Demos against Government set for tomorrow

Billy Mayaya
Billy Mayaya
Mayaya: Demos on tomorrow.

The Lilongwe City Council in Malawi’s capital has given human rights activists a go ahead to hold demonstrations tomorrow, Tuesday, 27 October 2015, Malawi24 has learnt.

According to a post on Facebook by Billy Mayaya, the demos are slated in a bid to demand good governance and improved service delivery in the health sector.

This follows incessant reports that Malawi24 has also been carrying about miscellaneous economic woes and lack of resources to man hospitals in the country.

For example, Machinga hospital has fallen short f food such that patients’s daily meals got reduced, a development that has also hit Mzimba hospital.

Reports say the activists also want President Peter Mutharika to address various governance issues including the recent controversial trip to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

According to Mayaya, the demonstrators will converge at Parliament roundabout at 700 am.

“From there we shall proceed to the Capital Hotel roundabout make a uturn and proceed to the traffic lights turn left to the civic offices where a petition will be read and delivered.” Mayaya wrote on his Facebook profile.

The demos will see all people dress red or black.

The last time pressure groups was in January this year, protests which were driven by the controversial financial scandal at the National Aids Commission (NAC), a scandal christened Nacgate.

The demos were however marred by low turn out due to heavy rains that hit the country.