…’Of all problems Malawi is facing, they think Male circumcision is top priority?’
Malawians have questioned the motives of the US and other Western NGOs that are promoting circumcision despite evidence showing that the questionable initiative does not reduce HIV as claimed. Vetting their anger and frustrations on social media, the people took to task the US for “prioritizing sex” and not real development.
The US announced a $6.8 million (K3.8 billion) aid to support male circumcision which the US Ambassador to Malawi, Virginia Palmer, said has “has potential” to curb the spread of HIV.

But all the comments that Malawi24 monitored on a story published by one of the local online publications expressed dismay at the focus of the aid, with many hinting that circumcision is not an effective means to fighting the spread of HIV.
Athoko Chisale Mbewe wrote “American government is a joke. Chinese are giving money for development and all this ambassador cares about is sex? Hahaha…. if you want my foreskin I will trade it for K500,000.00. FYI My uncle has HIV /aids but he is circumsized”
While approving Athoko’s comment, Emmanuel Samikwa said that evidence from the Eastern region of the country back studies which question the credibility of circumcision to reduce HIV. Circumcision is common in the region, particularly among the Yao people, with people being circumcised during childhood.
“#athoko u mean wina wake apa akuti sungatenge aids if circumsiced? akunama ameneyo ena awa ali apawa achiyawo amasewelera ndi mahule lero angoondo nkhuku chidyerecho!” reasoned Emmanuel Franjie Kapito Samikwa.
Most commentators made comparison between the support that the US and China are providing Malawi. The people called on the US to support initiatives that would savage Malawi’s ailing economy.
“$6.8M for what?? Of all problems Malawi is facing, they think Male circumcision is top priority??. Why cant they learn from their Chinese counterparts?? This is laughable” posed Joseph Mutupha.
Jonathan Pierre Ng’oma also urged the US to reflect on the priorities of its aid: “Come on, do we need money for such useless exercise? Our economy is in total shamble, will that going to help our economy?”
Like others before him, Abram Nkasala commented by questioning the logic of the US to support circumcision which he observed is encouraging more people to engage in sex after circumcision, putting them at higher risk of infection.
“Malawi needs food not jando this is encouraging AIDS because people are not caring after circumsion.People in Nsanje, Zomba are dying now”.
Malawi24 previously revealed that there is not conclusive evidence to support claims that male circumcision reduce HIV infection. The Malawi Demographic and Health Survey, a study conducted in 2010 by country’s National Statics Office, also found that circumcised males were likely to get HIV in Malawi.
Another recent report also revealed that the HIV prevalence rate had doubled in Thyolo, one of the areas where medical circumcision was first rolled out in the country.
To: Athoko Chisale Mbewe and everyone,
Today’s currency exchange puts $K500,000.00 = $855.00USD. That’s quite a bargain. Do you realize most all your sexual pleasure will be gone with your foreskin forever? I would give $100,000.00USD for getting my foreskin back. I’m 58 now but 20 years ago I would have given ONE MILLION US DOLLARS. No joke. I say be gone erection problems and orgasm centered just in the genitals. I want real, full on, deep sexual sensations, where the body takes over control and I enjoying riding the waves, and easy multi orgasmic. The Crown of Jewels is the foreskin. Take care not to sell yours cheap. It’s smart to not trade in your tangible manhood pleasure in exchange for floating in the air maybes and promises.
Do you know that guys without foreskin don’t like their glans head touched right after orgasm because it’s loaded with pain/thermal receptors. But guys with intact penis don’t have this negative experience, touching is the head is fine. This is because they have all the pleasure receptors in their foreskin to override the pain receptors in the glans head.
So FYI this man has something to say:
After Circumcision: “I barely feel anything at all until the end.” “I lost almost all the sensation in my penis.
September 11, 2015 at 8:38pm
“I’d mistakenly attributed the sensations I’d enjoyed during masturbation to the glans being stimulated by the foreskin,”
(This commenter tells his truth after choosing circumcision. I thank him for putting his very personal experience publicly out there to warn others.)
“I made the mistake of electing to be circumcised as a healthy adult, having been born in non-circumcising Denmark and raised in circumcising Alaska. The stigmatization of uncircumcised men can be considerable – at least, that used to be the case in the US. Getting circumcised was–without serious competition–the single most idiotic decision I’ve ever made. I was circumcised successfully–everything went exactly according to plan–and yet I lost almost all the sensation in my penis. The little erogenous feeling I have I owe to a miserable scrap of mucosa on the underside of the distal end, proximal to the glans. I’d mistakenly attributed the sensations I’d enjoyed during masturbation to the glans being stimulated by the foreskin, but in fact it’s the other way around: the glans is mostly useful for its size and shape – it’s an excellent anvil against which to work and over which to roll one’s foreskin.
Now, during sex, I barely feel anything at all until the end. Condoms are a total loser for me – and my difficulties maintaining an erection, much less attaining orgasm (to say nothing of actually *enjoying* the experience) force me to engage in risky sexual practices that I know I really ought to avoid.
People make a lot of assumptions about how the penis works, and they’re wrong. The glans is not the most erogenous part – it feels only deep pressure and pain (to which it *is* very sensitive). The ‘inner lip’ of the tip of the foreskin is just about all men have to get by on. We owe our convictions about male sexual response to intuition, and intuition is not science. In fact, intuition is a great threat to science.
Don’t make the mistake I did, boys.”
Nov 14th 2013, 19:02
Comment to: http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2013/11/circumcision-and-law
Thanks for sharing this important information. The scourge of aids is horrendous, but circumcision is just grasping at straws.
Condoms prevent HIV transmission, not cutting foreskins.
There is a rabbit hole bout this whole scheme that is so deep, dark and disgusting that not many are able to go in and back out again
US imperialism of our cutting culture is sickening. We can’t even fix it in our own country and now we’re trying to profit off of pushing it in underdeveloped nations. The whole HIV study was even done in the first place by experimenting on people of color. Disgusting and disturbing. Racism and cutting culture are alive and well in the US…
I would much rather my tax dollars go toward giving every man and woman a large box of condoms and a class on how to use them to prevent HIV. That would actually help people instead of just cutting pieces of them off.
Me too free quality condoms that fit give, give, give along with real use instructions. Male and female condoms.
Give something real that can be touched, something of real high value against STDs something that gender having sex can be empowered to use.
It’s been shoddy manipulative faux science (the African HIV/circ studies) that is nothing more than promises on the wind in exchange for each man’s tangible primary sexual platform:
After Circumcision: “I barely feel anything at all until the end.” “I lost almost all the sensation in my penis.
September 11, 2015 at 8:38pm
“I’d mistakenly attributed the sensations I’d enjoyed during masturbation to the glans being stimulated by the foreskin,”
(This commenter tells his truth after choosing circumcision. I thank him for putting his very personal experience publicly out there to warn others.)
“I made the mistake of electing to be circumcised as a healthy adult, having been born in non-circumcising Denmark and raised in circumcising Alaska. The stigmatization of uncircumcised men can be considerable – at least, that used to be the case in the US. Getting circumcised was–without serious competition–the single most idiotic decision I’ve ever made. I was circumcised successfully–everything went exactly according to plan–and yet I lost almost all the sensation in my penis. The little erogenous feeling I have I owe to a miserable scrap of mucosa on the underside of the distal end, proximal to the glans. I’d mistakenly attributed the sensations I’d enjoyed during masturbation to the glans being stimulated by the foreskin, but in fact it’s the other way around: the glans is mostly useful for its size and shape – it’s an excellent anvil against which to work and over which to roll one’s foreskin.
Now, during sex, I barely feel anything at all until the end. Condoms are a total loser for me – and my difficulties maintaining an erection, much less attaining orgasm (to say nothing of actually *enjoying* the experience) force me to engage in risky sexual practices that I know I really ought to avoid.
People make a lot of assumptions about how the penis works, and they’re wrong. The glans is not the most erogenous part – it feels only deep pressure and pain (to which it *is* very sensitive). The ‘inner lip’ of the tip of the foreskin is just about all men have to get by on. We owe our convictions about male sexual response to intuition, and intuition is not science. In fact, intuition is a great threat to science.
Don’t make the mistake I did, boys.”
Nov 14th 2013, 19:02
Comment to: http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2013/11/circumcision-and-law
It is to my understanding, that the big funders of this ‘HIV research’ are also the big leaders in the circumfetish rings. Food for thought.
Really? Got any names? WE all know Brian Morris is promoting it because he’s a weird circumsexual and possibly a paedophile.
this was obviously going to happen, glad it’s being made public. As always.. thanks for sharing Brother K!
In the late 1960’s, psychologists proved that the sexual assault, trauma, and mutilation caused from infant circumcision causes brain damage stunting the development of the hippocampus and amygdala, causing catatonic shock, coma and amnesia to the infants brains. This news upset those whose religions depend on ritualized infant, childhood, girl and boy circumcision, by Muslim and Jewish doctors, and the feminist kabbalah witch cults infecting American Christians. These are the people who made up and performed the studies to suggest circumcision has benefits.The Kabbalah witches originated in Judaism and taught the African Voodoo witches how to trick men with lies to cut their foreskins off.
Ritual, religious, and routine medical circumcision of infant and children, are ungodly witchcraft, witchdoctor medicine, and are used as a curse upon men, for population control by religious/medical/political leaders. The racist and sexist high priests and man hating witches wrote it into their big books of God spells, called the Jewish Torah and the Islamic Koran, so they can make the believers cut themselves in the name of a god. True believers of Jesus and the Holy Christian Bible/New Testament know that circumcision is an evil, sadistic, vicious sacrificial punishment for stubborn weak minded false god worshiping religious men who treat women like property. Fake Christians, crypto Jews falsely claim it must be done because Jesus was circumcised. Jesus, although, sacrificed his life to fulfill the covenant law of forced infant circumcision making it no longer necessary. Virginia Palmer is one of those fake Christian crypto Jewess Kabbalah witches. They put each other in powerful government , medical and religious positions to maintain control of knowledge.
Not surprised here. Take a bunch of people and tell them that circumcision will reduce (or worse, PREVENT) HIV and guess what? They are not going to be as careful when it comes to safe sex practices. Why the U.S. continues to spread this misinformation is beyond me. “I dont need to wear a condom, I’m circumcised!” -said no American man in the history of ever.
Wonderful to hear! Please take the money from the US and use it to blast US policies on circumcision and HIV.
Right Lloyd. It’s not like the our USA is going to spend effort and money to get it back. We right it off. I’d say over 70% of US Americans knows circumcision isn’t protection, didn’t work here, and so find these circumcision funds to be a waste and loss. I’m all for Malawi to use these funds as they wish, for anything is better and smarter.
I’m so glad to see most people in Malawi don’t believe the lies from the USA. The ONLY set of “studies” that said circumcision reduced HIV were proven to be a fraud. Yet the USA, knowing this, keeps quoting those fake studies.
The reality, according to the Royal Dutch Medical Association and many other real medical organisations (unlike the biased American ones):
1. Circumcision is painful. Especially for children.
2. Condoms reduce HIV risk. They are 97% effective. Whether you choose to use them is your business.
3. The UK has a much lower HIV rate than the USA. Because I’m talking about rate (for example, the amount of HIV in every thousand people), this takes into account the size difference in the two countries. For every thousand men in the USA, there are more cases of HIV than for the same number of people in the UK – yet the UK doesn’t circumcise unless the parents are Jews or Muslims; the USA still circumcises many baby boys.
3. Circumcision removes nerve endings. It makes sex with your wife painful and difficult, for both people.
4. Circumcision INCREASES the risk of infection, because the foreskin protects the inside of the penis. Look at how much care is needed for a circumcised boy. With a boy who has NOT been circumcised, you just wipe his penis. NEVER pull the foreskin back until it naturally separates when he is much older. When it does separate, simply clean under it (this takes only seconds).
5. Because circumcised males think they are protected (even though they are not), they have more dangerous sex, and increase HIV rates.
6. Circumcised males are at risk of meatal stenosis, erection problems, and many other medical problems. That’s why Americans spend so much on Viagra.
7. The USA sells foreskins to cosmetics companies (via a company called ATCC) for over 500 dollars a time – often more than a thousand dollars a time. They make lots of money.
8. Males NEED their foreskins. They provide protection and important chemicals.
Please do not believe Americans. They have a reputation around the whole world for being stupid, and they deserve it. The white American government officials (how many black people are in their government, even now their president is black? Almost none) hate black people. Years ago, they did drugs tests on black people without telling them, and later admitted to this. This is another way of hurting black people – and I am a white person, so I am not saying this because I hate white people. Yet I am attacking people of my own skin colour because what they are doing is disgusting and wrong.
If I were Malawi I would have taken the money and put it into programs and initiatives that have been proven to work in reducing the spread of HIV. Safer Sex programs, free condoms and better sex education for the youth.
“HEY thanks for the money to help us combat the spread of HIV! We’ll put it to good use”
Problem is USA has strings attached so it would be hard for Malawi to take the money and run.
Bwanji odulidwao amatengaso Edziyo, kumapempha ndalama zopangila ntchitozina osati zimenezo, for example these who believe on circumsision are still dying! Ask these from Mangochi and Machinga,…..zigwile ntchitoina ndalamazo!!
Asaaaaaaaa!!!!! Zazi…….!
Circumcision is genital mutilation. IT is not me medical procedure and doe not lower HIV risk or any other health condition. It is an ancient religious/cultural rite designed to sexually suppress males.
I am British and was circumcised at 14 for a tight foreskin. This was totally unnecessary and neither I nor my parent gave informed consent. It stripped me of all sexual pleasure for life. The reason for this is that, contrary to the folk theory the foreskin is trivial, the foreskin contains virtually all of the erogenous nerves. IF you cut it off, you are left with the non-erogenous glans; the glans is covered in crude free nerves that sense pain and pressure but not fine touch like the foreskin. This has been proven via hard science, i.e. histological analysis.
The onus is upon the people wanting to cut off foreskins to prove it’s not sexually damaging. The cannot do so since all hard science in existence proves the foreskin is essential and erogenous.
There is without a doubt a sinister agenda at play here and it seems to be coming from the USA and UN, of which the USA is a major donor. The US makes a fortune from mutilating babies via the procedure itself, but also from the use of foreskin fibroblasts in the manufacture of anti-ageing cream, and the increase in sales of viagra due to circumcised men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Don’t be fooled, Africa. This is another form of colonialism by the USA. European doctors shake their head in disdain at the quackery coming out of America on this issue.
You were circumutilated at age 14 without consent by you or your parent? This is outrageous. Did they leave you any frenulum? When did they do this to you? Did you have any recourse?
From what I’ve heard, this is quite a common act of medical negligence. No, I can’t sure. Statute of limitations of 3 years from my 18th birthday. Anyway, they’d just say it was protocol.
Ngati siwudulidwa siwukalowa basi
m’malo mobwezera chilengedwe mukuchotsaso
koma za ma gay tilandira
As an American I am glad to see that Africans are thinking for themselves! America (as in the United States not Mexico or Canda) is one of very few industrialised countries where a majority of men are circumcised. And guess what? The US has the highest rate of HIV and AIDS of any industrialised nation!
Americans push this because circumcision used to be automatic in American hospitals and many circumcised American men and their wives don’t like to admit that they got cut for no reason.
These days better educated American parents are refusing to let doctors circumcise their kids and in places like California the majority of infants are now left intact.
But Africa is, at least on this matter, more advanced than the white trash doctors who just want to push a useless surgery.
Next time, donors will tell us to cut off our heads to reduce the spread of HIV, I hope, with our current levels of stupidity, we will be busy supporting it. Anyway, it’s non of my business, after all I will not bow down to this madness.
US is teasing us. They are buying our fore skin. Imagine some are supporting America just bcoz they r already sircumsised & there is noway to replace it.
I’m US American. Our government is controlled by those who don’t have their whole penis. So many intactivists are working against their madness to circumcise the world. China is now.
This said us cut guys who know the value of foreskin are looking to get theirs back:
akuziwa kuti mdulidwewo simuba hahaha
Ndiye kuti anthu akadulidwa dulidwa mavuto ku malawi achepa ?
Comment reserved
kkkkkk koma anthu mwalusa
Ultimately, Malawai doesn’t have a choice in this matter. As a homosexual Jew, we are working hard to ensure that the entire male population of the world is circumcised, whether they like it or not. This will ensure a safer world for Jews (and Muslims) and it also means that homosexuals will be able to more easily indulge in the well-sculpted circumcised penises that they enjoy. Malawi will have to accept circumcision, and the homosexuality we are introducing that comes with it.
As a San Francisco Castro gay, most males are cut so bottom line is those who have all their penis has the world as their oyster. The foreskin is not just the wrapper but is also the candy. Who wants to suck on a weathered calloused dried out Frankendick? And about as responsive.
Odula osadula tonse tikufa ndi edzi komaso ife tikanyenga midyomba imatifusa kuti kukoma kumeneku bwaji ndie timawaonetsa kuti ndine osalumala kapusi ilipo ndie amati nyengaso
Malawian men are *more* likely to have HIV if they’ve been circumcised:
7.9% of intact Malawian men have HIV
10.3% of circumcised Malawian men have HIV
(figures from measuredhs)
There are at least nine other African countries where men are *more* likely to be HIV+ if they’ve been circumcised. Why then is male circumcision being promoted to prevent HIV?
Europeans don’t circumcise, South Americans don’t circumcise, Australians and New Zealanders used to circumcise but stopped, less than half of North Americans circumcise. Why should Africans circumcise?
Circumcision is not a solution to prevent HIV/AIDS,but the use of condoms,abtainers and be faithful to one partiner.
Kkkkkkk some guys sukulu mulinayo kutali or you thinking capacity it’s wrong somewhere…..why do you believe in donors. ? ? nanga mukati we can’t Stand without donor’s you mean what. ? ? kodi mizapempha mpaka liti. ? ? these are some of things wi need to refrect ….ma social society ndimakumvetsani ndi ntchito komanso ngati kuli mbuli Malawi muno ndiye inu….tiyeni tiziyang’ane as a country pomwe tikuphonya nanga tiyambila pati to fix out simple as that. …..
circumcised not circumcised it doesnt matter what matters is circumcised inside the heart not out look.
Ife tikufuna chithandizo cha mankhwala,misewu,etc. Osati mudulidwe nanga ndife a silamu, komaso kusatenga HIV ndikuzisamala wekha,ambiri odulidwa adatenga hiv. Opusaso ndi amene amapita kukadulidwa, ndiwoso akupangisa kuti mabungwd azilimbikisa mudulidwe, changamukani amalawi.
There is also the possibility that the USA is purposely setting up the people for an even bigger epidemic, even as ‘germ warfare’ to reduce the population by stealth. In Europe the notion that Male Genital Mutilation (Circumcision) will reduce the risk is laughed at, even the scurrilous study this is all based upon still adds up to HIV but in twice the time scale, in other words have risky sex and you WILL eventually get HIV/AIDS and that MGM does not protect women and DOES send a message of false immunity to males. It all seems a plot for a hidden agenda. In fact the USA with a high rate of MGM also has a higher rate of HIV/AIDS than Europe and even higher than the UK where our rate is higher than Europe after the USA sold our National Health Service HIV infected blood products 20+ years ago. I have seen a document some time ago that seems to show research funding titles in the USA that seem so similar to this silent killer HIV and the research list originates from the end of World War Two. It begs the question why the USA and in particular Africa has such a high infection rate, was Africa used as an experiment by the USA?
Men in Europe and Latin America do not cut their penises, and they have lower rates of HIV and STDs than American men. This whole thing is a medical farce designed to make money for profiteers. Observational studies debunk the flawed lab studies on circumcision and HIV. And the foreskin is a natural lubricant with numerous god-given functions. Thankfully the medical communities in Europe are not buying this American stupidity.
It’s us and our leadership who are stupid. That’s why the US and other international neocolonialists are doing what they are doing to us. These colonialists are agents of the devil…
I don’t believe in the devil but I am glad to see that Africans are smarter than white trash Americans 🙂 You should take the Americans’ money and then say ‘actually we’re going to use the money to buy condoms and improve our economy not mutilate our penises like you white trash 🙂
As an US American, I support this.
Circumutilation is all about power, over others.
When you control the man’s sex, you control the man. (One of the reason’s why circ. was pushed hard on our men in the military.)
Kudulidwako mulungu wakoyonso poti anadulidwa.(Luke 2.21) kukakhala kusala kudyanso (Mark 1 v 10-14) kuvala mikanjonso Inuyo bwanji simumajambula Yesu atavala suit kapena jeans? If you draw a picture of Jesus (pbuh) interms of dress code,who does he resemble?
Even his mother (Marry) who does she resemble? Do you draw in min-skirt or in tight jeans or leggings? Now if you look at muslim women the way they draw the picture of Marry and her son,do you see any difference interms of dress code? All your arguments are un-called for here,old arguments..
Wuh! u’ve interved very late njovu zaononga zapita kale bola tinaona sharia amzanu.Circumsiondi devpt ya m’bajatu nde inu muti chan
i love malawi
Fuck America!!! Mbolo zodulazi akufanso nazo kumangochi ndiku Machinga ku
.Mpisi wako mzungu.
Zachamba zimenezo ife makolo anthu sanadulidwe .mmalo mathana ndinjala mukambirana zopusa
Hahahahaha, ine nde ndimakhutitsidwa ndi m’mene mulungu anandilengela.
let the whites not cheat us. mdulidwe ulibe ntchito .they are fooling us
blame the ngos who write these projects and request funding they don’t give out funds without a project proposal neither do they write projects for anyone so lets not be naive .
chamba bac cimeneco nde citukuko?
chamba bac ndi
which malawians u fool u mean these mad people? rubish,,!
Promoting circumcisio to prevent HIV is a Surgical Scandal
This is slavery ,have they completed circumcision in USA umphawi ndiwachabe
Circumcision is the mark of a slave, as shown in Egypt’s Hieroglyphic, as some African tribes did to captive warriors, as the USA did to it’s slaves. Does calling it medical now change everything?
Here’s another clue, “medical” means to treat disease or malformation.
I agree with u ck mdulidwe has no conection with religion. Ist just autoreautore!!!!!!!
Kkkkkk,satana luma,kufa ndi edzi,chindoko,chinzonono,mfuti,cancer etc ndikufa basi.olo udulidwe udzafa basi.sankha Mulungu kuti upeze moyo wosatha.
Kudulidwako mulungu wakoyonso poti anadulidwa.(Luke 2.21) kukakhala kusala kudyanso (Mark 1 v 10-14) kuvala mikanjonso Inuyo bwanji simumajambula Yesu atavala suit kapena jeans? If you draw a picture of Jesus (pbuh) interms of dress code,who does he resemble?
Even his mother (Marry) who does she resemble? Do you draw in min-skirt or in tight jeans or leggings? Now if you look at muslim women the way they draw the picture of Marry and her son,do you see any difference interms of dress code? All your arguments are un-called for here,old arguments..
Ndichikhalidwe cha a Yuda ngati mmene amachitila a Chewa ku Dambwe, kumpoto zimbuza Mlako etc
Let me tel u with evidence to say circumsition provid a protection against HIV. Chiwelewele antu ni mumapanga ndkale so Jast take aprotection athawise ARVs wont be send to ur contry. And dere wil b a disaster
Act of Satanism 666 at its best
Am ready to be circumcised. where do they go?
Mr. Kadzakalowa, you should think twice before getting circumcised. Circumcision destroys the most sensitive part of the penis, as discovered by Morris Sorrells and his team, whose research was published in the British Journal of Urology International in 2007.
I have been circumcised. It has negatively affected my sex life and I would not recommend it to anyone.
You can prevent HIV by using condoms and limiting the number of your sexual partners. You do not need to lose the best part of your manhood.
Mukadulidwa ndi kusadulidwa,nonse nkuvala mpira uja wa mdulidwe amakhala 100 % =otetezeka chifukwa chopanda nkhata pamene osadulidwa or avale imakhala 95% -*kutetezeka,mukadulidwa musachite ulere valani mpira wa bambo chotsani nyali za Honda kuti mutetezeke Sallam
nkhani ndiyoti,,,,,, the funding is being priotised in the wrong sector. there are several things that they could have given us aid for not this circumcision. In the past people priotised abstainance from sex but because of these desires of the fresh now the want people to continue sleeping around with this fake assurance that they will be safe when they are circumcised. God help us!!!!!!
Atlest someone is trying to help by paying your bills……..if we want much for development then let it to the chinese government,ooh yes china is helping alot. But do you know what china is geting in return??? Dzuka malawi
Azungu anabwera ndi bibulo kuno ndiye anaiwala kukuuzani za mdulidwe ndiye akumukila kungoti za kumana ndi mliri ndiye akuyesa njira ya Mulungu ya mdulidwe.
apa palibe cholakwika ofuna akadulitse osafuna akhale,apeleke thandizolo basi.ndizofunika kutelo
That Is Neocolonism Ngati Simfuna Kuthandidza Walawi,jus Leave,#bull Shit!
foreskins are a big business, that is not aid but investment
Just b as u’r
Dont be suprised Bwampini said at UN kuti in Malawi 17 million will start recieving art.
Malawi yili pamoto, chimoto chake chosazima mmmmmmm
Men r coward they flock to circum for there women pressure.Take care you wil perish for your demonic wish
Mzungu nawe taona wangoziulula kuti satana ndiwe(by late Evison Matafale)
Anawona kuti ndinu anthu okonda chigoloro ngakhale simunadye
@Luckson wodyerera Michael munthu amalimba mtima kuti ndiodulidwa sangatenge HIV mapeto ake kuvulala
Pofunika angolandira asachite za mdulidwezo agule makhwala kuti nafe akumangichi tipindule paja ife tinadulidwa kale
fodya ekhaekha
Anthu ophunzira anapedza Mulungu sanachite mistake mdulidwe ndi othanodidza…. Kafukufuku waonetsa chiwelewele ku mangochi ndi namba 1 koma Hiv ilipo koma osati ngati ku mulanje ndi nthyolo komwe chiwelewere sikwambili.. Choncho onse adulidwe,, chachiwiri madeya amene amakhala kutsogolo kwa munthu osadulidwa amayambitsa cancer ya khomo lachiberekero. Choncho mdulidwe ndi deal.
Ukunama, district iliyose chiwerewere chili high, ku Mangochi anthu amadulidwa ali ang’ono ndipo mnofu wa thupi lawo umatha kugwirana pamene akukula koma pamene achipatala akumadula misempha yokhwima kale komanso akumadula maliseche omwe asiya kukula. Chomcho nyama ija kuti igwirane zikumavuta. Boma la U.S silikutithandiza ayi, koma ifweyo ndi amene tikulithandiza, chifukwa ndichakuti iwowo amatenga ma fore skin aja amakapangira ma business omwe amawabweretsera ndalama zambiri. Koma ndikanakonda akanati mwana aliyese obadwa azimuduliratu kuchipatala osadikiraso any supervision from any country but right here in Malawi. Tokhatokha osati amene akura kalewa ayi. AMERICA IS DOING ILLEGAL BUSINESS.
Mdulidwe akuti ndipangano la Mulungu ndi aisrael. Ndiye ife zitikhudza bwanji za anthu osamva ngati a Israel? Palibepo ine sindibadwe olumala kuti ndikadule mfuti yanga. Olumalanu kaduleni mwamva.
Kkkkkkk-mzungu ufulu anangotilawitsa,its not real.Mu coran Mdulidwe uli ndi tanthauzo,osati zanuzo ai.Just contradicting yourself and comfusing anthu a mulungu.Vuto longodalila kuthandizidwatu ili,mpaka azitiyendesela mabanjansotu azunguwa,kkkkk ati mpaka azimayi aziwatani? Asaaa!mwaiwala makolo amati chani za? Inu ndi kuphumzila kwanuko ndi azungu anuwo muzimka uko!iyaaaa!
No need 4 us to be blaiming th US,but lets blaim ourselves coz of kududulukila komaso kutengekela wateva we hear from th zunguz.
aisee wanena zanzeru. ukakhala kuti tayandikana ndikanakugwira pamkono uku kuli kumva kukoma kuti watokota za nzeru, hahaha 🙂
aisee wanena zanzeru. ukakhala kuti tayandikana ndikanakugwira pamkono uku kuli kumva kukoma kuti watokota za nzeru, hahaha 🙂
Inde speak Africans! Go in hell with ur Aid! Bushit americano
Yes indeed, Cut the Bullshit, not the Foreskin.
Don’t allow them to trick us let them pack and go.
Ndamva nao
kkkkkkkk mmmmmm .
m.pakapamenepa makamaka alomwe ansena athumbuka komaso achewa ena atonga mukadulidwe inu ndamene
mukunsokoneza muzikalangati mi m.jomba ndiya creen tinziyenda khomo ndi khomo tinziwona chokozela chanucho
Atolankhani nkhani koma zimenezi mumachedwa ndi chani
Amzathu achisilamu nkhani ili apa siyachipembezo akuti ndinjira yoti munthu akhoza kusatenga kachilombo nde ngati mwina kwanuko kuginana sitchimo sitikudziwa kumalawi tikufuna thandizo koma akanayamba ndikutithandiza zanjala ndiye siyanitsani kupezeka kwa mdulidwe mu BAIBULO ndi kwanuko bcoz mnjira ina mdulidwe akulimbikitsa mchitidwe wachiwerewere womwe nditchimo komanso sinjira yodalilika kuti munthu sangatenge HIV.
Umalimbikitsa nchitidwe wa chiwerewere how?
Mdullidwe sichipulumutso musativute ndimdulidwe odulidwa onse asintha chia?Popeza amaziziwa okha zakulumala kwao
Let us receive that financial aid and we buy drugs and food.
Just take the money. Malawis main problem is overpopulation, we need to thin it up. Ndiponso, amalawi don’t act like we would ever survive alone right now, we need to please the Donner’s. If we weren’t greedy thieves we wouldn’t have been here. But realize your situation and just take the money like a good girl.
oh oh oh put aside nkhani ya mdulidwe. I hope any religious man cannot go against it cause it is right there in the Bible n Qur’an.
Anthu mumafuna mdulidwe chifukwa chazilakolako zathupi zimene zili zotsutsana ndi Bible or uthakhala osadulidwa palibe vuto
koma nzedi. and mukawonetsetse onse okonda zimenezi mitima yawo ndi khalidwe lawo.
Mdulidwe siuna bwere chifukwa cha AIDS kodi Abraham anagwidwa AIDS?GENESIS 17 MU BIBLE ndiye inu mwaphwanya pangano mulungu wasankha UN KUTI ILALIKE ASILAM MWAKANA, MUONA ILIPO 3 000 000 $ hehehe hahaha Alllah Akibaruuuuuu!!!!!!
kkkkk!!!!!Malawi wakwiya!
Nchifukwa chake akuti azichindana amuna okha okha. Chamba ? Chani?
tili ndi angaliba… Jando patsogolo
Iyi ndiyo ntchito ya mzungu mmasiku ano.muli njala iye ati ayi koma mdulidwe.
Tell dem,we dont give a fuck, malawi on the move 1 malawi 1 nation 2gether as 1
Mduridwe ndi kachaninso, tazingobani ndalamazo basi, osatipusitsa.
tell them pakumnya pawo ndithandizo lawolo tiziti sakudziwa mavuto omwe tilinawo??
Akufuna Nyambo Zowedzela Nsomba.
Kodi akakadula amakataya kuti? akuzifuna kuteroko adzikawedzera msomba
Akufuna Nyambo Zowedzela Nsomba.
Chilungamo chidadusa pa myala that’s why anthu ena akuona ngati akwalakwila pomwe m’dulidwe unayamba kale lol
Pliz pliz take note and do not 4get that “abegar is not aruller” wopempha pempha siwulamula koma kulamulidwa, let us fight 4 self stand not maso kwa azathu
Ndipo mungoti pheeee….posachedwapa apereka ndalama zina kuti ati paja nawo amayi adziwatani zijazi kaya.. mxxx
Mmalo moti ndalamazo agulire mankhwala ku zipatala !
America ndi chirombodi choturuka mnyanja chijaa basii..
Which malawians? kkkkk ana akupitabe ku jando ena ku thedzowa bwa? kkkkkk
thez US goats r dangerous evytn l
is sexual ther behnd homesex let us tell em we r malawians w kno God to hell wt thea aids shupt
Ah koma nde umphawi utionesa zinthu
Bola ya circumcision ndi ya bwino kusiyana ndi aid ya ma gay ija
Wina akuti last days chonsecho mdulidwe unabewra iye asanabadwe mpaka adzausiya.
Anthu enawa ndiopanda nzeru. Chilichonse last days? Mxieww!
Anthu enawa ndiopanda nzeru. Chilichonse last days? Mxieww!
Vuto ndi loti enanu simukutha kusiyanitsa mdulidwe wa chipembedzo ndi uwu wabwera panowu. Thats why simuzamvetsa mpaka kalekale. Mufuna mundiuze kuti mdulidwe wa chipembedzo ndi wa HIV? Wise up!
Mark Jahmiel Kaphwiyo kalekale amapanga mdulidwe kuti apange avoid infection komanso it was a religious thing. So it wasnt completely different from today
Its different!!!….Do you Involve God when getting Circumcised? Open Up Ur Eyes and See Satan akugwiritsa ntchito njira zambiri nowadays…I hate Americans!!!
Am agree with @maganga that the people thy are mixing isue in the same bag
Mdulidwe uwu ndi wina wake and even those adapanga mduludwe ujawo akuti apite akadulidwenso
In Botswana it’s even eeee. Every person who brings another for mduludwe in paid handsomely. What’s really behind this mduludwe?
Kudulidwako mulungu wakoyonso poti anadulidwa.(Luke 2.21) kukakhala kusala kudyanso (Mark 1 v 10-14) kuvala mikanjonso Inuyo bwanji simumajambula Yesu atavala suit kapena jeans? If you draw a picture of Jesus (pbuh) interms of dress code,who does he resemble?
Even his mother (Marry) who does she resemble? Do you draw in min-skirt or in tight jeans or leggings? Now if you look at muslim women the way they draw the picture of Marry and her son,do you see any difference interms of dress code? All your arguments are un-called for here,old arguments..
You obviously have no clue just what the hell you’re taking about. The Quran and the Bible both encourage hygiene and good health. Both books talk about circumcision just so mukhale aukhondo. There’s nothing spiritual about it. The foreskin harbors a lot of bacteria and viruses. Even your glans penis (mutu wa nchila) can easily break during sex because its too soft if you’re not circumcised. World Health Organization is just doing what both holy books have already talked about. Nde chilichonse kumangoti satana mungoonetsapo umbuli. I’ll agree that Malawi doesn’t need help with circumcision because we have bigger problems koma osati za end of times zo. It’s up to us to channel that money where it’s needed. USA doesn’t know each and every problem facing Malawi, umphawi sakuudziwa. It’s that simple.
Don’t spread such ridiculous nonsense, Kas Mdoka. Most of the worlds males are NOT circumcised, and their penises don’t break. A hard thing breaks more easily than a soft thing – a soft thing bends. The ears have bacteria – do we cut them? No, we wash them. Same with foreskin. And the bible does NOT encourage circumcision – read the NEW Testament (otherwise it’s just Jewish, not Christian) – lots of scriptures in there say that it should not be done any more and attack those who do it and those who say it should. The Qur’an says NOTHING about it – it says ‘men were created in the best of moulds’. It also says that Satan will try to trick people – so those who ignore the Qur’an and follow the hadiths instead are being tricked, according to the Qur’an. The World Health Organization is led by greedy Americans who hate Africans.
asiyeni azisungabe matumba a madeyawo last days chani kufa nkwatonse basi olumbala sakulakwitsa gaga kusautsa
Doctors have already stated that being circumcised will significantly reduce chances for you to transmit cervic cancer to your women…
A 2003 paper in the Israeli Medical Association Journal discusses circumcision and cervical cancer at length and says the following:
“Although the dispute over the association of circumcision and cervical cancer in various populations is still ongoing, there seems to be no hard evidence that circumcision prevents its occurrence in Jewish women, and it is no longer considered to play a protective role.”
In Europe, almost no-one is circumcised unless their parents are Jewish or Muslim, but the UK, Greece, Denmark, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, Finland, Iceland, and Malta all have lower rates than Israel. Sweden, France, Norway, Austria, Germany and Spain have lower rates than the USA, where about 80% of men are circumcised (though the circumcision rate of newborns is down to 55%).
Mantha ndi mdulidwe koma ndamva kuti onse osadulidwa ayamba kuwaika ku maula prison.
ndiwe wekha watsala wosapenya…ukadali mu mdima mpaka alero? u think this country cn develop wth mdulidwe?
Even mdulidwe is there, reports are indicating that though Mdulidwe is largely taking place in the world, the case of HIV is highly growing that is to say whether u cut ur manhood the spreed of HIV at large
mdulidwee ndiye chani zopisa basi
zachamba basi
Amenewo nde adakathandzabetu,ikukwanad
Which country in the world developed with a hand of Americans? These people will always fight to keep the world under Them. Its high time we change our mentality
Ummm. A lot of country have developed thanjs to america. America buys there products export and import.
These r the last days which were prophesiced by the prophets in the bible
Are you for real bra
World war 1, world war2, the cold war, the 100 year war. All this things have happened. And you think another country offering us money is the last days?
You may be interested in James Prescott’s “The Human Origins of Love and Violence”. Only part of which connects circumcision with being violent. The USA is the most violent nation as detailed in their congressional report several years ago. We are warring on three fronts. we’re 80% cut.
love of monie circumcised should be in heart not dis way.
Malawi is a secular country. Leave those things alone
Malawi tiye
Tiyende pamodzi ndi mtima umodzi. That’s late bingu’s song
Luv dat song
azinyengana ofunawo gdness yake ts by choice not compulsory so i wonder y u ppo complain…….
udzafa imfa yowawa
udzayqmba iwe
kkkk koma adhaa
Zo nyengana amuna okha okhaxo zithe
These Ninjas wants to wipe the entire black race shame!!
Kudulidwako mulungu wakoyonso poti anadulidwa.(Luke 2.21) kukakhala kusala kudyanso (Mark 1 v 10-14) kuvala mikanjonso Inuyo bwanji simumajambula Yesu atavala suit kapena jeans? If you draw a picture of Jesus (pbuh) interms of dress code,who does he resemble?
Even his mother (Marry) who does she resemble? Do you draw in min-skirt or in tight jeans or leggings? Now if you look at muslim women the way they draw the picture of Marry and her son,do you see any difference interms of dress code? All your arguments are un-called for here,old arguments..
Kudulidwako mulungu wakoyonso poti anadulidwa.(Luke 2.21) kukakhala kusala kudyanso (Mark 1 v 10-14) kuvala mikanjonso Inuyo bwanji simumajambula Yesu atavala suit kapena jeans? If you draw a picture of Jesus (pbuh) interms of dress code,who does he resemble?
Even his mother (Marry) who does she resemble? Do you draw in min-skirt or in tight jeans or leggings? Now if you look at muslim women the way they draw the picture of Marry and her son,do you see any difference interms of dress code? All your arguments are un-called for here,old arguments..
Amalawi tayamba kuchangamuka eti,we need that
Kapolo sakwiya
This emphasizes the need to test the foreign intervention with the local population before it is implemrted. It’s a shame that this circimcision was blindly promoted without knowing that medical profession is promoting death instead of saving lives of Malawi. Let’s learn to believe in our own local research results more than that of the foreigners. Days that we were always accepting ferign interventions without questioning them at the expense of our brothers and sisters live should be over. Thanks to those who conducted the first study proved that circimcision does increase the likelihood of contracting HIV rather than preventing it in Malawi. Well done
I think this circumcision has a hidden agenda ,I have seen my fellow friends dying with HIV AIDS whilst circumcised ,here I stand with my family clean not only but healthy children uncircumcised,koma abale do you know VIRUS kapema mukusewela ,you will be disappointed being circumcised and get HIV for life,God created that foreskin with a REASON ,my question IS ,DO THEY WANT TO PROTECT ONLY MEN?HOW ABOUT FEMALE?
Now Malawians on tribalism. The point is: what the US has prioritised is not the main problem Malawi has pertaining to the country’s economy. How is circumcision spreading HIV/AIDS? World wide is it the Yao who go for circumcision? I know the reason, that we Malawians still are behind democracy. Thats why we are not progressing interms of development. we are fond of talking and not doing. i wish someone to define DEMOCRACY with clear examples. i feel pity to my so called warm heart of Africa.
Is only one way kuteteza HIV basi, vuto lili pa ophunzisa sakuphunzisa bwino. Auzeni zoona kuti apewe matendawo ngakhale atagonana ndi munthu wa HIV sangatenge matenda. Ndizoona ayao, aswahili, circucision ndi khalidwe lao koma matendawa alinawo.
Promoting homosexuality You are number 1, promoting sex through circumcision you are number 1. what is the problem with America? Why do They like to promote things which are against the will God?
Am not living in malawi, but where I am I did circumcised, If you focus only for HIV you are wrong. It’s also good for health. Malawians stop been lazy, be dependable. If someone give you lemon don’t complain make lemonade out of it.
What health are You talking about if You get HIV
America is a symbol of satan.All their efforts are put towards issues against order of creation,and not pples welfare.
Come on…why cant Malawi government accept the money and then later use it for other important things….simple