Winiko happy with life sentence, will still march naked for death sentence

Bon Kalindo

The life imprisonment that was handed over to the albino ‘hunter’ in Mzuzu has brought smiles on the face of MP and comedian Winiko but it is not an enough deterrent for him not to parade naked.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Mulanje South Bon Kalindo has commended Judge Dingiswayo Madise for handing out a life imprisonment sentence to a man who attempted to kill an albino but maintained that a death sentence would be more effective.

Bon Kalindo
Bon Kalindo belives his naked protest will play a role in the ending attacks on albinos.

Kalindo said the life sentence shows that the country is going in the right direction but there is need for Malawians to advocate for a death sentence.

“I commend Judge Dingiswayo Madise for the ruling but there is need to do more to ask Parliament to discuss a death sentence for albino killers,” said Kalindo.

He added that life imprisonment is not enough as the prisoners will still use taxpayers’ money whilst in prison.

According to Kalindo, it’s not right to say that there must not be a death sentence for albino killers because of human rights issues.

He further said that they want to push Parliament to discuss the death sentence so that it becomes a law.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Parliamentarian has been advocating for the reintroduction of death sentence, saying the move will deal with the killings of albinos in the country.