The Forum for the Advancement of Federalism and Rural Development (FAFRD) has resurrected calls for Malawi to adopt federalism.
The renewed calls comes months after the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) weakened the federalists with a report which claimed that about 60 percent of Malawians are not interested in their move.
Speaking in an interview with Malawi24, president for the forum Binna Shawa maintained that they were never shaken with a “cooked” report published by PAC because what they know is that most Malawians are tired of the corrupt unitary government and they are now opting for federalism.
Shawa said PAC is “full of hypocrites who are not standing for poor Malawians but their own berries” thus their forum will advocate for federalism until it is adopted in the country.

“We believe that the truth will be told through a convention on the issue and not PAC report. Malawians are likely tired with this corrupt system and they want to try something new thus we are very ready to push for this thing till it’s adopted,” said Shawa.
However, this publication’s findings show that people in the rural areas are not aware of the issue because of lack of information.
In random interviews our reporter conducted across some remote areas in the northern region, many people said they do not know about the issue and needed more information.
Commenting on the observation, Shawa revealed that they have already put in place some measures which will allow them to conduct awareness campaigns across Malawi so that those who are not well-informed on the matter must know.
“We understand but we have already planned of conducting some awareness campaigns on the matter which will likely begin soon. This is not Shawa’s move but something which will benefit most Malawians thus we cannot get fed up in advocating it,” he added.
When asked to clarify claims that the forum is being sponsored by former ruling People’s Party, Shawa distanced his team from any political party saying that they raise funds within their forum and through some well-wishers.
He however emphasized that any political party which has realized the benefit of their move is free to contribute with anything.
“We are not working or influenced by any political party with. The money we use is from our contributions and nothing else. That is only political propaganda,” he said.
The calls for federalism emerged after people from the northern part of Malawi realized that government is not sharing the national cake equally as most of the development activities are reported to be happening in other regions.
Chomwe chikundibadwitsa amene akuti yes ndi achina wanangwa,chirwa,zimba,nyilongo,nyilenda,mkandawire, sitsakho ili?
People need civic education b4 Pac conclude their decision
only northerners
only northerners
Yes to feudalism, many people they dont know the meaning of feudalism, amaganiza ngati ndikugawana mtundu, please civic educate them, coz they think opposite makamaka Achewa awa mbuli zenizeni, amaona ngati feudalism ndi mtundu wa Atumbuka. This doesnt concern with tribes, its the system of goverment in which several states unite under a central authority but remain independent in internal affairs. Sikuti tagawana Malawi coz Central authority ndiyomwe ija.
koma a Malawi ndife zitsiru kopsa some times it’s ain’t worthy to lock things on positive side only how about the negative side?? open you eye’s blind Malawian’s…… So sad
Ameneyo ndiye mmalawiyo always using this zipangizo #nsanje_dumbo_wanzerundinepamudzipano ndimakudziwa ndi kwathu
Ameneyo ndiye mmalawiyo always using this zipangizo #nsanje_dumbo_wanzerundinepamudzipano ndimakudziwa ndi kwathu
@omega think you ryt#hope we yet civilised we soooo far to civilisation that’s tha issue I see here this thing is too small to solve in fact was done what’s now with these people??illiterate is chewing a lot of animals coz Noway I can call them Malawian’s noway
@omega think you ryt#hope we yet civilised we soooo far to civilisation that’s tha issue I see here this thing is too small to solve in fact was done what’s now with these people??illiterate is chewing a lot of animals coz Noway I can call them Malawian’s noway
Mission can’t b passed ka dziko kati for federal government what for ?
unitary has miserably failed,lets try this
You can cry as much as you can about this rubbish federalism but am sorry I don’t see it happening here
Binna Shawa’s mental health is somehow suspicious. His plans will miserably fail.
Central region also argues for for federism, it was proven true as Alekeni Menyani
Poyamba ndinkakana federalism,koma ndi situation ili dziko lathuli ayi ndithu,tiyese federalism tione mmm,ayi,chifukwa mutati muonetsetse mavuto ambiri tili nao ndi a udzogoleri okondela,
Am HIV positive and am on ART treatment for a decade now. I need your help. Am here in MALAWI
Dzuka Malawi plse !!!!!!!!!!!! Malawi has THINK TaNKS,well learned youngmen,and oldmen,We have Pastors, Bishops,Learned Chiefs, Lecturers, Economists,Medecial Doctors and Physicians ,Law society,Activists etc have their heads down and let Fools,Liars,Thieves run the affairs of our nations, WHY ?? Look at the crop of MPs and Ministers that make it it to pariament,Not desired.Look and listen to deliberations in parliament a bunch of std 8 pupils,and you let them go on.They are there to get allowances ,thus all.Look at what malawi is now,everything has gone stupid bcz we let Fools, Liars and Thieves run our affairs.Now we are all Fools.Should Fools,Liars Thieves continue to run our affairs.Dzuka malawi.Let us act now now.Doesnt 577bn Cashgate pain you ????? If 577bn was put to develop malawi,the country would hv been transformed ,AM IN PAiNS
Dzuka Malawi plse !!!!!!!!!!!! Malawi has THINK TaNKS,well learned youngmen,and oldmen,We have Pastors, Bishops,Learned Chiefs, Lecturers, Economists,Medecial Doctors and Physicians ,Law society,Activists etc have their heads down and let Fools,Liars,Thieves run the affairs of our nations, WHY ?? Look at the crop of MPs and Ministers that make it it to pariament,Not desired.Look and listen to deliberations in parliament a bunch of std 8 pupils,and you let them go on.They are there to get allowances ,thus all.Look at what malawi is now,everything has gone stupid bcz we let Fools, Liars and Thieves run our affairs.Now we are all Fools.Should Fools,Liars Thieves continue to run our affairs.Dzuka malawi.Let us act now now.Doesnt 577bn Cashgate pain you ????? If 577bn was put to develop malawi,the country would hv been transformed ,AM IN PAiNS
Federalism Yes it can work.50yrs malawi is still poor,very sad.Those saying No to federalism dont know what it means,they need Civic Education they will come to understand.Fedaralism will curb corruption,it is very good system for checks and balances. The president powers are lessen in federalism.Kulibe zodyesana sikono as it is now.Those saying No to federalism are those who have made malawians poorer,Thieves and Liars.
I agree,we need it
atumbuka agundikatu
Which unity Kayuni?
Better to adopt autocracy because it worked very well three decades ago.we know you want to create space that you can squeeze and fit easily . Any system has weakness and changing them over and over will not workout .
What is fedralism?
I do not have to blame malawi politics but i have to blame all African politics,think back to where we are coming update ,each and every president who is from Africa ,they just need to make the country poor of which they do not see a problembecause their target is to steal from the government while government is poor ,look at malawi government
since 1994 update what have been changed?nothing have been change because of the president they just need money,they do not think about the poor people ,who lives in rular area ,look at our current government everything is complicated why because president he do not knw hw to handle the government,take alook that government is not from muntharika family,but they take government as village today its u you are going to be a president ,why peter muntharika he can be apresident again while his brother he failed to rule the government as result he brought a civil war in the country ,but the people they are easy to forget bad things,if u can remember back 2011 on 20 july,hw many people they loose their life because of the governace,then u go back again to same family what do you think is gonna happen next,
Point of correction people died becoz of there stupidity not governance.malawi wil never have a president lyk bingu
Point of correction people died becoz of there stupidity not governance.malawi wil never have a president lyk bingu
Where is the United States of Mulanje and Thyolo?
I am from the northern region myself, but am saying “NO” to federalism it’s strange to all Malawians, it cannot solve our problems & if some of us hav some complaints, we should use better procedures of making our voices heard; Long Live MALAWI ;
How can you judge something that is strange or unknown to you?
Kayuni ndiwe bulutu eti? What are you benefiting from the current system?
At the moment i cannot say that am benefitting something, but as of now am still yet to be convinced of the benefits of federalism;
chicken head kamuzu also said murtiparty system is the worst and now thas what u enjoin now,work fo change itts not fo north. only unitary has failed us..qoatta system nepotism whch north dear?
It’s strange to all Malawians or to some people like u mr Kayuni Aaron?
In fact federalism is strange to many Malawians not only me & we need alot of civic education on this subject for us to make the right & benefitial choices; we should be carefull with this, because it is easy to break something than to re-assemble it;
Aaron fight 4 ur pipo, if we can go to ur community do u tell me that every thing is fine?
Fatsani, each & every community has got its problems in one way or the other, but when it comes to the issue of federalism many advocates are busy talking of advantages, then what about disadvantages of federalism??
Am also urging my fellow Malawians to be vigilant of some tribalists & regionalists who are taking advantage of the issue of federalism to promote their hidden agendas;
Akuthamangisani ku chipani pano mwati basi federasim,mpakana ku mpingoso kkkkkkk greedy dogs
mwayambilanso eti?
munkachedwapati nanga,i welcome federalim with two hands,zinazikalephera lets try other altanatives
Unfortunately that will never happen, if some idiots insist on that issue we will hold a plebiscite.
you and who?
And i as well as all people from central and southern regions! @Hazwel
Federal ndi dhilu.
how do you knw tht everyone from central agree with you?
Malawi is too small for that topic long live my nation malawi
You can cry as much as you can about this rubbish federalism but am sorry I don’t see it happening here
i as a citzen from northern i feel sad to see my region being sidelined in may devlopment issues-roads,inflastracure and many more.if we’re truely one nation how came we dont enjoy good things that our country have.mdya makoko saiwala
We northerners should tell government in black & white, what kind of development we need in the North ;
we dont even have to tel them,they should jst come down here and see for themselves what is needed to make northern admirelable jst like any other region
we dont even have to tel them,they should jst come down here and see for themselves what is needed to make northern admirelable jst like any other region
we dont even have to tel them,they should jst come down here and see for themselves what is needed to make northern aa good place jst like any other region
we dont even have to tel them,they should jst come down here and see for themselves what is needed to make northern aa good place jst like any other region
Do u have mps in the north? I dont think ndiye kupariament amakataniko?
Do u have mps in the north? I dont think ndiye kupariament amakataniko?
mapepho awo are not considered,like at one time our Mp asked the government tht she want to put tarmak on rumphi-chitipa road via nyika national park but goverment told her tht awapase iwowo ndalamazo akonze ndiwowo
mapepho awo are not considered,like at one time our Mp asked the government tht she want to put tarmak on rumphi-chitipa road via nyika national park but goverment told her tht awapase iwowo ndalamazo akonze ndiwowo
Nonsense they have no political power base what so ever, they want to divide us,
Mgcini Maseko Alex Magawa Maclonely WA Malama
This is what malawi to develop cos federal is power to people while Unitary is power to the president and ministers leaving the poor getting poorer
Federalism does not come with billions of money, remember there is strength in unity..
Kayuni,leave this issue to adults,go play chess at the market place,where is unity in malawi now?
Bvuto ndi Karonga to Chitipa road
So that road alone is not enough,there is so much happening in malawi that needs federalism,village people like kayuni Aaron need to be educated on this.
Talk of hunger not this stupid topic!
Hunger is perpetually there because of very bad policies and theft by the few who control all national resources. Federalism denies those thieves the opportunity to stea
Zakumatako eti
The issue is good
lets do dis tl z done…#FEDERALMALAWIISPOSSIBLE