Allan Harrison Magombo one of the suspects in the Cashgate scandal has been jailed by the Lilongwe Magistrate Court for stealing about K32.5 million from Capitol Hill.

While confirming the conviction to Malawi24, spokesperson for the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) said Magombo used his company called Down Stairs to steal the money.
“The Bureau established that Mr. Allan Harrison Magombo owner of a company known as Down Stairs received K16, 555,126.08 and K15, 920,000.00 respectively from Ministry of Local Government for rendering no service to the Malawi Government” said Egrita Ndala, publicist for the Bureau.
Magombo was charged with two counts of theft and one count of money laundering contrary to Section 278 and Section 35(1) (c) of the Penal Code and the Money Laundering, Proceeds of Serious Crime and Terrorist Financing Act. He will be sentenced on 18th February, 2016.
A forensic exercise by British Auditors established that K24 billion of public funds was stolen between April and September 2013 while another audit analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found that K553 billion was uncounted for during the two years that Joyce Banda was president.
Allan nd mkazi?
Ndalamazo anachitira Malawi sanakachitire heaven tengomusiyani mzimayiyo amangeni a 577 billion
musiyeni dollarzo zigwire tchito
musiyeni dollarzo zigwire tchito
This world? shame
onse ndi mbuzi chifukwa amakonda mbuzi,hv they bring the money?if nt mbuz from the top
what about the 92billion loot? Malawians are still waiting
Munthuyu sikuti anadya yekha ndalamai paliwina amene sakuululidwa ndithu
Its tim to face de concequences hhhmm ana anjoka,umbuli unakukulirani.
you kill a snake by hitting in the head. 34 milli is just some gas money.you know who the real cashgaters are. stop wasting our patience.
Is that good news??????
ok yagwidwa mbava osayitaya
Uf u can afford to bring back all de cashgate money proceed but if not dont waste ur precious tym and energy,think of gating cash not cashgat
Amene sanabepo chibadwireni ammange munthuyu!
Want 2 hear of refund with interests
Anzanu akuvutika ndimaphunziro kukhala n mapepala ataliatali koma kumakwera yopalasa kuntchito pamene inu ka JCE kama D ndi ma F kumakwera hammer koma dziko ili!
za uchisilu basi,mukukanika kumanga akulu akuluwo mukungozuza enawa ngat simukuwaziwa bwanji
Good news? U sure????
Ndie Mukut”good News” Chabwino Nchan Kwaife Stupid Malawi 24
or ameneyu kupanda kuba ndesikuti ukuika comment iwe ukanalemela ayi ndiwebe mphawi or kutapezeka ma billion sungasithe kwako kulalata basi
Amangidwe bac agalu amenewa ndi amene akusaukisa dxiko anthu oipa mitima amangofuna anthu osauka axingosaukirabe iwo axingolemerabe afika,agwape,abwampini,acham,matoo,mukawagwira muxiwabaya m’matakomo axifera kundende konko,mumusakenso jb mukamugwira mumubaye kumalisecheko naye akafere konko
Jail big fishes and tell us and ndalamazo muwalande
Kuyamba kumva za dzina limeneli mu nkhani za cashgate
Joyce Banda Ndie Samangidwa? If So Ndie Zachibwanatu! Paja Ndende Akumalawi Adamangira Amphawi! Jb Ndiamene Amatiuza Kut Tibe Tigawane Ndie Mukutisia Choncho Koma Iye Adateng Zochuluka, Shame On Mw
Mungomanga ana nanga akuluakulu inu muzamangidwa liti?tiziti ndinu osaba?koma dzikoooo
Munthuyo Akuoneka Wankazi Dzina La Allan Ndilakedi?
Malawi ndi ziko lakatangare ndiye sibwino wina akagwidwa kumumanga bcz onse ndi akuba
Ok nde ife titani?
Wabwera ndi nkanzi wake Queni i i .
Who authorised da payment??? Kapena nayeso wamangidwa kale mwina stinamve..kkk
Guyz kupanga comment izi ndiye timangopusapo chabe koz ku malawiko kulibeko muthu osaba inuyo mukundiuza kuti BINGU WA MUTHALIKA uja sanabepo ndalama za boma mpaka anamwalira lero mukungoti cash gate za ziii zinabedwa zinabedwa bas sizizaonekaso kwasalano muzingoonga nazo ndalama za boma pomawafufuza athu ngati amenewo mmalo moti muzifufuza imfa ya Robert Chasowa ija ine ndikufuna ndiziwe kut anafa bwanji
Pa maliropo panali panu? Cash gate ndi zokhudza misonkho osa za pa siwa.
Pa malir
Ine ndidali ntakhala , kuona kut ntchito dzunisowa… kkk sorry kma
a Malawi 24 mumandi waza kwabasi…allan ndi gay kodi???
mwana wagalu,nyani,mbuzi,fisi akaseve basi akuwona ngati ife maluziwa amatisangalatsa.
Akalowe basi mbava zimenezi
Driving very expensive cars in the land, running expensive buisinesses pretending to be succesiful after theft, Shame.
Your right bro… we had fear of an known.. zili mbava…
osalimbana nawo let God judge .z there sin more than ours ?
ngati zilichochi pitala naye amangidwe pamaliro abingu anaba zimatumba zandalama antu adpp kumalawi ma presidenti kuba shame!
You guys u make all of us poor 2much money lke dat idiot
Allan magombowo nd amene ali pachithuziw?tandiuzen bwinobwino
Is tha good news jailed ingakhale good news kod a2 enanu maganiza bwanj
kkk what thief
Allan wamkazi?
Anawonera kwandani ?
Mwalowesa ndale manyazi wati
allan magombo is that a name of a woman?
Ndi dzina lobera
kkkkkk bt dd u read da article?
am talking about name nt article
Is this ALLAN MAGOMBO in the pic?shame on u
sir,ameneyo si allan magombo tayambani kae mwasegula link
zilibwino.koma enawa bwanji tsamangidwa? mkuwaziwa inuyo tisachitekutchurapo ayi.
Watsala joice Banda ndi Peter Muthalika
Aaaaa idzakhala good news mukadzamanga wamkulu wao kumangomanga ana basi.
Apite Ku Ndende Ameneyo, Akakhale Moyo Wake Onse, Koma Enewa Sakumangidwa Bwanji?
Amayi tili nawo kuno akukana kubwera kumeneko.
Kodi Allan ndi mkaziyu kapena mwamuna wake??? Afere komko kape ameneyu.koma chatsala chinjoka chimodzi.jb
Ukuteta iwe msundu wanyoko
Tangowaphani awa inu
So, Allan Magombo is a lady?
inenso kudabwatu
kkkk koma nkhani mwaiwelenga?
Nkhani yake iti? Pic ili apa ndiya mneneri wa police but some fellaz akuti Allan is a beautiful lady, if I may ask, koma ma comment wawerenga? #Paul
JB get ready
Amayi Amenewo…..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma boma ya Amayi ayi ndi2
Idont understand those people, why so selfish? They want everything to be 4them,pls take more actions to those enemies of country.
Fakani injection kumatako afele konko before her sentence ends.
Butiful lady, tabwera nayeni ndilaweko
I thought Allan Magombo is a man…..
Kkkkk nanga foto ndi man?
gyz open da link first den coment amalawivtimakomedwa ndikucomenta zinthu zot sinamvesese
Hahahaha d zev to b in prizn.
Allan ndiameneyu eti
Allan ndiameneyu eti
mmmmmmmmmmmm i cant trast you at all ..in every strong cases like this. inside that always you found that their is politics …..!!!soon she will come out and she will be free woman
Hadha hiya mutakabit wa malawi limaza ta- akhuza haza kathiira al-mali wa kathiira mnasi fii mashhkira akbar, sijinaha abadan la takhrujuha ila yamali kiyamat au mautiha
Well done
Ana akanda patuwe ndiamene amamangidwa atuluka
Soon they will be out
Justice mst take its call
Musiyene mumangekaya olamulayo
that’s what we want you must deal with these bastards
well done judge good job thumbs up