The 2015 Malawi Super League season has ended and just like the nine seasons before it, in the just ended season the top goal scorers failed to score 20 goals or more.
This season, 14 goals have been the most from a single Super League and only Big Bullets’ Chiukepo Msowoya and Red Lions’ Innocent Bokosi achieved the feat.
But why are strikers in the top flight scoring less than 20 goals?
Malawian Coach, Meke Mwase, who is a head coach at Mbabane Highlanders FC of Swaziland, has got the answer.

According to Mwase, nowadays it is difficult to find goals since the game of soccer has gone more tactical and he believes that training can be the best way to solve the spell.
“It’s everywhere, goals are hard to find. The game of soccer has gone more tactical. Teams just need to keep on finding ways and keep on training,” said Mwase.
On his part, local sports analyst, Enos Chatama, observed that most teams do not play as a team and the biggest problem is the training that teams do.
“The biggest problem has been training and a lot of teams lack proper coordination as they don’t play as a team,” said Chatama.
The Analyst further put the blame on coaches for failing to coordinate the other players with strikers so that they can score more goals. He also suggested that Super League Strikers are not ambitious and are uncompetitive.
“The other factor is that there is no ambition and competition, if a striker doesn’t score a lot of goals he doesn’t care because there is nobody scoring more as they are within the same level,” added Chatama.
The last time a Super League player netted more than 20 league goals was in the 2005 season in which Aggrey Kanyenda of Mighty Wanderers bagged 26 goals.
Since then, the average number of goals for top goal scorers has been 18 goals.
bokosi ndi chiukepo basi mateam achulukirenji ena ozitama kkkkkkkk
story to be told, ma defenderz ali active think of Fodya,sanud +.
Kumalawi zithumwa, athuwa d afiti ama mangana miendo mpira utukuka bwinji?
KALE: 3 Corners=penalty. Offside=Thupi Lonse. Phewa=no Handball. Injury=no Fairplay. Bad Tackle=no Direct Redcard. Throw-in=anyhow
That’s why we call Ronaldo the goalscoring machine. 50 goals plus year in year out
In my country we luck competitive football. Do not blame the players think of this, how many games do we have in total for the team to complete the league?????
How trophies do we have per season?????
How many times do the team play per month??????
This is major factors that contribute to the standard of soccer in my country.
Sorry guys we need a lot of investment in our football circles.
Real striker needs to score not less than 10 goals in 5 matches.
Amene ali ndicharge cha 3310 andibweleke
Umakhala kuti d kusakire
Increase the number of teams competing for the trophy and ask me after that..
Here in zimbabwe the top goalscorer had just 14 goals,thats poor
I would say a BIG up to all defenders In TNM super league u done agood job to ur clubs
That means teams got good defenders
No soccer in Malawi bt witchcraft!
In 2003/04 Season,Ganizani Njoka Malunga Scored 20 goals in first round…kale lizibwerela ndithu!!
Ahahahah!!!! Zachikale kale, Pano mpira udasintha wosangoti dzigoli mbweeeee ngati ana! dzigoli dzachinyidwadzo ndi size yabwino panopa team iliyonse ikusewera bwino komanso ili ndi maplayer abwino sichomanga ichi achipoperanji mpaka 20 to 26 goalz! aaaaa!
That means there s gud competition .even small team give tough times to the big teams
Zomayerekeza ndi psl ndi zomwe zikuvutazi that’s why. Malawi south Africa zinthu zimawavuta coz alibe mastrikers odalilika pochinya
Ndiusodomy wake umenewu zigoli zichokera kut. Mmalo mochinya mmangomemera kipa.zamkutu
football of mw kkkkkkkkk
football of mw kkkkkkkkk
No wonder Flames cannot win even in small tournments
The competition is getting tight,its only Laliga that has lazy defenders.
Ukukamba zowona akse
two things involved,either matimu akuMalawi hav no gud striker else therez gud competition btwn teams…
Zigoli 50 ndiye wachikulunga tunena mpira weniweni when he comes to super league he will not score those goals!
Watch Barclay’s my friend, kumakhala zigoli
Last season top goal scorer in premier league in South Africa netted 10 goals only!
Bweran ku chipiku mudzaone ma striker zigoli pano akuthamanga nazo 50 top goal scorer
This is not happen in Malawi even here in South Africa, players are failing to reach 20 goals. Is it lack of skils or nön skilled coaches?
Lack Of Hard Working Spirit In Most Our Of Players!!
mpira unapita ndiachina ganizani m’bobo malunga, aggrey gilipa kanyenda awawa golo saankasewela nalo ali leroyu ndi phada
That means our diffenders are doing their job.
Lack of Hard working spirit
I will be the first next season to break this record
Amwene even mayiko akunja zinthu zikuvutanxo last year ku South Africa anali ndi zigoli zingati?
Kkkkk man PSL n super league yathu zimangofanana bolaso kunja ngati Nigeria ndiyamphanvu
Kkk Nigeria sanafikenxo 20
Maplayer athu amakonda zisamba kwambili,too much zinthumwa thats y paokha sazikhulupilila wen it cums to scoring.
20goals its not dat eazy guys
They have scored only 14 ma top strikers athu of which they cud go as far as 40goals if thy jst beliv in it.but to u,u think 20 goals is too much kwa iwe 4 1player to score?ngat ku chipiku or simama kaya sejele ana akukwanisa y cant thy aakuluwo?
Akulu ngati ma legue ankulu akulu amalephera kukwanisa mmm ndakaika
@ Drew Ngwenya ndikugwirizana nanu. Its not that simple to score 20 plus goals a season. Komanso league yathu ili ndi ma team 15 which means that teams play 28 league games a season unlike in PSL, EPL and LA LIGA and other major leagues which have 20 teams which also translate into 38 games a season. Ndiye tikamapanga compare ma player athu omwe amasewera ten games less than in other leagues, i think we are not being fair to them.
Even psl topgoal scorer amapezeka ndi 12 to 15 goals
Amwene Chipiku mukuyinenayo ndamenyako if you know Ossa Stars yaku A18. Those strikers reach 50 or 30 sikuti amakhala zonsezo achina ndi iwowo zinazo amangopatsidwa I have seen with my own eyes chigoli chochinya akumpatsa striker wawo. Maka munthu woti wabwera kumene ndikuchinya they give it to the striker mufufuze bhobo
Up to 50goalz?
Lack of development at grass roots and our players are not exposed enough ,we have got skill and talent players in our country but lack the basics and leadership.
Mwaiwala Njoka 28 goals, it also means goal keepers were good enough not to let any in.