DPP, MCP fight again over Mzuzu fracas

Francis kasaila

Finger pointing between the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) over who perpetrated the violence that took place in Mzuzu when MCP with other two opposition parties held a joint rally continues.

Jessie Kabwila
Kabwila: Said DPP behind the attacks.

After the violence which saw the rally being disturbed at the receiving end, the MCP blamed the DPP for paying the youthful men who caused havoc at the event and in the end hacked up to four people with blazing and sharp panga knives and for also directing the police not to respond to the emergency situation.

Other reports however have been showing that the people who disturbed the rally were those from the Peoples Party (PP) which was with the MCP and the Alliance for Democracy (Aford) on the material day as being responsible for the fracas.

The reports suggest that it is the PP faction that is against the recent close relationship with the MCP that led the violence.

Media reports have been quoting  MCP publicist Jessie Kabwila as having said “DPP is the architect of the violence. This party has the history of violence, it uses panga thugs to intimidate the opposition. You remember the 2011 July 20 violence? The DPP thugs moved up and town Blantyre in DPP t shirts wielding pangas on the streets in DPP branded cars. They are on camera,” she said.

However DPP Spokesperson,Francis Kasaila has blasted the MCP for what he dubbed as ‘dividing the PP which he said has no leadership since Joyce Banda fled the country on self imposed exile since losing to the 2014 elections to President Peter Mutharika.

Francis kasaila
Kasaila: Also spit venom on the opposition.

He also brands MCP leader Lazarous Chakwera, the man at the helm of issues.

“He (Chakwera) is to blame for aligning himself with just one faction of the party and should either stop supporting one roof in PP or mediate in the party’s leadership crisis,” he said.

Ironically, Kasaila bundles Chakwera and the PP infightings as the driving factors to the violence while left the political spectrum worried lately.

The MCP had recently blamed the police for not being present at the rally despite an initial confirmation and for not making arrests days later, something which the law enforcers in the Northern Region city denied.

However at the moment, the police have nailed up to four people in connection with the violence that has kept the rivalry between these powerhouses at bay.