With the first round of the Tnm Super League wrapped up, two deadliest men in the field of play have finished with 11 goals each for their respective clubs.
Richard Mbulu of Mafco and Peter Wadabwa of Mighty Wanderers scored 11 goals each as the race for the golden boot reached its boiling point on the final day of the first round.
Before Wanderers’ match against Mzuni FC on Sunday, Wadabwa was a goal shot of Mbulu but he made amends when he scored from the spot to match the Mafco forward heading into the second round.
Last season’ joint top goal scorer Chiukepo Msowoya came third with 9 goals whilst Anthony Banda of Epac FC and Maxwell Salambula of Blue Eagles FC finished the round with 8 goals each.
In total, 294 goals have been scored in the first round, with league leaders finishing the round as the highest scoring team after pumping in 29 goals.
As the teams go for a short break, the golden boot race will be exciting considering the fact that all the two top strikers are on a goal-scoring run.
What about kamapenalty nsowoya alindingati kweni-kweni ameneyu??
What we mean is editors should do their job before posting. These articles are read by people the world over NOT Malawians only. Our choice of words can change what we want the reader to get.
Kunena chilungamoo thiz czon anyamata akuchinyaaa kuli nice competition ya zigori l hp this czon tiona player akukwaninza zigori 20 osati za mbuyoomu top goal score kumakhalaa zigori 17
Nanga player uja akupita ku dwangwa uja..ali ndi zingati???
Nanga chiukepo ndi Muhammad salambula sulumba ali ndi zigoli zingati mu supa ligi first round
Eeh Zukhala Ngati Mbulu Ndi Wadabwa Asanduka Ng’ombe Zokanganilana Ukulu Pa Gulu La Zinzawo-tu!!
Inunso siwophunzira kwambiri.osalimbana ndi azanu.muzingowelengako nkhanizo.
Malawi 24 and the Queen’s Language! ‘..rock horns..’ Where do you get your journalists from? Mukutichititsa manyazi kwabasi.
Sometimes to remain quite is better to speak things that is nosense….
Ndiwe wa NBB ndakona ase k k k
Iii wadabwa ndi actor
Wadabwa will continue where he stopped
Wadabwa ndi adala man
wadabwa ndimadala ndi striker waluxo,wagolexaxo zigoli zapamwamba zoxakakamiza
Ndiwa. Bwino chifukwa. Ndiwa. Noma. Kkkk. Zigoli. Zama pe nate
wadabwa palibenso
Could the writer of this article “Mbulu, Wadabwa rock horns on goals” explain what he means. “….rock horns…”
apingasana minyanga=sakugonjelana
wadabwa ndi machine
wadabwa ndi machine
Tanva basi zatha
Wadabwa is a big men,don’t let him go any where plz
during national team selection for strikers mumawasiya, kutenga ndowe zazii:
Wadabwa will kip on duing miracles second round.