Zomba shooting: Businessman shot by robbers


A businessman of Asian origin was this morning shot in the arm by two unknown robbers who raided his shop in Zomba, Malawi24 can confirm.

According to eye witnesses, the robbers who later drove off in a yet to be identified vehicle in the end failed to steal anything at the shop, Fair Price Shop which is just a stone throw away from H.Adams Wholesalers.

gun-fire”They came in here and pointed a gun at our boss and asked him to give them money. We were being threatened this time around. But when our boss kept resisting, they shot him in he arm and went out and speedily drove off”said one of the workers who did not want to be named.

The worker says the robbers had done all this in haste in what the workers believe was fear of being netted as some workers had secretly alerted police and suspected they (robbers) knew about this.

Police arrived at the scene when the robbers had already resorted to their adrenaline in an identified vehicle.

The Asian businessman whose identities are being concealed now was rushed to Zomba Central Hospital where he is currently receiving treatment.

At the moment, police officers have surrounded the shop as investigations have already ignited.

Police say they will make a statement in due course saying the matter is being investigated.

The whereabouts of the robbers remain unknown.



  1. Malawian tryn soldiers …amakonda zopusa akabwereka ..uniform z! ! Kak ..sikoyamba amazinva mabulutuwa! Nfuti siulira mu Washington opanda pulobulemul.

  2. Ine ndinali pompo sanawomberedwe bt akubawo anabweradi ndipo analowa mkati mwa shop ya right price kt abe bt zakanika coz sanapatsidwe ma key amu sefa momwe amasungiramo ndalama so anakwiya ndikumubaya ndi mpeni chakumanja moti pano wapita kuchipatala so osamangoti confirmed zomba shooting iwe unalipo?

  3. Muziyamba mwatifunsakaye aku zombafe..waomberedwa si mwini shop mwanva!? & mwini shop si Asian..ndi mkaladi amakhara Ku zakazaka..bwanji kodi kukakamura? & owomberedwayonso sana coz amuombera pamkono

    1. u stil cant reverse that, weather ur correction is right nor wrong someone is dead, thats non refutable, time to hold hands and heal the heart broken

    1. inuyo kwanu ndiye kuti zaumbuli basi aliyense ali ufulu okakhala kumene akufuna komanso aliyense ndi mulendo pa dziko lapansi so stop racism cos u end ku mwalira uli mphawi .

      1. Pantumbo pako mwana wa hule , nyani wokuda iwe shupedi monkey fuk your mother fotsek fokolo

      2. bastard monkey, maso modzi akuona ku limbe ..wina ku blantyre, blind motherfuck, black bastard !

    2. Samuel what can you do alone in this country, you are like a monkey if this land is given to you, you will finish it like mugabe finished zimbabwe, Kamuzu knew how to handle you monkeys

  4. lemba la 1yohane5v19 likusonyeza kuti dzikoli lili mumanja mwaoipa yemwe ndisatana,lamulemphera kulamulila tiyeni tipemphe mwini Mulungu alamulile vuto siboma pankhani zophana kapena umphwawi ndikunena pano amene mumasata zaku USA anthu akuda akuphedwa ndapolice ndifuti ndipo lero apolice nawo akuphedwa ndifuti za sniper kusonyeza kuti paliponse pali mavuto.sitinalengedwe kuti tizilamulile koma kupanduka kwasatana ngelo okondedwa komaso Adam ndi Hava anthu okondedwa Mulungu zimamupweteka ndipo achitapo kanthu azamumphwanya satana ndionse ali kumbali yake.

  5. Aaaaa,waphedwayo m’mwenye?zilibe ntchito zimenezo anthu odzunza antchito awo amenewo,nanunso a #Malawi24 muzitiuza nkhani zenizeni apa mxiiii!

  6. Kuphanaku kwangokharanso kuuma mtima chabe,osat chifukwa chapoor leadership ayi,m’mayiko m’mene muli good leadership zophananso ziliko zedi,zili zonse tisamangonena boma ayi kapena chifukwa chodana ndimtsogoleri wa dziko,koma kutsata chirungamo,anthu ena safunira amnzawo zabwino chifukwa Iwo umunthu allibe thus y nkhani yophana ikukhara simple paMalawi,

    1. when the authorities impose harsh policies such that the living standards dwindle,crime rate increase.people do whatever they can to make ends meet.it is therefore unfounded to say all these killings are not a result of poor leadership.accept dziko lili m’manja mwa agalu,full stop….

    1. i always do that when am busy.it has no meaning related to what u think.it simply means,I WILL READ LATER…when am free,i always check my activity log and read the story so,thinking kuti munthu zamusangalatsa coz s/he hits like is an unnecessary observation

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