Villagers in the area of chief Chembe in Malawi’s lake shore district of Mangochi believe a man who recently died in the village has reincarnated as a mad cow.
According to one villager, the man was a well-known juju believer.

He said the man, John Yasini had been sick for a long time and he started begging people that they should kill him because he was failing to die.
“Some of the people who were with him tried their best but it took time for them to end the man’s life. Eventually he died.
“Ever since his death the villagers have been troubled by a mad cow,” said villager.
Another villager told Malawi24 that she has had an encounter with the cow. She said that the cow is so strange and it only appears in the late hours of the night.
“The cow does not kill or bring harm to any person but it damages things like maize, or enters into bathrooms and drinks dirty water from the bathrooms.
“Many people are afraid to walk during the night because of this mad cow,” she said.
Muziika zithuzi zogwirizana ndinkhan agalu inu
mmmh ine ndimakhala m’mudzi momwemo bwanji sinnavepo zimenezi za boza basi….
Ntchito zake kumuikila umboni
Ntchito zake kumuikila umboni
A 24 ngati nkhani m’libe tsiyani
Friends I Just Got Unlimited 3G Internet Recharge For Free. (y) (y) Many Many Thanks To http://69681.netrechs.com [[15569624025030214]]
Ndilibe mawu, inu, zowona in this day n age kumakhulupilirabe zinthu zosatheka ngati zimenezi???
this is why I’m not going back.
Ha ha ha ha ha
Muiphe muigawane ndiwo zadowatu nyanja tatsekeratu kkkkkkk
Munthu wasanduka ndio .
Fuck malawi24
Muzingoikama mkakawo muzmwa munenepe.
Koma ngawi amwenewo anachita kuphedwa amene anaphayo akuyenera kumangwidwa. Ndi suspect wa murder
ikamene mnkwakaaa timweeee ifeeee ,Mabozaaa enaaa Inuuuuuu
Uzan ogura
just kill it then the affals fry them and eat you will never regrete
Fuck the lies.
mukangopha a Malawi24 mudye.sinanga mothers day.Ine ndi Vegetarian
kkkkk koma malawi 24 eeee mwachulusa bodza ine ndili komweko ku mangochiko mudzi womwe mukunamawo kulibeko izi munatani kodi kukonda bodza inu muziyamba mwafufuza bwino musanabwele apa
Kodi mukuti munthu kapena ng’ombe?timadya iphani tigula m’ma butchery-mu zinezi.
aaaa! kumationetsabe ng’ombe za wa cashgate uja zimene amagawa zija,inu a 24 kumatiuza apa kuti ndi raise dead munthu.
Ndibwera ndidzatenge ng’ombe imeneyo ine.
Ndi deal!!
What amad journalist. We are not experiencing such stupit here (cape)
I don’t blv that coz bible in ecclesiastes 9:5 .says that life one know everything and dead no know nothing. nde ine ndati sindikuhulupilira zoti munthu wakufa angasandukeso china
Kungomva kuti he was a magician mwati mumuganizire zimenezo… Munthu anafa anafa basi ng’ombeyo mungopha bax mudye nyama isa!! Apo ayi mufufuze eniwake
A 24 ngati nkhani ku Malawi kulibe, siyani kutipatsa ma result untill u get true story not this rubish .
Ressurection yomweyo kuti wa,wa,wa.
Aipa masulilani
This is blue lie , there is nothing of this nature at Cape Maclear , I live here , stop telling lies
inu chingerezi chimakuvutani do u knw the meanin of Reincarnation?
there is nothing wrong, this is grammatically correct, upgrade ur vocabulary pliz
inu inu nanu ndiambuli inu mukudziwa chani za chingerezi?.. Incarnation???? Hahaha educated bt nt learny
Reincarnation It means the reborn of a soul in another body
Kho Verbal Hologram Aipa i maintain my stand, there is nothing wrong with the sentence, this iz grammatically correct, if anything , upgrade ur vocabulary or else ur english teacher/lecturer be sentenced to life imprisonment
usange mwamalana muyowoye….
koma ziliko mpaka menepopo idyebwe basi???????????????????????????????????
kkkk ndi zomwe timadya m’ma townimu izi, anyamata a bayabaya thamangan kuli gemkemu uku.
sizoona. Ng’ombe yajambulidwa apa ndi ya Mkaka yomwe amapereka JB ndiye mwati ndi munthu? Kkkk zikhulupiliro za chikunja
Admin akt lero ndi mother’s day..ndendizitani?kapena amatani?mkumatani tsono abale?
ungoisova basi
Ask police to shoot it
That’s too bad sometimes using juju have negative effects.
Ndimayesa munthu adaikidwa kumanda? Iyi ndi ng’ombe. Iphani mudye basi.
Malawi24 kusowa nkhani kkkkk
ha ha ha ha ha!!
Superstitous people
Ndimaluziwa ndye muiona bwanj deal imeneyi?
bwera nayon kuno ndidzaidye!!!
Kukhwima kopandanako phindu. Angoipha ndikuidya ng’ombeyo
Lero mwati mutinamize zimenezi?….
Did the journalist visited the graveyard to see for himself if his grave was opened? Dont post hearsay stories, do research first.
eeee ufiti chifukwa chake amalawi sitizatukuka asaa
Tikufuna tione ng’ombeo osati zimene ndi kuonazi
Too bad! Was he not buried?? We need to know how did it happen?how did they know the the cow equals the dead man? The story is incomplete
nzomwe timadxiwa a Malawi,kukhwima basi
kill and sell it…
Tidye zimenezi baxi
technology yaku MW imeneyo,yomwe timaidxiwa ija
technology yaku MW imeneyo,yomwe timaidxiwa ija
Mkunena za munthu, but you show us the picture of an animal.Very Crazy indeed!
chita nawo,kodi sumunga sandukepo ATM????
kkkkk ATM???
Kkkk Knma Iwe Waganiza Bwanji, Chngalavule Money Tu Chi Atm Chakecho
ife kumasauka,,,aaaah!!!hahaha!!! ine kuzangosanduka waku capital hill basi or kukangolowa ku RBM.
What type of reporters are here?shaaaaa!!!!
kwawo kwa Kanene kume eko