Legislator for Mulanje south Bon Kalindo has volunteered to kill albino killers if President Peter Mutharika orders execution of people found guilty of attacking, abducting or killing people with albinism.
The member of parliament, Kalindo who is well known by the stage name ‘Winiko’, said this amid increasing cases of albino killings.

Kalindo said he is worried that the Malawi government is failing to curb the killings of people with albinism.
He added that this is because of the in activeness of the death sentence upon people found guilty of such offenses.
The parliamentarian further said that Malawi is poor and it will still remain poor because it makes laws that favors the rich even if they are found guilty of an offence.
“Now see how our fellow human beings are being killed, they are being killed like chickens. This is because here in Malawi we don’t have laws which can make someone be afraid of an offense.
“The best way to end the practice is by killing them. I have volunteered myself that if the bill passes, I can be killing them. I mean I can be killing anyone found with albino bones or caught abducting or killing an albino, either by a gun or by all means of killing them,” said Kalindo.
He added that people with albinism have been suffering due to these attacks hence the need to end the malpractice by passing the death sentence.
Kalindo further argued that death sentences should also be meted to people who are involved in theft of government money.
Ameneyo ndeanayitha kwambiri
Nijar ameneyo abwera kwanu
Boma lalephela kuteteza amalawi,ndiye kuti likuziwapo kanthu za biznes imeneyi.Chonde a pulezident ngati mukuva,gwilitsani ntchito mphanvu zanu kuti usatana umeneyu utheretu mdziko lathu.mzayankha mlandu pamaso pa MULUNGU
Yes kumakonza tokha,
A church elder kkkkkkkk kubwezera choipa
Killing is killing wether judiciary or otherwise let us have respect for the gift of life that the LORD has afforded us
dpp development
I support Mr winiko also
I support winiko ntambo yo ndi chitsilu
ofcz killing each other is not gud,,bt ths albono killings has gone beyond,and thts 2much akuphawa nawonso aziphedwa kumene akakhwezedwapo awiri atatu mchitidwe umenewu uchepa
My fellow Malawians, Born Kalindo z not wrong coz dramma have three aspects 1. intertainment 2. Informative 3. Educative. So Mr Kalindo z trying to inform we Malawians to support the move of killing pipo found/convicted guilty of killing, abducting or found with bones of pipo living with albinism. I support this idea bcoz to put them in jail is like putting, keeping a beater snake under the pillow other than eliminating it by killing it. ikasokoloka ku piloko njokayo izakulumani. Yipheni!
Sizikukhuza peter zimenezi chamba eti
akufuna ku brower ameneyo..
akufuna ku brower ameneyo..
Kkkkk drama Akalindo
wachita bwino winiko
Okupha Zane aphedwe azikathanso ngaiwa kundende
Kundende ai koma mbaula basi
kkkkkkkkkkkk i lyk dis MP…..kkkk
Apa ziyimile konse,kaya wapha Albino or munthu chabe,udziphedwa basi
Masewro basi kkkkkkkkkk
Sizakundendezo azikaonongaso misokho yathu kumeneko kumudyetsera, angokozedwa basi!
Kalindo yemweyo kuti waa waa waa.Kuchitekete,achalume.
Nde Winiko ameneyo..kkkkkkkk
Mob justice is better than police n laws.
That makes two of us!
Malankhulidwe adramawanso pankhani ya serious ngati imeneyi ndiye sakufunikanso bwanji…President zoona angamuuze Mp ,otitu alibe ndi mbiri olo ya boxing ,kuti akamuphere anthu akupha ma albino?be serious man when addressing public on sensitive issues like the one on air.
I Support That Winiko
The problem here is that; this albino killings is a government top officials business. and that is why our easy corruptible police officers are totally toothless and harmless in this issue.
Dustan tipatseni at least poyambira mutiuza boss
ku ndende kunadzadza akagwidwa tidzokonza tokha brilliant idea Hon Kalindo
mwamputa dala winiko,!winiko!,winiko,;;………..;;.;hahaha
I agree wt mr kalinde en pls do th same wt those thief of cahgate pls
Aboma onwewa they are the ones Nanga how can the whole police don’t knw who is buying these parts mikongo yambuyawo
U can say tht again lol
Akut wazipeleka kwauleletu mkului Kkkkkkkkkkkk Jacque Nankambe Winyo Wise Mtukula
I read the story n I 100% agree with him..
Lol i love him
Lol i love him
Uyudi angaphe,ngwa serious
Winiko ndi diruuu!!!!!panga zomwezo basi
thou shall not kill
shee winiko kkk
Kalinde Nanga Lake Malawi A Tanzania Akuyitengayi Kutiso Bwanji?
Thanks Mr Kalindo for your announcement,your say truth,this is immoral behavior,to malawians jxt bcoz albino its a people like you and me,Malawi together as one,stop do that.
If peace fails try war..@ ua back Kalindo,their lives matter also. I wholeheartedly welcome that
Ndakumvani abwana.#Kalindo go on with ur idea
Izi a president athu palibe chomwee apangepo ai mkulu ameneu ali momwemo so winiko ineso ndazipeleka tili awiri
Zalowa ma drama
Paja inali ntchito yako yokhapa anthu ndikumawalanda zikwama ndi ndalama ku limbuli.
Bon Kalindo A.K.A Winiko sadzatheka suuuure!!!! kkkkkk koma big up to him coz all wat he is sein is true even ine nditamupeza wina atanyamula ziwalo za Albino ndimudula khosi suuuuuure!
More fire kalindo
Even i myself iwill b part of kalindo,if gvnment is sleeping with no response
Very good Winiko awone Shariah law basi
Very good Winiko awone Shariah law basi
Kuti Ng’a Ng’a Ndi Winiko Ayii. Akuphani
Kuti Ng’a Ng’a Ndi Winiko Ayii. Akuphani
Mbava nang za cashgate nanga?
Mbava nang za cashgate nanga?
people like manganya and winiko ifind it hard to believe what they say cause of they are….. Idnt knw
people like manganya and winiko ifind it hard to believe what they say cause of they are….. Idnt knw
That’s nyc idea ineed one way of supporting our dearly friendz,,coz anthuwa azichita mantha nanga akawapatsa 5 years imprisonment anthu oti ali ndi ndalama alipilira ndikuwatulutsa b4 5 year’s,,,,ineso i marry this idea we jxt av to kill anthu opanga za m’chitidwe onyasawu.
That’s nyc idea ineed one way of supporting our dearly friendz,,coz anthuwa azichita mantha nanga akawapatsa 5 years imprisonment anthu oti ali ndi ndalama alipilira ndikuwatulutsa b4 5 year’s,,,,ineso i marry this idea we jxt av to kill anthu opanga za m’chitidwe onyasawu.
Kalindo uli bho. Okwera imeneyo ndi ambiri. Akapezeka uyiyambitse, uwona zitha zimenezi. Ayamba kuchita mantha.
Kalindo uli bho. Okwera imeneyo ndi ambiri. Akapezeka uyiyambitse, uwona zitha zimenezi. Ayamba kuchita mantha.
More fire mr winiko I will keep vote for u,thats good move
More fire mr winiko I will keep vote for u,thats good move
What a dark world we live in
What a dark world we live in
What a dark world we live in..This is total madness to say the least! sad,very sad.
What a dark world we live in..This is total madness to say the least! sad,very sad.
More fire Kalindo tikuthandiza.
He will kill his fellow DPP
Kkkkkkkkkk! Dis is very fanny.
Kkkkkkkkkk! Dis is very fanny.
kkkkkll katiphereni
kkkkkll katiphereni
kkkkkll katiphereni
Yo comment jst made me to laugh kkkkkkk
eya kaya akatiphere zingawengazo iwowo olemekezekawo# macu
eya kaya akatiphere zingawengazo iwowo olemekezekawo# macu
Bwana ntchito inu ndiye mukugwiradi pitirizani
Bwana ntchito inu ndiye mukugwiradi pitirizani
Bwana ntchito inu ndiye mukugwiradi pitirizani
Azukulu angatu munabadwa bwino ndipo akanati munthu azikwatila mzukulu wake ine bwezi mtakukwatilani kkkkk kkkkkk Winiko yemweyooooo!!!
Azukulu angatu munabadwa bwino ndipo akanati munthu azikwatila mzukulu wake ine bwezi mtakukwatilani kkkkk kkkkkk Winiko yemweyooooo!!!
Azukulu angatu munabadwa bwino ndipo akanati munthu azikwatila mzukulu wake ine bwezi mtakukwatilani kkkkk kkkkkk Winiko yemweyooooo!!!
Kklkkk koma aMicky mwandikumbutsa tikufelanji ikukoma heavy
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
anakafubwe akamawononga mbewu timathira makhwala,wompha malbno akapezeka nayeso amphedwe,wina asakhale khumakhuma nanga simzika
anakafubwe akamawononga mbewu timathira makhwala,wompha malbno akapezeka nayeso amphedwe,wina asakhale khumakhuma nanga simzika
anakafubwe akamawononga mbewu timathira makhwala,wompha malbno akapezeka nayeso amphedwe,wina asakhale khumakhuma nanga simzika
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
Kumeneko ndikuonetsa u Malawi weniweni keep it up honorable Kalindo
If we are able to send Asilikali athu kudzalanyama kukateteza mitengo why can’t we do the Same with our brothers and Sisters who are being butchered like dogs? is it bcoz ur involved???????
kkkkkkkkk! wakwiya2 uyu.sakunama angaphedi2, taonan nkhopeyo kkkkkkkkk! 2 se d fact afika pobowad afiti asatana amenewa
Aaah wiko ndi kawawa
There have to be serious investigations as to get to the bottom of this, where this kind of barbaric behaviour is emmanating from. How can the whole national police force fail to bring the perpetrators to book..? Why is the Police General still having a job when our brothers and sisters with albinism continue to be missing..? This sleeping gvt of Mutharika and company does not even have any clue on how to go about it….kapena tinene kuti wakhala pa nkhate..? This is a sickness that has made Malawians look evil and an inhuman society in the whole world. We demand an immidiate STOP to this rubbish. Izitu sizopangira ma dramma…its a serious matter that needs immidiate interventions by all stake holders including the locals..
Well spoken Boss
Well spoken Boss
Agree fully..Surely someone,somewhere k knows something..This madness must be put to a stop.We cant carry on like this
Agree fully..Surely someone,somewhere k knows something..This madness must be put to a stop.We cant carry on like this
Ma Prophet akutinji pankhaniyi
Kkkkkkkk che winikooooo eish
Chimene ndikukumbuki ndichoti kalelo munthu akaba ndipo zinthu zimene waba wagulisa ndipo amugwira amamtenga apolice ndikukaonesa kumene anagulisa.nanga bwanji anthu osapitanawo kumene amawatuma?
Kalindo Boma Akangosaina Walitenga Osati Mbolazi Kalindo Ndi More!
What i dont understand is that are u sure kuti our police has failed to apprehend the perpetrators? Something somewhere is not adding up n this is 4 sure. Reaching a point of askin 4 devine intervention? Reaching to a point of deliberating it in parliament? I dont blame u Bon nor am i blaming u Lucius Soja but this sounds ridiculous! This is utter nonsense from the Malawi Police. If u r failing to protect the minority, i mean the few brothers n cctas(people with albinism), can u really protect the Malawi nation? Come on guys, tell me. U mean this issue shud b pinned to the president? Lets b serious here, what is wrong with Malawi Police Service? This is proving to b another useless tool in Mw. The police is just gud 4 wrong reasons ndithu! It’s just a political tool used to witch hunt opposition politicians. Do u remember a few months ago wen i were gnashing teeth on the Kabwilas? Why can’t they do the same with these evil doers? Where has all the intelligence gone? Pliz guys, educate me bcs i don’t understand all this.
Apolice m’bale wanga uli apo usamudalile lelo wapolice akagwila muthu akungo landila chinyengo ndikukusiya ponena akuti sim’bale wanga
i support ur idea Kalindo mwina akusowa kwathu kuno ndi anthu oti azi hanger anthu akalamulidwa kt aphedwe! bravo Kalindo !
Paja ndiwa drama uyu afunatiziseka
am in ur shoes honourable Kalindo
koma dziko lilikupitakuti here in zambia wamudzi wa zaka 30 anpha mwamunawake dzanadzana MULUNGU tichitileni chifundo
Hire me iwl kill them too.
Apa pasisidwa mfundo winiko more fire
A Mere Joke Quiet Some Woolgathering Politicians!
Ndimaganizo abwino omwe wanena winiko koma tikumbutsane kt pachichewa pali mau akt AKAKHALA PAM’KHATE SAPHEKA.zikuoneka kt nkhondo ili kumipando komweko.chikhala kt ndi anthu omwe akuchita izi ndi munthu wamba ngati ine bwezi atagwidwa kale.takumbukani nthawi ya MULUZI KUNABWERA BIZINEZ YODURANA ZIWALO nde kuchoka nthawi imene ija ndiangati omwe anamangidwa ali m’ndende? TIMUPEMPHE MULUNGU APEREKE CHIFUNDO KOMASO CHIKONDI PAKATI PATHU.
Today he smoked a mild stuff.
Lucias Banda and Bon kalondo you are the rock plz help us our freind albino they have no where to go
Usati ng’aaa ng’aaaa ndi ine iyayiiiiii! Tafasan make sikono mamuna wabwino mumpeza…. Big up winiko
Kkkkkkkkk Jazili kamene kaja kamandiwaza heavy
Amvekere mukatenge ma cup a tea ndikuthirireni sugar
Kkkkkkkkkk ukuziwa kale ndi big man
kkkk CheKalindo
Kkkkkkk. Good for stagework. However a volunteer is here at last.
death penalty basi ithe #draw_game
killing albino killers himself, Does it not make him a muderer too?
Kkkk akawapezera kuti?
Move on, idea supported bwana!
Kill them busterds or lwill kill them my self.
Imeneyo ndiye deal bwana MP tiyeni titeteze abale ndi alongo athuwa,coz anthu akagwidwa palibe chikuchitika,bigup Kalindo.
Kkkkkkkkk azingopanga masewero basi coz sazathekaso amenewo
But wat wonder is that all people involved with this of killing our brothers with albinolism are poor, wher do they go wth the parts? Some one somewhere behind this. God is watching. Azaulula! One day is one
Zoona mwina ali muboma momwe. Or ndi anthu otchuka
Its a welcum move,tit 4 tat bas!!
Solving madness with madness
Dzikoli likufunika asongoleli monga ngati Mr Kalindo, Chifukwa President atuwa ndi atulo ,palibe chithu chimene angapange opanda anthu ena ,Pano akuti akufuna kupita Ku Tanzania kukaona misika yomwe akumagulisako mafupa ,that is nonsenses, bwanji osangolakhula kuti opedzeka akupha Albion aphedweso
ndipo ineso ndimujoina ameneyi
bravo kalindo
Haha winiko ndi more atapedzeka anthu ngati awa 20 ku parliament dziko likhonza kuyende bwino.Awa nde ma mp a mfundo zomangilira dziko osati inewa ongopita kukapedza chuma.Nkuiwala anthu omwe adawasankha big up winiko aka born kalindo
Yap! There Is No Need To Spare Their Lives Akagwidwa Kill Dem All,these Albino Killers Akusowetsadi Mtendele Eish!!.
U got my vote
Thats a gud idea killers should also be killed enough is enough chilango choti azikakhala kundende sakuchiwona kupweteka koma kuphedwa basi tiyeninazoni musawalekelele asatanawa.
Kkkk Winiko umatiimilila
Sounds gud but inside it is empty. such statements should be maybe at his home. Just listen how he ended with his sentence. U will c he was thinking that he is with Manganya. Mtxiiii empty
Ndakwela ya winiko yomweyo basi anthu amenewa azionjeza iya
Sakuzitengera mudrama ayi koma ma albino nawoso ndi anthu ngati ife tomwe amafuna moyo.bwana winiko go dpr tilipambuyo pako
this niaggah sakhala serious
a’m agree with Ben no room to the killer
Viva Bon Kalindo! Alluta continua!
Do you remember those tyms whereby women were chopped their breasts & now we are attacking our brothers & sisters with albinism,ma khoti athu malamulo amene akuyendera pogamula olakwa anakonza ndi azungu kale kale & akuopa kusintha coz akudziwa kuti izi zoipazi akupanga ndiomwewo.Mr.Kalindo ndikudziwa mwakwiya zedi monga inenso koma nanga enawo bwanji sakukhudzidwa angoimba nyimbo basi.
akankhala pa tsuko sapheka ndikunena nkhoswe ndiluyi ndi ya mabwana anakankhala munthu wamba atangwidwa
I Cant Support The Motion Couz Killing In The Bible Can Not Acceptable
I strongly agree with you kalindo…. This getting worse than before… Okuba ndalama za mboma adzinyongedwa komanso yense opezeka ndi mlandu ogwilizana ndi nkhani ya albinos adzinyongedwa…. We need the #DEATH SENTENCE IN MALAWI to rebuild the best Malawi we were…..
Akkakakaakkakakaka uyu angaphedi chifukwa anawopseza make sikono mpaka osapita ukaona maganya akudwala
Kodi man, zamusewelo zija mumazitengera serious? I didn’t know that someone could have this pedestrian thinking.
Your blood is the same as that of any albino the blood of ahuman being: chifukwa chani boma silikupha anthuwa akagwidwa sogoleli wanthu wadziko alipo kodi? Namga akuchitapo chiyani?ndikufutsa inu muli ndi maudindo boma mukudziwapo kanthu kapena? Mukuwagulisa kapena?zikundiwawa mtima zimenezi
Koma ngati mukt okupha nzake aphedwe nde kut pamapeto mudzapha winiko eti? Win dont kill the killers am asking u to go where these brutals are living to catch them .then put them in padok so that we can stay frely. But dont put them together with females to avoid multiplication of murderers.win find away of deminishing these bad subhuman but dont put them to death coz jesus is around the coner anga dzakupezen ndi magazi mmanja ktmwapha wanthu achimwene.
mmh mm, mukufuna kukhala oshomola? Amzanu agwira okha, inu mukufuna kumangomalizitsa?
Kkkkkk winiko ndi Nyo
Gd idea
Gd idea
Bola asakhale abale anu bwana,lamulo siliyang’ana nkhope…good move
Mudzikasaka nokha, mukamugwira nde mudzipha osati ogwidwa ndi anthu ena.
Koma winiko !
another beutiful episod from winiko
Kma Zoona Ma Albino Kumasowa Mtendere Mziko Muli President Shame Of U Mr President!I G Of Police Kulephela Kugwiri Anthuwa Shame On U!Dziko Lathu Likufunika Anthu Ngat Kalindo!Ozipeleka,oimiladi Anthu!Oteteza Aliyese!Am Support Kalindo
Wachamba uyu
I support the idea 100%
Thats winiko i know, very brave
So is there any different btwn that idear and mobjustice?? Anyway iwish u all the best pozipeleka kugwira ntchito yaMulungu(okupha nzake naye aphedwe 4rom the book of exdous)
I will do the same,kill all this idiot who wants to get rich over night
this is true ho unable winiko these pple are too heartless
Inde pitala walephela yapa…….ndipo tisamale ndima China .
KKkkkkkkkk,vuto lama drama ndirimenero umakachita ndiku parliament komwe,mkulu uyuyu ndi 1 sadzathekanso.Its a brilliant idea akagwidwa tizingokonza tokha chifukwa zikuoneka kuti ku ndende zathu mdziko muno mudadzaza opezeka olakwa pamlandu wa cash-gate,..
Masiku apitawo panali nkhani yoti best comedians ndi alomwe ndipo anthu anavomelezana. Now they think govt is a huge stage.
Eish,zovuta kwabasi Mr SSS,uyu ndi Nyo.
His ryt if the government are not involved with this criminals……coz thawizina amatuma ndi anthu a boma owmewa
100% true and u deserve a Bell’s
Amene mukuti Kalindo akunena za drama vuto simukumuziwa mumamuonela masewelo, muwafunse a Trust kumulanje akuuzan za Kalindo akakwiya
Mr kalindo inenxo ndikujoinani kkkk thumbs up
….. me too want that jobyoooo…..
Eeee zoona aphedweso nawo
Uku ku Lhomwe Republic wanzeru ndiwe basi…
Those Who Kill Albinos Should Also Killed Once Caught As What Pple Of Nsanje Did Some Few Months Ago.
I support his idea but killing them himself will encourage mob justice and some people can be punished innocently. Best way is to hand them over to the authourities who will in the end interogate them to reveal their accompolices. Killing politicians who steal money from the government is unworkable and the whole world can laugh at us if we put it to practice. We have the police, though corrupt, the court and they are the only reliable departments that can handle criminals elsewhere in the world. But yes, better our government execute albino killers when found guilty. Zafika pa mwana wakana phala tsopano
My friend, China has given death sentence to corrupt government officials and went ahead to execute them but the world is not laughing at China. Nigeria has also been debating over the same; check your facts.
kkkkk bwanji umandiseweretsa Winiko kalijosolo Kalindo ģud idea siza madramanso àpa ayi
kkkkk bwanji umandiseweretsa Winiko kalijosolo Kalindo ģud idea siza madramanso àpa ayi
Za zii mwayesa ma drama
Kalindo asangonene mau amenewa kungosangalasa anthu chabe ,koma alimbikiseso aphungu anzake popeza azibale athuwa akungophedwa ,kusowa mosaziwika bwino koma palibe ndimmonzi akuonesa chidwi . munthu akamgwira mpeza.mawa Ali kunja “very shame Malawi”
Ha ha ha Winiko
Just do it MR
Zalowa Drama et?
izi sizaDrama stupid!
politians, tycoons, profets, are the 1z perpetrating this malpractice!
those caught killing are being sent by these guys!
.the law must acknowledge that witchcraft exist
.find the market, by now the police must have a clue, the problem is our police is too corrupt
.shutdown witchdoctors
Che winiko mukuona ngati za ma dramma? kkkkkk
catch de big fish first
Winiko Umakwana
Thts Gud idear coz government n his stupit president he fall to attack people who kill people of albino kip it up Mr Kalindo Gud thnkness
Koma yeah!
Y Marck
dont call the president stupid remember he is a father too.how can u feel someone calling ur father stupid? surely u wont be happy so watch out b4 u open ur smelley mouth
Stevie Kaliati Mukapata if Presdent was father he couldn’t just relax and watch this thing hapening thats not true
Amenewo asaphedwe ango dulidwa mitu yawo titenga mathupiawo tapatse ma china potelo malawi apindula ndalama
mwaganidza bwanji man kkkkk
kkkkkkk mumakwana madala #Winiko.
Bon kalindo doesn’t deserve to member of parliament kkkk
Then who do u think z elligible 4 being MP? U?
Every one bt the message to the nation, do u agree to kill others to solve the problem? ?
to member of parliament? what kind of english is this mr nyaope?
Bwana he was jst trying to exercise his freedom of expressions so dont take for personal grudges.
Wake him up he might pee!.. he’s not on stage.
Kikikikikikikiki Che winiko azilowesa ku drama nkhanizi!
kkkkkkkkk koma adha..makako time
Zilibwino muziyamba inu akuluakulu kutengapo mbali chonchi
Those killing albinos are as heartless as those killing foreigners here in South Africa.
Thumbs up mr
Koma winiko abale,, nde iwe Nephas Francis Kalema…lol
machine winiko
osazitengela drama
Koma motani pamenepa? Bwentey Nga Mtukula
Winiko ndikukumva pamenepo
Kkkkk Koma Mr Kalindo
As a country malawi needs people lyk che Winiko If we to end the malpractice.
Hahahaha koma Winiko ndi deal Tiyanjane Limitted Winfrey Winko Nkunika
Kkkk Koma Winiko Asaaa
yea big up boss
Kkkkk ziliko konkuno kwathu!
Welcome idea but how
Big brains .mj boys
Big up kalindo
Go ahead sir
100% right opha nzake naye aphedwe basi palibe kukambirana
Yaa, thats coming Mr Kalindo. Mpaka kupita ku TZ kuti akafuse zam’mene iwo adapangila anthu anzeru alimomuno.