Annie Matumbi dresses Maskal down

Annie Matumbi
Annie Matumbi
Matumbi: Talks ill about Maskal.

Malawian artist and Times Television presenter Annie Matumbi who is popularly known for mocking fellow artists, has been at again as he has openly ashamed afro-pop icon Maskal.

During a live broadcast of “Urban trend” programme yesterday, Matumbi whose real name is Chiyanjano Muhezuwa, uttered words which may be hardly accommodated in Maskal’s ears.

His ill language followed from the “Udalire” video by Maskal, when it came to an end, Matumbi could not help but go off-track to mock the Udalire star concerning his live perfomance.

“Ameneyo ndi Maskal akuti udalire. Nthawi imeneyi anatchuka Maskal aliyese kumangoti Maska! Maskal! koma pa stage kulepheleratu, samatha ata, (that is Maskal. He was man of the people when he released this video but when it came to live performance, he was as good as nothing), ” said Matumbi

Matumbi is considered to be an artist who uses sarcasm against fellow artists.

However the audience is meant to understand that he does not mean it.

A few years ago, he released a song which exposed mistakes by other artists on the claim that they are all his friends hence the liberty to make fun of them.