The Malawi Government has relocated people who were living close to the proposed site for Mombera University in Mzimba.
In a recent visit to the location, our reporter found that all the people who owned land at the site have been relocated to other places far from the university location.
However, Malawi24 understands that government had already compensated all of them with money amounting to K34 million.

“It is true we have moved from there because they say that the construction of the university will commence soon. We have nothing to worry because they already gave us money,” said Happy Chirwa, who once lived close to the place.
They added that they are assured of some piece work once the construction begins thus they are very happy with the project and they cannot wait to see it commencing soon.
Recently, government sent officials to conduct some paperwork on the site and they told Malawi24 that construction may start this year.
“We are done with paperwork here and we are optimistic that the construction of the university may commence very soon thus people must be confident that everything will be fine soon,” said one of the architect.
Commenting on the matter, district commissioner for Mzimba Thomas Chirwa confirmed that everything is in place as they already compensated all people who owned land at the place.
He said they are now waiting for government to announce the day when construction works will begin on the site because most people are impatiently waiting for the project.
Chirwa said: “You remember our President Peter Mutharika came and laid a foundation stone at this site. Then it was just like mere propaganda but you may wish to know that I received visitors from Lilongwe recently who did their paperwork and promised us that soon, the project will start.”
Mkukanika kuyendetsa ma University alipowa , ndee mkuonjezera kuti chanino ?…ndipo ma Programme ake ati mdziphumzitsa ma university amenewa ?….sizokhazokhazo zongokoperana ma programme aku UNIMA , Catholic University , Adventist , Mzuni , Unilia zimenezi ?
Mkukanika kuyendetsa ma University alipowa , ndee mkuonjezera kuti chanino ?…ndipo ma Programme ake ati mdziphumzitsa ma university amenewa ?….sizokhazokhazo zongokoperana ma programme aku UNIMA , Catholic University , Adventist , Mzuni , Unilia zimenezi ?
Kodi akuti chimanga chatani ku Mzimba?
Kodi uko…
Kodi uko…
relocated poor reporting why u a always unprofessional?
thats in order, wgen theres a project for the nation, government has to relocate the residents!
The Reports R Jst Right. Pipo Were #Chased & #Relocated. Some Refused To Move Claiming That They Cant Leave Their Lands & Let Their Graveyards Get Destroyed. So They Refused & Gvmnt Chased Them! U See?
The Reports R Jst Right. Pipo Were #Chased & #Relocated. Some Refused To Move Claiming That They Cant Leave Their Lands & Let Their Graveyards Get Destroyed. So They Refused & Gvmnt Chased Them! U See?
every one can miscorrect the speech coz he/she is a human being. only god is can mark our grammar or spelling
like i said there IS CAN. dnt take me wrong but am not perfect
Iweso Ndie Mbuzi Ina Eti,umadziwa Kt Nkhani Asanayipange Post Imapangidwa Check Ndi Editor Kenako Chief Editor
Zagwirizananso pati za Mulungu ndi grammar apa nawenso iwe , Mulungu anakulengerani maphunzitsi kuti akuphunzitseni grammaryo , ndee ngati mkukanikabe ndekuti ndinu ouma mitu basi !
am even better than you guys. so please dnt judge anyone coz u r worse
am even better than you guys. so please dnt judge anyone coz u r worse
Theres owez a process when gvt wants pple to move out of a place it is buying,,but the way u r presenting its like pple encroached that site now gvt is chasing them,,theres owez a provission for relocation n chasing is not an appropriate word unless if ur intending to tarnish gvt’s image
Kkkkkk ayaya chonchobe
Don’t write Titles to attract people’s attention. Chasing and relocating are not the same. These people have been compensated by Government for the loss of their properties like land and buildings etc.
Not chased but relocated. Kodi a malawi24 Muzakwanitsa liti kulemba nkhani mwa ukadaulo?
kikikikikikiki chased yemweyo akukwanila basi adm. English@com
kkkkk chingerezi chavuta. winaso akuti we learn through mistakes koma nayenso akukalipira so called reporter.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk moti akonze naye akuononganso…
ofunika xul ndi ambiri? inenso
ofunika xul ndi ambiri? inenso
There’s government schools and private schools which side does this journalist belong to
Forgive him no one is perfect .we learn through mistake.
Without compesation why you refuse on BBC when they ask you about land grabbing
Without compesation why you refuse on BBC when they ask you about land grabbing
aMalawi24 (chase-relocate) =0 khwaaaaaaah
aMalawi24 (chase-relocate) =0 khwaaaaaaah
Reporter Amachokera Ku Ruviri Day Sec Sch. Ndiye Mwina Kunali Over 9t Player. Good Morning
Reporter Amachokera Ku Ruviri Day Sec Sch. Ndiye Mwina Kunali Over 9t Player. Good Morning
chase n relocate Synonyms????? o Wat!!! Poooooooooorrrrrr!!!
chase n relocate Synonyms????? o Wat!!! Poooooooooorrrrrr!!!
Malawi24,plz fire ur journalists or edditers. They alwys dont knw hw to report a story. Am not a journalists but i cnt report this shit,even the whole team not knowing the different btwn #chase n #relocate ? You are disgrace to media houses in malawi
Malawi24,plz fire ur journalists or edditers. They alwys dont knw hw to report a story. Am not a journalists but i cnt report this shit,even the whole team not knowing the different btwn #chase n #relocate ? You are disgrace to media houses in malawi
Mbuzi Za Malawi 24,which Is Which,they Have Been Chased Or Relocated?
Mbuzi Za Malawi 24,which Is Which,they Have Been Chased Or Relocated?
Heading and the content of the story completely different.. They have been relocated NOT chased.. Chasing is always associated with violence while relocation most of the times its a peacefull action. Please edit the heading to match with the story.. POOR Grammar of Reporters!!!
Heading and the content of the story completely different.. They have been relocated NOT chased.. Chasing is always associated with violence while relocation most of the times its a peacefull action. Please edit the heading to match with the story.. POOR Grammar of Reporters!!!
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Earn money online by working as a part time job. Earn up to 2500$ weekly guaranteed. Join at http://dollartab.com/?ref=162038
So what’s the problem? … #Malawi24 :/
So what’s the problem? … #Malawi24 :/
Ndiye impact ya chitukuko imeneyo
Ndiye impact ya chitukuko imeneyo
Ndiye impact ya chitukuko imeneyo
& finally?.
Have they been chased or relocated?
Good question
Good question
Good question
THis is poor reporting and misleading headline. This is nothing like chasing away the residents from the site. This is called relocation. This is why they have been compensated.
If you chase away someone it implies they were living at the place illegally, and thus violating a law.
Please Malawians, let us learn to write positive things about happenings in our country. Why do we always looking for negatives even in positives and not the other way round?
As for me and my family, we shall try to look at the positive side of things other than the negative only, and we shall move forward whilst most of Malawians are stagnating.
Ndatha wanu ine Fokasi Madzioyera
Nkhani yokoma ngati iyi ikhala ndi ma comment ochepa. Koma zosadziwika, 100000000 comments. Kikikikiikiki