South Africa has named Malawians among foreign nationals from 13 countries that are committing various crimes in the rainbow nation.
According to South Africa National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega foreign nationals from 13 countries have been tracked down by police for committing crimes in South Africa.
“The SAPS crime intelligence has tracked foreign nationals from 13 countries that have contributed to various types of crimes,” she told Parliament’s portfolio committee on police, during the release of the 2014/15 crime statistics.
She said these countries were Malawi,Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Somalia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Congo, Tanzania, Bulgaria and China.
“When you look at the statistics’ performances of Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and partly Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, you understand pressures on policing,” she said.
stupid malawians…this is not a guess..
it’s a report from the SA polioce…
it says SAPS crime intelligence tracked this,
and it’s according to statistics as well..
it’s not a blame on foreigners,zambia is not
part of the list,coz zambians are peaceful,botswana,
uganda and many others aren’t there..
don’t even say you’re good people or peaceful,
you’re thiefs and criminals..ndirande in blantyre is
an example of who you are
Thanks Sam Kholopete for your recommendation on my comment
that’s the culture of SA blaming foreign nationals for every bad thing they do
“everything they do”…are you also one of those
malawian criminals?..that’s your culture of going to
SA…doing illegal things and lie that you go for jobs,
what kind of jobs?..malawians do a lot of crimes also in
many other countries like DRC and zambia,read the news
Ndi zoona nakha ngati mukuchita kuyambisa ma squad ati moshale,g unit mukulakwisa zithu ndinu amangochi nde mukuchukisa ma crime
Tru Mondi James Mkorongo not serious crimes only 2 out of ten then there are just petty crimes. The white people who happens to be in serious crimes with Nigerians are not mentioned.
Why is like that
That’s not true
guyz tisaname ndi anthu amene magulisa ma passport to other those are the ones who commit crime not rly malawian
this bad news is deserved,guess the reason why,,,,
You can say a million things about us and keep on making Malawi famous in a type of way….
Too bad.
Mukuzembela bushiri eti k k k k
criminal wakulu ndi wapolice
Malawi Govnment gotta problem by selling our Passport to other nations who wanna just killed our cool history
Upusika iwi, Ma colord ku Cape Town ndingu ngahen
Ver bad.
( )
May be its true otherwise it might be politics coz wat i know is that, the most trusted people in SouthAfrica are malawians now where is this coming from?.
which side ine sinavepo zimene izi
Kodi ndi mbava atonde amapita kunjawa,makhalidwe a mundilande mwatha nao0 ulendo eti
Iwould not side with my fellow countrymen who say Malawians are not criminals in Mzansi..even here in Malawi the country have been hit with cases of crimes for recently…our Mw government is no longer employing its citizens coz of economical wooes so what do you expect these citizens to do when they travel to other countries where there is also pressure for jobs?…
Once you catch a malawian , i mean you police officers Go straight where malawia are staying and ask them to talk to him in our mother language . Am talking this coz most of Zimbabweans are using malawian passports . We will be facing problems in the name of malawi .
Especially pipo from Blantyre and mangochi plus nkhatabay nd machinga are the omes hu doing this i agree 100%
Nationals is correct also no need to edit # Ada Banda
He taught hos people good manners
Aaaaaaaassss amalawi kuba too much
Just say which crime done by them, Malawians. Am not denying they can be criminals, but just be specific of the crime.
It’s true,40%of crimes in south africa are comited by nyasa’s
Why is everyone going on the defense?? This is the truth and its also logical.
uneducated fools
That’s the results of selling our passport to other Nationals icant mention, just last month someone holding our passport stole aPolice Vein at the garage only to findout he’s nat legitimate citizen.
Ine ndikudziwa za zimbabwe,mozambique n nigeria so za malawizo nde zitinxo izi cz mi ndili ku joweni komkuno kma amalawi sitikutchulidwapo
Thats not true Malawians go there for jobs
Mesa a Malawi anathothetsa kumeneko nde zikuthekaso bwanj kumeneko ameneo ndi South Africans Malawians anatenga Citizenship komweko
What they saying is true,we have become very greedy,don’t hate them for saying the truth.if you love there and have the heart to agree you will agree.we have become choors of different type from kugona mashop to stealing cars.
I don’t agree with you brother. There are people who are committing crimes on a daily basis and I don’t see Malawians being amongst those that murder 49 people nationally daily and I don’t see a Malawian being amongst rapists that rape 2 women / girls nationally every single minute.I agree that in Johannesburg Braamfontein to be specific,there are some copycats who are painting a bad picture of Malawi but not worthy the salt.
Read the headings brother it says Malawians are amongst those people who commit crimes.no matter on a daily bases or not on a daily bases.Im a Malawian and living in South Africa since before Mandela became a president,so I can tell the differences in all the towns and Cities not only Jhb.you disagree but I agree according to what I’ve seen and what I know and what’s happening in SA.
Malawians are just good at African medicines not crimes. 🙂
Malawians are God fearing people
That’s not true it’s a scapegoat.Go to Michels Plain and search for Malawians that are selling drugs.In Joburg there are certain few places where Malawians are learning to do crimes mostly in old abandoned buildings known as mortuaries and quiet streets.Lets call a spade by its real name
Register for Airtel money here now – Malawi
Register for Airtel money here now – Malawi
Register for Airtel money here now – Malawi
People are geting advantage of using Malawi as title of everything bad because of stupidness of malawian leaders
Sizikugwirizana kwenikweni ndinkhani ili apa.
Error Is Ahuman,,,dont Judges On Somebody’s Mistek,,it Z Speechless To Hear Dat U Ar THe One Who Make These Leader To 4get Their Job Bcoz U Ar Just Sitting Phwiiiii Wth Your Weak Hand-WHAT FOR??….I Thnk wen we Work Hand To Hand,then u cant see the stupidness leaders u ar talking about,, Think big bro to Mek Malawi Popular.
Z tru bt w olwez deserve our culture here n Rsa.
Mmm! ????????
Malawians are among nationalities…please edit
not true, malawians are good people, they can do that. Maybe they are other nationals who got malawian passport since it is very easy to obtain it here thru bribery. Vaboza vo ana xeno imwi.
The headline is incorrect. Malawians among countries
umatha ngezi man gramatically poor
Now JCE is there and mistakes are numerous and I dont know what will be the grammer of our kids.
Tru code ndakhalako ku south amalawidi awonjez….last month anapha china…amalawi tina jaila
Malawians are honest,peace and love not crime
That’s a true lie bro.no more they were.
May be 5% but 95% are honest
Agree @njema
The best term do describe tht Diabolic infection of the SA govt would be”AFR0PHORBIA”!where are the chinese and Pakistanis in their list?ha!
not impressed
Such haters, these South Africans!
They speaking the truth,I’m a Malawian but live in South Africa soo I know what they talking about.
Clean lies!!!malawians are sweet and honest pple every south african knows that.
Not even close
And its true I listened to the commissioner’s speed that Malawians r commits more crimes in RSA shame to our leaders
Uwu mbutesi wakofya. Muli baka nase navifukwa kwali? Tazenga S/A namaoko ghithu so mwatukuka mwayamba kutigalukira!
I sense that this page bringing the right issue,, Malawian killing each other,Malawian betraying each other so if someone in here saying asowa zolemba and sitithandiza chani Malawian are putting other fellow Malawians into sham guys go to Alexander, Roodepoort, princess,honeydew ,some Malawian directing criminals to attack others,last night the same thing happened in munsieville kumupeleka nzake kuzigawenga iye wangoyima akuseka
Osamalemba zakukwera xul feez bwanj. Undilakwisapo apa iwe aaaaah bwnj kod
even here south africanz r among hu commit crimes
eeetu thngz shud b lyk dat akuthawa mavuto in Malawi¬hn 2do rather than being abroad,wat imin iz:ntchto zkusowa in south africa ther4 no any minz coz thy thnk dat evn wen thy b bak azapanga chan nd nyansi zakumalawiz!!Am nt encouragin ther bad behaviour bt ‘chonde’ Malawian Gvt shd do somthn 2 enpowr gheto youths coz mmmm tkaptriza crimes wl nevr end &and do u thnk akawathamangsa wat wl thy b doin’,,”!!kumpanje2!!!
They’re crazy..
yah exactly coz if u can remember very well last of last week some Malawians burnt a police vehicle in Pretoria
Hahahaha mphwete bwaa!!!!!! Zaaaziiiiii
Nkhaniyi Ndiyowona amene mwaonera news za 7am lero akambaponso Etv nd SABC1
Pure lies
its a lie now aaaaa wat is ur problem
Boza.eniake bwa
I don’t think this story is from a reliable source
kkkkk really even me I don’t much used to go on the link