Malawians blame chiefs over hyena practices

Eric Aniva Malawi HIV positive man given K2000 to sleep with children

Malawians in the country have blamed traditional leaders for being behind harmful cultural practices arguing that the chiefs encourage the practices.

The development comes at a time when Malawi has made international headlines following a confession by Eric Aniva that he slept with over 100 girls in a cultural practice known as “hyena”.

Eric Aniva Malawi HIV positive man given K2000 to sleep with children
Eric Aniva: was paid to sleep with children.

The media coverage forced President Peter Mutharika to call for immediate arrest of Aniva arguing that the hyena’s action sees him on the wrong side of the law.

The arrest has since sparked controversy with Malawians blaming chiefs for encouraging the harmful practices in their areas.

Commenting on Malawi24’s post, Malawians also urged Mutharika to engage chiefs in ending bad cultural practices that have negative impacts on citizens of the country.

“It is shameful that people all along knew these practices and they choose to ignore among them being our local leaders and now look at what that means to those girls,” wrote Willy Kachale.

While Patricia Mwangondya wrote: “It is sad that people know and choose to ignore, parents and chiefs have betrayed the future of these girls in the name of traditional practice.”

Another commenter Saini Misoya Saini blamed parents for pushing their children into the practice and paying the hyena.

In an interview with the BBC, Aniva revealed that he slept with over 100 women and girls, some as young as 12. For the services, he was paid about K2000 but he claimed that he now performs fewer cleansings.