Gloria Banda fired at MBC!

Gloria Banda

After she was accused of spilling the beans about torture that the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) bosses have been torturing workers at the state broadcaster, the famous voice behind Zokonda Amayi Programme, Gloria Banda has now been axed from her duties, Malawi24 has learnt.

The social media has lately been flooded with reports that MBC’s Director General, Aubrey Sumbuleta has been torturing workers in ranges of sexual harassment and verbal attacks.

However, it it was not known yet who had been opening the can of worms to social media platforms until the eyes came on Banda.

She was accused circulating the latest round of letters on social media were caught and they implicated her of leading the bust out on Sumbuleta.

But a disciplinary committee resolved to axe  Banda after finding her “guilty”of being the mastermind of anonymous letters that have been circulating at the corporation castigating  Sumbuleta and other staff at the corporation.

Gloria Banda
Gloria Banda fired.

Banda, wife to MBC Director of Programs Albert Mungomo has also been accused of tilting the circulations to the suggestion that she would not face the music because her hubby is also a boss at the institution.

And when she was summoned to the committee earlier failed to deny the email sent through an email address understood as a email that see the bonding of her other name and that of her father.

This also led to the substantiating of the accusations against her because she also has an official email address she uses for ‘serious’ issue.

According to sources privy to Malawi24, Banda bragged that she was politically connected in the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and that the MBC management was wasting its time.

She demanded that she appears at the hearing with two representatives.

‘‘When she was advised that procedures only allow one representative, she bossed her way through and brought her lawyer Aisha Banda from Mbetá and Company. She also brought a labour representative from the Ministry of labour. We allowed her because we had nothing to hide,’’ said the source.

According to the anonymous letters , Banda has been attacking MBC Director Sumbuleta accusing him of failure to run MBC. She has also continuously attacked President Mutharika of hiring Sumbuleta allegedly simply because both are Lhomwe instead of giving the top job at MBC to her husband Albert Mungomo commonly known as “Mr Madonzero.” Or “Mr Blantyre.”

Banda is also a Lhomwe from Mulanje.

She has also been attacking presidential aide Ben Phiri for allegedly demanding business from MBC.

In her anonymous letters, Gloria Banda also heavily attacked Minister of Information Jappie Mhango describing him as “a puppet” and MBC Board Chairperson Moffat Banda calling him “a villager. “

According to sources at MBC, Gloria is a victim of her own making after she started feeling too big and started victimising fellow staff members especially women when her husband become Director of Programs.

The leaked messages about the tortures include accusations that Sumbuleta has been forcing himself on ladies that apply for jobs at the institution as well as railing at workers even on common mistakes.