Parents in the area of Traditional Authority Chituli in Malawi’s Mangochi district have blamed chiefs in the area for authorizing initiation ceremonies of girls as young as 5 years-old.
The issue has been raised after Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) conducted a gender based violence sensitization campaign in the area.
According to a parent who opted for anonymity, the girls who were sent to initiation camps are becoming rude to the parents due to the advice they are given at the camps.

“They challenged us whenever we advise them saying they know anything that any woman does in marriage, that is how a woman handles a man in bed,” she said.
She added that the act is becoming more serious as the parents fear that the children will contract HIV. On his part, Group Village Headman Nterera said that the issue is not new in the area.
He added that they will discuss the matter with fellow chiefs on how best to curb the situation.
Namachendeyo wayenjeza sopano akufuna anthu akasangalale ndi chikhalidwe chanji. Koma abakili munatilakwila posankha galu osowa ulemuyi.
they lost their mind.
Kuyambila kale ntundu uliwonse umadziwika ndi chikhalidwe kapena gule wa kwao.
Patsogolo ndi UDF, patsogolo ndi Bakili , patsogolo and Chiyaoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Five yea………………… #what??????????????????
Ukufuna ukhale ngati ndani
Abakili mwawonatu munapasa mpata alomwe koma achepa wachiyawo wangalusa akuyambisa kulesayo amai ake ambuyake amakewo anazipeza achita ndemvu ngati chisilu kodi iwe piter tikuwope nanuso amuluzi ngati linali dyela kusakha ntundu umenewu mwawonatu aleseso manganje kodi amuluzi munakumana kukachaso ndi agalu amenewa eti bayasinyanyisa manje sikhathele namasimba akapoloma gwilani ntchito mumulodze mandemvuyo
Ayao ali ndichikhalidwe chao musawasokoneze nanga bwanji alomwe simukuwanena poti ali ndizao
koma mwasowa zochita bwanj paja kumuz kut mukufuna kuthesa chikhalidwe cha ayao bwino nayo kupali kuwa mwasanga
ndamo sya ayao atuleche
boma lililonse lili ndi chikhalidwe chake tisunge mwambo basi
iyiii awonjezadi m’paka a5yrz. anawatu mukuwawononga ndi Awaa akumakhala ndi m’phanga opasa Matha akangokulapo pang’ono kufika pa 14yrs.kkkkkk pepani ngati ndalawula.
Kkkk Let Mi Have A Sip.
ngati kunali kusowa zolemba asakabiba bwanji????
Mbole mbole tche katuli baba wangu mukaza ngonyosanso ayao kokwana kawili USA ona
I like katuli so much
What do you mean if you say is Jesus not Muhmmad. Muslims know more about Jesus than any other religion if you don’t have knowledge ask those who knows so they can teach you
zotengelazi zikupha chikhalidwe.
Osakathesa gule wanyawu akumavula ana popita ku xool uja ndiye mulimbane ndi chinamwali cha nsondo? Ndichikhalidwe chathu ife Ayao ndiye musamabwele kuno ngati anzelu tizakubandulani
point of collection its jesus not muhamad
nawe kupusa zafika kwa mu muhammad? mxiii
Leave them it’s their culture every tribe got their tradition supposed they are not going agaist the religion. Mungofuna kuthetsa zikhalidwe zamzanu. Akakupatsani ma allowance mwati muzilimbana ndi za ziii! Anawo amalangiza mwambo yabwinonso stop going there
adm katuli not chituli panja week end mwaledzela.
Inu mumalimbana ndi ayao bwanji achewa savina nyau mumatani asiyeni.
Let us unite and eradicating such harmful cultural beliefs
Eee! Koma achawa a Mangochi sazatheka.
Kumangochi kulibe mudzi zinalake chituli.ngati alifodya muzitenge bwino
Eeeeh koma chaka chino ziliko
Where is Chituli?
What a nonsense chituli ndiye chani
may be this story was writen by Will Ross Of The BBC thats why they wrote chituli instead of katuli
There’s no chituli in Mangochi
mayb katuli
katuli not chituli