Malawi’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has blocked the opposition People’s Progressive Movement (PPM) from holding a political rally in Mwanza district, Malawi24 has learnt.

According to PPM President Mark Katsonga, his party was blocked by thugs from holding a rally in the district.
Katsonga further said PPM believes the thugs were sent by National Intelligence Bureau chief Nicholas Dausi who is a DPP loyalist member.
However, Dausi has denied any involvement.
“I don’t talk…I don’t do politics, thank you, and thank you,” said Dausi.
DPP spokesperson Francis Kasaila said the party will investigate the matter.
“Currently I don’t have information on the matter, but we are to investigate if the claims are true and what really happened,” said Kasaila.
Kasaia further said DPP will take disciplinary measures on the claims upon completion of the investigations.
nkhani ya bodza iyi….it davis katsonga nt mark katsonga…adabwera kuzanena kut walowa chipani cha dpp….ndye masapota ena a dpp sadakondwere nazo ati zoti ma mp azingosintha sintha zipani atopa nazo…ndye anthu wo amat sakufuna kt davis katsonga yo apangitse msokhano wo ndye kudaphulika teargas…@mwanza24
zomvetsa chisoni pa democracy
#DPP mustfall#
Mmmh Zabodza It Was Davis Katsonga Not Mark Katsonga End Ppm Belongs To Mark Nt Davis
But is PPM a menace to DPP? Kapena che Dausi zidani zakumbumba mukuzilowetsa ndale. NIB chief?
Iwe admin usamatisocheresepo wamva. Si PPM ayi. Koma Chipani Chafuko Party (ccp) akuti president wake a Davis Katsonga akufuna kulowa ku dpp. Ndiye mamembala ake akwiya chifukwa iyeyo anapanga decision pa iye yekha.Kodi atolankhani akumalawi sukulu zake mumaphunzira zotani?
Dpp led gvt needs to show pple that they r doing civilised politics.we need to change our ways of practising politics,these old politicians r the one misleading Proffessor.
Tanenani zoona this is not the truth. I live in Mwanza u have written something contrary to what really happened
Zapachiweniweni katsonga ndi dausi,anthu a kumwanza musadandaule akukuseweretsani inu bwererani kuchipani chanu chakale mcp asakugwilitsen tchito ngat condom
Unlike it now.
Wamwa sopo wanima
Wow politics at its best!
yap madala bwanji osangocheza ndiziukiulu kunyumba
koma akanakhala kt malawi amagulitsa mfuti ine ine
Boka inu aKasonga osati zinazii.
I think the best way is to unlike this page because is failing to inform the public all I can read is DPP DPP DPP. Is the journalist of this page proffessional?
And PPM and Mark Katsonga are not even involved…in fact it was a misunderstanding amongst dpp members of Davis formerly pf Fuko and not Mark of PPM. .
By yhe way Katsonga is now dpp and it was two factions not agreeing on certain issues…
You are right Cecilia Mkambule
He must join a strong and matured party soon he maybe President!!!!
But not with that so called PPM!!
Chonde I want a hand grenade, a bazooka and a machine gun
I have to be corrected, i thought it was CCP not PPM
And PPM and Mark Katsonga are not even involved…in fact it was a misunderstanding amongst dpp members of Davis formerly pf Fuko and not Mark of PPM. .
Is that surprising?
I like kasonga policies but he could have join other popular parties 4 himself to come popular ..otherwise he wil not make it to b the state president of malawi / the strategy i am talking about is the one of that the late bingu used’ he joined udf after realissing that pple can not know him on the ground with his own party …..fact
Ndale za nchombo lende
Account number 1? Kkkkkk
i can not believe this until investigations will be conducted…
Tawafusani amenewa ati nchian?kkkkkk
Where is democrancy now, When are we going to be civilized?