…Malawi police net three people
After being reported to have turned into a snake over the weekend, a thing which caused unrest in Lilongwe, Malawian Prophet Foster Mbale has come out to clean his name over the mess.
Malawi24 had reported on Saturday morning about the mayhem that was sparkled in Area 25 in the city after Mbale was rumored to have mysteriously turned into a snake in the morning hours.
Our reporter in Lilongwe was tipped by close church members that the Man of God did this as he was talking to some members at his church (Christ of Nations).

Police were then forced to rush to the area where they were involved in running battles with the locals there who had wanted to kill the snake as it was reported that the law enforcers picked the snake into a bag.
However, at this time, it was clear that Mbale was into the scandal until he invited the media in Area 49 around 13 00 hours, after over four hours the incident had occurred and hit the media where he categorically denied the reports.
The Man of God was swift to claim that the news was only spread by his haters and those that want his Ministry to fall.
He said that he was baffled to hear the reports because at that time he was in Area 49.
“I was on a sitting room, watching Emmanuel TV whilst waiting for breakfast when I received the phone call and i said, me, turning into a snake?” said the baffled looking Mbale.
At the time Malawi24 reported the story, there was no independent verification of the issue but police were already throwing teargas on the irate residents before they drove off to Kanengo Police station leaving the people still protesting.
The mob then took to the church where they vandalized the property there as they claimed to be searching or Mbale.
Locals in the Area have for so long feared that Mbale belongs to an evil cult, something which the Prophet has parried away and says is just from his haters.
Police have played mum on the story much as the Ministry has done too as they are yet to state how much was lost in the mystery.
Police have since arrested three people whose identities are yet to be made over the vandalism of property at the churh.
Ine ndikufuna kufusa kwa a police,ndichifukwa chiyani munapezeka malo amene pomwe inu mukuti muthu sanasanduke njoka
Ine ndikufuna kufusa kwa a police,ndichifukwa chiyani munapezeka malo amene pomwe inu mukuti muthu sanasanduke njoka
these are the last days lets pray hard guys
Kkkk poor malawians easy being attractive to nonsense things, tiwona nazo mbwadza
The story itself contradicts itself, nxt tym wen tryin to hide sumtin pliz use points that cn mek pipo bliv wat u r sayin cox wat u hv sed here hs many mysteries
Anthu mulindinsanje,munthu wasanduka njoka walakwitsa?musiyeni azafotokoza pa last
iwe chika wanditaisa thawi nyani ngati iwe
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through prophets at many times and in various ways but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son…….hebrews 1v1…
Unasandukabe njoka olo ukane koma wekha sumawona kuti wasanduka anakuwona ndi anthu ena
koma ndiye abusa mwaonjeza mpakana kusanduka njoka. koma ndiye simukhala ndianthu mkachisi wanuyo.
Ameneyu atha kusandukadi njoka…..mulomo kutalika chonchi!
Ndie njokayo ili kut
Kkkkkkkkk mw
zaonjeza aneneliri onyenga achuluka titani nawo guzy zakwanano tikuyenela kupha. njokayo nd mwiniwakeyoso popeza tikaisiya izativuta mwina nd chizimba chake tisamale chamba popeza osunga katundu wayini osamuziwa pamakhala povuta km tioche tisaisunge plz
Nde njokayo anaika mu bag ilikuti?
Inali njoka ya mkuwa?
Pages like these shouldn’t be ran by superstitious or malicious people. You and the rest of the dimwits giving weight to this bullshit you need to take a chill pill and get your heads straight. There’s no way a person can turn into a snake……I repeat, no way! It’s just a stupid folklore.
i wish someone who belong to my family to remain ignorant on this issue than being Cursed, for commenting unknowingly.
akanakhala makoponi akanalengeza kuti abedwa poti walakwayo ndi prophet ndichukwa songa yalilime ikusokoneza umboni yanyambita gold.
guyz ma prophet ambiliwa ndi asataniki
guyz ma prophet ambiliwa ndi asataniki
Tapiwa phiri anthu away asiye olo machurch mwawo khani zake sizamulungu koma mudzapeza chuma ana banja ndipo mudzabowoleza lero sizi kusanduka chifukwa chokhwimila may amulungu kkkkk chauta kapenya iwe!!!!!
Tapiwa phiri anthu away asiye olo machurch mwawo khani zake sizamulungu koma mudzapeza chuma ana banja ndipo mudzabowoleza lero sizi kusanduka chifukwa chokhwimila may amulungu kkkkk chauta kapenya iwe!!!!!
Tengani Kanthawi Powelenga Izi …..Apolisi Lolani Chilichonse Chosanduka Chiziphedwa Pothana Ndi Nchitidwe Osokoneza Mitu Ya Anthu. Blantyre Chemusa Pomwela Mowa Potchedwa Wayede Mmbuyomu Munthu Anasandukanso Njoka A Polisi Anathamangisa Anthu Kuti Asaphe Njokayo. Ku Blantyre Konko Wakuba Wina Anasanduka Njoka Ataba Chimanga Mmunda Mwa Munthu Wina Ukutu Ndi Ku Machinjiri Area 2. Koma Apolisi Anathamangisa Anthu Ofuna Kupha Njokayo.Chenjezo: Sizingatheke Munthu Okhulupilila Mulungu Kusanduka Njoka,Bakha,Fisi, Kusinthika Pokhala Ngati Nkazi Koma Ali Manuna, Mwana,Khalamba Kapena China Chilichonse Chomwe Chisali Iyeyo Pokhapokha Satana Atatengapo Gawo Pazimenezi. Chiwanda Chimathakusinthika Mmaonekedwe Ammene Ukufunila Chiwandacho Chikakhala Mwa Iwe. Munthu Okhulupilila Mwa Mulungu Mmozi Sangayanjane Ndi Chiwanda Ndinso Satana.Choncho Munthu Wamulungu Alibe Kusithika Mmaonekedwe Posakhala Muzitchito Zake Zabwino. Muzitenge Bwino Athu Osatila Asogoleli Anu.
Tengani Kanthawi Powelenga Izi …..Apolisi Lolani Chilichonse Chosanduka Chiziphedwa Pothana Ndi Nchitidwe Osokoneza Mitu Ya Anthu. Blantyre Chemusa Pomwela Mowa Potchedwa Wayede Mmbuyomu Munthu Anasandukanso Njoka A Polisi Anathamangisa Anthu Kuti Asaphe Njokayo. Ku Blantyre Konko Wakuba Wina Anasanduka Njoka Ataba Chimanga Mmunda Mwa Munthu Wina Ukutu Ndi Ku Machinjiri Area 2. Koma Apolisi Anathamangisa Anthu Ofuna Kupha Njokayo.Chenjezo: Sizingatheke Munthu Okhulupilila Mulungu Kusanduka Njoka,Bakha,Fisi, Kusinthika Pokhala Ngati Nkazi Koma Ali Manuna, Mwana,Khalamba Kapena China Chilichonse Chomwe Chisali Iyeyo Pokhapokha Satana Atatengapo Gawo Pazimenezi. Chiwanda Chimathakusinthika Mmaonekedwe Ammene Ukufunila Chiwandacho Chikakhala Mwa Iwe. Munthu Okhulupilila Mwa Mulungu Mmozi Sangayanjane Ndi Chiwanda Ndinso Satana.Choncho Munthu Wamulungu Alibe Kusithika Mmaonekedwe Posakhala Muzitchito Zake Zabwino. Muzitenge Bwino Athu Osatila Asogoleli Anu.
I hope our so called humanist Mr George Thindwa hav accepted kut ufiti uliko and he’ll change his mind and start praying
I hope our so called humanist Mr George Thindwa hav accepted kut ufiti uliko and he’ll change his mind and start praying
tikawona njoka tonse timapha so police don’t get involved
tikawona njoka tonse timapha so police don’t get involved
kodi tinene kuti yehova wamoyo sakuona zonsezi zomwe ma prophet akupangazi ?nanga bwanji osayamba awa akuika ma Atm mu church wa kuti awonese kuti ndiolephera?ndimafuna zedi atamupangitsa manyazi uyu alikuno akuwabela anthu ku south africa yi kuti mwina yekha adziwa kuti iye alichabe mavuto ambiri akubwera mmanyumba chifukwa cha azimayi samala poti ananena tsoka mtunda ndinyanja oipa watsikira komweko
kodi tinene kuti yehova wamoyo sakuona zonsezi zomwe ma prophet akupangazi ?nanga bwanji osayamba awa akuika ma Atm mu church wa kuti awonese kuti ndiolephera?ndimafuna zedi atamupangitsa manyazi uyu alikuno akuwabela anthu ku south africa yi kuti mwina yekha adziwa kuti iye alichabe mavuto ambiri akubwera mmanyumba chifukwa cha azimayi samala poti ananena tsoka mtunda ndinyanja oipa watsikira komweko
Tinachuluka makape moti anthu ave zenizeni kumangokhalira kumbisa.Mukanapeza chamba ndiye mukanatiuza zowona koma poti ndi prophet mwamuyika kumbuyo.Samalan uprophet womwewo ife tikudya utsi wanuwo.pajatu wolakwa samanjidwa.
Tinachuluka makape moti anthu ave zenizeni kumangokhalira kumbisa.Mukanapeza chamba ndiye mukanatiuza zowona koma poti ndi prophet mwamuyika kumbuyo.Samalan uprophet womwewo ife tikudya utsi wanuwo.pajatu wolakwa samanjidwa.
Km tıdzıwe kt tıkamwcımwa mudzıwa kumwamba kulı mulungu kmans tısamaweluzan tokhatokha cıfukwa oweluza alıp munuwake ok mulungu amen adzaweluze tonse pa dzıko lapas nde conde zısamalılen nokha gys mwava.
Km tıdzıwe kt tıkamwcımwa mudzıwa kumwamba kulı mulungu kmans tısamaweluzan tokhatokha cıfukwa oweluza alıp munuwake ok mulungu amen adzaweluze tonse pa dzıko lapas nde conde zısamalılen nokha gys mwava.
Yesu sangabwere ngati zimenezi sizingachitike
Yesu sangabwere ngati zimenezi sizingachitike
zayamba liti apolice kumasunga njoka mmalo moti anthu aphe njoka ndi satanatu
my GOD COME NOW PLZ !!!!!!!””””””!!!!!!!!!
amene sanachimweko chibadwileni atenge mwala ndikugena dis prophet,,,
Koma simugwa ndi camera yo
zakumva kupweteketsa mutu, ndikamweretu panado
Kodi zinakha bwanji
Muonetseni bwino lomwe aoneke m’ene akuonekela
Kodi anasanduka njoka ndani??
prophe prophet Mbale..
Nanga anati Mugabe amwalira pa 31 December ndani??
prophe phrophet Tuberculosis Joshua ndi prophe prophet Austin Liabunya..
Nanga can I capture who has an IPad???
prophe prophet Bushiri
Kkkkkkkkkkk hahaha kuli kanthu ma prophet sakuyimva… Mulungu wanga wamoyo muyaluka ma prophet mudziwanso…
tb joshua anapanga prophesy za mugabe kuti afa?????……
yeah pa 31 December 2015 inakuphonyani imeneyi???
yeah pa 31 December 2015 inakuphonyani imeneyi???
Thus why roman catholic satseka maso popephera !!!!
Eeh a prophet onamizanu mudziwe kut Mulungu sakuwonerani kukondwa, nde mudziona2. Kkkk
Inali njoka yamkuwa imeneyo imachilisa fans
‘Last days’!!!!
Zoona koma?
inu kodi mzowona? Ndie wabwelanso munthu mmmm ndie zinakhala bwanj pa tym amasandukao
inu kodi mzowona? Ndie wabwelanso munthu mmmm ndie zinakhala bwanj pa tym amasandukao
zili uku muvulala nazo nkumusiya YESU ali phee kukudikirani,amamva pempho la aliyense omugonjera.
Ngati zomwe adapangaso WK yangothai TB Joshua Ku Ghana ndaziona ndimaso anga ndiye pano tizivaso zimenezi kumalawiko asamale ndikadamuombela ameneo coz is a devo. Mbolo yake ndapolice omweo
Baibulo limat khalan maso, wy telling us to close eyes wen praying? To hell with ur “lets close eyes and pray ” mumaopa kut tikuonan kut ndinu chan et
Samalani amalawi zamulungu sizinyazitsa lekan kutengeka
Mwayambapo muyaluka chaka chake ndi chino, mudziwaso ngakhale chopeleka simumachiona!
zitchito zache zikumutsata.
Apa zikuchita kuonetsa kuti ndalama zikutseka chilungamo chankhaniyi.kodi anthu angangoononga katundu wa church popanda umboni wanjokayo? Bwanji mkufuna kuwatenga anthu ngati amisala?osangonena chilungamo bwanji? osatipepeletsapo ife apa ndichinyengo chanucho.sakudziwa ndindani za aneneri onyenga mmasiku omaliza ?kaya zanu izo
last day ichi ndi chiyambi
chimene ndimaziwa ine ku sunday kulibe chipulumuso habakuku 2″vs:13. Ma profert mumachekela somba za nyesi kuti muzigwesa anthu mu chuch plus zithumwa m’chunomo azimai plz musamatengeke ndikuti habakuku 2vs:13
Chmstradamus ngwira ,Loram Andy hara izi ndi zofunika ufunse amalawi news osati ine palibe handwriting yanga .koma zoona ndizomwe inu mukuziwa kuti abusa any asanduka finish
Nkhani ndiyoona kodi yesu sanafe pofuna kugonjetsa satan?koma mkhristu savomela izi.omwe anaona ndi akhristuso kuti uyo simunthu ndi njoka,satan saoneka
Weda iz true or false I will chuz not to coment,,ds man is not man of god priod
Mapemphero afikapo pa malawi,
Reputation tarnished forever….End days, Christ is near!
Only GOD knows
Apolis anachiuza kut amwene yamban kukwawa, kenako atayandikira galimoto anachiuzanso kut kwelera pa teyalapo. koma zolumana ayi coz tonse ndife an2…nde apa akut amaonera emmanuel tv? too doubtful
inu a #prophet musandukeko #NPK kapena #urea.Ma coupon akugwa namkafumbwe kuno feteleza sakuoneka.plz a #prophet muonepo pamenepa njokazo nxt time.
Mlimi wamkulu sopano,kkkkkkkk,koma how sure is the story?
mmm #Isaac th truth z blank here munthuyu akuonetsa kt anasandukadi onl kt genuine truth ili nd a khristu ampingowu
Lord have mercy on us
nokha mukt amasanduka faxi ukuona…ndye lero.azit adalikwao mmene amasandukamo..”zawuchitsiru”
Malawi akupita kuti Ena akuti azikwatilana amuna okha pano akuti m’busa kuasanduka njoka ndichani kodi Mulungu akuona kupusitsa zoona chilango chikukudililani
Kodi prophetyo anayenda bwanji kuchoka ku church kumene amapempheretsa kukafika ku area 49? Apolice amadzataniko ku church? Ndichifukwa chiyani anaitana a media after 4 hrs nthawi yonseyo amatani? Ndekuti anali asanasanduke munthu akanali chinjoka. Apolice ndiamene anamupelekeza ku 49 atasandulikano munthu. Kkkkkkkkk chinjoka.com masiku omaliza.
Kod zenizen ndizit ena mukut wina anasanduka njoka ena apolisi anatenga njoka ,,,, ena mukut amaononga zithu and ena mukut apolice anaphulisa tear gas enanu ndie mukungolemba zosavekaso komwe ndie zenzen ndizit?
masiku omaliza….kutengeka ndi aneneli onyenga..kumbukulan kuti Yesu akubwera posachedwa
Tingadziwe bwanji neneri weni weni?
may be he changed to human again kkkkkkkkk
The eye witnesses have to comment. Then we will know the truth
Wasatanik Uyu nyasi…..
malawi 24 why kulimbikila zaboza?mumatibowa mwanva
Utsi sufuka popanda moto amene akut ndizabodzawo nde kut ndigulu lokhalokhalo lomwe limapita m’malo ngat amenewo
Anasandukadi koma poti boma limakana za ufiti they defended him
Kayano nthawi yoyaluka ma paster yakwana,,,anthu akuba awaaaa
Yeah a robert female dog does not paw at the whole 4 nothing,no smoke without fire….zitipindulira zmenez
Ndinjoka basi jabulosi waonekera musanamepo apa
Abid Afzal what were you saying? bakra sala
Danish Sattar
Satana galu!
Be extra careful my beloved Brother & Sisters, Satan is currently working tirelessly to overcome the powers of our Lord Christ Jesus though knowing that he is working in vain. The so called ‘devil, satan / whatever…’ Has so many ways do manipulating Believers. This might be one of them. Keep your eyes open ….. There are a lot of such kind prophets who perform magical miracles and wonders behind Jesu’s name..Never be carried away by such Satanic miracles, But PRAY TO ONE AND ONLY GOD and tell Him whatever you want.Don’t undermine your spiritual relationship with God, coz He is always ready to help.
zabhabhiloni zimenez
zabhabhiloni zimenez
Ine ndidziweko kodi apolice anagwila njoka kapena anagwila munthu?
Vuto ndi anthu amene anaona chilombo cholusa kenako kuchisiya osapha shame on these so called media plz try to inform us wats on the groud
If dis man is innocent I pray along with him ‘Psalm 91’. Coz we are aware that some journalist or media receives bribes to lie in public.
Guyz apolice musawavele atabwela koyamba anthu adawathamangitsa adachita kubwelaso kagulu mpamene anabalitsa gulu ndi utsiwao uja amalawi 24 sangakuuzeni chilungamo cha nkhaniyi olo azodiak koma anthu ochepa amene anali pa malopa mophatikizana ndi otsatila njokayo ndi amene anganene mwinakeyo akhoza kukana pondimunthu koma kumaloko nj
Ummm masiku omaliza anat khalan ochenjera ndi atumiki aboza baiburo linatero,ndipod tikhale ochenjera pakufuna kupanga zithu abale,kod mulungu or yesu ali pena pali ponse ngakhale kuchipinda kwanu aliposo bora umulambire muchoonad azatiakha kusiana ndi njokaz abale pliz pliz tikhale osamalisitsa ndithu!!.
A polisi anatenga njoka kupita nayo ku polisiko;nanga polofeteyu wapezeka ali kutiko? Ngati wapezeka ali munthu bwinobwino koma ali ku polisi anapezekako bwanji poti akuti anali kunyumbakwake? Akukana chani iyeyu mfitiyu??
Zedidi kaya anthuwa amathawa kulima kumidzi yao kuti achepetse mavuto awo ndikumapanga zotsadziwika tiyeni tigwiritse chomwe tilinacho mwachisomo tidzapulumutsidwa.
Ukaipa ziwa nyimbo shuwa
I just don’t understand, Malawi 24 can you make it clear plz, I have been told kuti apolisi amathamangitsa anthu omwe amapanga zionetselo zofuna kupha njokayo, its clear information that someone turned into a snake, police could have not involved themselves if that was just mare jokes, try to dig deeper, anasanduka njokayo ndindani, mkati mwa church njokayo inapezekamo bwanji nanga anthu omwe anakaphwanya church anachita izi pazifukwa ziti? nanga chomwe anakatenga apolisi. kuchurch chinachiyani ngati mukuti palibe yemwe anasanduka njoka, Nanga chadza ndiyani choti tikapeza njoka kuseli kwa nyumba apolisi azithamanga ndima tear gas?
Ndiwa satanic ameneyo.
He is
Foto imeneyo yakalekale tikuidziwa ife
Mmmmm devil is indeed ruling the world now
Inu thawani njoka iyo iyo mama chonenepa chinjoka ichooooo shiiiiiiiiiiii mayoooooooo ineeeeeeee ka 40 kakskwanatu kukwana olo wakuba savomera olozitavuta bwanji
iiiiiii kumuza chirungamo zikukanika guyz,kuti ndimbuzi yamunthu kuyambira ie akaz ake ana ake makolo ake ndiontsatira onse akufuna kumasocheretsa anthu inu inu ati eee uku aprophet akuchiza anthu zanyasi basi muziona kususukira zirizonse osamangokhala ngati ine bwaa nkati mwake amenei!
Go deeper kkkk
Anasanduka tinamuona alimu. #Snake mood
اللهم أمين
Snake. Lol.
ngati abusawo sanasandukedi njokayo ndiye kuti panopa njokayo idakali kupoliceko tikaione?.
Apolice anaphunzitsidwa zogwira njokazo?
tsopano akukana bwanji ngati njokayo sinatengedwe kapena kuphedwa nanga ilikuti?
Gay iphani, prophet iphani, bwampini iphani, kwinako mupitiliza
ndalama zikalankhula chilungamo chimakhala chete,asatipusitse,anasanduka ameneyo.
english please tell us what happened guys
Pipo framed him that he turned into a snake yet according to media he was home the time they said he is a snake n was even able to answer phone frim a member. Pipo r saying police kem to take the snake but police came to take care of the unrest and vandalism at the church. There’s no proof that he turned into a snake.
People please lets trust in jesus Name nt human being,the bible said kumapeto kwadziko kuzakhara aneneri onyenga,MWINANDUNAMA guys?
Watsala major Bushiri Iye Azangosandukapo Anakonda kkkkk
Kalipena am agree 4 ur coment by the grace otherwise nothing we can gain
masiku omaliza ameneoo ma prophet kumasanduka njoka kkkkkk koma
yesu akubwera where was these prophet b4??
Mnalakwsa Inu Mnangomca
Mateyu 7v21-23 Sionse Onena Ambuye Ambuye Atakalowe Muufumu Wakumwamba. Kaya Zanu Izo Ine Ndimapempha Direct Kwa Yesu Osat Kudalira Munthu.
2chronicle20v 20….pray to God to show you His right servants…… The bible says ask and it shall be given to you…
Jesus never turned himself to something or turned somebody to something but the so called Pastors, Prophets and Man of God of these days they will turn u to something. All nowadays prophets are fake and they r after money no matter what miracles they r performing.
Kodi chimakhala chani chinthu choipa upeza wina kakaka kukakamira komanso kubakira masiku otsirizadi anthu azakhala osamva ndiowumitsa mitima yawo tchimo olo utalichekenira chotani ngakhale kulipenta kulikongoletsa nditchimo basi.Ine ndi kuti tonsefe tinalengedwa ndi Mulungu koma pali anthu ena anasankha kutumikira satana ndipo Uyu ndi mmodzi Wa satana ameneyu zikomo kumpando
Satananso sangapange zimenezo ampeze wina omunamizira
Zanu izo malawi sazatheka basi
aliyese yemwe amadzitcha kuti ndi prophet kuno ku Malawi adziwe kuti ndi chitsiru Bakha wachabechabe Mbuzi ya mano kunsi
kkkkkk sindithoka zambiri cz ayamba kumatifikira mma inbox zomwezi basi tongoti #ChrstianMustFall
hey pple!!! don’t blv anything u read and you hear or see on internet
Hehe nde mwati snake prophet?
Jennipher Dimba Peason,Ephie Wandani palibe chifukwa chomatsatila aneneli omwe mphamvu Zawo zadima zikutionetsera.Ambale awonetseratu apa kuti ali ndi mulungu ina
kkkkkkkkkkk mayooo awo acc anga simungawathe anandiblocker pa fb ndi pawatsap mtayika can i capture ya Bushiri ku grup yapa watsap mwina tawauzeni inuyo akumverani kkkkkkkkkkk
Ameneo ndi mfit bas si m’ busa koma chiwanda chamuthu ku malawi kulibe m’ busa
Ndie masiku otsiliza amewa aneneli ankatchulidwa ndi amenewa onyenga amalawi umphawi ndiumeneu koma tisamale tilimbi ntchito ngangachepe komwe tingakape tikagwiritse ntchito osakopeka ndi zachabechabezi; from kwa ine saulos mr advice. jorz. S.A….
Matewu 24 vs 23 ananena kale lero siyizi ifetu asilam ndiwodala timadziwa ife sinkhosa kumangosatira kulikonse
Dziko lathu limadana mdi chilungamo limabisa zoyenela kuulula
Ngati mumapempherera munthu ndiye zikuvutani koma ngati mmapemphera mu dzina la Mulungu palibepo nkhani apa coz akaweruza yekha inu konzani njira yanu musacedwe mkukamba za wina kuopa kukupezani muli ku mijedo
I just don’t understand, Malawi 24 can you make it clear plz, I have been told kuti apolisi amathamangitsa anthu omwe amapanga zionetselo zofuna kupha njokayo, its clear information that someone turned into a snake, police could have not involved themselves if that was just mare jokes, try to dig deeper, anasanduka njokayo ndindani, mkati mwa church njokayo inapezekamo bwanji nanga anthu omwe anakaphwanya church anachita izi pazifukwa ziti? nanga chomwe anakatenga apolisi. kuchurch chinachiyani ngati mukuti palibe yemwe anasanduka njoka, Nanga chadza ndiyani choti tikapeza njoka kuseli kwa nyumba apolisi azithamanga ndima tear gas?
mafunso opanga mayankho:
Gud Quesin!
uli bho honey
uli bho honey
Gud questions’
Gud questions’
food for thought…we got be careful
dis malawi 24 guyz amamva mwacheka nkhani.
Enanu mutengapo thembelero…#nkhani yo sidali yoona ayi.
Ambale mukukana chiyani ngati ndichoncho Malawi news chithunzichi achitenga kuti mwayaluka,amend azipephera ndinu ndi asatanic kkkkk clean ur mess chiyani?
Njoka ikuoneka kuti ili pamchenga ndekuti Church chawo nchopanda simenti muli mchenga?
Mchenga wakeso ukuoneka waku desert, don’t know if this is tru
Kkkk kma nde chnjokatu…
this story is confusing, they said after Mbale turns into a snake Police took the snake inorder to stop residents from killin a snake, so by the time Prophet comes out from the bag and opose the isue that he turned into a serpent, where was that Serpent that was taken by Police? Did it disapear miraculasly or Police is still keeping the Serpent or not? Pls let us know from here
Zooona azimai kujijilika kaa paimwe mwekha chiuta wangamupulika yayi? Azibusa, maprofet sinthandizo lathu tikweze maso kwa yesu..
Ketie Phiri do u have evidence about the said story.Vinyakhe ivi u have to find out before we comment.
Kodi mchifukwa chiyani maprofeti ambiri are from the north?
Zozizwitsa zina ndizimenezitu mwina?
At wk yamawa asanduka mkango tiyen tidikire kumeneku mkuyamba expect more 4datman
hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Wasaduka njoka akukana, koma akadasaduka ngelo mukadamumva fwifwifwifwi kuzipopaaaa.
Kkkkkkk zoina man nde akupanga manyazi poti njoka ndi satana.
iwe usandisekese? ukufuna ndikomoko?kkkkk akanazitamadi!
“The police picked the snake in a bag”,and now we see Mbale cleaning himself from the mess of his name.
Does it mean Mbale changed into human being in the hands of police?
Apolice aNatenga njokayo Y?ndipo anaponya teargass kulesesa njokayo y.ngat amazuza anthu ndi mpweya oipa angavomeleze?
Ngakhale Mfiti Imakana Olo Itagwidwa
ñgati anthu amagenda anangoganiza kut atero inalidi njoka
ndiwumboni kumalawi kuli umphawi wankhankhani ndimavuto osasimbika,kumalawi kulibe prophet ndimmozi yemwe ngati alipo nenani ndiziwe anthu ndiongofuna ndalama munjira ngati imeneyi chenjerani anthuwa alipo ambiri ndipo akhala mmangulu dala pofuna kuchita zinthu mobisala,zikulekana pati ang’anga alipowa poti nawonso amatero ndiye kuti ndimaprophetinso(tizapulumusidwa mwachisomo chamulungu mwakuchita ndickhululupiliro)palibenso njira ina.
Bola asakasandukeso njoko kuseluko!
Msat mseke pepe pepe pepe kkkk
End of days
The paster anasandukadi into a *Holy Snake*, a media ndi ampingo anaona. Koma monga ukakomoka siumaziwa amakuuza ndi ena abusawa sangavomereze but aenera kunvera zomwe anthu akunena, ndipo a media akufuna kuibisa as mukuziwa kut ndalama zimaphimba pakamwa.
anthu anaonadi akutero koma zudabwitsa kuti kodi a media, akutsutsa pati? njoka imachitira ukali wanthu koma kwa apolisi nde ai,,zodabwitsa
apolisiwo popita nayo njokayo ku station anainyamula bwanj?
anainyamulila musakha. mind you kuti apolisi ndi anthu amodzi olimba mtima…ndi anthu amodzi amene saopa kuphedwa. pamene Amalawi enafe, timafulumira kugwidwa ndi mantha kuzinthu zachilendo. mafotozi anthu anakatenga koma onse amene analiko oyambirirawo, ndi ma believers aambale. nde mmene amafika anthu oti anakatha kutenga mafotozi, nkuti polisi itafika kale imene inkathira wanthu teargas anthu
pa akhristu onsewo, palibe amene anakatha kutenga mafotozo anjoka yaikulu ngati imeneyo and ambiri kunali koyamba kuiona. and sanakatha kutenga mafotozi coz ndi owatsatira awo. olo muli ngati makolo anu agwa pa ndege yaufiti, and inuyo mwawawonadi ndithu,,i believe kuti simungawajambule nimupita nawo kwaazanu. mukhonza kukhala nanunso wokhunzidwa. munthuyu akuti anasandukira mu church akupempherera mwana dzuwa lili ng’weee kutanthauza kuti Mulungu anaonetsera poyera.
Taoni kaye zofoka zanu msanaone zanzanu uyu zake zaoneka nanga zanu zobisikazo mtani nazo…
Tinene kaye zaonekaz apa….
Kupeza njoka kuthotha ndi miyala. Kupeza gay kuotcha.
K k k k k k k k
shaliya law amwene
he come to clean hz mess where oz h ,when people c snake f**ck akufuna tizingomusatabe ife ndye tikhale kapolo wa satana
Hahahahaha Adzafa Imfa Yowawa!
Amavomela mndani zoipa ngati izi
Let these thngs happen coz popanda zimenez Yesu sabwera msanga!
nwer dez profets r n trable. manyaz bwa?e
Amalawi nsanje eeeiish
Tiwuzen zowona khan yabusa wosanduka njoka yife anyamata tilimujozi tivezowona zenzen
Wina akati ndi prophet aphwedwe pogendedwa miyala. Mu m’bado uno siwama propher.Ose mukuwamvawo ndi a satanic
#Khulupiliilani Mulungu komaso ine
Tsoka kwa iye okwanilitsa lemba atero mulungu wamakamu.
Kwe n kwe n khan yi yiku thabwanji busayu tinamu wona atasanduka njoka ndiye apaso akukana kutiyiyeyo sanasa nduke njoka pena zotelezi zikachiti kakuma ngoziphelatu pandawiyomweyo
Zoona munaonadi? zandiopsa
the trick is when more pple r involved it’s the same way he gains popularity n worth , that’s wat these guys do!
Akhristu ndi opusa kwambiri muona anthu azivayabe ku church yake watsala ujau amat bushiri uja
ndiwopusa bwanji kukawona njoka ikulankhula ndikupusa ngati
Kukaona kapena kukapemphera kkkkkkkkkkk
Naneni za ameneyo mwaona kuti ndi njoka , Bushiri sinjoka kapena simzamvapo kuti wasanduka chakati chakati , Shepherd Bushiri ndi mutumiki wa Mulungu
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha zonse timaona man kumanama kut akujambula mfana ali pa door koma pic iri mu ipod yomweyo komaso kujudula ka video kuti akuyenda mmalele koma miyendo osaoneka chimene mungaziwe bushiri amangolalikira zabwino zokhazokha samalirikira za ufumu wa Mulungu kut kod munthu ukhale ulungama umangapange bwanji? Ndipo sindinaveko akulalalikira za imfa mayazi ,koma ndikudziwa kuti muli ndi bible mukhoza kumawerenga nokha komaso lidalosera za aneneri onyenga azidzabwera in the of of jesus koma mphamvu zake zolakwika chimodzimodzi amene anasunduka njoka aja amachilitsaso fanzi mu dzina la Yesu
Tiyeni tigodikira tsiku lachiweruzo coz tikati tilimbe uchimo tizinyenga tonkha
Give us a proof kuti ndi true man of God amasunga ma pic mu ipad kumanama kuti wajambula asanduka phulusa
Signs of time, it was written!
ife okhulupilila anatipatsa mphamvu yoponda zinjoka nd zikhanila ngat zimenez tonse tyenela tisasokele ndyathu onama ngat awa
Zomwe analonjeza #mulungu za masiku osiliza zayamba kuoneka mwazina mwaizo ndizimenezi shame u
Njoka taiwona ife dzulo NDE mukuti chani apa…ndipo a mbale sakuwoneka dzulo a christu awo apephela okha musatiputsitse…mulungu simunthu akuyambila kulanga pansi pompano ndipo sadzalola kuti anthu ake asocheletsedwe.
Ukunena zoona unaonadi? Mhu nde zoopsatu
Zoona am telling.
Sunajambule tione nao?
Njokayo mwaionadi koma are u sure it was a Prophet? Nanga njoka imene anaitenga Apolice yo ndi itiyo? Otherwise it was just a natural snake osamuipisa munthu guys
Njokayo utayiona unadziwa bwanji kut ndi aprophetwo
Kkkkk mwina inavala mayala aaprophet kkkkkk
koma amalawi kaya timaziti ndife ndan kaya?? munthu akukuuzaniyo ndi wakulilongwe komwe kwachitika nkhaniyi. nde winawe kwanu ndi ku thyolo, mulanje, chitipa….ndikumasutsa. ufiti chani???
@ Maxwell osati kukhwima satanic kkkkkk
mwinadiiii nyangatu usaiwale mitunda yake ndi imeneyo. ndizikhulupirira ine ndili kutali kuno.,nde wina akumvera pa zodiak koma nkumatsutsa!!! Malawi open your eyes pliz!!!!
Where is a snake? Apolisi ayankhepo coz anthu ambirimbiri sangagwirizane this nosense
A prophet mukukana zoti mudasanduka njoka?;->;-(B-)
Anthu enanu mwaojeza kumagotsatila zozizwa malo moti zozizwa zitsatile life mapeto ake ndamenewa makamaka azimayi mwaonjeza mukagova kuti uku kuli a prophet muli komko.
paja amasatira kukapeza banja lolemera
that’s not tru we follow the life changing word
the word of God
Forgive them they know not what they are doing & saying
guys, kumakhoma azimai osati masewera
a banda kulibe mawu a mulungu ku ma prophet mukutaya nthawi werengani mawu.
iwowo akuti anali ku 49 mmene zimachitika izi..koma akhristu amene analimo akuti ndi omwewo anapangitsa service. komanso anasandukira mchalichi akupempherera mwana wa Asuzumile. nde zingatheke kuti omwewo akupangitsa service apa,,omwewonso apezeke ku 49? ambale sanayambe alekeza panjira service. komanso apolisi nde kuti anakawatengera ku 49 komweko??
Mmmmh zovutatu
Heheheee….signs of da tymz..
Police were then forced to rush to the area where they were involved in running battles with the locals there who had wanted to kill the snake as it was reported that the law enforcers picked the snake into a bag. that means njoka inalipodi nde now where is it?
zomat pusits NDE za chamba….mesa inuyo a malawi 24…mumat munali komweko….pano nde mukuthoka zot chan…..
Osangonena chilungamo bwanji? Munthuyo adasandukadi njoka, ndipo ngakhare abwere poyera kudzakamba zabodzazo, anthu chilungamo akuchidziwa ndipo palibe chomwe chingasinthe m’mitima yawo, go to hell!
Zopusa! Sindizabweranso ku church kwakoko.
inu mukudandaula ndikusanduka njoka ine ndimasanduka gozira sister wanga amasanduka njovu kanjokaso ndikachani kkkkkkkkk
Tiziona mmasiku otsiliza
Tizazindikila Bwino Pasogolo!
Marko 13 v 6 ambili adzafika mdzima langa nadzanena ine ndiye nadzatsochelesa ambili. Abale chegelani ndi anthu otelewa akayambitsa mpingo wawo mumati koma kumeneko, ine ayi dzanudzo wanga ndidapedza kale tsindimatsowatso wina ayi.
signs of da last days, indeed Jesus is coming soon
Koma kuma lecheleche kwazikodi kufunika kupephera zoonadi eeeee mantha anigwira kwambili
I put the blame on u the M24 news crew,u have to make sure theres credibility in any information u are gven by the so called anonymous sources before printing. If I was the accused pastor, I surely wld sue yo *** for character assassination.And mind u,ppo will stop trusting wat u say if u continue posting unverified stories
koma chithunzi ichichi nchakalekale2
When I was a teenager I saw that the government in my country when people asked about their rights they punished them and tortured them and put them in prison. They never solved the problem and the refugees run away, and they started to look for revenge. They revenge on their families and their own people.
A father don´t want their to kids to mistakes. But politicians repeat the mistakes, forgetting people rights and affecting their families. Ida min, their family and supporters are now refugees. Some are homeless and without a job, some opt for prostitution, and some just find underpaid jobs.
Saddam, is your family, and your supporters? Do you think they had a good life? Thinking about Gaddafi, did their supporters and family have good life? They are in prison and without option to go outside. And won´t be easy for them to be free.
Politician please support my petition. In the future, by signing the petition you will save your family, to this problem we have seen repeating over again. Also you will avoid more revenge and further refugees, and to stay at your position. Quick sign this link:
And what does that have to do with the snake? Are you drunk or something? If you are smoking something please stop it.
Hahahahahaha koma abale Alice Anambe Dzuwa
Nanga ndye zitinso?
utsi sumafuka popanda moto…… nkhani ina brower chama 8 nde iyeyo akukayankha chama 1….. sindekuti anali atabwerera bobo……. and these things kuzivetsa bobob they are connected
Atamutulusa apolisi anamwa fizesi kusonyeza kuti anali ndi njala anatero pomwe ndimafunsa
Kkkk anamweranso chtumbuwa
God will expose everyone that is using his name on shame. God send your fire to expose everyone who is using ur name on fame
is true coz there is no smoke without fire
Nkhaniyi ndiyoona koma pali anthu ena kufuna kuyiphilitsa Ali limodzi Ku satanic akudziwana.
so wea,is the snake..? if it at de police station is it still alive?? and wen the incident happened abt him turning into a snake, if he was indeed arnd watchin tv..y ddnt he drive at de incident fo pipoz confession? coz it appears de prophet is appearin de nxt day of de incident n he z tryn to rub of his name….hahaha ine an not gettin any sense here…..
He died 4 ma sins
apa ndie zayamba kuwoneka zizindikilo za ma pastor ma prophet a stanic
Nkutheka munthuyu anasandukadi njoka koma iye mwini osadziwa. kkkkkkkkkkkkk
inu mumalemba news iyi ngati mulibe nkhani bwanji osangosiya kusina ndikuonongA mbiri yamunthu, atolitoli i nu
Anasandukabe njoka olo waikire kumbuyo
Inu a Malawi 24 mwaonjeza apa ndiye ndaona khani zanu zina ndizaboza mumanena kuti wasanduka chinjoka moti mtola khani wanu anali pompo moti analibe camera kkkkkk u guys
zaukape. . .
rumour mongers
ndiye kut maxiku tikafuna kupha njoka a police muzilowelelapo?
Eyaa ka,,,,,,,, ndikuwononga chilengedwe kuphanjoka
yetyet. komanso njokayo apolisi muziyisunga???
kkkkk waonjeza mwana kkkk.
kkkkkkkkkkk am dead
Kkkkk Over my ded body!
details plz
To b honst munthuyu anasandukadi km inu a media kufuna kuchita cover nkhan imenei coz u below to satanic as well n to hell z yo destiny
Owelenga Khala maso zamasiku otsiliza
Iwe m`mbale ukusocheretsa ana amulungu ndukutemberera nxt tym uzasanduka nyerere kotero ngakhale anthu sazaziwa kut wasanduka
Kkk tamudziwabe kt anasandukabe bax!
Kkkkkkkkkk olo akane anasandukabe basi… Aaa masandukidwe church hahaha
kodi apolice pamalopo akuti anapezapo chani? nanga kupolice amapita atatenganji?
Ngati akukana akadzasandukanso tsiku lina mudzamu gagade ndi chikwanje cholinga adzavomereze akadzaona balaro
Eeee aneneri onyenga aja2 amenewooo ayamban kuwonekera poyera…kkkkk
After 4 hours ali ku Minna osathamangila ku church kuti akaone. Me?
amaleka kungopha njokayo
Atumiki usatana
apolice njoka anaitenga ilikt sakunena bobo bwanji.
Olo pa chithunzipo mukayang’anisitsa ndi maso a uzimu akuonekabe ngati Njoka
Kkkkkkk ayayayayaya koma iwee
Ulendo wina akazasandukanso ofunika kuzadula mutu paja kupha njoka ndikudula mutu
Munthu ukakomoka siumaziwa kuti wakomoka amakuuza Ndi anthu amene amakuwona ukukomoka ndiye abwanawa asakane chifukwa amawaona Ndi anthu amene anali nawo panthawiyo . Kkkkkkk mwasandukabe bwana
Kkkkkkk iwo sakudziwa chomwe chinachitika between time for waiting for breakfast to 13 hours. Y he took long to respond. Akanakhalapo akanaimba nthawi yomweyo a police amatenga anaconda yo mkumati siine ameneyo mupheni. Logic bro
Kkkkkkkkkkk koma macomment ali apa
Ndiye ine nditani?
go to hell
Mufwiti mkulu uyo alibe cha nzoona
Anasandukabe asakane ameneyo. Sangavomere ndudziwa.
Kkkkkkk dziko ili
Devil has failed
He is an agent of the satan!
eeee nkhani koma iyi hihihihi,do you mean kuti kupolisi analiko ndi kumene abwera normal???
no, he wasn’t a snake
Palibe amavomela choipa
zowonadi man and business yapselelapotu apa
mesa akuti zbs inalengeza zoti nawonso anaionadi njokayo?? komanso ambalewo akukana akuti kunalibeko mmene zimachitika izi koma anali ku 49, nde apolisiwo anawatengera ku 49 komweko nkumapita nawo ku kanengo polisi??? nanga poti anapangitsa service ndi ambale omwewo, nde omwewonso apezeke ku 49 service ili mkati??? nde kuti njokayo ndi iwowodi pamene chinapita ku 49cho ndi mzukwa wawo.
that is the only problem with our police officers, the trueth is there this man is evil and I too blem the followers.