Pope Francis has joined Instagram to mark his third anniversary as pope, becoming an instant hit on the photo sharing app with tens of thousands following him within minutes.
“I am beginning a new journey, on Instagram, to walk with you along the path of mercy and the tenderness of God” tweeted the Pontiff to his 27 million followers.
I am beginning a new journey, on Instagram, to walk with you along the path of mercy and the tenderness of God.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) March 19, 2016
As of press, he had gained close to half a million followers and nearly 100 thousand likes on the photo. Tens of thousands were following him with each ticking clock.
Using the handle Franciscus, the Pope who has a wider social media presence and following captioned his debut picture of himself in worship with a request for prayers.
Akagwere uko tilibe naye ntchito!
Amene zibohwa akakolope lake Malawi.
Proudly Catholic
Chi 666 cha nyanga kkkkkk
Blessed are people who keep their trust in God and nothing else. For only them, will receive everlasting life.
Proud to be cathorics
Proud to be cathorics
The world of ours.
am closing my social network accounts now…
666 akadzatani apa!!! aiming to spread it’s tentacles indeed…
In the battle of words, silence is the best wepon
Once again the beast go to hell
all the best my pope
luwis moyo ur a vry stupid idiot an idiot ungopanga xaco mamawa uno.mbole yako galu
chitsilu ndiweyo ka polemba zopusa ngati zimenezi
Ambuye akukhululukileni nonse,
Ambuye akukhululukileni.
Zatchalitchi Sitikakamiza Kupanga Comment,enanu Mwangotengerapo Temberero.Zinthu Ngati Sitizidziwa Timafunsa Kapena Kukhala Chete,tisiileni Ife Akatolika Tadziwana
ths z malawi 24 not catholic 24 nde szikutikhudza bwanji?nde za ziiiii ndikunenazo zimenezo
Za ziii ngati ndiwo zopanda mchere
zinthu ulibe nazo ntchito basi ukulemba comment, kusonyeza chopanda nzeru ndiweyo!
Mmm Dis 1,, Evil
who are u to judge, guess u are more evil than him
Jama Yako Axe
What is instagram and what does it do? Teach me before I comment
its for us’ the catholics’ enanu zakuwawani bwanji? panganizanu!
anthu amenewa ngodabwisa, instead nkhani ngati alibe nayo ntchito angodusapo
The beast go to hell
who are u to judge, nawenso chi beast
Post iyi ndayiwona pa BBC facebook page komanso DailyMail…..ndawerenga makoment ndikukuwuzani amalawife ndikumathero kwa anthu anzeru padziko lapansi.look at your comments.shame manyasa pipo
are u serious?? kumathero kwa anthu a nzeru? tell us more?
nanga ndifunso kapena ungobwereza zimene ndakamba
nanga ndifunso kapena ungobwereza zimene ndakamba
fumbi ndiwe mwini
Jusab ife aMalawi ndi mbola timawoneka tikayenda m’mayiko aweni kkkkkkk
true broth, ndikudabwa nazo naneso, munthu ulibe nazo ntchito basi ukuyika comment instead kungodutsapo, ife akatolika tilibe naye vuto pope wathu
The mark of beast!!?.
The mark of beast!!?.
za ziiiiii ngati madza a fridge
za ziiiiii ngati madza a fridge
ngati ziii walemba bwanji comment apa zikutiuza kuti wa ziii ndiweyo chopanda nzeru
kkkkkkkkk ine sindinatchule munthu and ur targetng me.fool
Well done
Well done
Kkkkkk. What a joke!
Kkkkkk. What a joke!
Koma amalawi ku john aaaaaa wina
Koma amalawi ku john aaaaaa wina
Apopeeew mukufuna chani
Za ziii palinkhani APA iyaa
Za ziii palinkhani APA iyaa
ngati palibe nkhani wayankha bwanji , cha ziiii ndi iweyo pamenepo , pitani kasembeni zowola zomwe mwatenga mukabudulamo
Kape tiye uko
Kape tiye uko
What do you want us to do?
What do you want us to do?
jst to let u kno sir
Pope frasis that is shit
Pope frasis that is shit
Just Shut Ur Bucocavity To B Respected As A Humanbeing
ngati munthu ulibe naye ntchito why do u coment?
if u don’t have anything to offer or to comment just zip ur mouth..
Ruth kandaya
Ruth kandaya
so what?
so what?