Healthcare services in Chitipa expected to improve

Chitipa district

The provision of healthcare services in the area of Senior Chief Mwenewenya in Chitipa district is expected to improve following plans by World Vision Malawi to construct a health post at Kamilamphande village.

This comes as the Chitipa District Executive Committee (DEC) has approved World Vision Malawi to construct the health post, which will cost the organization 160,000 US dollars (about K272 million).

World Vision Malawi Programs Manager for Chitipa and Karonga, Hendrix Kalanje said the organization has been compelled to construct the health post after noting that people in the area walk over 15 kilometres to Wenya Health Centre.

Meanwhile, Chitipa district council Director of Health and Social Services, Dr. George Kasondo has told Zodiak Online that once completed, the health post will serve a population of about 5 thousand people.

The health post, to be constructed with funding from World Vision UK, will be completed by May 2026.

Health services are fundamental to society and the economy, with health care recognized as a basic human right essential for safeguarding the health and safety of populations. There is no health care without health workers.

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.


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