Two Malawians netted for armed robbery in SA

South Africa Police

The South African Police Service have arrested two Malawians for armed robbery.

According to South African media reports, the two Malawians were among six armed robbers who stole from a shop in Pretoria.

The criminals stormed the business in a Pretoria township and stole three cellphones, cigarettes, cash and airtime vouchers.

South Africa PoliceThe six thugs then fled the crime scene using a white Toyota Hilux.

The Crime Prevention Unit of the Brits Police were alerted of the incident and they responded quickly.

“Speedily, the Letlhabile Police, and also so the Brits Police as backup, rushed to the last known location of the criminals, resulting in a high-speed chase. Our men in blue caught up with the suspects, and arrested three of them on the R566 Rosslyn Road. Two Malawians and One Zimbabwean national,” a Police spokesperson said.

However, three of the six suspects managed to get away but the police impounded the vehicle and recovered the stolen items.

The suspects will appear before the Brits Magistrate Court for robbery and possession of suspected stolen property.



  1. They mst face full justice because they r a threat even to other innocent Mlwans living in RSA. even bck home these people r not needed

  2. They mst face full justice because they r a threat even to other innocent Mlwans living in RSA. even bck home these people r not needed

  3. Bola kumeneko akumangani mubwere muzabe kuno heeeee muzauwotha moto osati sewero mpaka kukhala phurusa mwina kuti kumandako musakabeso.msogolomu ndende zonse zisekedwa cz palibe mbava yomwe izimangidwa akagwidwa atentheni basi ndi mbewu yoyipa.apo biiii muzingoba ku joz komweko anthu ochitisa manyazi.

  4. Muzibadi kwambiri ku joniko koma musamagwigwe mugene ka xperience ka mabeledwe kuti mukAbwera ku malawi kuno muzabele nkulu uyu ku state house, paja state house ya ku malawi kujoniko yili ngati supperete yamunthu, muzabeso ku tnm atikwezera mtengo wa internet bundle chonsecho chi network chawo chimavuta

  5. Well done guyz we proud off you .

    Ndizantchito Remember althetime.

    RSA simanga muthu or uthapha muthu nzakho , government iyi ili Bhoo sure imangfuna zamnja , Mmmmm ndiponso amata kukupasa berry pangongole ,

    Gud job guyz we really need more numbers off gangsters in nyasaland .

  6. Koma anthu ena inu, bola galu ikhoza kukhala ndi nzeru. Mukuyipitsa mbiri ya dziko la Malawi kuti a Malawi ndi mbava, pomwe ivo vinadzolowera kuba ku Malawi muma Township. Kutereko, mwina vinathawa ku Malawi, vitapalamula milandu, nkudzabisala kuno ku South Africa. Pajatu, wachake ndi wachake. Chidzolowedzi cha nankholowa, chidadzulitsa mbatata ya pansi. Lero ndi izi.

  7. Munthu kuvutika kupanga passport cholinga choti ndikabe ku dziko la eni? Nchifukwa chake amakutchulani kuti, MANYASA. Shame manyasa!!.

  8. Koma anthu enawa kutukwanisa mantha mulibe eti mukuona ngati kumalawi kuno et? Chitetezo cha Apolice mmene chilili kunomu kukaesa kuba mothyola mu shop mmmm muyiona imene adaona mr nkhanga pokonda mpala.

  9. Koma anthu enawa kutukwanisa mantha mulibe eti mukuona ngati kumalawi kuno et? Chitetezo cha Apolice mmene chilili kunomu kukaesa kuba mothyola mu shop mmmm muyiona imene adaona mr nkhanga pokonda mpala.

  10. Koma anthu enawa kutukwanisa mantha mulibe eti mukuona ngati kumalawi kuno et? Chitetezo cha Apolice mmene chilili kunomu kukaesa kuba mothyola mu shop mmmm muyiona imene adaona mr nkhanga pokonda mpala.

  11. Akuba aku sa nda malawi kuno mbili yawo ina ipa team mangochi nde zilombo kuno zikati zadya ndekuti zagwila munthu pakhosi zima funa kutola chikwama nde zaotcha chimanga chotonola kale kukaka mila ndi dowe mesa dowe amakhala wamuwisi koma ma ngochi nde ai

  12. Tiyeni nazoni akayamba kukutethani palibeso zotenga ndalama za boma kukutumizilani ma bus. Ife kufinyikafinyika akuti akuthandiza abale anthu abwele kumudzi muli kokaba? Sizinandisangalatse konse.

  13. Never give up guys mutuluka okamba zamanyiwa sadziwa kuyenda kukulila n’zilolo zamayi awo kuno kujoni akuba samalawi okhawo ayi kuli ma Tanzania Nigeria Congo osati mberela zanu zomwe mukukamba apadzi amangochi atani

  14. Never give up guys mutuluka okamba zamanyiwa sadziwa kuyenda kukulila n’zilolo zamayi awo kuno kujoni akuba samalawi okhawo ayi kuli ma Tanzania Nigeria Congo osati mberela zanu zomwe mukukamba apadzi amangochi atani

  15. Never give up guys mutuluka okamba zamanyiwa sadziwa kuyenda kukulila n’zilolo zamayi awo kuno kujoni akuba samalawi okhawo ayi kuli ma Tanzania Nigeria Congo osati mberela zanu zomwe mukukamba apadzi amangochi atani

  16. Mangochi ndimbava zokhazokha kuno kujoweni midyomba azigogo awo amapatsa timankhwala tozabela kuno awa tinasukuluka awagwilawa mbuzi zimenezi kwabasi wawo akanenela kulindela

  17. Mangochi ndimbava zokhazokha kuno kujoweni midyomba azigogo awo amapatsa timankhwala tozabela kuno awa tinasukuluka awagwilawa mbuzi zimenezi kwabasi wawo akanenela kulindela

  18. Those thieves by the time they were in Malawi, they thought that things in South Africa are as easy like mangoes falling down from the tree. Now, they have come here in South Africa and find out that things are tougher to them. So they decided to embark on the program of stealing from shops using guns. 40 days yawakwanila. Here in South Africa, money will never fall like manor from heaven, as they might think by the time they were in Malawi. Shame. They should rot in jail.

  19. Those thieves by the time they were in Malawi, they thought that things in South Africa are as easy like mangoes falling down from the tree. Now, they have come here in South Africa and find out that things are tougher to them. So they decided to embark on the program of stealing from shops using guns. 40 days yawakwanila. Here in South Africa, money will never fall like manor from heaven, as they might think by the time they were in Malawi. Shame. They should rot in jail.

  20. Pamenepa ndiye kulakwitsa nkhani tsono. Mukayang’anitsitsa mutu wa nkhaniyo, sanatchule mtundu wa anthu kuti ndi akuti akuti, ayi. Ndiye zomakumbana mitundu ya wanthu, si zabwino. Mapeto ake zimayambitsa ziwawa, kusiya nkhani yakuba.

  21. Sikuti ndiwonse akuba kunokujoni ayi koma mijomba ndiyomwe ikutipisila mbili pakatipa inafika point yoti amayang.ana passipot pofuna kukulemba tchito akangoyiyona yolemba mangichi amakukana tikakumana ndia police ongwilawa akumati yes jomba zamanyazi

  22. mbuziina ndikumakamba zabulletsi sizikugwilizana komachimene mungadziwe nose amene mwatukwana faz yamangochi siwose amene ali okuba ayi ngakhale mukuti tinathawa kulima sizikugwilizana ngati mulibe zochita kuno kunakukanikani kulibwino muzingopanga zolima kumeneko ifetili komkuno zobwela iwalani zuma amatisunga bwino kuno ife muzikhala gwape wanuyo kumeneko kaya mati peter kaya mulakho zanuzimenezo

    1. Yassin usanyoze Professor chifukwa cha Zuma ! Akakuotchani kumeneko n’kuyesa ndi PROFESSOR yemweyo amakutumizirani bus kuti adzakupulumutseni?

    2. hahahaha ndiwomwewo amene amawatumizila mabas koma ine sindingakwele mwina itakhala faz yamu joz kapena chifukwa ndikumene zimakonda kuchitika koma naine ndimayuza dola zanga osati zamulomweyo kumeneko

    3. hahahaha ndiwomwewo amene amawatumizila mabas koma ine sindingakwele mwina itakhala faz yamu joz kapena chifukwa ndikumene zimakonda kuchitika koma naine ndimayuza dola zanga osati zamulomweyo kumeneko

  23. Pena pake kumaziganizira ukamaikira ndemanga kodi pamemepa anena mtundu wamunthu kapena anena kuti amalawi? Anthufe sitizatheka mpakana kalekale tinene chilungamo kunoko siali okha akumangochi iyayi kuyambila nsanje mpaka chitipa onse akupezeka kuno ndiye kunena kuti akubawo ngakumangochi ndiye kulakwa ine amene olo kumangochiko sindikukudziwa mkomwe

  24. galimoto ya okubawo amaendesa ndani?..coz ngat amaendesa ndi mMalawi that is y awagwira coz a Malawi kwawo kuno kokaba amadalira mapazi osat galimoto..akangolowa mchimanga sungampezenso

  25. Zinazi mumaziputa dala. Nchifukwa chake anthu aku South Africa amakuphani, kukuthamangitsani, kuchita xenophobia. Khalidwe lake limakhala lomweli. Mumabwera ku South Africa, ncholinga choti mukabe, mulemere nsanga. Lero chozemba chakumana nchokwawa mnsenjere. Shame Manyasa.

  26. U r bringing bad reputation against all Malawians who lives in South Africa. Simudziwa kuti nsomba yikawola imodzi zonse zimakhala ndi fungo lowola? mukamwa ukaponyamo mtedza 15 yabwino pamodzi ndi wowola umodzi wonse umawawa ndipo umalavula wonse. Amene mwawagwila akuba afufuzileni matayala ndikuburnapo.

  27. Kodi anena kuti akubawo, ndi masapota a Bullets? Umbulinso ndi matenda oopsa. Akunena zakuba apa osati za mpira galu iwe Shabbir Mickdad. Upitenso ku school.

  28. Kodi anena kuti akubawo, ndi masapota a Bullets? Umbulinso ndi matenda oopsa. Akunena zakuba apa osati za mpira galu iwe Shabbir Mickdad. Upitenso ku school.

  29. The six thugs then fled the crime scene using a white Toyota Hilux. The Crime Prevention Unit of the Brits Police were alerted of the incident and they responded quickly. “Speedily, the Letlhabile Police, and also so the Brits Police as backup, rushed to the last known location of the criminals, resulting in a high-speed chase. Our men in blue caught up with the suspects, and arrested three of them on the R566 Rosslyn Road. Two Malawians and One Zimbabwean national,” a Police spokesperson said. However, three of the six suspects managed to get away but the police impounded the vehicle and recovered the stolen items. The suspects will appear before the Brits Magistrate Court for robbery and possession of suspected stolen property.

  30. The six thugs then fled the crime scene using a white Toyota Hilux. The Crime Prevention Unit of the Brits Police were alerted of the incident and they responded quickly. “Speedily, the Letlhabile Police, and also so the Brits Police as backup, rushed to the last known location of the criminals, resulting in a high-speed chase. Our men in blue caught up with the suspects, and arrested three of them on the R566 Rosslyn Road. Two Malawians and One Zimbabwean national,” a Police spokesperson said. However, three of the six suspects managed to get away but the police impounded the vehicle and recovered the stolen items. The suspects will appear before the Brits Magistrate Court for robbery and possession of suspected stolen property.

  31. They make us shame instead of making us proud as Malawians living in South Africa because of their unlawful deeds.If they do not work,its better they should go back home.

  32. They make us shame instead of making us proud as Malawians living in South Africa because of their unlawful deeds.If they do not work,its better they should go back home.

  33. Mijomba kwawo nkuba basi pa jon pano, safuna kugwira ntchto yolandila pamwezi, koma tsiku lililonse zigwemo mumanja kkkkkk bwelerani ku mudzi muzikagulitsa timawailesi ndi malamba mumisewu

  34. Mijomba kwawo nkuba basi pa jon pano, safuna kugwira ntchto yolandila pamwezi, koma tsiku lililonse zigwemo mumanja kkkkkk bwelerani ku mudzi muzikagulitsa timawailesi ndi malamba mumisewu

    1. ine sindimaopa kutukwanidwa broh hend titukwanizana pompa osadandaa kikkkkkk komatu kuti mufufuzedi mupeza kuti ndizoona zomwe nduukambazi

    2. ine sindimaopa kutukwanidwa broh hend titukwanizana pompa osadandaa kikkkkkk komatu kuti mufufuzedi mupeza kuti ndizoona zomwe nduukambazi

  35. Thats very Shame4 you ran away 2ur country lkng 4green pasture en now instead of hardwrkng Mukuba Dziko la eni akayamba Xhenophibia Muzidandaula,koma Mijomba ya ku Mangochi!

  36. Thats very Shame4 you ran away 2ur country lkng 4green pasture en now instead of hardwrkng Mukuba Dziko la eni akayamba Xhenophibia Muzidandaula,koma Mijomba ya ku Mangochi!

  37. If two were Malawians and one Zimbabwean, from which country the other three belong?

  38. dont deport them, they should finish their jail sentence there

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