Malawians among countries behind serious crime in South Africa

South Africa Police

South Africa has named Malawians among foreign nationals from 13 countries that are committing various crimes in the rainbow nation.

South Africa PoliceAccording to South Africa National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega foreign nationals from 13 countries have been tracked down by police for committing crimes in South Africa.

“The SAPS crime intelligence has tracked foreign nationals from 13 countries that have contributed to various types of crimes,” she told Parliament’s portfolio committee on police, during the release of the 2014/15 crime statistics.

She said these countries were Malawi,Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Somalia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Congo, Tanzania, Bulgaria and China.

“When you look at the statistics’ performances of Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and partly Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, you understand pressures on policing,” she said.