Malawi Police: Crime rate down in Blantyre

Malawi police

Police in the country’s commercial city of Blantyre say crime rate has been reduced by 24 percent in the first half of 2016 compared with the same period last year.

Speaking at a meeting with members of community policing on Saturday, officer in charge of Blantyre Police Elubium Banda said from January to June last year they registered 3,835 criminal cases compared to 2,931 cases which have been registered over the same period this year.

police malawi
Police officers alert. (Library)

He hailed the 24 percent reduction in crime rate saying it shows that police in the city are really working tirelessly.

“It’s true, the Blantyre police has managed for the past six months to reduce number of crimes committed in the city by 23.6 percent.

“This is so because of the good relationship between the police and the community members. Our calculations were based on the recorded cases from January to June this year compared to last year’s records the same period,” said Banda.

This development comes barely days after the country’s Southern region police announced a 20 percent decrease in crime rate this year in the region.

However, people living in the city told the media a month ago that they were living in fear as criminals terrorized some parts of the city such as in Mbayani where on several occasions people have been found dead.