel of Christ.

Concurring with Walusa, evangelist Tony Jebess who is part of the leading clergy in the country said the church is growing with people gathering to get the good news from the Bible.

GUB ministry was established in 2013 to help in winning souls to God and it was relaunched this year to give its full capabilities of helping more people in knowing that Jesus Christ is the Lord and giver of life.

The ministry also has branches in other countries such as Pakistan and Mozambique.