Expert calls for prudence on budget allocations

Ben Kalua

An economic expert in the country says there is need to use wisely the funds allocated in the 2016/17 national budget.

Ben Kalua, a Chancellor College economist, said since Malawians will cough up 80 percent of the national budget, prudence need to be followed when using funds allocated in the budget.

Ben Kalua
Kalua: Calls for prudence.

“There is need to exercise prudence when using the money allocated in the national budget,” said Kalua.

He added that Malawians will be expected to put in lots of money in the budget and it will be a great burden to the business sector.

Kalua further said that the most worrying aspect is what this will mean to prospective investors.

According to Kalua, the country had lots of problems like natural disasters and cashgate scandal which has brought financial problems.

The 2016/17 national budget is at 1.2 trillion Kwacha of which 80 percent is expected to be sourced locally through tax whilst the other part will be from donors.