More School hours for Primary pupils in Malawi


…2 hours added to Standard 1

Amid criticism of the country’s education standards, Malawi government through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology has adjusted primary school timetable effective 5th September, 2016.

Pupils to go more hours of lessons. (File)
Pupils to go more hours of lessons. (File)

The adjustment has seen Standard 1 students scheduled to be knocking off at 12:00 from 10:40 on the current timetable.

Standards 2, 3 and 4 learners will now be knocking off at 13:50 from 12:30 while senior classes of standard 5 up to 8 are now to be closing doors of their classrooms at 14:30.

The change has been stipulated per Education Act 2013, section 72.

Government has since urged all education institutions, stakeholders and the general public to be committed in providing their support to ensuring that the policy is complied with.

Malawi was deemed to have the shortest learning hours in the SADC region, a development that was seen to be fuelling poor education standards in the country.



  1. Vuto lizakhala kwa anawo a std 1 aphuzitsi azizapita kunyumba kukadya anawo alimukalasi ndinjala,koma akupanga izi anaphunzirako sukulu kumudzi?kumudzi ana amapita osadya kusukulu ndiye mpaka 1:30pm kulakwatu mabwana inu tiganizileni amphawife

  2. Salary 5% Kumuonjezera m’phunzitsi koma ntchito kuposa ya muoffice… Uweluke 2:30 pm utatopa nde azikuwuzaso kuti ukalembe ma lesson plan ambirimbiri, akuti progress record, zambirimbiri phwi preparation zopanda ntchito basi… Nthawi yakamuzu zosezi kunalibe m’phunzitsi anali ndi nthawi yoona zomwe akaphunzitse ana basi dats y timakhoza kwambiri…. Kuononga nthawi ndizolembalemba basi… TUM MAKE SURE THAT THE GOVERNMENT INCREASES THE SALARY WITH NOT LESS THAN 50% kuti tilembe a ntchito wotiphikila mmanyumbamu… Nanga tizidya nthawi yanji? Atiyankheko amene apanga programme yopusayo…

  3. amene wayambitsa izi ndi munthu okuti alibe ngakhale mwana, kodi madela omwe ana amayenda mtunda wautali kupita ku sukulu mukukuganizira bwanji?

  4. Kale wa std 1 amawerula 10:30 adaonjezera amawerukano 11:30 nde awonjezereso iyaa. Aphunzitsi azikadyera kaye? Coz kuphunzitsa std 1 simasewera makamaka mmidzi umu momwe ana sapita ku nursery olo

  5. Brain ya mwana singakwanitse kukhala mkalasi 7 hrs komanso njala.maganizo amenewa wapanga ndi munthu wotani? Zoputsa kenako timva kuti std 1 ayambe night classes!kkkkk

  6. Good for standard 1,ana amavuta pakhomo, and also teachers will not be lazy now.

  7. After killing education in secondary schools by removing JCE, now they are totally confusing Primary section. These know very well that their children do not go there. The very same Ministry who have refused to recruit the already trained teachers in both Primary and secondary schools. conf

  8. Maphunziro adapita ndi Dr H Kamuzu Banda.Mphunzitsi akunjenjemera akamuona Inspector koma lero akabwera amangompatsa botolo la Fanta basi Akatero sayang’ananso ma lesson plan awo.

  9. Ana ambiri sakuphunziranso ayi angokhalira kusewera kaya chikuchitika ndichiyani kaya.Kunena zowona bola Xool yaKamuzu anthu amaphunzira nthawi imene mufuna kuwonjezerayo ikhale from std 5 above.Osati zanu zamwana wa 1 mukufuna mumuphe ndinjala chiyani

  10. I know some primary schools phala (porridge) is provided, but in other schools the programme hasn’t rolled out yet. Do we expect a child to stay at school from 7:30 up to 14:30 without eating? There are too many households who can not afford giving packed to their children.

    What we need in primary schools is not more hours, but more teachers especially in the rural areas where there are serious teacher shortages. And there is need for close monitoring and supervision to make sure that the teachers are really be working. We hear of many schools where teachers go about their personal businesses like growing tobacco etc. while pupils are just staying in class.

  11. U’ve dealt with the issue of time now i guess u’ll also see the issue of salary bcoz they are also the least paid

  12. Palibe cha nzeru apa ngati maphunziro kulibe kulibe basi olo kumagona komko palibe kusitha aphunzitsi ntchito internet kuchenza ndiine basi kkkkkkkkkkk

  13. Iliso ndiy bodzatu ndiy kuonjezela nthawi kuthandiza cha bodza kuyambila Ku board mpaka Ku maziphuzitsi ose adalowa China mngoganiza xool zili patalipatalizi mwana kuchoka kunyumba osadya a ndiy ndinthawi yoseyi mwana akadya nthawi yanji bola achulukitse maxool apo be tikadali kutsalira ana ambiri azasiya xool panjila

  14. Achita bwino tianatu timavuta pakhomo timvekere adada or amayi kamba njala ikundiwawa ndibwino tizikadyera konko koma osayiwala chikwama chazakudya yesesani

    1. Their is no future in this government,,intead of welcoming more companies but they are busy revising mmalo mopanga zanyuwani so that youth should get employment eish I cant see any change from Peter Mthalika now almost two years

    2. i think amalawi muli ndi vuto, whats wrong with adding more time, look at hw private schools operate, what time do standard 1 pupils knock off?

  15. Job well done. Azitaniko kunyumba . Kwao ndinu School.

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