…players down tools
They were supposed to start their training on Tuesday afternoon in readiness for the crucial weekend fixtures but Nyasa Big Bullets players have started their boycott over unpaid K45 million signing on-fee, Malawi24 can reveal.
After giving their executive a one-week deadline, nothing tangible was on the table, forcing the players to start their boycott days after drawing with rookies Wizards FC in a league match played at Kamuzu Stadium on Sunday.

The team’s vice captain Bashir Maunde confirmed the development saying as players, they have had enough.
“As you may recall, we gave them a deadline to sort out our problems but they did nothing and as players, we will not take to the pitch until our monies are paid. We can’t keep on playing yet we have got unresolved issues with the executive,” said Maunde.
Bullets clinched a K0.5 billion sponsorship deal with Nyasa Manufacturing Company earlier this year but reports indicate that the sponsors have nothing to do with the issue at hand.
Currently, club chairman Sam Chilunga is out of the country for official duties.
Efforts to speak to the team’s officials proved futile. Earlier last week, Bullets Captain Chiukepo Msowoya told this publication that apart from the signing on fee, the team is owning them K8 million in allowances.
With half of their K100 million package from their sponsors already used, it is a major doubt if the players demands will be met before Bullets’s two crucial league fixtures in Lilongwe this weekend.
Club koma silver kuli pheeee achina victoer limbani pano angodya makobidi mtima uli m’malo basi adasiyana nazo nyasi zaku nbb
Nyasa manufacturers plz just pull out of this nonsense
za chamba
chingwambe united.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk team yaanthu akabaza iyi..zulo ndimakaoda ndudu kashop keeper kavekere ‘yezi mawule’ ine ndat eeee mdyomba ine zimenezo ayi
Penapake Muziganizrapo Welfare ya ma player, sakulakwisa koma executve yajaila. musiilen team manager tione ngat angathe kumenya mpira! zachamba bas! stupid
BB 4 life kkkk
U dnt knw anythng u guys!!! dis is football politics,inu muzingochemenera basi but nothng u cn do!!! brieve me dis team knw what they are dng….
Eyet eee maule kkkk
Team inanyanya kuyendesedwa ndi mavenda pamozi ndi oitanila ma minbus ndiye ndalama zingalimbe bwanji?
Ndinsanje chabe neba zin2 zilongosoka pompano zikukuwawa pot unatuluka kkkkk BB 4 EVER!!!!!!!!
things r now showing dat nbb has no mone in their account kkkkk,,100-45=bankrupt
Zayambika makape, sizimene timanena zija izi, mavendor sangathe kugwiritsa bwino ntchito ndalama amakhala ndi phuma hevy, nde musamale coz sponsorship imeneyi pompano ikutha zimenezi….koma poti munazolowera kwa Eguputo no much problem
Anthu alandira kalekale ndalama zawo
Ngati akhala ozipereka kwa zaka zosezi ndiopusa ai koma kunali kuikonda team nde mukuona ngati ndi ana anueti? Kapena kuzolowera kuba ndiwo m’makwanumo nde mwati muziwabera ma playerwo? Kodi mtima opanda chikondi otere mumava bwanji akamadandaula chochi? Mumakondwa akamalira pamene akugwira ntchito?inu muzigula magalimoto mulu duuuu? An2 opusa inu zedi pamozi ndi a Nyasa omwewo muve izi, Anyamatawo apaseni ndalama zao ndipo asasewere mpaka atalandila zao coz si ana anu kuti azikadya makomo mwanumo,zamkutu! Ndipo teamyi siyanu nda yathu komaso muwauze a Nyasawo ayisiye teamyi coz palibe chomwe tikupindila nawo komasondi okuba, Tizakubandulani dy one kukazakhala game
so soon thngs wil b sorted out i cant b happy to see my club
Sewerani mpira pa ground ndalama tikukonza mabwanafe phuma bwanji bullets woyeeeeeeeeee
The richest team in Malawi imeneyo sheeeee!
Timu iyi amene amadya ndalama zake ndi a sing’anga. Ma player muzingnthamanga chanu palibe!
zowona ndithu
Makape Anoma Inu Palibe Chanu ,apa Zisilu
kikkkkkkk koma yaaaaaaa
hahahaha Athamange basi odya ndi ena
Msing’anga oyamba ndiiweyoooo!!!
Crisis but still going stronger #BB
Dat’s what call dramer in bullets camp! Kp t up guyz ,APANA CHISINGAPELE!
Evry Year Hve A Conflict Nbb. Nw We Got Sponsorship bt Nothing Is Changing .Wat Is different 4 those who hve put her views 4 saying des time must be sharing btw nyasa sponsors and ma truster akulimba . mwina we can see sme changes of running affairs in our club.
Kuwina?kodi mukunena zakuwina, aaaa sinkhani imeneyo kambani zinaaa
Its true
kuba ku nbb
chonde anyamata musaseweleso ma games otsala mu TNM komaso final ya president ngati sapeleka ndalama.anthu oipa kwambiri amenewa.
Kaya usovatu neba 45 miter sizibwanatu ukwanitsa or udzafuna kuti uthandizidweso
Zanu izo ife a noma tir phee!
Tapatsen tindalama akufunato asowe ponamizila,Noma pheeeee!! nyasi bb.
Mbava fc
Waaa!! kkkk Each and everyday troubles,troubles in bullets side Awu! when did ending this troubles’.
Bullets imayenda bwino poapnda sponsorship alakwa kupeza kandalama kaja
Alucius mbatata Ife ndi ayiniwake chikopa sizingati vute.
Wankhalira bomba wina
Awa mpila wangowavuta bax iyaaaa
Kodi apart from sponsorship,zamagate zimapita kuti?since league started how much did we get from all our matches?plz these squabbles will destabilize the team, I know we hv capable leaders who r transparent in their endeavors,avert this crisis b4 it gets out of hand plz.
Kkkk anazolowera kukhala movutika awa kuwapanga sponser ndikuwazunza
if they start loosing, i, for one will never forgive you the entire executive. this nonsense
Bullets ikakhala ndimavuto nziwani kuti chinachake chachikulu chichitika inu pheeeee
Koma Neba ukufuna tiloweloso mu nsika kukapephepesa malipilo wandimvesa chisoni Neba bwanji
Failing to balance the equasion! When we struggled with sponsorship woes, the team performed extremely well on the ground and now we got half billion players are failing to access their dues as expected. Much as reforms are welcome to the team in terms of running the club as a bussiness entity but something has to be done with immediate effect to arrest this situation and get back to normal bussiness.
kkkkk Back to normal bussines in Bullets i doubt this disagreement will continue until jesus come cz theres’ alot of greed plp in bullets side.
There was too much excitement after grabbing the sponsorship and this resulted in the executive to rush into making a hasty decision of giving players huge sums of money before actually analysing the pros and the cons of the coffers, now the team is running into unnecessary debts resulting to boycotts
Ndigawa Mbuzi Ku Excectiv Ya Nbb Masana Ano!!
Don’t give them money “let’s them to do what ever he wants???
Ndiye Bullets ndimayidziwa ine imeneyi. When they have sponsorship things do not work on well. Anazolowera kukhala opanda sponsor awa. Ma player adzisewera wa udzu. Koma kumeneko.
Apatseni zawozo,,,,, koma azilimbikira ntchitoyo,,, sizongomaluza ndi madraw ayiiii,,,,,,we are for u,,,,,,BB,,,,dzina losafa,,,, undying name for the nation,,,, Presidential Cup,,,, mukuyitenga osavutikira iyi!!!!!Moto buuuuuuuuu!
Achita siakapolo amenewa
agalu awa koma adzatheka?
Kaya zanu
conflict is one way of understanding each other. But give them their dues.
Kkk kaya ine pheee kuno ku lali lubani
zilongosoka pa easy! #TEAM_BULLETS
Neba kuzakangana pamenepo kenako kuzamenyana kenako chindeuuuu ķut bhuuuuuiuiu kwa aneba akumenyana bweran chondeee mudzandithandize
They’re right #Bullets
Teamyi itha kutha ngati mukuchita masewera, have a crisis meeting now to sort out these issues?
Neba kuzamuvuta pamene panja kkkkkkk,, #team Noma
Mwayambo adan NBB
Koma kumeneko!