He has been given a three-year ban from all football related activities by Football Association of Malawi (FAM) for inciting violence that erupted at Chitowe Stadium last week but that has not stopped him from spitting fire at Nyasa Big Bullets and the country’s soccer governing body.
Mafco believes the whole fracas was deliberately staged.
Mafco team manager Dan Gulaimfa says Bullets deliberately messed up things at Chitowe Stadium in order to force FAM to move the crucial quarter-final fixture to Civo Stadium.

According to the foul mouthed manager, the move was inspired by the FA who had earlier asked the military side to consider hosting Bullets at Civo but not at their base.
“After beating Moyale Barracks in the round of 16, an official from FAM called asking me to consider hosting Bullets at Civo but not at our home ground saying we should make more money from gate earnings so I wasn’t suprised with the verdict that came out.
“The FA had Civo Stadium in their mind and that’s exactly what has happened. We are ready to play anywhere but what we need as a club is to see justice being done. Fairness must be equal to both teams in the top flight,” said Gulaimfa.
On his three-year ban, Gulaimfa said: “I am ready to obtain a court injunction stopping the FA from imposing such a biased decision. There is no justice in it and I am ready to fight them.”
Apart from Gulaimfa, FAM also banned in-form striker Richard Mbulu for the rest of the season for taking a leading role in assaulting Bullets players, with Captain Paul Ndhlovu and Stain Malata being given a six match ban each for the same crime.
But why it is always Bullets and army teams??????
Mpira choncho muti Malawi izamenya even African Cup of Nation (ACN)ngat ma players akudana nde ku camp azizatenga team by team osat kuwasakaniza chifukwa azaphana kwmbiri.
We Dont Want Boxn. If Uwere Men Uwould be busy with guns not football. shatap.
asilikali omango kudya ndalama za ulele
Guys help me ine sindikudziwa .chigamulo cha bullets ndi karonga chinayenda bwanji from FA
Ths Is A Nic Pic
Thank you very Malawi football administrators for this so called fair judgement, but let me tell u this; “make sure that ur judgement is with no an aim behind”. If you mishandled during the hearing of this case, expect some ten or more cases beyond the first. So make sure to handle it the way u did with Mafco Fc. Already something happened on the game between Wanders & Small team last saturday, but the judgement………??????
Fools ndi khondo yomwe sakuidziwa anyani
Imeneyo ndiye ntchito yomwe amadziwika nayo,mpira olo mutation asadzaseweso mpira sikuti angafe manja ayi.
Ndipotu ndiye waichita bwino agaru amenewa akhale ndi chikho chawo chomawalola kumenyana
Let them kno tht “we, th bullets fans,r holding a grudge”. .. mudzatipeza pano pa Kamuzu midzanya mudzawona. Tiwope asirikale ake ati, omwewa tikumwera limodzi bibidi mmakukawa, ambiriso nkhope zili pindikepindike si adaphwanya kalekala amenewa. Mwachenjera pogoba akamng’azi tiwonetsana podzuka
Anthu yang’anani kut malamulo ampira amati chani nde muziyankhula bwino ma comments anuwo isayankha zokomera mafco chifukwa choti inuyo bullets mumadana nayo ayi ….kodi talingalirani mukanakhala inu ndamene zakuchitikilani mukananva bwanji ? Posatengera team mukanangopanga za malamulozo osati kupanga chiganizo chifukwa choti team inayo mumadana nayo ayi ….amalawi chikondi nchqbwino osati tizingodana tizadana mpakana liti?
Ndine wa nyerere but i strongly feel that the punishment is unfair . It would have been good if they had been banned forever. Am not surprised with the behaviour of these guys u call soldiers. They can’t understand simple and basic rules. U can just look at the way they are employed, on physicality grounds not on intellectual capacity, corruption, favouritism and what u have… What manners do u expect from them then…..? Here comes a country with undisciplined men mistakenly called soldiers
koma kwa mzanga okonda ma team onsewa tiyeni tilemekezane zachitika agamula tamva zatha mpira pasogolo timve zina sopano mma club chonde tiziziwa bwino malamulo ampira wathu please.
apolisi akabwera inu mwandimenya ndukutuluka magazi zachinoekele amanga tonse koma chilangotu ku khot chikasiana woyambisa ndi otulusa magazi.
tiyeni tinene zoona pamalamulo or ine mtayamba ndewo
tiyeni tinene zoona pamalamulo or ine mtayamba ndewo
Let them introduce their own league or their own Military trophies,very indiscipline kodi amawapembedza chani?tizingomva za iwowo basi why can’t they emmulate examples of others who always thinks of protecting their citizens i.e Israel, USA true soldiers kawawa bambo osati izi za ziii, kumenya anthu ku mpira nde chani
Ceasefire Elium watokota mokwana
kkkk a amy amalimbana red amy ndi real amy ndiye ngati fisha mphamvu alibe zake olo akanamupha zake coz amawaputa dala
Fam ndiyondera sangasinthe game kuti akabe ndalama zambiri zapange nayo nbb mantha awo ndi ground apweteketsa maplayer iwo pakamuzu adakhimira paja anzawo salora kusewererapo?
The truth is chilango chachepa palibe kunyengerera thats y kunja atsirikali amapanga zao zosiyana ndi ma civilian.
Ndewu iz part ov game
nkhani ili apa siyantchito ya munthu koma mpira wa miyendo, mpira salesana olo mkaidi amapasidwa mwayi osewera komano vuto kumalawi kuno kayendetsedwe ka mpira zimatengera kukhumbana, player ukampase 3 years osasewera mpira pali umunthu pamenepo?oky pomwe bullets inaletsa mafco kupanga training pa kamuzu panali ndewu? a mafco kubwezera iyayi koma timenyane ndiye mumati azisekelera? kodi komanso a tnm premier league analephera kuweluza nkhaniyi? lakula ndi dyela a fam.pomalidza ndingot a fam nonse FUCK U!
team mananger ameneyo akadakhala wa mzeru adaonesa mphwvu pa chitowe kuti a mafco asapange ndeeu apo zangoonesa kjti saziwa masewera ampira ngati pali chinthu chimene chimayanjanisa anthu pano pa ziko la pansi nde ndi football.
kodi ndewu anayambitsa ndi ndani? chimwemwe kumkwawa ndi wa mafco?
Ndaona asilikali ine aw
a ndizigawenga mpiraso samatha makamaka uja anatenga chisulo uja judgemementyo yachepa imafunika three years pamodzi ndi team manager komaso team yose suspend
Ndi Choncho Bullets akalephera REF a FAM amalowerapo all these happens bcoz 3/4 of FOOTBALL official do favour bullets
ndimakape amafco.kapena nditi makoswe oduka mitu.mumadziwa thandauzo la usilikali kapena mumangoganiza kumenya athu basi?inu ndazilonda adziko oteteza anyamta anthu a peoples team kuzigawenga zochoka kunja kwadziko.not ndinu ma prayer ampira ayi?adakulorezani kutero kuti muzitayitsa thawi.musawononge tsogoro ladziko popweteka anyamata wokakha chikopa.pomaliza ndingoti pitirizani bwino ulonda
ndimakape amafco
Anthu awa atikwanano bwanji apange leage yawo?Nkhani zampira ndiusilikali ndizinthu ziwiri zosiyana amandinyatsa mateam achisilikaliwa.
Asirikali azichita league yawo kuyerekedwa kwambiri
Tiye nawo Gulaimfa makape amenewa okutsatira tilipo ambiri
It’s unfair, the one who started the fight was bullets goalkeeper.You can not start the fight at the territory of the enemy, u end up in lossing the battle.Mind u guys of fam nd sulom.we all know u are all bullets supporters.Even silver,tigers,blue eagles,karonga,wizzard fc,epac,civo and all army teams samakondedwa bcz alibe owaimilira abiri ku fam nd sulom.But one day u,mudza tuta zimene mukudzalazi.God z watching
nawenso information imeneyi waitenga kuti?
wopanda zeru iwe.kuyambitsa ndewu umakudziwa iwe.anatenga mpira kumasewera wa zawo ndani?awo ndimakape ambiri adachoka kumudzi
tinkanena tiyeni muzilimbikira school, koma inu makani nde ndizimenezi, mukungovalabe uniform, kuyambira primary, secondary, college, kuntchito mpaka ku mpira.
mache awo amafko
@Leonard..l agree with # u.amenewa apite ku DRC OR SYRIA.anzao samenya mpira..athuwa alibedi zochita.ma rubbish a wathu!wasting taxpayers money.a soldier playing futbol?kikikiki
too bad for team manager to tok like that kodi akadakhala kuti mbulu wapha anyamata wo and mmodzi ndimwana wanu mukadamva bwanji osamakhala ndi mtima wankhanza ayi usilikali sinkhaza ayi koma ntchito check yourself mr team manager
Bt I thnk nt all sojaz were there n its unfair just 2 insult all of them! & i hv met gud sojaz in ma lyf thn u haters jst shows if given a chance u cn be worse
Mafana opusa onse amene akuziwa kuti sakwanisa kumenya mpila onse achoke akaone zina zochita osankhala kumalimbana ndi akatswiri achikopa ai mpila simbali yawo ana omputsa apeze zina zochita ubwana umenewo untheretu .mbunzi zimenezo muzipase ma leagei awoawo apo bi kungowa lesa onse alondawo asamamenye mpila asake zochita kumpusa basi for sack
kuzolowela kugwirila ana ku piece keeping kkkkkk mwaziona
neba kumuwopa mbulu kumeneko nde mwakondwatu bwinotu mungakathidzimulidweso iye mulibe muthokoze afam kukukondelani koma na ulendo uno kukutumulidwa kunalipo
he is an idiot
bakha wachabechabe titafu mukhoza kuzachoka chothamanga pa studiam. army yopanda discipline ndainela ku malawi. ndinu makape kuyambila mabwana anunso mbuli zokha zokha. last time your so called soldier was caught stealing a bottle of beer in a shop at puma filling station ( CHICHIRI SHOPPING MALL.)
Kod makape amusalimawa akt bwanj??? Ma pale umaziwa kma?? Unuso sinu asilikali mayaz Inu nd ma guard maka mbulu abwrere azika guardira kwanthu
ena mukuti adzakupezani pakamuzu ngati ndipambuyani abb panopo kukadzapanga zoti mubweze mudzawona polekela takwiya nanu muchenjele
Azitimenyabetu awa ndikutha kuona nanga si iwo amalandila mwezi ndi mwezi.
akuchitabe bwino, uleke nkhwesa kkkkk 3yrs ikukwana .
These ppo they are full of themselves FCK dem ,damn
A fam ndimbuli za anthu.. Nyamilandu and suzgo ndinu mbuli..msaone ngat udindoo ngochokera kwanu..ndi chazikolonsetu…
Tikumana nanu second round mukzatipeza pa Kamuzu stadium amafco,mwaiputa red army aphwanga
Osazitulutsa zisiruzi zipange league yawo bwanji? Mbuzi za anthu. Kulimbana ndi anthu okuti anapanga kale dzina. Ngati mulindimphamvu osakateteza nyanja uko bwanji.
Muzatipeza pa Kamuzu stadium. Tasungira. Muidziwa ndirande inu? Chakuti chanunso ndipo
Vuto la ma soldeir osaziwa job yawo ndilimeneli,soldeir weniweni amazesa mtendele osati izi tkumaziona zongokhuta marijuwana en cocain!wat kind z this shameful baby sodz,ongoziwa kupalapasa ma playerz.ooooh but dis kidz call demselvs soldrz¿¿…..
Vuto la ma soldeir osaziwa job yawo ndilimeneli,soldeir weniweni amazesa mtendele osati izi tkumaziona zongokhuta marijuwana en cocain!wat kind z this shameful baby sodz,ongoziwa kupalapasa ma playerz.ooooh but dis kidz call demselvs soldrz¿¿…..
Vuto la ma soldeir osaziwa job yawo ndilimeneli,soldeir weniweni amazesa mtendele osati izi tkumaziona zongokhuta marijuwana en cocain!wat kind z this shameful baby sodz,ongoziwa kupalapasa ma playerz.ooooh but dis kidz call demselvs soldrz¿¿…..
Ife tmaona ngat atgamure kut MAFCO tisadxaseweretso gem iliyonse yokhodxedwa ndi a FAM,SULOM
Chofunika ndi choti a Army amene anapanga violence amangidwe ndi police…….koma zitheka kaya?????? Kayamba Chosenprophet Maxy
gents me humbly say dat watever u ve decided must be…but we dont. care coz FAM or SULOM has done it all…but we,re still sojaz and gona die sojaz ..we don care and we gonna die sojaz… ..futball iz wat? our sport iz WAR
Ndiye mumapangiranji qualify. Fools
Then why westing time motherfucker go to nigeria make war with boko gangs n see if u can suvieve kukamwa ngati potulukila ndowe zambuzi kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Malawian soldiers r fools! If u say ur sport is war,wy mumalimbana ndi civillians? Mumalimbana ndi owotcha makala,villager mupindulapo chan? War war mudamenya kut war? Lero mulimbana ndi player,dieyng a soldier wat is it?hahahahaha inu ndi zisiludi et? Everybody will die wat he/she is. Anthu akamati ndinu MBULI PA MW PANO NZOONADI
shut up fool, idiot go to war then the entire plannet is at war why don’t u go n fight? the likes of boko haram, alshabab, isil, …
Mnamenyapo kut nkhondo msatinamizepo apa? Anzanu akumenya nkhondo kunjaku kumangomenya ma civilians basi.
Ndinu aulesi makape man 2 man popanda zitsulo ndingakuponde koophya #team m’baluku we dont care about sojaz we can kirk your ass
Mbuzi yamunthu iyi. Tawasungira makape awa azatipeza pa Kamuzu stadium. Mwaishosha Ndix mwina mumangomva. Muzafunse Red Lions tiphwasula pa Zomba Community ground pawo pomwepo. Muthokoze kuti pano tinafatsa. Koma inu nokha tithana. Mungamenye Chilobwe boy Nong’a???
Mumadaliranso gulu. Man to man Mumangophwasamulidwa. Makape.
Olo mafco itapita kuli konse ikapezekabe yolakwa.kumasata nkhani.pa mlandu pa makhala mbali ziwiri.odandaula ndi odandaulidwa.fam ogamula.ngati mafco sikukhutila ali ndi ufulu ochita appeal.koma mafco imayenera kulangidwa.football is only a sport and not war
Mpira wa ku malawi ukuendetsedwa ndi mbuli komaso mbava zongofuna kukhutitsa mimba zao
notify me new posts
Those of you who say that the punishment is unfair do not know football rules. Violence or inciting violence is not allowed in a game of football. The perpetrators if identified are dealt with without fear or favour. And in Malawi, our military teams are known for violence. Bullets in particular has suffered so much at the hands of these military teams. If you go to a match involving one of the teams, make sure not to support visibly or they will beat you. These guys only know intimidation. They deserve the punishment. Or let them establish their own league.
Remind us the last time u were beaten or harrassed by the men uniform .Last time we watched KB vs Noma the environment was just cool and calm.Unless intimidation has a knew meaning. School us mr know it all
At balaka stadiam it ended moyale baracks beatng b4ward players n supoters last season led lions also some player were baned from the filed of play couse of violece again
In Dedza last year, Bullets players and supporters were harassed by KB players. Any game involving military teams siitha bwino. You can’t openly support your team. And when you say a ‘Mr know it all’, it shows you don’t follow football. Or you are one of the perpetrators of violence. There are many soldiers that are disapppinted by the behaviour of their comrades. Football is beautiful but these guys are making it ugly.
It’s disgusting especially those we thought cud bring peace r in 4 front ov violence. To me I think it true that we mistakenly call these headless people as our soldiers. Can someone tell me what they know apart 4rm fucking prostitute, btng pipo in pub and violence during beautiful football? they shud burn them 4 ever they must go and work what they were employed 4. they r becoming fat cats these fool’s. they can’t even be motivated by Israel or USA soldiers they always protect the citizen. feeling annoyed n disgusted.
Mpira sungatukuke ku malawi ngati FAM ikukondela chonchi.
Gula chan?Even dzina lakelo sangakhale munthu wolongosoka.Wakhaulabe baxi mpaka 3yrs woooo!!Ha ha ha,,,,
Sanakhaule ukuwona ngati amadya mpira? Ameneuja ndi Lietenant wama degree ake salary yake atha kudyetsa mudzi wakwanu onse
Ma degree ochititsa nkhonya omwewo,zaziii
Nchifukwa chake pali mawu oti,”Sukulu imangochotsa umbuli koma uchitsiru suutha.”Iyeyo pokhala wa madegree bwanji adaonetsa uchitsiru?Lamulo lamukwapulabe baxi ngakhale ali Lieutenant!! 3 solid yrs behind any soccer related issues!!Woooo!!!
Ma degree ndi kanthu! Sukulu iziyendera limodzi ndimakhalidwe abwino (umunthu wabwino)
Asilikali APA Malawi angoxiwa kudya nsima kkkkkkk
Osamutchula bwanji official wa FAM yemwe anakuyimbirayo?? wanyabeee 3 years ukhala ukupolisha Jombo za asilikali anzako konko!! pajansotu zampira sizipita kukhoti mwina wayiwala ungadzayambe kunenanso kuti akhoti akondera!!!
Malawi 4sale
poti ndiwe msirikali pita ukamenyetu ma official a fam tione
fuck the fam,what a painful punishment!a minute to the family of mafco of apology,sory guyz!!!!we all ll miss u in all competitionz guyz,nyerere fan.
mphamvu zitachepa mpakana kukatenga zida mu #tata koma asilikali akumalawi
Zaka zosezo amayikhumba tiyeni tikhoze mavuto a flames osati zopusazi Walter bwino umusata mbendera zilango zokha umazitha km kukanika kukhoza flames sena iwe watikwana
Congrats Fam without fear or favour that’s fair judgement as for Mafco u r soccer ignorant cowards. ..ur behaviour got no place in ths beautiful game!
Asilikali apa nyasaland kusowa chochita mpaka kulimbana ndi ma civilian,mapeto ake ndi amenewo,y cant u go 2 Nigeria and dance around with Boko haram.
Looks like ur intelligence is below par and ur comments are irrelevant. Next time sought help from elders
Kkkkkk exactly
mbuzi yamunthu ukutiso chani nawe
mbuzi ndi abale akowo,atumbuka antha ozikonda inu ,u think u know everything but in reality the opposite is true.
who have prove you intelligent #Mdzinga? idiot
ifè ndife a salary
the punishment is not fair.
Osatitaya tiya silikali timeneti ntausilu
mpira waku malawi and u expect kuti national team ichite bwino. mukanangonena kuti izimenya yokha bullets nanga
Nanunso mwatani abwana, national team ingachite bwino kamba koti a FAM aibakila Mafco itamenya a bullets?
let’s not see it on one side
Kodi paja muli ku Salima eti kkkkkkk.
Who iz gulaimfa u are an idiot ,usilikali wake uti ongosewera mpira bas stupit ,try next tym u wanna regret
Osachenjela ndi zinthu zoti sumukuzidziwa u will look stupid when reality catches up with you
Ali kunja ameneyo nyale zao mafuta anatha
kick of a dying horse
zakhala bwino aphunzile kuti mpila sinkhondo
Even noma family is plotting the downfall of fam officials & flames coach by telling its called-up players to perform poorly to embarrass them following the fine.
Being Lt. he was supposed to be exemplary in controlling his boys but alas he was in the fore front inciting violence. He deserve the punishment and another punishment at the office for putting the office of Commander in Chief in disgrace. Shame on you Lt. Gulaimfa. Next time please behave us a man of authority at work. Hope to see you again in football administration in 2019/2020 season.
Fact of the matter his pay role remains intact and he has nothing to loose. He has been liberated from the shame of so called Malawi soccer. Thanks Lt for standing with ur boat whilst iy was sinking
Malawi Ndi Dziko Lamtendere Tingopempha Asirikali Chonde Muwakonde Amzanu Chifukwa Iwowo Salary Yawo Ndi Phazi Lomwelo Pamene Inu Ndi Ma Civil Servants.Timakunyadirani Ma Soldier Nonse Komanso Abullets Nonse.Tigwirane Manja Pomanga Malawi.
I know gulaimfa he is guilty but can not accept, whether u like me or not Malawi football must go ahead
am a nyerere fan the judgmentis unfair, why don’t you just charge them instead of banning
hehehe de mukamuona mbulu akukhudxa chinthu champweya mkati kaneneni kupolice yomwe muli nayo pafupi
Asilikali akumalawi alibe mwambo and I think asamatenge nawo gawo kunkhani ya masewera. .wtF
Sizingatheke mpira wa gona mw asilikali
Chikhonso muapase atenge nanga si anamenyedwa
Ban him for life
tukwana aise sakunjata kawiri akulanga kale
Olakwa ndiamene anakamupanga interview-yo do you think angayakhe kuti chani even if u were you.Malamulo awo amati chokufa sichiopa kuola.
Amuonjezere so msilikali opanda mwambo wamtundu wanji,,,,
awakhululukire mpaka zaka zitatu
kodi gomezgani ndiwa bullets kapena fam?
Neba Amamuopa Mbulu Kwambiri
Kodi game ya 1-1 mu tnm Mbulu sadalowe?,nanga ya 3-0 pamanda paja Mbulu munalibe??.Mbulu amaopsya kwa inu a Noma ndi Silver osati Bullets iyi ndimikhatheya mwene kkkkkkkkkk.Kodi ngati mwayambana wina nkuthamangila chida wamatha ndindani pamenepo
Mbulu amamuwopa ndi a noma!
Tinampasa 3:0 chapompa
mukumuwopa anakakutemelani pakwawo
Mpira womwewu mpakana zida? Inu a Noma mwanowu pompano asilikaliwa mwawaiwala? Ask Kanzere
Kulila Gulaimfa kulila kwenikweni alilanso loweluka tikawathyola mapiko.
Yap Thus Good News Atengele Phuziro
Amaonga ngati pa Chitowe ndi malo oyesera zida…..Ma Grenade ndi zina zotero
kuyankhula kwa umbuli uku
Be Professional Solders
Andru umbuli ulipati?
Am a nyerere fan. The punishment is fair. Football is a game of peace not violence.
Usaipise Nyerere apa nenani chulungamo enafe zimatiwawa mukamanamizira ma team ena, ukufuna kt a BB alankhule zosakhala bwino
Its my freedom of expresion. Fines and punishment are there in football circles even in advanced leagues than our poor one. If players are fighting each other is it gud for our football?
@Cephers ndiufulu wanu man yankhulani zakukhosi musamvere mbalame ikuyankha apai
#caphersZamachecha you are a true fan…keep it up
akayankhe mulandu ameneo RIp
Ztinso mukambazo?
mwina mutandifusilako ndinu
komadi guys! tamufunsanidi kkkk
Mwina wasokoneza ndi imfa ya Mbendera
Mwina wasokoneza ndi imfa ya Mbendera
paja musaiwale tili ndimaliro2 mbendera is no more
Zikugwilizana bwanji? Ma game onse achitikawa ukufuna kundiuza kuti ku malawi kuno sikumachitika maliro? Wapambana bwanji mbendelayo?
Sanapambane kathu koma maliro ndi maliro bac
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk asilikali aku Malawi mukuti olo ndeu muyipanga mgati yakukanikani yamuground mpaka kukatenga zitsulo nde ukufuna upange chiyani tsopano ukuyensa kulanda dziko eti who u think u r?
– Eti bwana kamulepo KAMULEPO KALUWA mukutipo bwanji pamenepo hahahahahahah!