Gibo Lantosi tampers with Great Angels choir’s songs

Gibo Lantosi

Lilongwe based musician Gibo Lantosi is gaining fame over covers he has made out of gospel giants Great Angels Choir hit songs.

The artist turned some of the gospel songs done by the choir into secular by changing the message while maintaining the tunes and instrumentations.

This has left the choir’s fans with unanswered questions on rights to have group’s work reproduced.

In an exclusive interview with Malawi24 last week, a member of the Great Angels Justin Kaunda denied giving the artist rights to produce covers for any of their songs.

Gibo Lantosi
Gibo Lantosi plays around with Great Angels songs.

He said: “We never gave him any right to make covers of our songs.”

In one of the covers, the chibaba hitmaker substituted the gospel message for something to do with chamba.

In a separate interview with this publication on Monday, the dancehall icon gave a conflicting response on the matter. He claimed that he sought permission from the gospel preachers prior to production of the songs that have become noisy on the local scene.

Mundimangiranji is one of the songs done by the artist that emanated from the Great Angels’ Sindipita. He sings, “inu a police mundimangiranji ine, opanda ganja ine sindingathe.”

When asked if they are planning to take any action against the artist, Kaunda proudly implied that their mission is to spread the word of God and not to fight fellow artists be it gospel or secular.

“We don’t have any plans to take any action against him. We are a gospel group and we can’t do that, our mission is to reach many lives and not to argue with fellow artist weather gospel or the other side.”

The Great Angels is a choir of the people, thanks to the group’s many a hit songs. The choir’s popularity is evidenced by the number of people who follows the group’s Facebook page which is under the name the Great Angels choir.



  1. Lantos l understand that you want to repent but u can’t coz devil who was a best singer before his rebelion want to use you still bt just say Jesus change me and forgive me.

  2. Ziwanda zikapeza Malo mwa munthu… Zimakhazikikamo, Koma mwiniwakeyo #SAMADZIWA_KANTHU… Akufunika mapemphero coz kuyambana ndi #MULUNGU…. Mapeto anjira ndi ku Nganjo… Ndipo ngat Sasintha… Mutzandiuza ndinu mukumaikilana kumbuyonu.

  3. Gibo woyeeeeeeeeee …..mwana wanga
    Ukumasuta pakhomo pano ndiye
    Ukumavuta mmalo mopembeza
    Singing…….mwana umasuta chamba ndkakufusA Ngakhale umakana mwanawe
    Chorus (wabandaaaa iiiiiweeeeyooo wabanda)
    Mmene ukudyera nsima mitanda 10 ukumadya wekha mwanawe
    Mwana wanga wayamba chani!!!
    Maso waaa akufiriranji….
    Milomo yatuwilanji……
    Wabandaaa iweyoooooo wabanda
    (Mwasakha ine instead)

  4. ppl are bzy trying as much as possible to win mo soul to christ, nde wina is bzy changing the massage which would have help pulling more to God’s caring hands and put the lyrics that are encouraging ppo to do bad things like smoking chamba, sexual malpractices. his songs is doing nothing good but encouraging youth that they can smoke az much as they want, having many lovers, there is no problem which is contrary to purpose of the great Angeles songs. ngat mumakumana naye mumuuze kuti sakupanga bwino. azisintha za secular bola. koma ngati naye mwina alipa utumiki ochimwisa anthu, chabwino.

  5. ppl are bzy trying as much as possible to win mo soul to christ, nde wina is bzy changing the massage which would have help pulling more to God’s caring hands and put the lyrics that are encouraging ppo to do bad things like smoking chamba, sexual malpractices. his songs is doing nothing good but encouraging youth that they can smoke az much as they want, having many lovers, there is no problem which is contrary to purpose of the great Angeles songs. ngat mumakumana naye mumuuze kuti sakupanga bwino. azisintha za secular bola. koma ngati naye mwina alipa utumiki ochimwisa anthu, chabwino.

  6. Akudandaula Ndi Eniake A Nyimbo Ndizomveka Coz Kupeka Nyimbo Sikophweka Kufalisa Uthenga Wa Mulungu Ndiye Nthito Yawo A Great Angels Ndiye Sangasekelere Wina Atembenuze Nyimbo Zawo Kuchotsa Uthenga Wawo Wa Mulungu Kuikamo Uthenga Wa Satan Its Not Fair Mpake Kukwiya Nyimboyo Ndi Yawo

  7. Akudandaula Ndi Eniake A Nyimbo Ndizomveka Coz Kupeka Nyimbo Sikophweka Kufalisa Uthenga Wa Mulungu Ndiye Nthito Yawo A Great Angels Ndiye Sangasekelere Wina Atembenuze Nyimbo Zawo Kuchotsa Uthenga Wawo Wa Mulungu Kuikamo Uthenga Wa Satan Its Not Fair Mpake Kukwiya Nyimboyo Ndi Yawo

  8. Mene mmaimvelera inu kuti opanda yesu sindingathe yeyo akamaimva atasweka amangomva ngati akuti opanda ganja sindingathe gibo lantosi eish weed akuvulaza

  9. we’re the sam pips amene timamuwuz muthuyo kut kip it up zili bwino chonsecho akupanga zompusa en kut tifufuze mafonimu we’re still rsning nyimbozo nde oro muthuyo angaziwe kut akulakwisa?

  10. nothing wrong with that. sakunyoza mulungu olo kunyoza munthu he has just taken tune and mentals and do his own music. ngati alangidwa. then ayamba kulanga omwe anasintha nyimbo ya lucius ya udf ija kukhala gospel muma church mwanumo.


  12. Zazzziiiii.komanso inu amene mukumapanga comment muziwonetsetsa kuti grammar ndi ma spellings mwalondira.mwachitsanzo inu akhumbo mwati co co cowa chani kumapeto uko? koma ta mika keep it up .ur right.

  13. what if it was the other way round? Maskal kumenya zili ndi iwe, Gibo nkudzaisinthila ku gospel, bwenzi mukuti Gibo ndiwamzeru eti? To me, i see nothing wrong apa

  14. Stop being so self righteous only God will judge ..most of these holier than thou people are evil behind curtains .let the guy make his little bread ..mumafuna azakubeleni ka plasma ka chinako ?

  15. komano pena pake nkuluyi amawonjeza. and l don’t know chimakhala chani.! kutumidwa ndi Lucifala,.zimawoneka zophweka, zopusa, nkumachenjera uli ndimoyo. mukampeza mwini wake Namalenga. mau ali onse Bible limati munthu aliyense adzayakhila.

  16. mwasakha inewo: munaimenya chonchi a gibo wabanda iweyoo!
    wabanda mwana wanga ukukana chani
    wabanda iweyoo!! wabanda.
    pamenepo gibo unawonjezad ngakhale nyimboyi ndima3ila

  17. Nkhaniyi musaiphatikize ndiyabzy signal let’s be consetrate with this issue reality gibo siwoimba according to his style and I edge you that if u comment that he is doing good I swear god will punish u and this guy Glory to God

  18. This system must stop immediately.Where is copyright association of malawi?are they just staying akimbo without saying any word on such behaveur.Let us honour God Almighty

  19. mukanakgala ena mukanangonyadila kur gibo amakuchukisanibe poimba zanuzo sindikuonapo zomumangisa giboyu apa ndekut inuyo mumatha busy bwanji samumanga kunoso mumaimbilana zinyimbo sichimo mwanva ?osamukhomelela chokan apa mwakhala paufa ndipamchelepake isa ana atupe!zingokuonongelan tym mmalomopekazina nyimbo kt gibo aimbeso muzichedwanaye opandaphindu nose apapa mukuzisaka osakhomerelana mwamva apo biiiii muzangomutenga azizaimbanawo kumeneko becoz mumamubanda ayooooooooooo kkkkkkkkkkkkk

  20. I dont like swearing but just bcoz of wat dis guy its doing all i can say is fuck ur fucking talent GIBO, u cant fuckin use Gospel beats to ur fuckin shit men,fuck u again!!

  21. Diamond is doing better in music… look how he placed Tanzania on Map…lets do something unique for music in our country than that no sense… i salute u #diamond

  22. God should forgive this young man called Gibo, that’s the spirit of confusion operating in him. Let him display his talent if he has any, that’s all

  23. ये सांस भी मेरी, मेरी ना रही,
    ऐ इश्क जबसे तू है हमारी…
    दोनों हम है तलाश मे चैन के,
    खो गया हैं जो साथ मेरे यार के These are my breath, I’m not,
    AI love you, since our …
    We are both in search of peace,
    Who lost my love

  24. inu mudzitsatila dala zaGibozo malawi24 ndinunso makape kuJoniko mukafatsa mkumalemba mbwelerela zake zimenezi mudzalandira phuzo

  25. Ndikadya Chamba Kwathu Afiti Sakumatamba…………Zoti Gibo Akupenga Anthu Nde Akumakamba……. Ayooo Gibo Ndi Dhilu

  26. instrumental ndi voice chofunika ndi chani??,,,inuyo ma riddim simumawadziwa??…sanalakwitse olo mpang’ono….nsiyeni apitilize…….zopusa basi!!!

  27. Si gibo Lantos yekha amene amapanga copy nyimbo za anthu ena, Romain virgo , busy signal etc amapangaso zomweso koma ife timangoyamikira kuti amatha

  28. chamba chimapweteka ameneyi ngati alibe lunsu loyimba asaipise anzake omwe ali ndi lunso bwanji osamangodya chamba kuyimba asiyele amene anapasidwa lunso loyimba kutembenuza nyimbo ya mulungu ndi kuyimba secullar ndiye kutha mapulaniko osamakangogulitsa chamba bwanji ngati wasowa chochita munthu wazelu zake angakagule nyimbo imeneyo kumati akumvela nyimbo great engle ikasumile bansi chifukwa akuipisa lunso lawo asamuope athane naye

  29. Gibo siwoyimba koma wosuta compose song basing on your ideas.even though enafe sitikonda kumvetsera nyimbo za great Angeles koma mmmm siumunthu chilungamo nchofunika.

  30. Kkkkkk asintha mwanji zimagwilizana amene aku funayo apange pran atenge nyimboyo akapange edditing aka chotse mento yo ana phwanya munthuyu?inu apolice mundi mangilanjine popanda ganja ine sindi ngathe kkkkk nde zima chita kugwilizana ndi kwaya imene ija mwinaso mwamodzi mukwaya imene ija ndimkazi wa lantosi analowa nawo mu track imene ija

  31. aayoooooooo!!!!!!! bip up gibo,,,iweyo umatha…zkusiyana ndkupha albino.. uyimbenso yamalemu ija. TIYENDE PAMODZ ND MTMA ONSEE!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I love gibo lantos…kwatsala apangenso nyimbo za princess chisulo, ethel kamwendo, grace chinga, kbg, thoko katimba etc..! Gibo amanditsitsimutsa kwambiri

  33. Bvuto si Gibo . Bvuto ndi iwe amene sukudziwa nyengo imenetikuyendamo , mwina a Pastor ako sanakuuze .. Gwiritsitsa chimene ulinacho . Izi ni siku za mwisho

  34. Zilibe kathu zimenezo mesa ndi instrumental…palibe instrumental ya gospel kapena secular zimangotengera kt ukunganiza bwanj ndkuiva kt instrumental ikukamba khani yanj basi

  35. Only GOD knows who really spread his gospel. Don’t please anyone here coz u may b embraced 2 see those that look like pagan see the kingdom aftr repenting. Best way iz 2 trust GOD but not a man. So its naive and fallacy 2 say gospel musicians are real christians.

  36. Thats totally blasphemy indeed @ Cazorla Maley.dziwani kuti kulakwila munthu nzako mulungu adzakukhululukila ngati ulapa tchimo.angakhale lili lofiila ngati kapenzi iye adzaliyeletsa ngati matalala KOMA, kuchimwila mzimu oyera sudzakhulukidwa olo theka. mnyimbo ya mzimu oyera inu mkumaiseweletsa chonchi! Gibbo ukudziwa kuti mulungu ali nkuthekera koti akhonza kukuthila ZIP pakamwa pakopo?

    1. @ Lyton u r right bro,, Zikomo Mtunga sukuziwa zoti anthu ena amatha kusisimuka kuzera mu nyimbo?nde ngati nyimbo yake yomweyo ,tune chake chomwecho wina nkuikamo zinthu zake antha asiyanisa bwanji ?

  37. piracy ilipoyi or atamangoberana nyimbo zilibe vuto
    wina anaba nyimbo ya Rod Stewart titled “rhythm of my heart” no action was taken.
    Joseph Tembo did mbudye, he was forgiven. Why not Gibo Lantos

  38. Anthu opanda talent ndamenewa kudziwa kuba ma tune nde mpaka kukaba tune cha choir chamba chani? Nde bolaso akadaba tune chammayiko ena kuso kubaso momuno? Mmutumu muli ubongo mamina?

  39. Kumalawi kuno anthu akasowa chochita amatero! Vuto ndiroti anthu ambiri akukuzikakamiza kukhala oyimba pomwe they are nt tarented musically… Wapenga ameneyo!

  40. Zipweteke chifukwa ndi Gibo ??? Iwo nyimbo zawo zina anayimba zija ndizawo ?? Nonse ndi mbava Gibo usasiye iwonso ndi akuba mbava zimenezo !!! Sipho Makhabane anatengelapo Gulu la mbayani ku court ngat ???

  41. where is cosma? some should tell me what are the use of cosma??music rely is being controled by the devil how Gospel turn into cecular

    1. sndikukhulupilira choncho boss, kut the great angels akhoza kubvomela zimenezi cos saying the trueth nyimbo zao zimadalisa anthu ocholuka wat reason kut akamulore munthuyu kupanga zotelez??

  42. U can play with anything koma za mulungu zokha zilibe phada,sasewera nazo za mulungu. He is GOD and he is holy. Uyu mukumutama kuti watembenuza nyimbo yamulungu kuikamo za ghanja ,mumuona mmene athere. That I swear.

    1. Oooo I didn’t know kuti mulungu amatchulidwa mu nyimbo zija ndi choir. Its good to know kuti GOD is no longer GOD Koma ndi choir. Nde mumuone Choir-yo kuti amatani akaseweretsedwa. Watch the space

  43. guys lets be honest zoona nyimbo yamulungu, tune yomweyo ,,munthu wa nzeru zake nkumakayikamo nyasi zakezo,,what for?bola ikanakhala cecullar yokhayokha mpomveka,,mpaka kupanda ganja sindingathe instead pa ine ndekha sindingathe,,Thats total blasphemy

    1. that was just my opinion guys ,,sorry if i offended some of u guys,,u r free to share ur opinions too,, koma zoti muzindifunsa mafunsozo i think sindikwanisa,,,

    2. anthu akuluakulu akungoba makobili m’boma inu busy after munthu oyimba if not don’t listen to his songs kkkkkk muziona

  44. I don’t support this man called Gibo coz akulimbana nawowo ndi ana amulungu amene amasala kudya koona . muzichita nantha ndi Mau Aja oti ngati mulungu Ali mbali yathu angatsutsane nafe ndani . yese owumitsa khosi lake atadzudzulidwa adzaswekwa read this story ku miyambo .

  45. zopusa basi palibe zomangidwa pamenepa mwava onsewa amaba nyimbowa amaleka kumangidwa bwanj mwasowa zochita eti ndlama sizinalowe mulekeni gibo #iwe tachotsa mose waikila muja #ayoooooooooo

  46. esh talent is talent musiyeni gibo apange dzomwe angathe coz kuwerudza ndi kwamwini wake yehova. musiyeni tiligu ndi nasongole dzikulile pamodzi dzizaoneka pa tsikulo kuti wahita bwino ndindan.

    1. Kkkk hhahhaha gibo anthufe nduwosuyananasiya aliyese akujamba zomwe zimamusangalatsa yasatana NDE iti mukamati iyi ya mulungu

  47. Kkkkk kodi mukufananitsa Signal ndi mmasikini? Anthu oti maiko awo ngosiyana kkkkk koma abale, chimodzimodzi kufananitsa hot dog ndi mbatata yowotcha pa ndowe kkkkkkk

    1. Kuimba nyimbo yaena sikoletsedwa ndipo ndikotheka koma pamafunika kumupempha mwini wake chilolezo.mumalamulo a copyright zimenezi zilimo.

  48. I think all these comments are coming from listeners not artists there is a law that’ has passed about copyright, read them, you will understand for someone to do a version of a song for another artist all changing the words and mantain the rythm you need approval from the creators of that song so if he did then it’s ok if he did not The owners are free to sue him for 5million or he faces jail time of 10 years

  49. I dt see any problem on that as long as the msge is still going to spread..all over..whats wrong with u the great angel ????? Mesa cholimga chanu nchofalisa uthenga?nde gibo walakwisamji mesa naye akufalisa uthenga.

    1. naenso ndiwe kapolo wa dziko et…sukumva kut iyeyo akusintha nyimbo kuikamo za SATANA…za ma babe chan chan uko..

      The guy aint singing gospel in a different way but Changing the Godly rylics and putting in the rylics gotten from the devil’s bowl.

    2. Isaiah ndiwe munthu wabwino kwambiri komaso uli ndi dzina la bwino kwambiri koma zomwe ukulankhula zikusiyana ndi iweo ndiye takhala pansi uyambe kulingalira bwinobwino uzifunse fuso lot, kodi ineo ndine ndani?

    1. Busy signal amayamba kaye watenga chilolezo kwa mwini nyimbo.ndizololedwa kwina kuli konse bola mwini wake akavomera.

  50. Eyaka tikafuna gospel tizivera great angels ,:::::: Tikafuna secular tizivera Gibo man coz Great Angel tune ndichabhoooo!!!! Kapena mufuna azigulitsa albinol? Pangani zomwezo man Gibo

  51. Had it been u tampered the Muslim songs u would have been ended into jail or sharia law would hav been wept u away.Gibo if you will continue doing your nasty behaviour b4 our Lord God Himself shall send consuming fire to destroy you.Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gibo doesn’t tarnish the Christian’s image but God himself.

    1. U r right.the rights of the origional producerare infringed here.the copyright act was reviewed and the bill has recently been passed by parliament.wina akhala mmavuto.copyright with no owner’s consent is indeed illegal

  52. kodi akhristu alero bwanji? Yesu anatifera kuti tikhale anthu a chikondi koma pakangolowa ndalam akhristu akusitha mawanga kukhomelerana mudzina la Yesu End of days indeed

    1. Agide sung Buffalo soldier first before Bob marley so first to be sued shud be Bob 4 tampering with Agide’s song kkkkkkki

  53. the problem with malawians when r u going to change your attitude our friends in developed countries that cant b a big problem if he z capable of changing some words in the songs i belive he can do better no issue here to jail him wake up malawi just let him be dont b cowads

  54. jailed for what? gibo latooos got all rights to do whatever, just to remind you its free society (world) #ayoooooooooh i like his music

    1. Malamulo timagwiritsa anali akalekale.nde anachitidwa amend.bill yake yangodutsa kumene ku parliament kwasala kuti pulezidenti asayine kukhala lamulo.koma amayenera kudandaula ndi a great angels.mwina gibo anawapempha iwo nkuvomera apo mlandu palibe

  55. that’s plagiarism. if u have no idea of professional singing, why not go to your village and farm.he deserves to be jailed .what he did is unconstitutional

    1. martse did malawi song by matafale ,,,,,san b did wamphavu by matafe you didnt make noise so why gibo try judge people equally

    2. dont tek farmn as an inferior thing…. kut udye iweyo, its coz of farmng. Lets change our mindset on farmng, ppo r gettng richer coz of farmng than ur fixed monthly salaried income. #proudgraduateyoungfarmer

    3. kkkk Charles Nkhomah equally u say…but this guy do you know is too much if u ask me why I’ll say ama2kwa kwambiri in those songs to do what he has done isn’t wrong but with authorization from owners martse San B maybe did without a go ahead from owners but they maintained the good massage I don’t see any judgement here kaiser Falcon Morashnikov Joacquim Rabson Hdc nyirendah I agree with them uneducated savage unconstitutional,, great angels they do it for GOd heavenly father not what that artist is changing into kumeneko ndkumusewesa mulungu

    4. kkkk Charles Nkhomah equally u say…but this guy do you know is too much if u ask me why I’ll say ama2kwa kwambiri in those songs to do what he has done isn’t wrong but with authorization from owners martse San B maybe did without a go ahead from owners but they maintained the good massage I don’t see any judgement here kaiser Falcon Morashnikov Joacquim Rabson Hdc nyirendah I agree with them uneducated savage unconstitutional,, great angels they do it for GOd heavenly father not what that artist is changing into kumeneko ndkumusewesa mulungu

    5. “1 john 1:7 His blood has saved the world from all sin” Herbert mwale lord Jesus did 99% only u need 1% to defeat that demon commanding u

    6. guys lets be honest zoona nyimbo yamulungu, tune yomweyo ,,munthu wa nzeru zake nkumakayikamo nyasi zakezo,,what for?bola ikanakhala cecullar yokhayokha mpomveka dats a blasphemy,,

    7. Hahahaha kodi anthu mukungoti busy signal zikugwilizana? Tikukamba za Gibo apa amalawi mukuzipanga compare ndi Jamaica kkkkkkk dziko loti even mwana amabanda in public ganja salesa it is ungodly country u can’t compare it with this God fearing innocent Malawi we r reacting to this issue this way bcoz as Malawians we know hu we r and as ambassadors of God we can not show our teeth to this nonsense

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